Acrostic Psalm 9-10 in full. Tune: Psalm 107 (Old 107th - Genevan)

  • Опубліковано 14 січ 2025
  • Sing Psalms
    Psalm 9-10
    Source (by permission):
    • The Lord Will Come and...
    Tune: Old 107th
    Were Psalm 9 and 10 Originally One Psalm?
    • Psalm 10: Exegetical I...
    and psalms.scriptu...
    For more on the acrostic structure:
    • Psalms 9-10: Top 3 Poe...
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    PSALM 9
    1 I’ll praise you, LORD, with all my heart;
    your wonders I’ll proclaim.
    2 I will rejoice in you, Most High,
    and praise your holy name.
    3 Before you all my enemies fall,
    they turn their backs and flee.
    4 For you upheld my right and cause
    and judged me righteously.
    5 You have rebuked the nations, LORD;
    the wicked you destroyed.
    You blotted out the heathen’s name-
    for ever made it void.
    6 The enemy have met their doom,
    destroyed eternally.
    You have uprooted all their towns;
    they’re lost to memory.
    7 The LORD for ever reigns on high;
    his throne for judgment stands.
    8 He’ll judge the world in righteousness,
    with justice rule the lands.
    9 The LORD will be a hiding place
    for those who are oppressed,
    And he will be a strong defence
    for those who are distressed.
    10 All those who know your name, O LORD,
    in you their trust will place,
    For you do not abandon those
    who seek your gracious face.
    11 Sing praises to the LORD who sits
    in Zion on his throne;
    Among the nations of the world
    proclaim what he has done.
    12 For he, the avenger of man’s blood,
    remembers evermore;
    The cry of the afflicted one
    he never will ignore.
    13 O LORD, see how my enemies
    are persecuting me.
    Have mercy! From the gates of death
    lift me and set me free,
    14 So that in Zion’s city gates
    your praise I may declare,
    And that I may exult with joy
    in your salvation there.
    15 The nations all have fallen down
    into the pit they made;
    Their feet are tangled in the net
    which they themselves have laid.
    16 The LORD is known by righteous acts;
    his justice always stands.
    The wicked are ensnared in traps,
    the work of their own hands.
    17 The wicked will return to where
    the dead have their abode,
    Where all the heathen nations go
    that have forgotten God.
    18 The needy will not be ignored,
    forgotten all their days;
    The hopes and longings of the poor
    will not be crushed always.
    19 Arise, LORD! Let not man prevail;
    judge nations from your throne.
    20 That they may know how frail they are,
    with fear, LORD, strike them down.
    PSALM 10
    1 O LORD, why do you stand remote
    and stay so far away?
    Why do you hide yourself from us
    when trouble comes our way?
    2 The wicked in his arrogance
    hunts down the weak and poor,
    Who in the snares that he has set
    are caught and held secure.
    3 About the cravings of his heart
    he speaks with boastful word;
    He praises people filled with greed
    while he reviles the LORD.
    4 The wicked does not seek the LORD
    because he is so proud,
    And in his inmost thoughts there is
    no room at all for God.
    5 His ways are always prosperous;
    he strikes a haughty pose.
    He keeps his distance from your laws;
    he sneers at all his foes.
    6 He reassures himself and says,
    “No threat will topple me-
    I will be happy evermore;
    from trouble I’ll be free.”
    7 The wicked’s mouth is always full
    of curses, threats and lies;
    Evil and trouble from his tongue
    continually arise.
    8 He lies in wait near villages
    his victims’ blood to spill;
    He lurks in secret ambushes
    the innocent to kill.
    9 Like lions crouching secretly
    he waits for helpless prey.
    He pounces on the weak and poor;
    his net drags them away.
    10 His victims by his strength are crushed;
    his prey collapse and fall.
    11 He thinks, “God does not notice it;
    he does not see at all.”
    12 Arise, LORD God, lift up your hand;
    do not forget the poor.
    13 Why does the wicked say of God,
    “My conduct he’ll ignore”?
    14 But you, O God, do see such wrong
    and you will bring redress.
    The victim puts his trust in you;
    you help the fatherless.
    15 LORD, break the wicked person’s power
    and call him to account
    For all the evil which he thought
    would never be found out.
    16 The LORD will ever reign as king;
    his throne will always stand.
    The heathen nations of the world
    will perish from his land.
    17 O LORD, the needy ones’ desire
    you answer from on high;
    You give encouragement to them
    and listen to their cry.
    18 For you defend the fatherless
    and those who are oppressed,
    So that from fear of mortal man
    the helpless may have rest.