[Full Show] Mina ពីក្មេងស្រី ដើរលក់ពងទាកូន ក្លាយជាតារាល្បី ក្នុងរយ:ពេលខ្លី [VTALK]
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- គាំទ្រ3FuN ដោយគ្រាន់តែចុច subscribe channel ផ្លូវការនៅត្រង់នេះ : / @3funcambodia
គាំទ្រ 3FUN ដោយ LIKE ហ្វេសបុកផ្លូវការ ( 3fun channel cambodia នៅត្រង់នេះ : / 3funchannelcambodia )
ឃេីញចែរ៉ាត់ ហេីយចែមីណា នឹក 4Nix ណាស់❤️️
Nice to meet you bro & sis !!!
i love you forever Baby !!! #love MENA♥️🤟🏻
Because when i seen that show i always remind myself to be brave as your guys since i have a lot of happiness already
អ្នកចំរៀងបើ ច្រៀងអោយច្បាស់ជាងនេះល្អណាស់ បើអត់មើលអក្សរមិនយល់ពីអត្ថន័យទេ
Ignor my comment if i recommend your producer or your show but i almost cried when i seen that show
But never wish my life like you guys or popular like you guys
Like someone story i use to know and i love her as my real sister as well
I love Mina she so beautiful ❤
Mina she so strong and clever love her
That is why everyone confused i want to have life like you guys
It is feel so amazing lady
Caption សាហាវ 😂😂😂
តស៊ូតាំងពីDANCER មាសសុខសោភា តាំងណា មក ហើយសរសេរ រយ:ពេលខ្លី យ៉ាងមិច
ច្រៀងនៅខ្វះខាតខ្លាំងមិនទាន់សាកសមនឹងកម្មវិធី សូមហ្វឹកហាត់សម្លេងបន្ថែម បាត់រសជាតិកម្មវីធីក៏អាចដោយសារវគ្គចម្រៀងដែរ។ហ្វឹកហាត់បន្ថែមបន្តិចទៀតនឹងល្អ
That is why i can live in peaceful life when i am give up all my lover to other lady that they need
That is why i listen to Buddha they still think i am wrong and ignor my kids i have no idea to talk more
I remember the girl who sings and Mina used to be in the same group call 4nix right ?
Yes sis
Stop make me cried i almost can not forget mysef that did something wrong to my parents
I have a freedom now just i have get my real happiness
Just i have this day
Stop that why you asking her bitter life in the past i almost cried
I just need to win myself to stop my parents worry more
Just my recommend only
Because i just want to train my seft when i have nothing i can live or not
Because i know parents is heart are think kids like a baby when they were born only i dare to talked like this because i have a kids as well i always treat them like a baby till they are boring with me like her pa pa more but i never upset because i know i am a classical vs modern mummy by learn from my mistakes
Love you Mina
Because no more stress about confused again and again
ដូរអ្នកចម្រៀងប្រុសចេញទៅច្រៀងអត់ពិរោះទេ សុំទោសដែលយាយ😢
មែនហ្នឹង ស្ដាប់អត់កើត
@@emosokola3113 ស្ដាប់ទៅដូចម៉េចៗទេ យាយរួមអត់កើតម៉ង
ឣត់ពិរោះទាំង 2
Because i am have no little sister like other just have brother and sisters
បងadmin សុំvannda ម្តងមក
That the reason I love mina lot♥️
Zl b mina klang klang🤟🖤
That is the reason i stop working anymore because a non unemployed like today is life
But they still confused each other by parents
ចែរ៉ាត់និង ចែមីណាជួបគ្នា
អ្នកក្មេង តែកំលាំងចិត្តអ្នក strong 🥺
Love ❤️ you idol Mina 🥰
និយាយច្បាស់ៗមក ត្រូវមិនមែនថៅទេ
People always have trouble and jealous each other so tired to pretending do not know nothing
Because nobody jealous me anymore
I seen my sister separate by confused already just i try to negotiate
Mina my super man😘
I have no idea no negotiate because i am so tired of solving stupid problem by man and woman
Just my idea only someone have their bitter life that Don not want anybody to show in social media
Why Cambodian lady like Thailand people like this maybe theu watch thai movie so much just my idea but as i use to fan of thai movie it still have education movie as like like i watched insurance advertising for and created this movie i accidentally seen in facebook when nobody talking to me till my parents confused i always keep play Facebook not working like other staff till they dropped my work but i never disappoint because it is real story of me i use to meet but in just in the past life of me i forget and forgive all of them already
នឹក 4nix
Love her so much
មីណាពូកែនិយាយ តែនិយាយមិនពូកែ អត្ថន័យបន្តិចនិយាយអូសវែងអណ្លាយបែកអូរជាស្ទឹងតែអត្ថន័យនៅតែបន្តិចដដែល
Stop asking her too much
បងសរសេរ ហេីយផ្ញេីទៅកម្មវិធី និងទៅបង☺❤️️
@@yonyuyu2802 រឿងច្រើនណាស់បង🥲ខ្ញុំចង់ឡើងទៅនិយាយវិញ មិនចង់សសេរទេ ខ្ញុំនឹងទាក់ទងទៅកម្មវិធី
@@Yonyim1515 ok បងសម្លាញ់ ញុមSupport ❤️️💪
@@yonyuyu2802 ទាក់ទងទៅVtalk មែនបង
@@Yonyim1515 បងអាច Chat ទៅ Page 3Fun channel Cambodia ទៅបង
@seak vlonger
Love ❤️ you idol Mina 🥰
មិនចេះខ្វះទេអូន ថែមទាំងយកប្តីគេផង ចុះទំរាំសង្សារ ពួកមិនក្រែងចិត្តគេនឹងមិនមាននរណានៅហ៊ានបៀតដែរអូនគេខ្លាច 😂😂
@@piseyseak5014 ខ្លាចណាស់បងចិត្តមនុស្ស🥲