What Does Schizophrenia Mean to You?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @suzannealsop3394
    @suzannealsop3394 3 роки тому +1

    Here is my testimony of faith which for me ties in with my mental health. I searched for true meaning in life for a long time and was always questioning whether there is a God. In being allowed the freedom to explore this notion for myself without any religion being heavily imposed on me as a child I found my answer and I have a deep belonging in my faith today.
    When I was younger I was fortunate there always seemed to be something that steered me down the right path and kept me out of trouble and all was good. At the age of seventeen and staying with another family in Germany in unfamiliar surroundings, I experienced my first psychotic episode. This was due to everything being too overwhelming for me and the fact that I had an underlying mental illness.
    Over the years like many others, I have talked to God and pondered spiritual matters. I suspect I needed to trust in God sooner since until more recently I used to live in the storm of my mental illness. I then started using my experience to help others suffering with their mental health in getting involved with various mental health projects on a voluntary basis. Whilst having a somewhat mid-life crisis at the age of forty and experimenting coming off all medication after twenty-three years, a wonderful thing happened. When I was in the storm of it all, God spoke to me to reassure me that I had been saved and would go to heaven when I die. I do not hear voices as part of my illness and when I say I heard the voice of God, it was more internal than an external source. I can not explain the sheer peace and comfort this gave me.
    Things begin to make sense as you go through life and I have no doubt there is a God through my own observations and experiences. I believe in one God who can be reached by following Jesus our saviour as a living faith and that he is a just God so has to punish at times but is one of an unimaginable love. Five years on from when I heard God speak to me whilst driving past a church on the way to work, it feels the right time to take confirmation. After repenting of all sin and starting to follow Jesus in a real daily walk, I am more ready to take action in faith. Before, in my passion to help others who have had similar struggles, it almost broke me by taking the weight of it all on by myself. But, now with the strength of faith, everything is possible.
    God really does work in mysterious ways and he has truly managed my life towards good and my heart can be glad knowing that whatever may lie ahead in the days, weeks, months, years to come; each and every day is an inspiration and a blessing.

  • @suzannealsop3394
    @suzannealsop3394 3 роки тому

    Hey, Cupid I hope it’s alright to leave my testimony here as it links in with what for me my illness has been about too. I know it might not be everyone’s cup of tea so just take it or leave it 💚
    But I pray that it might help or encourage someone 🙏

  • @christopher6300
    @christopher6300 3 роки тому

    I like your view of schizophrenia, we are too good and intelligent :)

  • @suzannealsop3394
    @suzannealsop3394 3 роки тому

    For me, schizophrenia means more empathy for others 💚