Her cloth is so expensiv for average ethiopian! There are so many talented Habesha designer and much cheaper, you said its reasonable price but reasonable for who? your celeb friends? Agerawi should be affordable!!
I love your products Enku. This is my first exposure to such kind of designs and I am happy that the design of our cultural cloths has evolved to be inclusive of everyday wear. I love it.
I love all your works great concepts cotton made products represents habesha culture a lot and i like the fact that u use different designs in combination of an international designers really brilliant mindsets my life time dreams luxury designer items to combine with habesha traditional items. Really happy to c u dit it wish you all the very best and huge successs 👍💖💐fashion & business mindsets are absolutely my favorite topics hv been following all ur great works really amazing concepts loveeeeee it💯👍💐👑🏆much love 💖💖💖💖💖
Berchi and good luck!! We need to bring our clothes to the western world. And you are ready to compete. From organic material, it will be expensive but you will have your customer. Only you know when you know how much work is applied to make one. Good luck!!!
Your clothing line is immaculate (betam Konjo, menme yemayewetalet) but it is not affordable for average Ethiopians. So come up with ideas to include all Ethiopians.
My brother ordered a wedding clothes and it was triple his size he was so disappointed and they paid $1800 you guys need to know and check the size before you send it, or measure it after you make it.
She keeps saying it’s ready to ware like it’s the first store to do that aren’t all clothes ready to ware in stores and it’s not a new design literally all western women ware like this in there late 30s so why she thinks foreigners will buy this as if this is something new 😂
Enku design is talented, but their customer service is pretty poor. Talent or money will not make you successful if you provide poor customer service, which she is well-known for diaspora in America.
Her cloth is so expensiv for average ethiopian! There are so many talented Habesha designer and much cheaper, you said its reasonable price but reasonable for who? your celeb friends? Agerawi should be affordable!!
በጣም ያምራል ሃገራችን እያደገች ነው ያለችው አምላክ ሃገራችንን ይጠብቅልን መጪው ዘመን የሰላም የጤና እንዲሆን ምኞቴ ነው !!!
የሚድያ ሸፋን ሰላገኝ ነው እንጂ ከ ዛሬ 25 ዓመት በፊት የኔ እናት በዝህ ሁሉ ዘንጣበታለች ከነ ሙሉ የልጅነት ወዝዋ ማማዬ የኔ ዘናጭ 🤛💪
Bahlachn Merkel new
ዋው ዋው በጣም ነው የሚያምረው የእኔ ውድ ልዕልት እንቁዬ ጀግና በርቺ ኑሩልን እመብርሃን ታበርታሽ
ጥሩ ስም ያላት ጎበዝ ስፊ ናት 🙏🏼ዋጋዋም የተመጣጠነ ይመስል ይሆን? አሜን🙏🏼
እንቁዬ የኔ ጀግና ትቺያለሽ በርቺልን ትለያለሽ የማደንቅሽ በምክንያት ነው።
I love your products Enku. This is my first exposure to such kind of designs and I am happy that the design of our cultural cloths has evolved to be inclusive of everyday wear. I love it.
እንቁዬ ኔክስት ፋሽን ዲዛይን ካፈራየው ምርጥ ዲዛይነሮቾ መሀከል ጎበዝ ታታሪ ጠንካራ ሰ
ሴት ዲዛዮነሮች መሀከል አንድዋ በመሆንሽ ኩራት ይሰማናል።
Wow good work 👏 👍 💐
i encounter completely her choice: so smart/so elegant!!
በጣም ያምራሉ
በጣም ነዉ የሚያምረዉ በርችልን ❤እኔም ድዛይን ለመሆን እየጣርኩ ነዉ እግዚአብሔር ከረዳኝ 🥰
በርቺ! ተስፋ አለመቁረጥ
Enkuye i am proud of you keep up a great job
I love all your works great concepts cotton made products represents habesha culture a lot and i like the fact that u use different designs in combination of an international designers really brilliant mindsets my life time dreams luxury designer items to combine with habesha traditional items. Really happy to c u dit it wish you all the very best and huge successs 👍💖💐fashion & business mindsets are absolutely my favorite topics hv been following all ur great works really amazing concepts loveeeeee it💯👍💐👑🏆much love 💖💖💖💖💖
I love her collection it’s elegant and stylish my favorite color bold colors l wish her all the best
Betam konjo newe enamesegenalen
I love her she is real hard working woman 🙏💜
She is a very humble and talented woman
Beautiful designs, I can't wait to see the website.
It looks beautiful and keep it up! Hope the price is not too expensive to any buyers!!💚💛❤️
Enkuye , good job. I am proud of you.
Berchi and good luck!!
We need to bring our clothes to the western world. And you are ready to compete.
From organic material, it will be expensive but you will have your customer. Only you know when you know how much work is applied to make one.
Good luck!!!
your dresses are really very smart/ very nice! the added value is that this is a handmade-hand wooven cotton organic material dress!
hulum sew addis neger mefter benchel Alem selam yehon neber....berchi jegnit💪👍
That nice I can't wait when I come Ethiopia take same
Your clothing line is immaculate (betam Konjo, menme yemayewetalet) but it is not affordable for average Ethiopians. So come up with ideas to include all Ethiopians.
አድራሻው የት ነው
Good job👌👌👌
My brother ordered a wedding clothes and it was triple his size he was so disappointed and they paid $1800 you guys need to know and check the size before you send it, or measure it after you make it.
Mnm senmgbar yelelat sew nat betam sew tnkalch
She keeps saying it’s ready to ware like it’s the first store to do that aren’t all clothes ready to ware in stores and it’s not a new design literally all western women ware like this in there late 30s so why she thinks foreigners will buy this as if this is something new 😂
መቼም ዉድነዉ ሚሆነዉ በቀላሉ እሚገኝ አይመሥለኚም
የዲዛይነር ልብስ ማለት ውድ ልብስ ማለት ነው ትርጉሙ
wow moksheye slayehush des blognal
I can't wait to visit your shop
Enku design is talented, but their customer service is pretty poor. Talent or money will not make you successful if you provide poor customer service, which she is well-known for diaspora in America.
በመጀመሪያ ሰላም መቀጠል እንቁዬ ምንም ስነምግባር የሌላት ነጋዴ ናት እሺ ልብሶች ኦርደር ኣድርገን ግማሽ ግማሽ ነው የላከችልን ሀሉንም ኣትልክም እና በጣም ባለጌ ናት እወቁ ብንደውል ኣትመልስም
ትክክል ግንዘባችሁን እንደመጣል ቁጠሩት እሷ ጋር ካሰራችሁ እህቶቼ ለሰርግ 2 ልብስ አዘው እሷ ጋር ያለ ነጠላ ነው ያስረከበቻቸው ነጠላውን እሰጣለሁ ብላ ሰርጉ ካለፈ በኋላ አመላልሳ ሰጠቻቸው
Menew replied yaregachu TPLF TPLF shetetachugne😂😜
እኔ አሰርቻለው ከሀገር ውጪ ነው ያለሁት ግን በትክክል ነው የላከችልኝ
@@senushikore7663 Am proud Ethiopian, everything is not about politics her brand is only for rich and famous!!
It’s nice gen aylkafem abasha kameswa goes to $3000 that’s too much
ኧረ ወደዚያ ሱሪ ለሴት ሰፍተሽ ትገርሪያለሽ ደግሞ አቅራቢዎቹ
ምንም ሳይሰሩ መተቸት አይደብርም
@@ቅዱስእማኑኤል የሴት ልብስ አይደለም ልብሱ እንጂ ሌላ ምንም አልተቸሁም የወንድ ልብስ ሰፍታ የሴት ነው ትላለች እንዴ
ደግሞ የሰራሁትን ላንተ ማሳወቅ አይጠበቅብኝም
Liya heel chama yikiribish ehit
memar efelgalhu enkuye endietena yet temarsh
Mulu kotina suri waggawu sint nw,???
Kkkkkkkk ager eyetetramese enante min endelale timeslalachu hodamoch
Menew mekegna & yegema TPLF shetehegnesa!!😂
ኢትዮጵያዊ አይደለህም በስምህ አንሸወድም በኢትዮጵያ ማደግ ትቃጠላላችሁ ገና
Silk kutir yeleshem
gn gn zare nafqi yet hedech ee
egzabher yirdash , yaleshin emik chilota le hagerish bemawalish , berchi
Lea betm tankar set nesh 👞 flat butadiene emartal