  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @SF-pl3zh
    @SF-pl3zh Місяць тому

    I felt an urgency over 12 years ago, at that time I spent a lot of time in Daniel, Revelation, Thessalonians, etc…. Trying to figure out the timing of the rapture. Is it after the great tribulation and before Gods wrath begins (Rev 6:17) ??? I am still not certain. But the Lord showed me that being right on this is not important. So I am trying to teach my family to trust in the Lord and be ready, grow closer to Him or we will not be able to endure what is to come. The antichrist and the rest of the world will come after the saints, this is our time to witness and reach as many as we can. The time is now, it’s going to get worse.

  • @smde1
    @smde1 Місяць тому

    If the church is in the world It is tribulation. If the church is taken out of the world It is judgement.

  • @GibGuymer
    @GibGuymer Місяць тому

    If the church is really the hope of the world how does it make any sense that whenever things get bad you take the good news away. The church always shines whenever people are in the most distress because we serve a wounded healer. We serve someone that knows what it's like to be in the darkness, to be in the suffering, to be in the pain to feel alone. If a tribulation was in the future then that would be the time when the church would shine the brightest so why take us out before then. One of the other reasons that this exploded over the past 190 years especially in the western world, especially in America, is because it turns into a theology that kind of serves us. I mean who wants to go through suffering and who wants to go through pain especially for your enemies. It's pretty convenient to say that before things get bad that the church will be taken out. Why say that the tribulation is still yet to come and that the Rapture will happen right before a future tribulation. How do you say that the tribulation is not here with a straight face to the underground church of China. How do you say that there's a future tribulation, just not a present one, to the Christians in Haiti, or to Christians in Iraq, or in Iran. How do you say with the straight face to the Coptic Christians who are being beheaded in Libya that tribulation is yet to come. It's a convenient theology when the worst persecution that you have is taking Merry Christmas away from the door greeters at Walmart. But the history of the world the history and of the church is one saturated with the blood of the martyrs. The tribulation has been raging since Jesus hung on a cross and there is not some future thing that allows us to be able to escape some suffering. The more that we are obedient to Christ, the more that suffering comes it kind of goes with the territory.