I've visited this aquarium shop many times to get my African Cichlids very nice assortment and colours, this shop is very nice and healthy fish too, highly recommend this aquarium shop
I can tell she's a great employee who loves her job. Not like some major pet store workers who will lie to you just to sell you anything. Thanks for the tour!
I've visited this aquarium shop many times to get my African Cichlids very nice assortment and colours, this shop is very nice and healthy fish too, highly recommend this aquarium shop
Wow this place has changed heaps amazing.
Auburn Beautiful
I lile watching tours too 😄
I can tell she's a great employee who loves her job.
Not like some major pet store workers who will lie to you just to sell you anything.
Thanks for the tour!
Yeah she definitely loves her job 👍
Thanks so much Blake, it was a blast 🥰🙌🏼
Yes it was!
She’s an absolute ♦️GEM💎
Great shop & tour! A bit of everything, and plants, too!
Cant agree more
Always great to see fish store tours from other states. Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays.
Same to you!
That's a great store. Wish we had stores like this in UK.
Love that shop I haven't been there since they finished moving ❤
Very nice shop tour mate. Plant section is a great addition.🙂
Great tour Blake! The setups seem to be in splended condition, and they've got quite an interesting selection of fish!
True! Thanks
Quality vid, great tour🔥 ✌️♥️
Thanks mate 🙏
looks like a great place
Might have to hit the boss up for a trip to Sydney...
Great place for fish shops 👍
Great content. What was the fish that needs a license in Victoria?
Regards Duzzy🇦🇺
Tiger bichir
@@BlakesAquatics oh wow….with they’re do that and allow fresh water puffers….
I just sold them 15 empire gudgeons yesterday omg lmao the same ones on my recent video 😂
It's a good shop but they CHANGED A LOT before you came in
Oh? They definitely took a bunch of stuff to the expo maybe that was it?