I was a bit concerned when you bought energy drinks for a 24h workout. It raises your pulse and when training hard, can lead to your heart stopping because of the high caffeine level. Good that you survived but I wouldn't recommend doing this with so much redbull again.
Just Saying: *Protein* wouldn't have helped you during the working, *Carbs* and *Glucose* would have. *Protein* is for *Muscle Regeneration* so it will help your muscle recover *after* the workout.
Yes. They're very bad. I never tried one before in my life. My friends asked me if I ever tried an energy drink and I said no. They said "Are you normal?" like wtf
Hey killem thanks for making this video and inspiring me to run for two hours straight for two weeks thanks man. Hope your okay and you’re gonna have mad abs soon bro good job!!
Is it just me or has his uploading day gone longer and longer apart? First it was 2 to 3 days every week, then 3 to 4 days every week, then 4 to 5, and now it is a week apart.
Come say *👋🏻HEY👋🏻* and get a _personalised video from Killem:_ cameo.com/killem
I give credit to moon for all she does for kill'em
Dude you always leave it in a cliff hanger! Please make another channel with behind the scenes or aftermath!
what are the behind the scenes on these videos?
That’s the best idea I’ve ever heard🤣
He used to have one
I love Moon so much. XD
Thanks for keeping Thomas alive Moon!
The aerobic classes with moon got me on the floor dying😂😆
24 hours in the street!!! To respect the homeless people
Fucking dumbass
theyre just lazy to work, their problem
I said to RESPECT...
Mikiboy you are rudr
He wouldn't survive out there on the streets.
24 hours in maze and moon hides your supplies
RJG 33 mint idea
RJG 33 such a good idea
It will have to be a big maze
Please do this
RJG 33 yes yes yes
24 hours in your neighbours house
24 hours in jail too
RJG 33 Hello neirbor
24 hour breathing challenge (almost died) (cops called)
Bit too extreme
Da fug?
(gone sexual)
Spend the night in a maze and let moon hide your supplies
D.B Videos great idea
That’s an actual good idea
D.B Videos yeah
I'd love to see that
We all love moon saying pathetic
Lol ikr
Roberto Lopez ikr
In a maze and moon hides the supplies!!! PLEASE
I was a bit concerned when you bought energy drinks for a 24h workout. It raises your pulse and when training hard, can lead to your heart stopping because of the high caffeine level. Good that you survived but I wouldn't recommend doing this with so much redbull again.
Ok boomer
@JBL Nexus wow
@@user-in4dv2bm6v wow
@@crazylamofficial6628 this isn't a boomer thing this is true
Get moon to hide your supplies in a maze and spend the night in that maze
I feel like I’ve read this somewhere before...
What an original idea
Same.... Hmmmm
Joseph Philpin unoriginal
He did the challenge
Spend 24 hours in a maze and let moon hide your stuff so you need to find to survive!!!!
Spend 24 hours in a maze and moon hides the supplies
We never found out what weightlifting does to lady bugs..
They become Lazy Buggers!
Good one
Just Jay that was awful
24 hours in an elevator (ok i don't even know)
STFU if u don't know then
Grom _09 rude
Grom _09 at least he have an suggestion than you do.
Grom _09 Why so rude?
Dan Waugh in a mirror maze
Through all of the pain and suffering you have done just too amuse us, you should have WAY more subscribers...
Also +1 subscriber :D
Tom: i can’t breathe
do a challange and livestream the whole "24Hrs"
That's a good idea!!
tell moon that i love her corny jokes
Sammmmmeeee 😂
"If i put Gatorade in pasta it'll give me energy and carbs"
Only something that'll Kill'em would say
and do
I would have just done 24 hours of straight yoga..😂😂
You guys should make a shirt that just says “Pathetic”. With your logo somewhere of course. Make this happen please
Angelina Ellsworth that’d be awesome omg
Angelina Ellsworth This would be amazing omg
Omg yaassss
do a 24 hours in an elevator like so killem can see
And make him do "Elevator to the other world ritual"
yeah lol
@@wandamaximoff3267 o
Do 24 hours in a maze and have moon hide your supplies.
Like if you agree so killem can see.
The direction Of life Ya that would be awesome
The direction Of life YES
The direction Of life good idea
Hide them seperatly
The direction Of life do this!!
Just found your channel
Mate, you’re absolutely nuts...
I freaking love it! 😂
Hes great 🙂
He's my favorite!
Is he fake?
I guess we'll never know ^_^
Not until Moon snitches
You should check his early videos lol
ssssoooo ccccoooollll
I have a suggestion chew the same piece of chewing gum for 24 hours
Like so he see’s this
ZypherZ no
it would be boring to watch for viewers
Lets be honest who hasnt done this
Sleep in a maze and have moon hide your supplies!
You don’t need to say it thrice
CountRising MoonStar like I said it so he notices it and possibly does it
Yass,do it
Jaiden Roblox YES
Look at him... ordering a pizza....
Kaiserr u can't like your own comment😂
@@wazy9578 ?
Instantly order pizza for her self
Just Saying: *Protein* wouldn't have helped you during the working, *Carbs* and *Glucose* would have. *Protein* is for *Muscle Regeneration* so it will help your muscle recover *after* the workout.
AnnoyingLion Yeah
Spend 24 hours in a straight jacket
Please do 24 hours in a maze and moon hide the stuff
Mr Basketball
You should do 24 ours in slime and keep the camera rolling for 24 hours
Hours it spelt
Are you sure it isn’t our
Like 24 of our slimes🤣🤣🤣
Be in a maze for 24 hours and have moon hide your supplies please that would be funny 😄
Got to agree with a few of the others...24 hours in a maze n moon hides the supplies. That would be awsome !
When Killem fell and hurt his knee, it reminded me of when Petter Griffin falling and I laughed so hard😂
The Unknown Commentator XD
Same here!
Same 😂😂
Me to
Thomas spend 24 hours at the airport ✈
TMNT FOREVER ♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾
Who remembers when he did stuff every 2-3 days
I do
Jack Herbst yeh but I understand why he does it once a week now
Jack Herbst yes that's was better
Jack Herbst Ahhh the times he had about 100k subs
I do
24 hours in a swimming pool
Like if you agree...
He did that
“I don’t know what this stuff is but... I want it!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
in a maze and moon hides the supplies please please please
diamond wolf you just stole the idea smh
diamond wolf lol your pf pic
24 hours telling jokes to moon
I agree on that
It will be 2mil vid sure of it
“Thomas what is that”
The way he says pasta 😂
Emg That’s the normal way to say it
You guys should get Moon a mask or something to wear so she can at least be on camera a little bit. Just a suggestion though
Spend a night in a maze and let moon hide your supplies including your phone😃
Spend the night in a maze and have moon hide your supplies
The thing I love about Thomas is he doesn’t care about how much stuff costs for us to watch something like if you agree
Spend a night in a mirror maze like so he can see this
spend the night In a maze and let moon hide The supplies! Like If u agree!
yes please
jose the type of zunniga Of course Moon will be savage hiding the supplies. 😂
I feel like i have seen this comment on other of his vidios😉
jose the type of zunniga yes
Omg yeah that’s sick
Spend 24 hours without touching the floor like if u agree
Rachael Bishop bed?
Rachael Bishop I pretty much do that everyday 😂
Easy, just do what you do normally, as long as your feet is touching it anyway
When killem fell and hit his knee on the treadmill he looked like a old guy who finally realized he is to old to work out
24 hours in a maze and moon hides you supplies x
Morgan Mccoll unoriginal
KatieCat what does that mean ??
Spend 48 hours only getting your meals through liquids
The StraightForward Player omg yessssss
Jesus christ dude, that's fucked up.
At this point in the channel I feel we're all, in a way trying to kill him...
The StraightForward Player lol
That's a good one
do a 24 hour challenge in a maze and moon hides ur supplies pleaaaaaaaaase i beg u
Killem: “Okey so today...”
Me: 😐
(1 second later)
Killem: “AAAaaaaAaaaUaaoaaaaA”
Me: 😂😂😂😭😭😂
Proteins won’t help u in any amount for a 24 hour challenge glucose and carbs would have tho....
Thatoneguy Mccool Yes you are right. Like the gells and stuff. Cause the proteins are recovery
Thatoneguy Mccool
Kill Em is out here excersing for 24 hours and Im here laying in bed eating Easter eggs
Same here
Jetdog same 😂
Eat nothing but fruit for a week!
Thaťs not hard
@@finkaop1054 it is
All I wanna know is.
What did the Powerade pasta taste like
Make it and see
Chronic Gamer bad
taste like energy drink?
Chronic Gamer make it yourself
It was Gateraid but me too!
it went from every 2-3 days, then to every 3- 4 days and now it 1-2 a week. What!
G Shrive welll isn't 3-4 days the same as 1-2 a week?
Gonna call the cops
Kyle Cullen No he means Every 3/4 days there's a video. Every 1/2 days they use to be a video
it's not every 3-4 days because he said 'once a week, sometimes twice' so that's more like 5-7 days
24 hours in an outdoor pillow fort
I love when my moon says that he's pathetic
Spend the night in a freinds house but they don't know that you are there
Not using hands for 24 hours
Yeah man
Anyone else concerned with the amount of energy drinks he drinks? Isn't that bad though
Jr- Barajas yep a couple every now and then is fine but what he does is really bad for your heart
yes, very bad.
Definitely, especially because he had kidney problems a few years back due to his daily consumption of Monster :(
Yes, they are horrible for your heart and kidneys.
Yes. They're very bad. I never tried one before in my life. My friends asked me if I ever tried an energy drink and I said no. They said "Are you normal?" like wtf
You are absolutely crazy!! Thanks for all you do to entertain us you are de best and I enjoy your videos af
Moon:look at him,ordering a pizza..PATHETIC
Giovanna Jones I love her so much!
Just like:
Look at him.....Pathetic
Now you can write off your gym equipment as a business expense :)
Spend the night in a haunted Hospital bro
experienced gamer gamer Is that even a thing ? 😂
Not even 19 sec in the video and he's eating blue pasta😂
Blue pasta hahaha great idea hahaha😅😂😅😂❤
It’s green are you guys color blind?
Now with your gym equipment you should open a 24 hour gym in your garage
Jk, but seriously though, what's he gonna do with the equipment now?
You should sleep over night in an inflatable pool on the lake
Calvin Davis he did that
It's amazing the stuff people can put there body trough before they colapse
Hey killem thanks for making this video and inspiring me to run for two hours straight for two weeks thanks man. Hope your okay and you’re gonna have mad abs soon bro good job!!
Is it just me or has his uploading day gone longer and longer apart? First it was 2 to 3 days every week, then 3 to 4 days every week, then 4 to 5, and now it is a week apart.
He was doing it too often. It was bad for his health, especially with the challenges getting more extreme. I’m glad he’s scaled back
Lia the Bookworm yeah
Lia the Bookworm your correct I’ve noticed it too
Lia the Bookworm he needs to relax
Spend 24 hrs eating and drinking the same item
Kpop Lover God I've done that before except for 4 days instead of 1
U trying to kill him?
Kpop Lover God SVT!
Did you actually fall on your arse at the start of the video?! 😂😂
24 hours in maze have moon hide your supplies
Johnson Kid NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
yeah that would be nice !!
Johnson Kid great idea
Thats a great idea!!!!
Johnson Kid yessssss
A video without moon is like peanut butter without jam, it simply just wouldn't be the same.
Thomas is a savage and strong enough to not give up
Thomas definitely does need to have a nurse at all times! Thanks for keeping him alive for us, Moon!
Bro, your channel is growing like crazy keep it up
24 hours in a cinema
cook your pasta in redbull. Trust me, it works.
*makes it and eats it* is good *passes out*
I'm ded now thanks
Ben Cangemi trust me, I won’t be trying it.
Ben Cangemi ok I'm going da do dat
ĸaιne well I am
When he hurt his knee he should have put peter Griffin over it when he hurt his knee
Wait how like a public elevator?
Or like build an elevator at home?
Sleep in a maze and then have moon hide your supplies!
Jaiden Roblox stop saying that because u said it like 7 x
I know that :3
Jaiden Roblox said it 20 times plum
So he will notice it and maybe do it :3
Jaiden Roblox STOP
Let moon pick what you should eat for 24 hours
One of my favorite videos ever made
It was funny when he fell over on his back outside
Kelly Bond not really..
Tiny Tomato yeah it wasn't really fun
Your vids are so funny with moon!!
Please do go in a maze for 24 hours and moon hides supplies please mate
Jennine Rozanski ?
Kman Da best idk I just started typing
Jennine Rozanski wanna be friends
Kman Da best ummmmmmmmmmmm
Are you trying to kidnap me or somtin
That dancing in the garage was class 😂
Spend the night in a pool of jello 👍
Ya he would look really funny too XD
Carl Nutintimer Carly THE NIGHT?? Nah nah, might as well not even bother, go the whole day!