Ogwen valley wild camp Gallt Yr Ogof

  • Опубліковано 12 чер 2024
  • SATURDAY 25TH MAY 2024
    I parked my car in a layby, back pack at the ready and then start walking up the A5 road passing the old empty Moel Siabod Café up to Curig Capel. I pass Joe Browns store following up a road towards the Snowdonia Slate way, coming off this path to go upwards pass Creigian r Gelli, very rugged and steep and a few nice ways to walk before meeting my most favourite Mr Bogland. Treading gently as I didn’t want to be waistline up in smelly bogs, omg does it stink, at this point makes me remember the film Labyrinth, Ludo complaining to Sarah on the smell of the ‘Bog of eternal stink’ bit like that ha!
    Onwards and upwards, in and out avoiding bogs staying close to rocky areas, I pass a man, he says hope you got waterproof footwear, I giggled to myself thinking, no I haven’t no boot works at the moment, continued up steep hill for a while then it levelled out, look to see if anywhere is good to pitch my tent then think nah, as the weather winds were SE & SSE, needed to be up a bit higher and over 500 metres, up another steep bit then I come to a huge plateau of boggy grasslands and keep following my route on my map. Bogs tried their best to get me but I was too clever for them, plus I respect the hell out of them due to them being quite monstrous, would eat me whole if they got their ways. I come to a rather boggy swamp like area and funny enough the stile was waving at me like it was laughing at me and saying ‘how you gonna reach me’? Little did it know I had a fab plan, I spotted my mate rock 1inch under water, I jumped to it and landed beautifully as my fab boots gripped well to that rock and got me to safety yayyyy happy me. Satisfied I climb over the stile and start climbing upwards another fab steep incline, as I reached the opening, I had the view of the fabulously amazing mountain Tryfan in front of me Omg it was beautiful, I stop and stand there staring thinking ‘Wow’ this view was perfect now I had to find a perfect pitch for my tent. I walk upwards, looking for the perfect spot, then a light shining at a perfect spot, not really I just wanted to add this write up to sound more funner hee hee
    I was just under 743m high, under the summit of Gallt Y Ogof 746m and sheltered from the wind, finally able to try my new tent out. Gallt yr Ogof is a sister peak to Y Foel Goch, which is located on the ridge heading west to Glyder Fach. As its name suggests there is a cave to be found on the cliffs on the precipitous eastern side of the peak.
    Once tent set up I decided to summit Gallt Yr Ogof, I get to high point as it looked like a trig point lol I was like ‘this isn’t the summit and look over and see the actual summit opposite me, it waved to me just like the stile mocked me a bit further down, so off I went down rocky hill and then up rocky hill reaching my hand out to tap the summit thingy, well pile of rocks. Wooooo hooo another ticked off another challenge I’m doing hee hee. I return to my tent happy and decide to chill and have some food. The stove was happily boiling away then suddenly it fall over losing my water in it too, I was like noooooooooo, but on a positive my food in a bag was ready and hot. I watch the sunset and then go to sleep, ready for the next day ahead.I wake early hours and I hear the first bit of heavy rain, the wind was there but not as strong as last time I wild camped, I fall back to sleep till my evil alarm went off, at 4am. I forced myself to get up, boiled my water as stove, have breakfast and pack up ready for the less heavy but dizzle window at 5am ish
    All packed up did my last checks around the area, leaving no trace, left at 5:43am, heading towards Y Foel Goch. Y Foel Goch is a mountain in Snowdonia, north-west Wales, and is a sister peak along with Gallt yr Ogof to Glyder Fach. Between Glyder Fach and its summit lies Llyn Caseg-fraith, a popular lake for photographing Tryfan and its reflection, but only if you have a view that is ha ha I had no view Sunday.
    I pass Llyn Y Gaseg Fraise tarn, over more bogs and then I reach a crossroads path, I take the one going down towards Tryfan, rocky scramble downwards, as I get down near the bottom, it levels out, I then follow around a slate path, bringing me back on a rocky path, up and down I go then eventually upwards to a stile, then following past Bwlch Tryfan, not going upwards towards Tryfan.
    The long walk in the rain felt like forever, but it was still so beautiful around me, I pass Gallt Yr Ogof and I look up, it was a beaut of a mountain, so lucky to have stayed up there Saturday night. A few kilometres and puddles later, I finally reach Capel Curig, then the last bit walking along the road to reach my car, Honda jazz was jazz hands waving at me and waiting patiently for me in the lay-by.
    I sit in my car thinking where to stay for the night, luckily find a place to stay in Llanllyfni, turns out amazingly clean Hostel and lovely place to stay, I got to feed their Alpacas and sheep, absolutely loved it.


  • @1982Noddin
    @1982Noddin Місяць тому +2

    Lovely camp and video. Bit misty at some points eh!