La guerra dei dazi di Trump. I tedeschi manifestano contro la destra.

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025
  • Dovrebbe entrare in vigore oggi l'ordine esecutivo firmato dal presidente statunitense Donald Trump che impone dazi del 10 per cento sulle importazioni dalla Cina, mentre sono stati rinviati di un mese i dazi del 25 per cento nei confronti di Messico e Canada. Con Annamaria Simonazzi, economista.
    Il 2 febbraio centinaia di migliaia di persone sono scese in piazza nelle principali città della Germania per protestare contro la scelta della Cdu, il partito conservatore, di cercare l’appoggio del partito di estrema destra Afd per far approvare alcuni provvedimenti. Con Cosimo Caridi, giornalista, da Berlino.
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    @KATIALATORRE День тому +3

    La Prof. Simonazzi spiega in modo straordinario. Grazie.

  • @michelec8324
    @michelec8324 День тому +2

    Quando L'UE ha imposto le sanzioni alla Russia mettendo in ginocchio la stessa economia dei paesi europei non avete fiatato. Da che parte state?

    • @EvgheniiS
      @EvgheniiS День тому

      Ma quale in ginocchio. Svegliati. Il commercio con la Russia è di molto inferiore rispetto al commercio EU con gli USA. E poi la Russia ha violato con strafottenza molti accordi internazionali, cosa che gli USA non hanno ancora fatto. Paragone del pippero.

    • @lessnessZZ
      @lessnessZZ День тому

      Ma ci sei o ci fai?

    • @francescoscarinci7109
      @francescoscarinci7109 День тому

      Vero! Con le esportazioni agricole e alimentari del nord, verso la Russia, ce la siamo presa in quel posto!

    • @michelec8324
      @michelec8324 День тому

      @@lessnessZZ Ce l'hai o c'è Lai? No, non ce l'hai...

  • @P_Lëtzebuerg
    @P_Lëtzebuerg День тому

    Yes, Europe 🇪🇺🇪🇺
    Being afraid of taxes compared to the United States is a sign of weakness. Unlike countries like Canada, Europe is not as dependent on the U.S. Europe exports goods worth €502 billion to the U.S., while Canada exports $599.8 billion, representing 19.7% and 77% of their total exports, respectively. In Europe, we have a global trade balance, which protects us from excessive vulnerability.
    I have analyzed in detail Italy’s exports to the U.S., and it appears that they mainly rely on food and luxury goods-products with low added value.
    Regarding military armament, I fully support the French position that the EU must prioritize European products when purchasing military equipment. “We must buy more European,” as this not only strengthens our defense but also boosts employment and innovation on our continent. I draw a parallel between these purchases and local food consumption: prioritizing our 🇪🇺 industries means securing our economic and strategic future. This is neither “isolationism” nor “protectionism,” but a rational choice for the future. France, as a nuclear and decision-making power, plays a central role in this strategy, offering Europe a major lever of influence on the international stage.
    European countries maintain a more controlled debt level compared to some larger states. Thanks to the European Bank, they can finance and develop high-tech military manufacturing plants, becoming centers of excellence. In partnership with key industries, particularly in Germany, we can stimulate production in more indebted regions, such as Italy, while ensuring highly skilled and high-value-added jobs.
    Furthermore, Italy, which represents only 7.92% of the European population, should not have a disproportionate influence on economic decisions related to a potential debt mutualization. 📌Especially since Italians, by refusing to join the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), have made it clear that they do not wish to take on the financial difficulties of other countries. This stance sends a strong signal to the 26 other member states, which, in contrast, embrace solidarity. As for Italy, it appears to be navigating between various influences, from Trump to Musk, without a clear direction on the international stage.
    📌Personally, I remain firmly opposed to any debt mutualization, which I believe is neither a viable nor a desirable solution for Europe’s future.

  • @mariorossi7327
    @mariorossi7327 День тому

    Banca etica.... è un ossimoro

  • @carloartaz
    @carloartaz День тому +1

    Quanta ipocrisia, quanta malafede. 😂😂😂😂

  • @francescoscarinci7109
    @francescoscarinci7109 День тому

    Ottimo, a colazione!

  • @gloriasoncini3659
    @gloriasoncini3659 6 годин тому

    Limpido che non lascia adito a interpretazioni personali

  • @gdp2621
    @gdp2621 День тому

    quanti bla bla bla.