أحداث سورية: الداء والدواء الشيخ محمد اليعقوبي

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • shaykhabulhuda
    Full transcript in English: www.sacredknowl...
    In Turkish:


  • @vault2277
    @vault2277 13 років тому +2

    We are in desperate need of more Ulema who are not afraid to speak their mind. MashaAllah. May Allah (swt) bless the Shaykh with a long life and bless the people of Syria with victory!!

  • @rajahqasim
    @rajahqasim 13 років тому +5

    SubhanAllah - "The Truth" must be spoken under all circumstances, May Allah preserve our courageous scholar

  • @privatezib
    @privatezib 13 років тому +3

    Shareef Yaqoobi, is 1 of a few pious souls in 2days world, who does justice to the memory of r sweet master (saw), when he stands at the mimbar, & speaks only that which pleases Allah (swt). May allah (swt) preserve the shaykh & all those who r like him.

  • @salmankiani99
    @salmankiani99 13 років тому +2

    MashAllah the bravery this man has got is indescribable. this shows what true courage and strength a Wali of Allah possesses.

  • @omohyuddin
    @omohyuddin 13 років тому +3

    May Allah grant the Ummah freedom from the tyrant grasp of the oppressors, and may Allah grant our Sayyidi Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi a long life ... Al Fatihah!

  • @ZulfiqarAmir
    @ZulfiqarAmir 13 років тому +2

    SubhanAllah. Only the true men of Allah (swt) have the courage to speak the truth without fear of loss or harm. May Allah (swt) protect his auliya, men like Sayyidi Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi al Hasani.

  • @kswissb1189
    @kswissb1189 13 років тому +1

    Mashallah what a great,self-less, brave man. A true example of practising Quran, Sunnah and the example of the righteous Salaf.
    May Allah raise the maqaam of the Shaykh. Ameen.

  • @MsSparkles2009
    @MsSparkles2009 13 років тому +1

    May Allah swt protect Shaykh Muhammad, a truly courageous scholar and voice of haqq. May Allah bless us with his company time and time again.

  • @salahuddin215
    @salahuddin215 13 років тому +1

    May Allah taala preserve Sayyiduna Shaykh Muhammad and increase his rank every day a thousand times and by the number of people fighting and supporting the cause for justice in Syria. May Allah taala keep our Noble Shaykh and his family safe.

  • @islamforjapanbranch
    @islamforjapanbranch 13 років тому +1

    بسم الله ما شاء الله! هذا هو العالم الرباني المخلص لله ولرسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
    الحمد لله إنه أستاذي وشيخي أسأل الله تعالى أن يحميه ويدافع عنه من كل شر وضرر
    اللهم انصر أهل العلم وطلاب العلم وإخواننا في الشام وسوريا أجمع
    Maa shaa Allah! He is the real Scholar, Sincere to our Lord and His Messenger (S.A.W.)! I'm so proud of him as my teacher and Shaykh.
    May Allah the Almighty protect him from every kind of harms.
    O Allah, please grant the victory to the people of Syria and its 'Ulamaa!!

  • @HasibAzam
    @HasibAzam 13 років тому +1

    Alhamdulillah. May Allah (swt) protect Shaykh Muhammad from all harm.

  • @jsuperstarak
    @jsuperstarak 13 років тому +1

    Mashallah!May Allah the Most High benefit the ummah through shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi.ameen

  • @MegaSunni786
    @MegaSunni786 13 років тому +1

    Beautiful are the words of Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi! May Allah swt protect him, his family and the people of sham against the oppressors.

  • @truespiritofkindnessyolo4280
    @truespiritofkindnessyolo4280 8 років тому +2

    الشيخ اليعقوبي حكيم ومن واتي.الحكمة فقد أوتي خيرا كثيرا

  • @nimacom
    @nimacom 13 років тому +1

    Masha Allah it takes a brave man to speak the truth in front of a tyrant. This is a clear sign that Shaykh Muhammad has real taqwa in Allah.

  • @salaamevery1
    @salaamevery1 13 років тому +2

    MashAllah, what a great scholar! May Allah SWT preserve Sayyiduna Shaykh

  • @ess2k456
    @ess2k456 13 років тому +1

    May Allah protect the Noble Shaykh, so bravely speaking out about the tyranny of the tyrants and all alone without fear.

  • @urabadman
    @urabadman 13 років тому +3

    How lucky are the Syrian people to have men like him

  • @786kai
    @786kai 13 років тому +1

    AlhamdulILLAH the shaykh has to be perhaps the best ive seen to tackle this subject with such eloquence in such circumstances.
    a very difficult topic to talk about especially when you consider the fact that speaking up against the government in syria could result to your death.
    this is what you would call tawakkul bILLAH and we have very few people who actually possess such a high rank of this quality..
    may Allah preserve and protect sayyid shaykh muhammad al yaqoubi and those who love him..

  • @Qastrotroy
    @Qastrotroy 13 років тому +1

    MashaAllah, a true Wali of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, his actions reflect his words and he is an inspiration to the Ummah, to speak out and put his and his beloved family's life at risk, Allah, this is the greater Jihad!
    May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala protect the Shaykh Hafidhahullah, and may he be blessed with 'Afiya and Shifaa'. Ameen.

  • @shammo5
    @shammo5 13 років тому +1

    We are so blessed to have such an amazing scholar in our time, whom we can listen to and learn from. May Allah protect him and the people of Sham from all harm.

  • @iaintwhoisayiam
    @iaintwhoisayiam 13 років тому +1

    mashAllah... may Allah protect shaykh muhammad and raise him in rank. Ameen

  • @abdulshakoor786
    @abdulshakoor786 13 років тому +1

    may allah shower countless blessings and preserve sayyidi.

  • @SaqibH91
    @SaqibH91 13 років тому +1

    Masha'Allah this deserves more than 5000 views. May Allah protect As-Sayadi Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi and help his knowledge reach the hearts of people all around the world. May Allah also grant us the power to share this video with as many people as possible. The truth should be heard by everyone. May Allah reward all that help spread this video.

  • @WG786
    @WG786 13 років тому +1

    May Allah Protect Shaykh Muhammad a doubtlessly courageous scholar

  • @emailmerashid
    @emailmerashid 13 років тому +2

    This shaykh is very brave in the face of a tyrant regime

  • @junaidh786
    @junaidh786 13 років тому +1

    MashaAllah! A true man of Allah practising the greatest of jihads by speaking up against a tyrant ruler. May Allah continue to give Shaykh Muhammad al Ya'qoubi strength and may he protect him and grant him the highest of ranks.

  • @urabadman
    @urabadman 13 років тому +1

    May Allah bless our noble shaykh! He is on the side of haq, such a brave man to speak out against the tyrants of syria... But he has Allah on his side! May Allah bless them, protect them and create more openings for them!

  • @zac240675
    @zac240675 13 років тому +1


  • @as1mB
    @as1mB 13 років тому +1

    Mash' Allah, May Allah protect and preserve Shaykh Muhammad Al Yaqoubi

  • @salmankiani99
    @salmankiani99 13 років тому +1

    subhanAllah may Allah preserve this pious man and his family and protect all of ahle sunnat wa jamaat

  • @Only1Foz
    @Only1Foz 13 років тому +1

    MashaAllah what a wonderful speech! May Allah elevate your rank further and may you continue to inspire and benefit people through out the world with your wise words! Truly we are blessed to be attached to such a wonderful Shaykh! SubhanAllah wal shukrAllah.

  • @rasheeda71180
    @rasheeda71180 13 років тому +1


  • @aalhorani
    @aalhorani 13 років тому +1

    بوركت ياشيخ
    عوضك الله في الدنيا والآخرة بأحسن مما فقدت

  • @mohammadahmad0790
    @mohammadahmad0790 13 років тому +1

    Jazakallah. Thank you for translating this. It really helps when the speeches are in English.

  • @ZTahir07
    @ZTahir07 13 років тому +1

    May Allah subhanahu wa Tala give us the taufique to follow the bravery of the blessed Sayyid. inshaAllah

  • @littlemisspuzzle
    @littlemisspuzzle 13 років тому

    May Allah bless and protect Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi and elevate his rank. MashaAllah a scholar of true courage and conviction.

  • @MegaHy8
    @MegaHy8 13 років тому +1

    Subhan Allah May Allah s.w.t raise their maqam and preserve them insha Allah!

  • @knightkiller329362
    @knightkiller329362 13 років тому +1

    May Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) protect our Shaykh, Sayyidi Muhammad al-Yaqoubi who certainly befits the Hadith of Rasulullah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) where they said "Indeed the greatest jihad is to speak the truth in front of a tyrant ruler."

  • @786kai
    @786kai 13 років тому

    AlhamdulILLAH the shaykh has to be perhaps the best ive seen to tackle this subject with such eloquence in such circumstances.
    this is what you would call tawakkul bILLAH and we have very few people who actually possess such a high rank of this quality..
    may Allah preserve and protect sayyid shaykh muhammad al yaqoubi and those who love him..

  • @PropheticPathBirmingham
    @PropheticPathBirmingham 13 років тому

    May Allah (swt) Bless our beloved Master Shaykh Muhammad and increase his rank, ameen !

  • @blessedshaam
    @blessedshaam 13 років тому +2

    حفظه الله

  • @constantfear
    @constantfear 13 років тому +1

    may Allah guide and preserve our noble shakyh :)

  • @constantfear
    @constantfear 13 років тому +1

    speaks the truth even to a tyrant! MAY ALLAH PRESERVE THIS MAN!!!

  • @truespiritofkindnessyolo4280
    @truespiritofkindnessyolo4280 8 років тому +1

    بارك الله في يمنها وشامها

  • @tariqm1990
    @tariqm1990 13 років тому +1

    Great Talk MashAllah

  • @WeBorn2DieAnyTime
    @WeBorn2DieAnyTime 13 років тому +1

    As Salaam aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
    Sheikh Mohammad Al Yaqubi, Born in Damascus, Shaykh Muhammad descends from a family whose lineage goes back to the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, through his grandson Sayyiduna al-Hasan, radiya Allahu 'anhu.
    I find it from this website, " themodernreligion (COM)
    Jazaka Allah kheiran for sharing.
    wa salaam aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

  • @shakeelmahmood1
    @shakeelmahmood1 13 років тому +1

    Allah Hu akbar.....AMAZING

  • @r4h4t
    @r4h4t 13 років тому +1

    Masha Allah

  • @SDRsUnited
    @SDRsUnited 12 років тому +2

    Prophet aleyhiselam didn't said for nothing that the biggest jihad is to say the opressor the truth in the face.

  • @asfarali23
    @asfarali23 13 років тому +1


  • @fazanzafar1989
    @fazanzafar1989 13 років тому +1


  • @haleemakhan88
    @haleemakhan88 13 років тому +1

    Masha Allah amazing

  • @nadzg4
    @nadzg4 13 років тому +1

    Subhanallah !!!

  • @ABCD11ABCD22
    @ABCD11ABCD22 13 років тому

    بطل في زمن الخنوع
    حياك الله وكثر من امثالك

  • @WeBorn2DieAnyTime
    @WeBorn2DieAnyTime 13 років тому +1

    As Salaam aleykum warahmtullahi wabarakaatuh
    And do you know that, Sheikh Mohammad Al Yaqubi, Born in Damascus, Shaykh Muhammad descends from a family whose lineage goes back to the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, through his grandson Sayyiduna al-Hasan, radiya Allahu 'anhu.
    I find about Sheikh Mohammad Al Ayoubi on this website, " themodernreligion (COM)
    Jazaka Allah kheiran
    wa salaam aleykum warahmtullahi wabarakaatuh

  • @IbraheemPasha
    @IbraheemPasha 13 років тому

    @almohajir84 Yes

  • @almohajir84
    @almohajir84 13 років тому

    الأخ الرافع للفيديو هل السشيخ صوفي شاذلي ؟؟