Zaj Dab Neeg no hais thiab piav tau zoo mloog heev thiab tu siab heev yog vim yus tsis yog tus Niam Pog xaiv Tus Nyab no thiaj li yog tus ua hlub Tub Thiab Niam Pog txawm pluag thiab muaj los tsis ua li cas tsuas yog lawv txawj hlub Niam Pog Txiv Yawg Thiab Tub
Tij koj pos kam hais kuv txoj dab neej thaib os. Vim kuv hlub ib tus hluas nkuaj tab sis nws yoj ploj kuv yoj hmoo es kuv tus hluas nkuaj nws niam thaib nws txiv tsi pub wb sib yuav tab sis wb sib hlub heev lawv tsi pub sib yuav es thaij tsi sib tau vim kuv tseem hlub kuv tus hluas nkuaj heev niaj hnub no kuv tseem tsi tau yuav poj niam los vim yoj kuv tseem hlub nws thaib tseem Nco nws heev 😊
Tij laug kuv caum koj cov dab neeg ntav no ua cas hnub no koj yuav hais tau tej zaj neej neeg ntawm no cas Yuav txaus tu siab ua luaj li o ,,,koj hais tau tej zaj no ua rau kuv khaws cia ưa Kev kawm mus yav tom tej os tij laug aw 😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭 thov koj pab hais ib zaj tso tuaj kuv tau nloog os
She's lucky to get away early. Instead of wasting her life with that evil mother in law and idiot husband who can't even see right or wrong. Good for her parents to take her out of that toxic place. Only a lucky few.
Zaj Dab Neeg no hais thiab piav tau zoo mloog heev thiab tu siab heev yog vim yus tsis yog tus Niam Pog xaiv Tus Nyab no thiaj li yog tus ua hlub Tub Thiab Niam Pog txawm pluag thiab muaj los tsis ua li cas tsuas yog lawv txawj hlub Niam Pog Txiv Yawg Thiab Tub
Zoo mloog heev os tij
uas cas yuav hais taus tub siab uas luas zoo heev li
Tij laug hag tau zoo heev li os 😂😂😂😂😂
hais tau zoo tiag2 li os
Tij koj pos kam hais kuv txoj dab neej thaib os. Vim kuv hlub ib tus hluas nkuaj tab sis nws yoj ploj kuv yoj hmoo es kuv tus hluas nkuaj nws niam thaib nws txiv tsi pub wb sib yuav tab sis wb sib hlub heev lawv tsi pub sib yuav es thaij tsi sib tau vim kuv tseem hlub kuv tus hluas nkuaj heev niaj hnub no kuv tseem tsi tau yuav poj niam los vim yoj kuv tseem hlub nws thaib tseem Nco nws heev 😊
Very good story 😢
Tij laug kuv caum koj cov dab neeg ntav no ua cas hnub no koj yuav hais tau tej zaj neej neeg ntawm no cas Yuav txaus tu siab ua luaj li o ,,,koj hais tau tej zaj no ua rau kuv khaws cia ưa Kev kawm mus yav tom tej os tij laug aw 😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭
thov koj pab hais ib zaj tso tuaj kuv tau nloog os
,c men w 56:26
Ua cas Tub log niam thiab peb tus pog ua yog kuv niam.tus Niam pog na. Ma phem ib yam li
Tu sjab ua luaj lj os
Ua tsaug os phooj ywg
Niam poj yeej phem kawg li og
H the
tij es uv twb yog hmoob thoj os
She's lucky to get away early. Instead of wasting her life with that evil mother in law and idiot husband who can't even see right or wrong. Good for her parents to take her out of that toxic place. Only a lucky few.
Tus me nyab koj txoj me kev mas ua rau koj txom nyem ua luaj os
Cas koj piav dab neeg es muaj tib co hluas nkauj hmoob vaj nkaus xwb na tik
Koj piav dab nees los piav kas lis lub pom dev os
hmong parents are the reasons why theirs kids have such bad marriages they think there always right and kids should obey them no matter right or wrong