Ezekiel’s Year, Nature, and the Book of Jubilees (The Moon, pt. 6)

  • Опубліковано 6 бер 2021
  • Here’s the last part in this study series, and we get into some technical points in Ezekiel, along with what nature teaches us, and then lastly the calendar in book of Jubilees. These are points which wrap up the teaching. I encourage everyone to be patient with other understandings and respect anyone who makes an effort to follow the Scriptural calendar as they see it. At the same time we must be open to discussion and willing to listen to alternate view points. I hope this series has been a blessing to everyone studying.


  • @Hannibal_F
    @Hannibal_F 3 роки тому +4

    Shalom brother Matthew,
    I've loved going through your calendar series as I'm trying to fully understand the apologetics for the calendar that you've been following for 2 decades. While I don't agree with the conclusions that you come to at times I must say that your meek and humble spirit is something I truly admire brother!
    If half of us believers in YHWH and His Son Yahusha/Yeshua would present our beliefs and current understanding like you do, I think there would be much less discord amongst brethren.
    I know you're a busy man but I highly encourage you to look at the information that Enoch gives us about the heavenly luminaries the next time you study that book, as I believe it fits perfectly with Jubilees.
    We've also seen that communities in Qumran (whether you believe it to be the sons of Zadok or Essenes) that kept the Jubilees/Enoch calendar also tracked the moon, the different phases and where those phases landed on their calendar.
    The Scriptures say that the moon is a faithful witness (psa 89:37) and I connect psa 104:19 with Enoch 74:4-5(R.H.Charles version), where the moon is a sign for seasons/appointed feasts and that the sun knows her going down.
    Also brother, you said that you don't believe Jubilees to be inspired Scripture. I would love to see a video where you explain how you evaluate if a book is inspired or not, the evaluation metrics and criteria.
    May YHWH bless you and keep you,

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks dear brother. It’s okay if we disagree.
      I do think there are truths presented in Jubilees, but I believe it contradicts the Scriptural calendar, so that’s a big reason I believe it’s uninspired. There’s a few other things in there I think contradict the Torah, but that doesn’t mean I throw out the entire book.
      I’ll continue to study as time allows.

  • @bretthancock93
    @bretthancock93 4 місяці тому +1

    Ecclesiasticus 43;6“He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world.” 7From the moon is the sign of feasts, a light that decreaseth in her perfection. 8The month is called after her name, increasing wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firmament of heaven; 9The beauty of heaven, the glory of the stars, an ornament giving light in the highest places of the Lord. 10“At the commandment of the Holy One they will stand in their order, and never faint in their watches.”

  • @wendyhughes2234
    @wendyhughes2234 9 місяців тому

    1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as YUH now knows me completely.

  • @grcleve7053
    @grcleve7053 Місяць тому

    The incalary days (4) the division of the 4 seasons. Tequfahs. "New".
    Each season 3 months, 4 Sabbaths 1st month, 5 Sabbaths 2nd month, 4 Sabbaths 3rd month.
    Dalet, Hei, Dalet. Repeat.
    1st day of 1st month on weekday 4.
    1st day of 2nd month weekday 6.
    1st day of 3rd month weekday 1.
    These starts of weekdays match the gates of 4, 6, 1 for the equinoxes and solstices.
    The pattern of years to add leap week (actually less than a week) is 65656. Vav, Hei, Vav, Hei, Vav. Repeat.
    Leviticus 23: 2 & 3 - both the weekly Sabbath is "holy", and the Feast days are "holy". They will never encroach/overlap the other.
    Blessings brother. 💞

  • @wendyhughes2234
    @wendyhughes2234 9 місяців тому

    This is such a beautiful way to explain this information. Thank you for explaining it so well. May YAH bless you, your family- and your ministry. And give you much Shalom.

  • @twinkles5569
    @twinkles5569 9 місяців тому +1

    Jubilies 6:28-35 quotes Enochs summation after he gave the calander set up an the 1.25 day resets in 7mo or 1st mo when the bairly is avive. Thats my understanding.

  • @bretthancock93
    @bretthancock93 4 місяці тому

    Full New Moon is day one, the next Sabbath is the 8th day, 15th, 22, 29th.

  • @light-in-the-darkness
    @light-in-the-darkness 3 роки тому


  • @Yahuahreigns
    @Yahuahreigns 3 роки тому

    Something to consider
    Jasher 6
    37 And Yahuah hearkened to the voice of Noah, and said to him, When though shalt have >completed a full year< thou shalt then go forth.
    38 And at the >revolution of the yeara full year was completed< to Noah's dwelling in the ark, the waters were dried from off the earth, and Noah put off the covering of the ark.
    39 At that time, on the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the earth was dry, but Noah and his sons, and those that were with him, did not go out from the ark until Yahuah told them.
    40 And the day came that Yahuah told them to go out, and they all went out from the ark.
    1 full complete year.
    If one would do the math they can find that a solar only calculation is not the case.
    moon 2/17 to 2/16 =354 , 2/17 to 2/27=11, 354+11= 365
    solar 2/17 to 2/16= 364, 2/17 to 2/27= 11, 364+11 = 375

  • @kristenking1007
    @kristenking1007 2 роки тому +1

    Considering the fact that there is 364 days according to enoch. im curious if counting by his reckoning would have to add13x 30=390 + 13x4 the 4 extra days per year, would have put you at 442 days, leaving 12 days left after he completed it.

  • @lunaticfringe5346
    @lunaticfringe5346 6 місяців тому

    Enoch confirms this understanding.
    At those times there is an excess of thirty days belonging to the sun in five years; all the days belonging to each year of the five years, when completed, amount to three hundred and sixty-four days; and to the sun and stars belong six days; six days in each of the five years; thirty days belonging to them; CHANOK (ENOCH) 74:11

  • @bmoss9604
    @bmoss9604 3 роки тому +1

    Enoch also talks of the four heads of the months (rosh chodeshiym).
    "And the leaders of the tens of thousands, who are in charge of the
    whole of creation, and in charge of all the stars, and also the four days which are added, and are not separated from their position, according to the whole reckoning of the year. And these serve on the four days that are not counted in the reckoning of the year." Enoch 75:1

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  3 роки тому +2

      I am familiar with that, but I haven’t gotten into Enoch as deeply as I have Jubilees. I plan to do so. Thank you for sharing that sister.

    • @Yahuahreigns
      @Yahuahreigns 3 роки тому +1

      If you study closely you will find the word month is only related to the year concerning its beginning. That is because the first day on the year is a renewal. All other references to month is for the moon. The 12 30 or 31 days related to the year are called periods.
      And as we can see by the text you posted does not mention months.

    • @Yahuahreigns
      @Yahuahreigns 3 роки тому

      Every time i bring up to the solar only folks the fact that month/renewal is only used concerning the sun at the beginning of the year, they are silent...

    • @Yahuahreigns
      @Yahuahreigns 3 роки тому

      By the way, my name is gregory...

    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому +1

      @@-kepha8828 Funny that the temple Pharisees kept the wrong calendar during the time of Yeshua. He ate the Passover with His disciples, yet was crucified the next day when the Passover lambs were being crucified. That is how we know He was crucified in 27AD, because Passover is always Tuesday night after sunset. In 27AD the full moon was on that Wednesday after sunset. He ate the actual Passover after sunset beginning the 15th day on my calendar, but was killed on the 14th day before sunset on the lunar calendar.
      He had the disciples prepare the Passover on Tuesday, April 8 27AD. Crucified on Wednesday, April 9, 27AD. Rose on Saturday, April 12, 27AD. His timing is perfect and doesn't change. Week to week, month to month, year to year, jubilee to jubilee. I believe He will return to fulfill the second Exodus and Passover in the 40th jubilee in 2027.
      I would be careful to embrace the people that Yeshua himself criticized for their false doctrine.

  • @jamescarter3883
    @jamescarter3883 2 роки тому

    Just sharing a thought Matthew.
    I can't help but think that "The Long Day Of Joshua" and the sundial event with King Hezekiah Has something to do with the calendar going from 364 to 365.25 days . FYI on a sundial 15 Deg. is one 60 minute hour. (currently) Just wondering and I don't expect anyone can answer my ponderings, but it might help explain this--> If the book of Enoch and and Jubilees are actually as old as those books authors claim they are, Then they are older than the book of Joshua (Historically speaking with regard to the time line) and this spectacular event "L.D. of Josh" where Joshua amazingly leveraged his promise from Yah to be with him in battle. it might actually have some explanatory power, and like many things in scripture that seem to be a faith stretch but are faith clues left there by Yah to amaze & play with his children.
    Imagine the sun about to set on the battle field, Joshua sees the enemy fleeing and is fighting.
    Weapons from Heaven are being deployed helping one who metaphorically represents the Son of Yah in name and in granted power on a temporal level. The sun starts to set and Joshua could have said Mountain move thyself onto them! or Earth open thy mouth and swallow them, but no ! NO!, Joshua said with his mouth these words and Yahweh heard him ! That command essentially was equivalent to saying STRETCH THE CALANDER!! "He said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon ." Both luminaries stall in there courses , FOR ABOUT A DAY!! (One full day of battel plus one full day, then add Hezekiah's event. Things that make me say Hmmm!)
    There might be a bread crumb there somewhere. It might be a special memorial day placed within the clock of Yah to validate the event. Joshua apparently recorded the event in a book called "The WARS of YAH" and we don't have that book YET! If (and it's a BIG IF!!)I then say Awesome!!! But duck my head for incoming rocks..Ha Ha. Not from you Matthew, we are seeking obedience with kindness and love...
    Stay Thirsty my Friend (For THE TRUTH!!) His Word is TRUTH..

  • @NaomiRuth714
    @NaomiRuth714 3 роки тому +2

    Wow. I've been eating Ezekiel bread....maybe this is why I have to smother it with Peanut Butter....by itself it tastes like human dung. :)

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  3 роки тому


    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

      I was given some stale Ezekiel Bread to feed to my chickens, but they wouldn't touch it. Thankfully, the tree rats ate it.

  • @bmoss9604
    @bmoss9604 3 роки тому +1

    Good morning, Brother Matthew. I don't know if you have read the Septuagint (LXX) or the Aramaic Targums on this matter. These older translations do not say 430 days (390+40), but 190 days (150+40) and 193 days respectfully.
    "And thou shalt lie upon thy left side, and lay the iniquities of the house of Israel upon it, according to the number of *the hundred and fifty days* during which thou shalt lie upon it: and thou shalt bear their iniquities. For I have appointed thee their iniquities for a number of days, for *a hundred and ninety days* : so thou shalt bear the iniquities of the house of Israel. And thou shalt accomplish this, and then shalt lie on thy right side, and shalt bear the iniquities of the house of Juda *forty days* : I have appointed thee a day for a year. (Ezekiel 4:4-6 LXX)
    The Aramaic, even older than the Septuagint has 193 days, not 430 days.
    "And thou shalt lie upon a threshingfloor of desolation, and make an atonement for the house of Israel: And I will give you a their debts for *a hundred and ninety-three days* , and you shall receive the debts of the house of Israel: And you shall complete the house of Israel, and you shall lie down on your right hand, And thou shalt set up thy nose against the image of Jerusalem, and thou shalt make thy way round about, and thou shalt prophesy against it." (Ezekiel 4:4-7 Targum Jonathan)
    Arthur Peake has an excellent commentary (from 1919) centering the dates on the fall of Jerusalem in 586BC. He reckons the 150 years for the Israel alone (~734BC-586BC) and 40 years for Judah and Israel (~586-538BC). Judah was for only the last 40 years, but Israel was for the total 190 years. I haven't looked into these dates for their accuracy. Here's a link to his commentary (www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pfc/ezekiel-4.html)

    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

      Interesting, but possibly irrelevant point: The reckoning of the LXX with 150 days and 40 days also lines up with the 150 days and 40 days during the flood.

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  3 роки тому +4

      I did not think to look at the LXX reading in Ezekiel, and that does appear to make a difference. I’ll check it out. Thank you!

  • @ChildofYaHoWaH
    @ChildofYaHoWaH Рік тому

    Hey brother, could you look at the Ezekiel verses in the Septuagint and give your thoughts? I don't think it is something we should claim as proof if the Septuagint shows different. I am currently observing lunar Sabbath, new moon as conjunction, and a lunar, solar, and observing stars as well. I observe a 13th lunar month so this is definitely not an attack, just want the truth to be stated. Another great video, shalom brother.

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  Рік тому +1

      Shalom Josh… I did have someone bring up the LXX about a week after I uploaded that lesson, so I’m familiar with it, but I haven’t yet looked into it in detail. I’ll get around to it one day (among all the other studies I have going on). Thank you for wanting truth and balance.

  • @bmoss9604
    @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

    Brother Matthew, I have one question that I could not answer when I observed the lunar sabbath. I pose it to you, as I do not see it on your calendar (January 2020-May 2021), but covet your insights.
    How do you count the omer? It should be a 7-sabbath, plus 1-day count (Lev. 23:15-16) from First Fruits of Barley to First Fruits of Wheat. Verse 16 clarifies that the "morrow after" the 7th sabbath is the 50th day (Pentecost).
    2 Chronicles 15:10 - Asa observes Pentecost on 15th day of 3rd month.
    Jubilees 15:1 - Abraham observes Pentecost on "middle" of the 3rd month.
    We celebrate First Fruits of Barley on 26th day of 1st month (1st day after 1st sabbath after Feast of Matzah). Counting 7 sabbaths, the next day falls on 15th day of the 3rd month (1st day of the week).
    Most people, including the Jews, start the omer count too early. The Feast of First Fruits of Barley according to Leviticus 23:10-11 was "When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, *then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest* unto the priest:
    And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it." Joshua led them across the Jordan, circumcised them, and celebrated Passover in the land. Then, they walked around Jericho for the week of matzah. They would not have reaped the first fruits until after that. Though, most observers count the Feast of First Fruits of Barley during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (they would have still been walking around Jericho that week).
    Anyway, the counting begins. "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD." (Lev 23:15-16)
    On the lunar-sabbath calendar (which I once followed), how do you reckon the counting seven sabbaths plus one day and get fifty days? Sorry, I didn't follow your videos back then.

    • @emjmnc
      @emjmnc  3 роки тому +2

      We don’t count 7 Sabbaths plus 1 day. We count 7 Sabbaths plus 50 days. We interpret “Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number 50 days” to be speaking of numbering an additional 50 days after the 7th Sabbath count. This places Pentecost late 4th month instead of early or mid 3rd month.
      2 Chronicles 15 doesn’t saying anything about Pentecost. I disagree with Jubilees calendar.
      If you read the LXX rendering of Leviticus 23:11-15, the Sabbath being spoken of is the first day of unleavened bread. The day after the Sabbath (vs. 15) is the morrow of the first day (vs. 11). The first day in verse 11 goes back a few verses where the first day of unleavened bread is mentioned (vs. 7). So the counting of the 7 sabbaths must begin on Abib 16.
      Joshua 5 shows that they ate the new produce of the land right after Passover. That wasn’t allowed until the first-fruit was waved by the Priest, so the count had to begin during unleavened bread.
      I have some lessons on why we count the way we do. You can find them at this link, and they are sermons 246, 248, 251, and 252. www.ministersnewcovenant.org/pentecost-audio.html

    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

      @@emjmnc You are not the first to tell me about the 7 sabbaths, plus 50 days, interpretation. I can see the reasoning. However, I disagree with your point that they ate new grain right after Passover in the land. Joshua tells us that they ate the old grain of the land, possibly plundered stocks of stored grain from around Jericho. The first fruits that were waved had to have been seized crops, as Joshua 5:12 says that they ate new grain that year. Their first military victory took a full week to complete. We do not believe in the coincidence of the feast following Passover being a week long.
      Joshua 5:10-12 - "And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho. And they did eat of the *old corn* of the land on the morrow after the Passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day. And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the *old corn* of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year."
      They would have eaten the old grain for the entire week of Unleavened Bread while they walked around Jericho. They would not have been able to harvest and wave sheaves of new grain, until *after the fall and plunder* of Jericho.
      Joshua 3 - Israel crosses the Jordan *entering the land* .
      Joshua 5:1-9 - *The men are circumcised* , allowing them to eat the Passover.
      Joshua 5:10 - *They eat the Passover* . (14th day of 1st month)
      Joshua 5:11-12 - They celebrated the feast of unleavened bread *with old grain* . (15th - 22nd of the 1st month)
      Verse 12 says that they ate were able to eat the fruit of the land that year, not that next day. In fact the LXX says they "took" the fruits of the land in that year, giving the impression that the crops were plundered. Without taking the time to plant and harvest their own grain, they would have had to plunder a city and take their fields in order to harvest sheaves. Wouldn't you know that the next chapter, they do just that. Our belief is that the week they walked around Jericho is the week of Unleavened Bread which they celebrated with old grain. Only after the fall of Jericho would they have had the opportunity to harvest new grain from a field that they did not plant to wave the sheaves of barley for the Feast of First Fruits. This would have been the 1st day of the week following the sabbath after Unleavened Bread. (26th of the 1st month on our calendar)

    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

      @@-kepha8828 I do not follow the moon for the months, but the chodesh (cycle) laid out in scripture. Hey, my Feast of Weeks is always on the 50th day, on the 15th of the 3rd month, on the 1st day of the week following the regular 7-day weekly sabbath. The 15th day of the 3rd month is always on "Sunday" on my calendar. And the Sabbaths are always on "Saturday". The star we call Saturn, after which the day was named, is called Shabtai in Hebrew, meaning "born on Shabbat". It is not the day named after the star, but the star named after the day. Saturday is and always will be the Sabbath.

    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

      @@-kepha8828 You, as do many others who add a 13th month every three years, selectively quote Enoch. Since most readers will not actually read the whole verse for themselves, I will post it here.
      Enoch 74:13-16 In three years, there are 1,092 days, and in *five years 1820 days* , so that in *eight years there are 2912 days* . For the Moon alone, the days in three years come to 1,062 days, and *in five years it is fifty days behind* . And there are 1,770 days in five years so that for the Moon the days in eight years amount to 2,832 days. For the difference in *eight years is eighty days* , and all the days that *the Moon is behind* , in eight years, are eighty days.
      The three year count works with the lunar calendar 354+354+354+30=1,820 days. But, it *only* works for Enoch's three-year count. It doesn't work for his five or eight-years counts. He never adds another lunar month. He simply says *the moon is behind* , because the basis for his year is the sun and not the moon. If the basis were the moon, he would have said the sun is ahead.

    • @bmoss9604
      @bmoss9604 3 роки тому

      @@-kepha8828 Enoch says the moon has seven parts of light. The words for seven is shabua. If it has seven parts of light and is completely dark, that is *eight* parts total. But, Enoch is not referencing a week with the seven parts of light, because the moon doesn't cycle through it's light in a week, but in about a month. The lunar month is 29.5 days which is not even divisible by seven.
      The lunar year is 354 days, which is divisible by 6 (the number of man). The year spoken of by Enoch is 364 days, which is divisible by 7 (the number of God).

  • @bretthancock93
    @bretthancock93 4 місяці тому

    The masses obeyed the man they call Pope. He told them not to read books then he took away and added to the Bible and you people obey him, What about now that he’s teaching your sons, & daughter to take it in the back.

  • @jamesdmiller6221
    @jamesdmiller6221 2 роки тому

    You don't know how to do it.. Lol.. The calculation of a day is wrong thats how we get a extra day.. Look it up