Although Clem has improved a lot, rogue may be the best player in the world. As he knocks more of the rust off, he will probably become the dominant Zurg of the planet. He just destroyed Clem, the second game win was particularly amazing, and Serral can’t even take a map off Clem!
Rogue doesn't allow terran to keep dropping mules and cc's uncontested. Swarms them and slowly but surely takes the map. It's actually the most solid way to play against terrans that want to turtle.
when rogue its on point he shows his world champion face
he's back
Although Clem has improved a lot, rogue may be the best player in the world. As he knocks more of the rust off, he will probably become the dominant Zurg of the planet.
He just destroyed Clem, the second game win was particularly amazing, and Serral can’t even take a map off Clem!
Rogue doesn't allow terran to keep dropping mules and cc's uncontested. Swarms them and slowly but surely takes the map. It's actually the most solid way to play against terrans that want to turtle.
Look at what rogue did to the world champ😂
clem just cant win if theres no 400k at stake 🙄