I was the one who created Bubby Bulby (10:20). I made this card just for fun because I really liked that cute little robot from the trailer and I certainly didn't anticipate my post would become so popular that I would even end up in a video of the M A D M A N himself. Bubby Bulby was initially just a plain 0 mana 1/1 Mech, but I figured he deserved to be a bit stronger also giving you the option to slightly buff a friendly Mech. I foresaw the combo with Glinda myself and I even almost deleted the keyword afterwards, but... Think about other possibilities with Glinda and Magnetic minions. For example, on turn 9 you can now play [Glinda + Mechwarper x5 + Say, Zilliax or Wargear] and go infinite with even more success than you would with Bubby Bulby. That said, I still should have removed the keyword from Bulby. Cheesy comboes with Glinda are unavoidable but the more you delay them, the better. Oh well. Anyways, thank you Mr. Trump for featuring my card, and keep up these amazing reviews!
Trump: "Card X would never see play" Me: I guess he hasn't heard of the one and only Brian "Dont call me "Brian Kibler of Brian Kibler Gaming" Kibler of Brian Kibler Gaming
The Totem of the Old Gods is stealthed because cultists wouldn't be erecting in the open now would they? They create their totems in dark woods and forgotten graveyard. Stealth makes perfect sense.
I think the flavour for the totem is that it's causing nearby minions to evolve (from the influence of the old gods) but your opponent supposedly can't find the source of the changes (because it's blending in or something).
Nathanael Waters no his complain was it couldn’t have it because it would be impossible to remove for a lot of deck, blizzard found an answer, they made totems with 1 turn invis so anyone could remove it.
I think the intent of metabee having 0 health parts was so that they would normally fall apart without another mech or the head (persistent field buffs or hand buffs could get around this). Not saying that makes it an okay thing to do. They could make the different parts spells instead, but that detracts from the magnetic theme quite a bit. It's still OP.
No divine shield, uses its passive to do the same thing? That'd be neat. They said they wouldn't put attack over health on magnetic minions because of the Blessing of Kings thing. If that wasn't the case, having a minion that returned magnetic to your hand instead of using divine shield would be cool. With the stats even this base card has, probably they mean it more for limiting the amount of charge in expansions more than anything.
It has slightly stronger stats than a minion that doesn't see any play and can only be put once in your deck. I'd say slap a requirement for that deathrattle on it or increase the manacost by 1. The closest thing to compare it to are the infinite wolves from arena and those suck even with good draw.
The problem with X-ray technician is it would see play in one deck: Malygos combo decks. It'd be part of your combo, since the only way to live through the combo is to get enough armor to bulk up. But with Technician they can't, the spells would theoretically ignore the armor, meaning it'd send that specific deck into a massive powerhouse vs control decks that gain a ton of health. It's niche, but it would guarantee your combo regardless of health. Even burst mage or burn decks could use it, if they were popular. In Wild I could see it causing problems.
What the dagger of pain seems to suggest is that when you kill a minion with it, you get a copy of the minion with echo on it (similar to Glinda). The card would then disappear at the end of your turn, regardless of whether you played it or not.
See I have to disagree with you regarding 0-health minions. The fact that Hearthstone hasn't implemented something like that yet is a point against _them,_ not the card creator. MTG already has 0-toughness minions (Force of Savagery, "Phantom" creatures, etc), the idea being that you need to do something with them to make them playable. Hearthstone already _has_ this. For those 0 health pieces, you could: 1. Magnetize them to something for a +2 attack buff thereby ignoring the 0 health issue 2. Utilize some form of hand/deck buff before the creature is played 3. Have a minion on the board with a constant effect (Stormwind Champion) 4. Have a minion on board with an effect would buff it as it entered (Something like Addled Grizzly) It's entirely possible to make 0 health cards work, frankly they'd make for an interesting interaction, some kind of card that's highly stated for its mana cost, but needs something else to stick to the board without dying.
He knows all that, the Force of Savagery has been linked to Trump multiple times already. The thing is, HS players are on average much, MUCH more casual than mtg players. There'd be thousands upon thousands of complaints in the vein of "I played a minion and it just died". Blizzard wants to keep things simple.
Keep things simple?? How on earth can you get _more_ simple than the concept of "creatures with 0 health or less on the battlefield are destroyed". They literally teach you that in the very first tutorial, it's not exactly a complicated concept. The kind of people who'd complain about a 0 health minion dying are the same kind of people who'd complain about having 0 attack minions that "make no sense because you can't attack with them". Just because Hearthstone is simpler in certain regards doesn't mean the player base has a collective single digit IQ.
Cellidor how could you possibly know that the playerbase doesnt have a collective single digit IQ? Everyone was memeing about deckslots back then but Blizzard had to have a reason to not add them before, and its because the players are too dumb to process more deckslots.
Magic also haven't made another creature that intentionally enters the battlefield with 0 toughness on the basis of confusion. They might not think the first one is a mistake, but they think making further one is.
Thanks for reminding me to watch Medabots (the series Metabee came from) Ps. The effect of Metabee is a nod to the series itself in which if you lose an official battle, you lose a part of your bot. Wish it also gave you the base and medal but can't have everything
But then the question is, start at what value? 7(i.e. end to end)? 4 (i.e. center) If 7, it would be "fair" even with only one target and be busted at 2-3. At 4, we are kinda back to the same problem. It will mostly just deal about 10-15 damage mostly. In fact, the full damage potential is lower on a full board. It's a.... balancing issue either way.
I agree in a thematic sense. If the damage only went left or right and gained momentum it would make more sense as is. In order to live up to the theme of a Stone Tide it would need to have big damage in the center then ramping damage as it spreads. That's a bit too complicated. I think it's easier to balance with a reversed effect anyway. As is, Stone Tide wouldn't see any play unless token decks took up 75% of the meta. If we stick to 5 mana 4 damage seems like the point where you'd consider it, and 5 is a bit much. Personally, I think 4 mana 4 damage (1 overload) is the sweet spot between fairness and playability.
The discussion on E.M.P. got me thinking about Silence and Magnetic in general. If a mech gets a bunch of stuff magnetized onto it and then gets silenced, presumably it loses ALL the bonuses from the magnetized minions, which will make single-target silences very valuable in the Boomsday meta.
People seem to take for granted that glinda will be able to echo minions that are magnetised to make crazy infinite dmg combos but seeing the interaction (or rather lack thereof) of glinda with the darkness which will not be granted echo as it is not played as an interactable minion which is also true of magnetic minions im pretty sure glinda wont echo magnetised mechs. Which makes bubby bulby significantly less OP
I think the wording on Dagger of Pain is consistent. The reason you can play multiple copies of echo cards is that the echoed card has the echo keyword on it as well, giving you another copy.
Echo text makes sense for the dagger of pain. If a card does not have the echo text, even if it is already in "echo form", it will not produce another echo. You can test this by playing as warlock using the crowskin legendary. First, gain an echo of a minion with crowskin on board Then, kill the crowskin The echo-ed minion will not produce a third echo upon playing
Xray Tech would definitely see play in combo decks though. One major issue with combo decks is that they generally lose as long as they're missing a piece. But a card like XRT would be a huge bonus tech card to combo decks that could still pull off a combo "if only this guy was at 30 health instead of 150+" and it'd be possibly worth the 1-of for going against warrior/druid as something like spell OTK mage or something.
I believe the X-Ray Technician's text also applies for the opponent so they can't use cards which utilize their armor. Meaning shield slam and the jasper spellstones would not be able to deal damage/level up.
The Ragnaros Mechlord analysis seems off, magnetising a mech onto another mech in play would imply that it sort of has charge, however can't attack will also be copied and its random abilitiy therefore it's just a 6 mana worse blessing of kings that you can play seperately. I do realise that you would get an extra random charge sith +4/+4 stats, there are currently not much big mechs so the power level would be manageable. In conclusion the card is a little OP but not as you emphasised in the video.
Sam Steffens it's op because ragnaros has an RNG effect. It can hit face. It can hit the vital minion behind taunt It can hit the shrouded minion It can hit the minion in Stealth And being able to slap that onto some of the mechs already announced essentially means you get a 9/9 deal 9 damage to a random enemy minion that can you buff indefinitely. Whereas without magnetic the opponent at least has an opportunity to remove ragnaros before he snowballs
Sam Steffens If you think about it, you‘d need two cards (a mech and the mech Rag) costing at least 10 mana to create a Ragnaros (8/8 can't attack deals 8 at the end of turn). 10 mana 2 card Rag is ridiculously weak, but it would have the upside that you could buff it further to make the effect stronger, which would make it a strong but fair combo card with zero potential for otk. If that much potential face damage sounds too strong (imo it doesn't, see above), then just change text to "random enemy minion" to make it a board control card instead. But 1 star balance? Lmfao wtf
I agree with you man, Trump clearly did not understand the card when reviewing it, it basically transforms a friendly mech into a good old Ragnaros with different stats and an effect that's also influenced by the minions attack
Boom! Could be salvaged if it just destroys all minions first then summons the Boombots. Possibly also increase the mana cost and add in some clause to reduce the mana cost to a minimum of 10, so you need to craft your deck around and can't play anything else the turn you use it.
To solve the Feugen and Stalagg problem, just give Feugen magnetic and Stalagg the Deathrattle. By losing the other effects it negates the 7/4 charge buff for Stalagg and makes it so that it's harder to keep Stalagg alive right away cause you aren't able to Magnetize it to up its health.
As someone who loves the evolution-type cards of shaman, I like the concept of the totem of old gods. The stealth seems reasonable as it appears to be a totem that is kind of hidden in a swamp I guess. But I think 3-4 mana for 0/1 would be more balanced, as it is way easier to get rid of instantly for any class and not just for warlock and mage.
Metabee is like a legendary version of darkmoon darigible. Just like the the echo magnetize conversation, all of a sudden new cards make old ideas look more balanced. Power creep
I told my friend a week ago that THESE were the cards added to the game, for real. Then tonight I realized these were custom cards. I was both VERY glad, and QUITE dissapointed
I can see X-Ray technician being abusable if buffed posibly. If a charge ignore armour card was printed it would quite funny in a priest inner fire deck. It might have to start with more than one health to be viable but man would it be satisfying to do like 32 direct damage to someone hiding behind 60 armour
I feel like Mechlord Ragnaros was more balanced with magnetic especially because it also adds "Can't attack". So to get the most out of it, you basically have to sacrifice your biggest card to create a valuable rag, which then runs the risk of being silenced but at least keeps the original decent stats. If you use Mechlord as the base, it's a 6 mana 4/4 mech that's begging to be silenced and turned into non-value that also wouldn't be worth magnetizing anything onto afterwards.
Also the thing about putting together a team. If you do play nightmare amalgam, how will you be able to see which one it counted for? You’d need a new UI just for that quest
Dagger of Pain -- Better wording would be "Whenever this kills a minion, add a 'Shadow Reflection' of it to your hand" with that in mind, perhaps even change the name to something more akin to "Soul-Stealer" or maybe "Echoing Pain"? I would also reduce its cost to 4 mana simply because its attack value is pretty low but making it a 3 attack weapon would probably be too high. ST4-LGG and F3-UG3N -- Since we are working with a Mech-Magnetic theme, I would simply suggest to ditch the Deathrattle and have the text say something along the lines of "MAGNETIC If Magnetized to ST4-LGG/F3-UG3N, summon TH4DD1U5 instead." Stats-wise, yes they are OP but we have seen even MORE ridiculous things (4 - 7/7 anyone?) and just as Trump said, we must keep the heart-of-the-cards so there isn't anything we can do about that. Totem of the Old Gods --Remove the Stealth and add 2 health. That's it, really. Putting Together a Team + The Grand Heist --To prevent the "Amalgam-cheat" perhaps simply add a parenthesis text at the bottom which says "('Nightmare Amalgam' counts as one type) or something like that, maybe even go as far as to make it "('Nightmare Amalgam' is ignored) but I feel the latter would be too harsh as the Amalgam could become something like a 'joker' for assembling the missing team-member. As for The Grand Heist, I honestly feel like it should be "Remove the top 5 cards from your opponent's deck. Add a copy of each to your hand." but this would most likely make it grossly OP. Maybe reduce the number down to 3 cards instead and make it a 6 mana card? Bubby Bulby -- Just make it cost 1 mana Metabee --Yup, just a Trump said. A 0 health minion simply does not work. So we should change the stats of the card to be a 8 mana 5/4 and have each individual parts cost 2 mana, have 1 health each, the legs have 3 attack, each arm have 1 attack and the head have 0 attack. BOOM! --Instead of summoning Boombots, why not summon a new kind of Boombots that only hit minions and not heroes? Nothing else to say about the other cards that Trump hasn't already said/solved.
Actually, EMP will be a very good counter to heavy magnetic "buffs", and also some mechs have powerful deathrattles, divine shield, or ongoing effects. It could also be useful in wild. At 3 mana it's a niche tech card, at 2 mana it's a good general counter to a meta with mechs with text or buffs / magnetic and would probably be in many or most priest decks. The card draw on it also makes it a cycle card, which at 3 mana is less relevant but at 2 mana is kind of a bigger deal.
Trump you know that noise things make when they get stabbed by a dagger, yknow what it's from? Pain. They yelp out in pain, louder noise (also depending on how the place, course) make more echoes
On Stone Tide, the "+1" is written as a digit instead of "one additional damage". So it seems it would scale with spell damage. So at +1 spell damage it would be "Deal 2 damage to a minion and +2 damage to each successive minion." I also changed the grammar a bit.
You could make it so when Metabee dies it gives u the head and 3 spells that each one summons Metabee's Legs/Arms and then attach them to the head. That will make it so u can't give +2 attack for 1 mana to any mech. I don't know, it sounds good for me (?)
X-Ray technician would absolutely be run in a control burn mage at 2 mana, and I think that's what it was primarily designed for. Turn 9, you Alex, turn 10, you X-Ray, Sorc, Sorc, Fireball, Fireball, Frostbolt, and you've killed that pesky druid thats been hiding behind armor. After all, Druids pretty much ONLY run armor gain for "healing", and this hard stops that line of defense.
Mechlord rag is literally not blessing of kings because of "cannot attack". That said, magnetizing that much health onto an existing mech that probably already got value is still preeeeeeeeetttyy gooooood. The random damage should probably be 4 and then it would be solid. It is a 6 Mana legendary that can't attack after all
If metabee was ever printed by blizzard and it had this deathrattle( and were 6 Mana 4/4 so it's parts be 1 hp at least) and you could fusion it again or magnetic it's parts to other mechs if I didn't want to fusion it,this card could be nuts but so cool. And it's all classes so even better
A magnetic echo minion would never exist right? Right? 🦀
Was looking for this comment.
Sabastian Leeper i change this property
Comin for that clapity
Boom what have you done?!
I was the one who created Bubby Bulby (10:20). I made this card just for fun because I really liked that cute little robot from the trailer and I certainly didn't anticipate my post would become so popular that I would even end up in a video of the M A D M A N himself.
Bubby Bulby was initially just a plain 0 mana 1/1 Mech, but I figured he deserved to be a bit stronger also giving you the option to slightly buff a friendly Mech. I foresaw the combo with Glinda myself and I even almost deleted the keyword afterwards, but... Think about other possibilities with Glinda and Magnetic minions. For example, on turn 9 you can now play [Glinda + Mechwarper x5 + Say, Zilliax or Wargear] and go infinite with even more success than you would with Bubby Bulby.
That said, I still should have removed the keyword from Bulby. Cheesy comboes with Glinda are unavoidable but the more you delay them, the better. Oh well.
Anyways, thank you Mr. Trump for featuring my card, and keep up these amazing reviews!
mechwarper is wild though, and Glinda is still in standard...
Bagel eco is 1+
Jakob Holmback now it is. But it was not a year ago lol
12:03 *laughs in descent of dragons*
Trump: "Card X would never see play"
Me: I guess he hasn't heard of the one and only Brian "Dont call me "Brian Kibler of Brian Kibler Gaming" Kibler of Brian Kibler Gaming
Does not compute
The Totem of the Old Gods is stealthed because cultists wouldn't be erecting in the open now would they? They create their totems in dark woods and forgotten graveyard. Stealth makes perfect sense.
Arrakiz666 y cool story, it's still a better card without
Remove stealth, make it a 3 mana 0/4 and it'll be fine.
@@VendettaXXL That wasnt the point. Are you okay?
Except we now DO have "totems" with stealth for 1 turn.
@@spaceclaw1958 For one turn then they lose it
I think the flavour for the totem is that it's causing nearby minions to evolve (from the influence of the old gods) but your opponent supposedly can't find the source of the changes (because it's blending in or something).
6:15 yea stealthed totems... that would never be printed in hearthstone...
@Malaska :D his complaint was that it didn't make sense for a totem to have stealth soooo
Nathanael Waters no his complain was it couldn’t have it because it would be impossible to remove for a lot of deck, blizzard found an answer, they made totems with 1 turn invis so anyone could remove it.
Furthermore they are not totems, too bad
Grandpa Yellow just imp
The voiceline of ragnaros mechlord NEEDS to be " Die Bug!"
hYRo144 nah it should be “ERROR ERROR!”
Gimme Memes That's the death line.
When played.
"To soon mech-xecutus! You have build me to soon!"
8:38 This guy. Predicted. Rise. Of Shadows
crazy how the totem predicted rastakhan spirits lmao
"Metabee is ridiculously overpowered".
Ziliax: yo dawg
Ofc im overpowered, Im the best
Turn 2: Opponent coins high priest thekal
Turn 3: X-Ray + Boar
Jar Rui Lim They would be so dead
I think the intent of metabee having 0 health parts was so that they would normally fall apart without another mech or the head (persistent field buffs or hand buffs could get around this). Not saying that makes it an okay thing to do. They could make the different parts spells instead, but that detracts from the magnetic theme quite a bit. It's still OP.
No divine shield, uses its passive to do the same thing? That'd be neat.
They said they wouldn't put attack over health on magnetic minions because of the Blessing of Kings thing. If that wasn't the case, having a minion that returned magnetic to your hand instead of using divine shield would be cool. With the stats even this base card has, probably they mean it more for limiting the amount of charge in expansions more than anything.
I love the flavor of a 0 health minion, it's something I've been wanting in hearthstone forever
the problem is that random 1 and 2 mana minions could randomly suicide
aidan levy that would be fine, plus these are tokens so they can't be the result of a random summon
It has slightly stronger stats than a minion that doesn't see any play and can only be put once in your deck. I'd say slap a requirement for that deathrattle on it or increase the manacost by 1. The closest thing to compare it to are the infinite wolves from arena and those suck even with good draw.
Hearthstone: has insane magnetic mechs
Players: suggest magnetic mechs with average stat lines
Trump: this is ridiculously overpowered
In Soviet Russia, Trump's 1-star ratings are 5-star ratings!
no. thats the normal world.
So Wild is now called Soviet Russia? Okey.
In Soviet Russian, stars rate Trump
Yeah that's everywhere man not just Russia
Marc Shanahan Are those stars red?
The problem with X-ray technician is it would see play in one deck: Malygos combo decks. It'd be part of your combo, since the only way to live through the combo is to get enough armor to bulk up. But with Technician they can't, the spells would theoretically ignore the armor, meaning it'd send that specific deck into a massive powerhouse vs control decks that gain a ton of health. It's niche, but it would guarantee your combo regardless of health. Even burst mage or burn decks could use it, if they were popular. In Wild I could see it causing problems.
What the dagger of pain seems to suggest is that when you kill a minion with it, you get a copy of the minion with echo on it (similar to Glinda). The card would then disappear at the end of your turn, regardless of whether you played it or not.
See I have to disagree with you regarding 0-health minions. The fact that Hearthstone hasn't implemented something like that yet is a point against _them,_ not the card creator. MTG already has 0-toughness minions (Force of Savagery, "Phantom" creatures, etc), the idea being that you need to do something with them to make them playable. Hearthstone already _has_ this.
For those 0 health pieces, you could:
1. Magnetize them to something for a +2 attack buff thereby ignoring the 0 health issue
2. Utilize some form of hand/deck buff before the creature is played
3. Have a minion on the board with a constant effect (Stormwind Champion)
4. Have a minion on board with an effect would buff it as it entered (Something like Addled Grizzly)
It's entirely possible to make 0 health cards work, frankly they'd make for an interesting interaction, some kind of card that's highly stated for its mana cost, but needs something else to stick to the board without dying.
He knows all that, the Force of Savagery has been linked to Trump multiple times already. The thing is, HS players are on average much, MUCH more casual than mtg players. There'd be thousands upon thousands of complaints in the vein of "I played a minion and it just died".
Blizzard wants to keep things simple.
Keep things simple?? How on earth can you get _more_ simple than the concept of "creatures with 0 health or less on the battlefield are destroyed". They literally teach you that in the very first tutorial, it's not exactly a complicated concept. The kind of people who'd complain about a 0 health minion dying are the same kind of people who'd complain about having 0 attack minions that "make no sense because you can't attack with them".
Just because Hearthstone is simpler in certain regards doesn't mean the player base has a collective single digit IQ.
Cellidor how could you possibly know that the playerbase doesnt have a collective single digit IQ? Everyone was memeing about deckslots back then but Blizzard had to have a reason to not add them before, and its because the players are too dumb to process more deckslots.
Magic also haven't made another creature that intentionally enters the battlefield with 0 toughness on the basis of confusion. They might not think the first one is a mistake, but they think making further one is.
Cellidor It's not about players being dumb, but rather the fact that it's not intuitive that it dies when you play it
Stone tide is now in the game as a warlock card!
Enemy plays high priest thekel.
X-Ray technician: “I’m about to ruin this mans whole career”
The totem could be standing in mist
Coming in from the future, it's cool to see that a card like this sort of exists as a treasure in duels.
15:50 The art, i remember that episode of Star wars the clone wars.
sabulba's people:D
Thanks for reminding me to watch Medabots (the series Metabee came from)
Ps. The effect of Metabee is a nod to the series itself in which if you lose an official battle, you lose a part of your bot. Wish it also gave you the base and medal but can't have everything
I used to love that anime when I was younger. I remember playing a game long long ago based on Medabots. It was super fun.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
Christian Cinco Medabots was the shit when I was a kid
Isn't that totem exactly like the new shaman duals card treasure?
Mech Rag would also give the minion "Can't attack" though so it's not really blessing of kings with a rag effect.
For anybody curious about the music at 9:24 its Megaman X - Spark Mandrill.
Thanks man i tots forgot his theme
Stone Tide would make more sense if its effect was reversed.
Well it depends, doesnt it?
You could also think of it as some kind of landslide, rolling down a hill and getting progressively bigger.
The art indicates that it is a ground slam type thing. So it should deal the most dmg at the center.
totally agree crusadax
But then the question is, start at what value? 7(i.e. end to end)? 4 (i.e. center)
If 7, it would be "fair" even with only one target and be busted at 2-3.
At 4, we are kinda back to the same problem. It will mostly just deal about 10-15 damage mostly. In fact, the full damage potential is lower on a full board.
It's a.... balancing issue either way.
I agree in a thematic sense. If the damage only went left or right and gained momentum it would make more sense as is.
In order to live up to the theme of a Stone Tide it would need to have big damage in the center then ramping damage as it spreads. That's a bit too complicated.
I think it's easier to balance with a reversed effect anyway. As is, Stone Tide wouldn't see any play unless token decks took up 75% of the meta.
If we stick to 5 mana 4 damage seems like the point where you'd consider it, and 5 is a bit much.
Personally, I think 4 mana 4 damage (1 overload) is the sweet spot between fairness and playability.
10:30 Is that a robotic Wilhelm Scream? That's amazing.
On that dagger of pain you could change it to warrior and call it the sword of souls?
And on stone tide you could add spell damage which would be broken with malygos
The reward for the rouge quest could be add 3/2 of the treasures in your hand
Thing is though, you drop maly, and he's got to live a turn before the tide goes off.
I was thinking dagger of mirrors or glass
*shows a Hearthstone card based off an unrelated Metabots character*
"The flavor is just over bursting here"
best* character
8:55 play a taunt, charge, stealth and battlecry. One should be defined by function not race tag.
Loooove this series!
The discussion on E.M.P. got me thinking about Silence and Magnetic in general. If a mech gets a bunch of stuff magnetized onto it and then gets silenced, presumably it loses ALL the bonuses from the magnetized minions, which will make single-target silences very valuable in the Boomsday meta.
hmm, i wonder if stone tide's "+1damage" would be amplified by spell damage aswell, that might make it ALOT better to be honest
People seem to take for granted that glinda will be able to echo minions that are magnetised to make crazy infinite dmg combos but seeing the interaction (or rather lack thereof) of glinda with the darkness which will not be granted echo as it is not played as an interactable minion which is also true of magnetic minions im pretty sure glinda wont echo magnetised mechs. Which makes bubby bulby significantly less OP
Just slap "This card can't have Echo" on Bubby Bulby, and now it's perfectly fine.
Bubby could be a class card and problem solved. Magnetic won't be the focus for warlock anyway
That's poor game design though. Adding in specific exceptions to the card rule to stop broken interactions is just sloppy.
I think the wording on Dagger of Pain is consistent. The reason you can play multiple copies of echo cards is that the echoed card has the echo keyword on it as well, giving you another copy.
Echo text makes sense for the dagger of pain. If a card does not have the echo text, even if it is already in "echo form", it will not produce another echo.
You can test this by playing as warlock using the crowskin legendary.
First, gain an echo of a minion with crowskin on board
Then, kill the crowskin
The echo-ed minion will not produce a third echo upon playing
Grand Heist should be legendary cards or treasures.
Add 10 legendary cards to your hand. They all cost 0.
Those stalag and feugen mech cards are soooooo nice i hope they will be added to the game
Xray Tech would definitely see play in combo decks though. One major issue with combo decks is that they generally lose as long as they're missing a piece. But a card like XRT would be a huge bonus tech card to combo decks that could still pull off a combo "if only this guy was at 30 health instead of 150+" and it'd be possibly worth the 1-of for going against warrior/druid as something like spell OTK mage or something.
Stealth makes since if you see it as the Old Gods make it so that you can't perceive the totem or forget it after you've seen it.
4:26 Simple Word Change "With" To "To". Pretty Sure That Makes It Work Properly.
Metabee's desing hurts me. It has a right hand you cant play on the right side
I believe the X-Ray Technician's text also applies for the opponent so they can't use cards which utilize their armor. Meaning shield slam and the jasper spellstones would not be able to deal damage/level up.
The grand hesit (9:15) should add all the treasures that you get from the Master Chest (Marin the Fox).
Dagger of pain would be fun if you had knife juggler and got an elven archer when you also had something that makes your minions cheaper.
the totem of the old gods could have been
"as long as there are adjacent minions, it cannot be attacked" instead of stealth
Nikki Juseas Stenskov the artwork shows totem in the swamp so i think that its acurate
the artwork shows that because the totem has stealth. don't forget that they most likely design the card and then come up with names and artwork
The Ragnaros Mechlord analysis seems off, magnetising a mech onto another mech in play would imply that it sort of has charge, however can't attack will also be copied and its random abilitiy therefore it's just a 6 mana worse blessing of kings that you can play seperately. I do realise that you would get an extra random charge sith +4/+4 stats, there are currently not much big mechs so the power level would be manageable. In conclusion the card is a little OP but not as you emphasised in the video.
Sam Steffens it's op because ragnaros has an RNG effect.
It can hit face.
It can hit the vital minion behind taunt
It can hit the shrouded minion
It can hit the minion in Stealth
And being able to slap that onto some of the mechs already announced essentially means you get a 9/9 deal 9 damage to a random enemy minion that can you buff indefinitely.
Whereas without magnetic the opponent at least has an opportunity to remove ragnaros before he snowballs
Sam Steffens If you think about it, you‘d need two cards (a mech and the mech Rag) costing at least 10 mana to create a Ragnaros (8/8 can't attack deals 8 at the end of turn). 10 mana 2 card Rag is ridiculously weak, but it would have the upside that you could buff it further to make the effect stronger, which would make it a strong but fair combo card with zero potential for otk. If that much potential face damage sounds too strong (imo it doesn't, see above), then just change text to "random enemy minion" to make it a board control card instead. But 1 star balance? Lmfao wtf
I agree with you man, Trump clearly did not understand the card when reviewing it, it basically transforms a friendly mech into a good old Ragnaros with different stats and an effect that's also influenced by the minions attack
It can be put in a buff deck and be a OTK.
The problem is playing it on another mech that has been in play already. That's just huge damage potential.
I believe the stealth portion for totem of the old gods is that they were forgotten, hence the totem isn’t seen
There already was a card like Stone Tide. It was called Obliteration Ball. It was even in Kripp's video.
Putting together a team and The Grand Heist are awesome.
1 thaurisan tick
The weapon to add minions to you hand would be a coin bag. You basically bribe them to work for you. A very rouge thing to do.
Boom! Could be salvaged if it just destroys all minions first then summons the Boombots. Possibly also increase the mana cost and add in some clause to reduce the mana cost to a minimum of 10, so you need to craft your deck around and can't play anything else the turn you use it.
Great Stone Tide animation, Jens!
To solve the Feugen and Stalagg problem, just give Feugen magnetic and Stalagg the Deathrattle. By losing the other effects it negates the 7/4 charge buff for Stalagg and makes it so that it's harder to keep Stalagg alive right away cause you aren't able to Magnetize it to up its health.
Stone tide is insane with any spell power though because it changes from 1,2,3,4 so on to 2,4,6,8 if the plus one is interpreted correctly.
As someone who loves the evolution-type cards of shaman, I like the concept of the totem of old gods. The stealth seems reasonable as it appears to be a totem that is kind of hidden in a swamp I guess. But I think 3-4 mana for 0/1 would be more balanced, as it is way easier to get rid of instantly for any class and not just for warlock and mage.
Metabee is like a legendary version of darkmoon darigible. Just like the the echo magnetize conversation, all of a sudden new cards make old ideas look more balanced. Power creep
I am loving this Space Dandy outro.
0:24 I think the echo means that you can play that card multiple times in a turn if you kill it
I love this series. Keep up the good work! :)
The dagger of pain could be a weapom that keeps souls like frostmurne for flavour reasons
I told my friend a week ago that THESE were the cards added to the game, for real.
Then tonight I realized these were custom cards. I was both VERY glad, and QUITE dissapointed
I can see X-Ray technician being abusable if buffed posibly. If a charge ignore armour card was printed it would quite funny in a priest inner fire deck. It might have to start with more than one health to be viable but man would it be satisfying to do like 32 direct damage to someone hiding behind 60 armour
Squatch Josh easy way to fix it is just make it a 2 Mana 1/1 or 1/2 mech and add magnetic to it would probably fit best in a paladin or hunter class
Totem of the old gods trump: probably really strange
Fluctuating totem sweating
All you have to do to Metabee to "fix" the design is make three parts spells that only buff mechs and keep one as a body (probably the head)
@Trump you cant directly compare magnetic to blessing of king because once you magnet something it cant attack
I feel like Mechlord Ragnaros was more balanced with magnetic especially because it also adds "Can't attack". So to get the most out of it, you basically have to sacrifice your biggest card to create a valuable rag, which then runs the risk of being silenced but at least keeps the original decent stats. If you use Mechlord as the base, it's a 6 mana 4/4 mech that's begging to be silenced and turned into non-value that also wouldn't be worth magnetizing anything onto afterwards.
Also the thing about putting together a team.
If you do play nightmare amalgam, how will you be able to see which one it counted for? You’d need a new UI just for that quest
Why was Dagger of Pain on this list? It was for the weekly competition that was specific for Witchwood design
Dagger of Pain
-- Better wording would be "Whenever this kills a minion, add a 'Shadow Reflection' of it to your hand" with that in mind, perhaps even change the name to something more akin to "Soul-Stealer" or maybe "Echoing Pain"? I would also reduce its cost to 4 mana simply because its attack value is pretty low but making it a 3 attack weapon would probably be too high.
ST4-LGG and F3-UG3N
-- Since we are working with a Mech-Magnetic theme, I would simply suggest to ditch the Deathrattle and have the text say something along the lines of "MAGNETIC If Magnetized to ST4-LGG/F3-UG3N, summon TH4DD1U5 instead." Stats-wise, yes they are OP but we have seen even MORE ridiculous things (4 - 7/7 anyone?) and just as Trump said, we must keep the heart-of-the-cards so there isn't anything we can do about that.
Totem of the Old Gods
--Remove the Stealth and add 2 health. That's it, really.
Putting Together a Team + The Grand Heist
--To prevent the "Amalgam-cheat" perhaps simply add a parenthesis text at the bottom which says "('Nightmare Amalgam' counts as one type) or something like that, maybe even go as far as to make it "('Nightmare Amalgam' is ignored) but I feel the latter would be too harsh as the Amalgam could become something like a 'joker' for assembling the missing team-member.
As for The Grand Heist, I honestly feel like it should be "Remove the top 5 cards from your opponent's deck. Add a copy of each to your hand." but this would most likely make it grossly OP. Maybe reduce the number down to 3 cards instead and make it a 6 mana card?
Bubby Bulby
-- Just make it cost 1 mana
--Yup, just a Trump said. A 0 health minion simply does not work. So we should change the stats of the card to be a 8 mana 5/4 and have each individual parts cost 2 mana, have 1 health each, the legs have 3 attack, each arm have 1 attack and the head have 0 attack.
--Instead of summoning Boombots, why not summon a new kind of Boombots that only hit minions and not heroes?
Nothing else to say about the other cards that Trump hasn't already said/solved.
Sylas your response to boom doesn’t make sense. If it destroys all minions what’s the point in the boom bots hitting minions?
Actually, EMP will be a very good counter to heavy magnetic "buffs", and also some mechs have powerful deathrattles, divine shield, or ongoing effects. It could also be useful in wild.
At 3 mana it's a niche tech card, at 2 mana it's a good general counter to a meta with mechs with text or buffs / magnetic and would probably be in many or most priest decks. The card draw on it also makes it a cycle card, which at 3 mana is less relevant but at 2 mana is kind of a bigger deal.
Trump you know that noise things make when they get stabbed by a dagger, yknow what it's from? Pain. They yelp out in pain, louder noise (also depending on how the place, course) make more echoes
12:03 6 mana 6/2 rush divine shield op
Blizz now: 7 6/6 rush divine shield, or whatever else you want fam.
If I can't hear "Apagando las luces" when I play E.M.P, I'll be disappointed
Alex Miller Murders doomfist every time!
A flavour flaw with metabee is that although metabee isn’t magnetic, it’s parts are???
st4-l4gg and f3-ug3n maybe could be changed to only magnetise to either st4-l4gg or f3-ug3n
Totem of the Old Gods is fine at 4. Usable in Even Shaman that way
For the rag, it would fuse the can’t attack, making it trash.
EMP removes Magnetic buffs, that's actually something to consider since you'll be netting frequent 2 for 1's
On Stone Tide, the "+1" is written as a digit instead of "one additional damage". So it seems it would scale with spell damage. So at +1 spell damage it would be "Deal 2 damage to a minion and +2 damage to each successive minion." I also changed the grammar a bit.
I really like the idea of silencing a magnetized mech and it separates into its parts. :l
Is e.m.p’s art from Star Wars the clone wars (the animated series) I think the episode was called awakening the zelo beast
You could make it so when Metabee dies it gives u the head and 3 spells that each one summons Metabee's Legs/Arms and then attach them to the head. That will make it so u can't give +2 attack for 1 mana to any mech. I don't know, it sounds good for me (?)
Man Jens is an awesome editor
X-Ray technician would absolutely be run in a control burn mage at 2 mana, and I think that's what it was primarily designed for. Turn 9, you Alex, turn 10, you X-Ray, Sorc, Sorc, Fireball, Fireball, Frostbolt, and you've killed that pesky druid thats been hiding behind armor. After all, Druids pretty much ONLY run armor gain for "healing", and this hard stops that line of defense.
Mechlord rag is literally not blessing of kings because of "cannot attack". That said, magnetizing that much health onto an existing mech that probably already got value is still preeeeeeeeetttyy gooooood. The random damage should probably be 4 and then it would be solid. It is a 6 Mana legendary that can't attack after all
10:58 you can already do this with Mechwarper and skaterbot
the first weapon should be called shadowed/mirrored blade and add a shadow reflection of the minion to your hand
Imagine being able to get through a bunch of armor. Oh wait, plate breaker
X ray technician would be in otk decks possibly
Medabots, wow, such a long time without see that serie.
The grand heist should give a certain number of treasures like Kobolds.
Most people dont know Metabee is a series/game. Best childhood memories
If metabee was ever printed by blizzard and it had this deathrattle( and were 6 Mana 4/4 so it's parts be 1 hp at least) and you could fusion it again or magnetic it's parts to other mechs if I didn't want to fusion it,this card could be nuts but so cool. And it's all classes so even better
Ragnaros Mechlord without magnetic would be super sweet (cause ofc you can't fuse the MECHLORD to "lesser" mechs, but they can).
13:33 But it also gives the minion 'Can't Attack', so its not really like a Blessing of Kings.
the att is added to the end of turn effect, so it's close to.
Stone tide domino effect