We cant avoid human error or inconsistency during the manual tamping. Is there an automatic jigger or tamping procedure that we can use which still aligned with astm c109. Thank you!
Those cubes should be rodded 32 times alternating along the sides after every 4. 2 lifts. Its honestly surprising how many technicians dont know how to do cubes, however cubes and mud balance arent taught on the ACI I and it really should be...
@David M You are absolutely correct in all of this! Glad I'm not only the one who thinks this and sees that it isn't taught on just about a daily basis.
Can I know which standard did you use for the grout testing?
We cant avoid human error or inconsistency during the manual tamping. Is there an automatic jigger or tamping procedure that we can use which still aligned with astm c109. Thank you!
Very good informations
is it not hat the crushing machine has to have a square section ?????? so all the rsult so far are not accurate
8x yeah asshto recommends 32x tamping
This actually is full of errors. Working for a supplier if I ever saw a tech make cubes this way I would not accept any of their results.
Those cubes should be rodded 32 times alternating along the sides after every 4. 2 lifts. Its honestly surprising how many technicians dont know how to do cubes, however cubes and mud balance arent taught on the ACI I and it really should be...
@David M You are absolutely correct in all of this! Glad I'm not only the one who thinks this and sees that it isn't taught on just about a daily basis.