The Seer, the Seeing & the Seen (Part 1) - Igor Kufayev
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- ''When spoken casually these terms (Awakening, Self-Realization, Enlightenment) often denote the same state, yet in the light of direct experiences they are distinctively different. They are sequential unfoldment of consciousness within itself... There is no Enlightenment without realizing the Self, and there is no Self-Realization without Awakening. All this terms are intimately inter-connected... However, the awakened is not necessarily self-realized and self-realization is not Enlightenment in full measure of that term... '' - Igor Kufayev (Vamadeva), extract of the main theme of Live Webinar, Sept 2012.
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Igor Kufayev is leading expert in the field of human potential and personal transformation, professional artist and the founder of Flowing Wakefulness Organization. Speaking from direct realisation of Oneness, he inspires all people to recognise the fullest potential present in human birth. Igor Kufayev has been serving as a public speaker and retreat leader, offering transformational programs worldwide. Participants at Igor's programs have reported having access to higher states of consciousness, peak experiences, permanent relief from depression and spontaneous healing from chronic physical and psychological ailments.
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Thank you soooooo much ♡
Just remember everyone: Your "Higher Self", your "Atman" is an INDIVIDUAL as well. In the Vishishtadvaita Tradition for example, your Atman is the same as Brahman in QUALITY but not in QUANTITY. You are "One with God" in QUALITY but different and unique in QUANTITY. In other words, Your ATMAN is what has been termed in more modern "New Age" circles as your "Individualized Monad" or "I AM Presence." It is one with "God" in terms of nature, but different in terms of size or quantity, in that it is LOCALIZED to you as your own unique expression as a Human Spirit, just as each drop in the Ocean is NOT the whole ocean per se, but a part of that Ocean sharing the same ESSENCE as that Ocean. *But, the drop is NOT the entire Ocean.* Understanding the difference between QUALITY and QUANTITY when speaking of Consciousness (or even SAT - CHIT - ANANDA) is they key to all of these philosophies. The real deep down "YOU" (Higher Self/Atman) is as immortal and eternal as Brahman in quality, *but limited in terms of quantity for the purpose of individuation, unique identity, self expression, freedom and independence, and distinct originality of character in the multidimensional universe.* In fact, one of the keys to truly undestanding the Bhagavad Gita is to realize that Krishna is the allegorical IMAGE of your unique Higher Self and Arjuna is your current incarnation of that Higher Self clothed as your "Lower Self" (Ego and Human Personality , Persona/Mask, a.k.a. Jiva) which "Jiva" dwells within the 4 lower Koshas (or Bodies): Physical Body (Anna Maya Kosha), Etheric Body (Prana Maya Kosha), and Astral/Psychic Body (Mano Maya & Vijnana Maya Koshas combined). Ananda Maya Kosha (or Causal Body) is where your Higher Self or ATMAN dwells, which is allegorically the "Holy of Holies" mentioned in the Bible for example, or the Adytum (innermost sanctuary) of the ancient Greek temples. This is truly "the Kingdom of God within you." and is your truest Divine Nature. *Full circle - When you "Self-Realize" you merge your Lower Self into your Higher Self in the alchemical "Great Marriage" and you attain true "Divine Selfhood" at the highest spiritual level, and you complete the "GREAT WORK".* Once this occurs, you (Lower Self) are truly ENLIGHTENED because you are now bathing in the "light" of your Source Light, the spiritual bulb has been turned on, and you are now unified and "married" to your Higher Self as a whole NEW YOU, a "YOU" that is now a true Jivamukti (Liberated Person) while still in this lifetime. *AND THIS IS WHY you do Yoga, Meditation, and all other forms of Spiritual Practice - to unveil the Light that is within you and merge with it.* It's that simple. Hope this helps clear things up. Namaste to you all! Note: For more interesting knowlege on this, read here:
thank you this helps
Thank you so much Igor Kufayev ji for so simplifying the stages of consciousness and difference between awakening, self realization and enlightenment. Would you please make it clear if there is any duration necessary for this experience of self realization. Sometimes a seeker gets a glimpse of devatA (light) say for a second or a friction of second. Want your insight on this experience. Thanks and regards
why do I experience such extreme fatigue/immobility when I simply sit in presence? My practice is to simply sit in presence and inwardly meet pats of my self I have not ever met or have been pushing away, and to sit in allowance of that quality, becoming more still and feeling more expansive, I start to feel extremely fatigued and physically immobilized then mentally tired and end up having to take a nap. When I get in that state of inward expanse/resolve this tiredness seems inevitable...
It feels as though I can bring myself through my meditation/practice to a more profound level of seeing but it cannot be sustained and fall into sleepiness, like running I can push myself for only so long before my cardiovascular endurance shuts down. I don't know if what i'm saying holds any truth to it but i feels right now as though this same mechanic thwarts my ability take my clarity further for longer sustained periods of time, any knowledge you could share with me would be appreciated
I often hear that there is subject of consciousness and object, content of it. And that we are ultimately that subject (Atman=Brahman) and by ignorance we identify with content of consciousness. BUTas I love philosophy (western) I must agree with Galen Strawson (and he agrees here with William James) that there is no reason to think that there is subject of experience (pure consciousness without experience) - there is ONLY experience - it just is, doesn't need any subject of it. Subjective feeling of something that is experiencing is just inherent property of experience. There is NO subject/self/consciousness - only EXPERIENCE (with qualia). Content of consciousness (feelings, thoughts, colour red etc.) is the subject itself. This is very natural and intuitive to assume that subject is different from experience itself - we feel that there is someone who is observing. The experiencER. But I think that it may be only an illusion and that feeling of being the experiencer of experience is just another layer of experience. I/subject concept is obsolete, the experience is all there is. There is no knower just the experience of someone experiencing - it is a part of every experience. We are strongly attached to subject of experience concept but it is just the illusion - there is no-one experiencing - the experience exists on its own and the feeling that there is experiencer does not mean there is a real subject which is different from experience but that it is just a property of experience itself. If you are experiencing emptiness or lack of any experience - its still not true you or pure consciousness or atman but another experience, eg. experience of no experience
To me,there's no such thing as seeing,it's all thinking.Try to see something without thinking,impossible.The only ones who are able to 'see' are children until they are 2-3 years old .
Hopefully after 4 years you discovered that what you wrote is a misperception... Of course you can see without thinking and it happens everyday, even briefly despite of whether you realise it or not.
@@Alex722 How can you prove you're seeing something wthout thinking? All people are doing the same thing ,repeating empty words that have been put into their heads . I go even further and say that you've never seen anything in your entire life .
@@hermansohier7643 I can not prove it to you because it is an internal experience. BUT you can see it for yourself if you become aware of it.
I don’t want you to believe me or trust what I say. I say that you can discover if it’s true or not.
I can only confirm it through my own experience, otherwise I would not even dare to make such claim.
Hint: Awareness (which you are) is PRIOR to any mental activity.
Meaning even if thinking is going on, you can observe the stream of thoughts.
Thinking can be a deliberate process, in terms that I can think consciously, but also and MAINLY is an automatic process happening on its own, like the heart beating for example.
Basically you are not thinking, you are aware of your thoughts, you observe them.
Observation happens even when you think consciously, when you decide to do the thinking.
I won’t prove you anything, you will prove it to yourself if you just be open to challenge the belief that “it’s impossible to see without thinking”…
I even have a practice if you’re willing to try it.
When you have the time and are alone or somewhere quiet, just sit and observe everything silently verbally AND mentally.
The thoughts are just like any other object.
For example just like cars passing by or birds or whatever. Meaning you won’t claim them as “mine”, you just look at them like any external object.
Eyes closed or open do not matter at this point.
Silent observation without excluding anything. No judgment, no commentary, no wallowing in any thought, no imagination, no naming, no nothing. Just look around without commentating or evaluating neither verbally nor mentally.
Literally as long as you want from some seconds to however you like or can….
Doing that persistently you are bound to realise at some point, you’re looking without thinking, or just being.
In fact it happens on its own no matter who you are, there are times in the day that everyone experience the absence of thoughts but most people just don’t acknowledge it. But anyway I’ve already said more than enough…
@@hermansohier7643The first comment is very long I know, but if you’re sincere and want to see some others perspectives then try to read the whole thing.
Just be open to challenge any belief like “It’s impossible to see without thought”. You don’t really know if you don’t investigate in great depth.