Aero-TV: Tornado Alley Turbos - GA's Propulsion Development Powerhouse

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • One Of The Most Inventive Companies In GA Propulsion Updates ANN On Their Plans For The Future
    It would be hard to make a list of some of the most inventive and innovative companies in GA without putting Tornado Alley near the top. The creator of a number of upgrades and the inventor of a host of GA technologies, this company (we believe) is poised for even greater things than it has accomplished already... despite some pretty tough impediments in recent years (even beyond the vagaries of an economy hitting for the dumpster).
    TAT has put their stamp on a number of upgrades for some of GA's most popular birds... The Beech Bonanza, the Cessna Cardinal and C-185, the Cirrus SR22, and soon... the Beech Baron. Our own experience with their work, via our Cirrus G3 Turbo has been an eye-opener... offering reliability, economy, easy operation and the comfort of knowing that we've been sitting behind a mill that has piled up an amazing record for just plain flying its heart out.
    There are interesting times ahead for TAT... some months ago, Tim Roehl and his crew announced a new electronic wastegate turbo density-normalized controller for (first) the SR-22, deemed "TDN" to signify that the engine is Turbo Density-Normalized. The system will be the first part of a series of new, electronic engine controls being developed for Tornado Alley Turbo for use on a wide range of general aviation aircraft. The TDN smart controller will feature automatic adjustment of mass airflow to the engine to compensate for "hot day" conditions. In addition, the system will feature the codenamed "World Peace" component (details have not yet been released) that will provide substantially improved LOP operation of the engine to ensure adequate engine mass flow, allowing the pilot to obtain near maximum continuous engine horsepower.
    Beyond that, TAT is behind the development of a new generation of aviation fuels for GA use, G100UL... and that's but the tip of a pretty big iceberg. Mark our words, some of the most intriguing advancements in the GA propulsion game could be coming, soon, from these guys... and we can't wait.
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