"𝐖𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬": 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬?

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 24 дні тому +1

    Even the firstborn of Moses who was born outside of the covenant would have been killed, had his mother not tapped into the covering of the blood covenant of of circumcision in order to be under the patronage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and God's promises to them. Exodus 4:24-26.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    It's very hard to read the bible because it is the book of life, meaning it is alive, it is a living book.
    It is a two- way study. It studies you as you study it, and it shows you your heart.
    You cannot pick it up without either an ulterior agenda or you are really serious about learning more about its content.
    The moment you decide to even pick it up, your heart begins to race, you're uncomfortable before you make the final move to open the book.
    Isaiah 29:8, 11-13.
    If you're educated, you cannot approach it as such, or if you're illiterate, you cannot avoid it because of this.
    The book ministers to both the literate and the illiterate alike, by the power of the Holy Spirit, because the word becomes fluid, as it flows into their hearts.
    As long as you open the book, you cannot stop the flow. There's no barrier that can stop it from getting into the innermost core of your heart.
    Now, you can resist, but it will cut deep, but if you open your heart to it, it will flow gently, but still take care of obstacles along the path.
    The written word comes alive and becomes an interface with your heart. They begin a dialogue, and eventually you begin to get convicted as it touches on those sensitive issues you thought you had buried deeply into the recess of your mind and begins to chisel away. If you relax and gives it permission, it will root it all out, bleed it out and begins the reconstruction of all that hadn't aligned with the word. The pain is out of this world, but there's Balm in Gilead!
    You feel the cool touch of the loving hand that just turned your whole life upside down, inside out, and a peace that you can never describe at the same time, which then wraps you in the most beautiful love that you have never experienced.
    This will make you always go back to the word, for in it you now have what is called LIFE John 5:39; 1 John 5:11-12.
    This life is from the presence of the Holy Spirit, to which you were connected as with an intravenous drip, on which your life depends.
    You feel alive, and nothing else matters, because His angels become like care givers, and take care of all your other stuff you may not be able to do, because you're connected!
    Then you learn to rest!
    By the time you finish the dose for the day, you're so energized you can take on an army, but you'll be led and directed by the Holy Spirit, so you don't mess up your still open sore, and not be a meddler in other people's affairs. Meaning, you only mind God's business as you're being led. The devil will always be at your heel, but as long as you remain connected, by the line- the Holy Spirit, you're already made more than a conqueror, through the power that runs inside of you. But you must study daily and at all times Proverbs 8, so you can get to know the God and Jesus Christ of the bible John 17:3, and His way, His will in all spiritual wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, discretion, prudence, might and counsel. That is Life everlasting!
    No one likes this!
    On the other hand, if you resist, you will be condemned, and the connection will be cut off . The devil will have the opportunity to accuse you, first to yourself, and then before God, and will he will definitely be on the right, and you will not be able to overcome him, no matter what you do. He fights dirty. He will show you what you will be missing if you remained connected, and you will not be able to resist, the living waters that flow softly, for that from the well,which you use your own power to dig. He will get you so far away from the life you need before he deals you a good blow, and you may or not recover from it.
    Moreover, he does worse things to those who are even connected, but they're never alone.
    Therefore, both had to get to the end and then finally be redeemed, restored, or rejected and renounced.
    This is the main reason the bible is hard to study.
    You can only get what you put in to the study - as to time and effort, that's why not many spiritual people understand the bible Matthew 13:11; Deuteronomy 29:29. The Apostle Paul spent 14 years in Arabia, just going over all the material evidence he collected while following Jesus Christ, to persecute Him, but they turned out to be the infallible proof he got to prove Who Jesus Christ really is- The Messiah, and effectively disseminated the information he gathered, by the enabling help if the Holy Spirit, through all his epistles to us all Romans 16:24; Colossians 1:26 etc.
    God had to find those that love and fear Him to be able to confide His secrets to them Psalm 25:14, otherwise, people who profess to know God will misuse and abuse His word and revealed will.
    The race is really not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.

  • @davidsonawomukwu9702
    @davidsonawomukwu9702 25 днів тому +1

    1 Peter 1:2 , Peter used the phrase ( sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ). Please can this be explained ?.

    • @dejiade49
      @dejiade49 25 днів тому +3

      Dear, what you need to think of is, how the blood was used in the Old Testament. The 3 times when the blood was sprinkled, it's always for cleasing of sin. Here Peter was saying that those saints had been cleansed by the blood shed by Jesus on the cross

    • @ronkebarber6238
      @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

      Leviticus 17:11- the life of the flesh is in the blood!
      Jesus Christ exchanged His life for the Believer in Him, His death, for their life, until He returns. Galatians 2:19-20.
      Hebrews 12:24-26. This is the new and living way to approach and access the throne of God. He sees the blood only, as it covers the Believer. Hebrews 10:7-19-22.
      This is not about the blood handled by the high priest, but the blood that Jesus Christ shed when He was nailed on the cross for the propitiation of all sins.
      The blood that was put on the lintel and doorposts in Goshen, physically and spirituality covered all the firstborn in those households. The cover was taken away when Israel rejected God and chose to listen to Moses instead Exodus 19, which led to the giving of the law; institution of the Priesthood; and replacement of Levi, as the Son of God, in place of Israel Numbers 3.
      Thus, each sinner must bring their own blood for sacrifice for sin, which gets wiped out once a year as the priests atoned for theirs as well, until Jesus Christ, the long awaited Lamb of God, prophesied by Abraham, came and shed His sinless blood, which covers all who believe in Him and the atoning power of His blood, which avails to them until His return. The blood covers- by faith!
      This blood not only cleanses but pleads for the Believer who invokes its power before the throne of God, from the Mercy Seat.
      The blood speaks and pleads for the Believer, the Holy Spirit intercedes for the Believer Romans 8:26; Jesus Christ advocates 1 John 2:1.
      So, pleading the power of the blood of Jesus is scriptural. It quickens any dying or dead issues concerned the Believer in Christ.
      The blood of sacrificial bulls and goats, kept all who died before the advent of Jesus Christ, alive in paradise- from Abel to Abraham, to David and all who had lived in obedience to the laws, until the blood of Jesus was shed on the cross, and washed it all away, and quickened them all. The graves were opened, they were resurrected after Jesus Christ had ascended to heaven, sprinkling the blood on the Mercy Seat, then, they came out of their graves, and even Abraham was able to witness the promises of God about his seed, while he walked through the promised land. Matthew 27:51-53.
      Before Believers are redeemed, they're regenerated by the power of the blood, which gives us access to God the Father Ephesians 2:13; the blood on the lintel and doorposts, protects the whole premises, and the people inside, kept alive by the power of the blood, and the quickening power of the Holy Spirit, that keeps all Believers in Christ alive until He returns, because they die daily, Romans 8:11; Ephesians 2:1-19; 1 Corinthians 15; 31; Galatians 2:20.
      That was why Jesus Christ left the taking of Communion for Believers, to do as often as they do it, in remembrance of His death which was the life of them, until He returns as promised to redeem them and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father.
      The power of the blood is not energized in the mouth of the unbeliever.
      God will never honor anyone who is not His. Psalm 50:15-17.
      If any believers plead the blood, let the Holy Spirit refute or confirm it.
      Known to God are all His works from the beginning of the world! Acts 15:18.
      Let's continue to preach the gospel of salvation of the soul of man. There's little time left.

    • @ronkebarber6238
      @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому +1

      It means that God attributes the power of the shed blood to the sinner that approaches His throne, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, and they don't get cast away, but heard and responded to, and obtains mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16.
      No man can enter into the presence of God and live!
      No dead person or anything with sin, can access the throne room and live, so the blood of sprinkling does the pleading, the Holy Spirit intercedes and Jesus Christ advocates!
      That's why there's no more remission for sins for anyone who does despite to the blood of Jesus Christ, trampling on it and counts it an unholy thing. That's one of the sins that could never be forgiven forever! Hebrews 10:26-30; 6:4-8!

    • @ronkebarber6238
      @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

      Leviticus 17:11- the life of the flesh is in the blood!
      Jesus Christ exchanged His life for the Believer in Him, His death, for their life, until He returns. Galatians 2:19-20.
      Hebrews 12:24-26. This is the new and living way to approach and access the throne of God. He sees the blood only, as it covers the Believer. Hebrews 10:7-19-22.
      This is not about the blood handled by the high priest, but the blood that Jesus Christ shed when He was nailed on the cross for the propitiation of all sins.
      The blood that was put on the lintel and doorposts in Goshen, physically and spirituality covered all the firstborn in those households. The cover was taken away when Israel rejected God and chose to listen to Moses instead Exodus 19, which led to the giving of the law; institution of the Priesthood; and replacement of Levi, as the Son of God, in place of Israel Numbers 3.
      Thus, each sinner must bring their own blood for sacrifice for sin, which gets wiped out once a year as the priests atoned for theirs as well, until Jesus Christ, the long awaited Lamb of God, prophesied by Abraham, came and shed His sinless blood, which covers all who believe in Him and the atoning power of His blood, which avails to them until His return. The blood covers- by faith!
      This blood not only cleanses but pleads for the Believer who invokes its power before the throne of God, from the Mercy Seat.
      The blood speaks and pleads for the Believer, the Holy Spirit intercedes for the Believer Romans 8:26; Jesus Christ advocates 1 John 2:1.
      So, pleading the power of the blood of Jesus is scriptural. It quickens any dying or dead issues concerned the Believer in Christ.
      The blood of sacrificial bulls and goats, kept all who died before the advent of Jesus Christ, alive in paradise- from Abel to Abraham, to David and all who had lived in obedience to the laws, until the blood of Jesus was shed on the cross, and washed it all away, and quickened them all. The graves were opened, they were resurrected after Jesus Christ had ascended to heaven, sprinkling the blood on the Mercy Seat, then, they came out of their graves, and even Abraham was able to witness the promises of God about his seed, while he walked through the promised land. Matthew 27:51-53, before they were taken to be presented faultless, before the presence of God the Father. Ephesians 4:7-10; Psalm 68:18.
      Before Believers are redeemed, they're regenerated by the power of the blood, which gives us access to God the Father Ephesians 2:13; the blood on the lintel and doorposts, protects the whole premises, and the people inside, kept alive by the power of the blood, and the quickening power of the Holy Spirit, that keeps all Believers in Christ alive until He returns, because they die daily, Romans 8:11; Ephesians 2:1-19; 1 Corinthians 15; 31; Galatians 2:20.
      That was why Jesus Christ left the taking of Communion for Believers, to do as often as they do it, in remembrance of His death which was the life of them, until He returns as promised to redeem them and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father.
      The power of the blood is not energized in the mouth of the unbeliever.
      God will never honor anyone who is not His. Psalm 50:15-17.
      If any believers plead the blood, let the Holy Spirit refute or confirm it.
      Known to God are all His works from the beginning of the world! Acts 15:18.
      Let's continue to preach the gospel of salvation of the soul of man. There's little time left.

    • @belovedflorence4109
      @belovedflorence4109 24 дні тому

      Go to the scriptures and slowly read the book of Hebrews

  • @topeoloniniyi335
    @topeoloniniyi335 24 дні тому +2

    All this long talk. What is the difference between plead and acknowledge. Is it wrong to acknowledge the blood of Jesus over anything. We are already healed by his stripes. Why do we still claim our healing when sick. If we are already forgiven, what's wrong with acknowledging what the blood has done by faith. Read Col. 1:20. Blood of Jesus is not for forgiveness of sin only. It is for overcoming,Rev. 12:11 For reconciling all thing to God, Col. 1:20 for nearness to God, Eph. 2:13 plus more

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    The "Church ", isn't the building where people congregate to worship who or what they like, it is the New Creation of God, made up of believers in the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, from all over the world, no matter their background. They're daily infilled with and led by the Holy Spirit, kept in His fold until He returns to redeem His purchased possession, as promised, and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father.
    The Holy Spirit has left these buildings, thus they can do as they please. They didn't say they wanted to be saved or seek eternal life with Christ Jesus in God, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, so, let them be.
    Nebuchadnezzar and the Romans could only enter the temple to destroy it only after the presence and glory of GOD left Ezekiel chapters 8-11; Matthew 24:1. The restraining power had left! This power instantly killed even the high priest who came with the tiniest of sin, how much more the heathen or unbelievers.
    The end justifies the means.
    They're doing what feels best for them, knowing that this world is programmed to fail- everything is geared toward vanity. Esau had his bowl of porridge, he lived to regret it.
    Most of these preachers already got fat from the offerings and tithes of gullible, unsuspecting congregants, and they're blinded by the five senses, which only ends in death and destruction. Life only comes in abiding in Christ Jesus till the end. John 8:21; Matthew 24:13.
    They're feeling good, so let them enjoy their fleeting time.
    They didn’t know the Way, the Truth and the Life, but they're putting together their own truth, to sell to those who would buy it.
    The five foolish virgins are already lining up to "buy" oil for their dead lamp, because they didn't bring enough. Both they and the sellers will be outside of the shut gate...but, there's still time this day, for any of them who would turn back to the fold. If they can bear to leave their temporal comfort zones, and seek for the eternal. 1 John 2:19; Hebrews chapters 6 and 10.
    No excuses on that day! @Corey4Jesus
    No denominations. Whatever is not in the scriptures will not be part of being judged.
    There's nothing about that in the Bible.
    The Apostle Paul was only taking responsibility for all those who put their faith in the Lord through his preaching. There's nothing about the other 11 Apostles doing exactly that but if you do see it, please let me me know.
    John 4:24; Matthew 28:19-20.
    If you find yourself alone, the presence of the Holy Spirit makes you two- If you're infilled and led by Him, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Mark 16:26-18.
    None of His word shall ever return to Him void, despite our traditions and extra-biblical beliefs. Matthew 15:3; Isaiah 55:11!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    If the foundation be destroyed, what can the Righteous do? Psalm 11:3.
    These destroyed the foundation of God in Christ Jesus, and built on it different denominations and doctrines, using names of saints and great men and women, to replace the ONLY NAME GIVEN AMONG MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED! Acts 4:12; 12:43; Philippians 2:8-9; John 3:18; 5:24; 6:44-47; 20:31.
    You do not to be taught in the seminary 1 John 2:27, unless you do not have His Holy Spirit, and do not speak in tongues as the evidence of His presence in you. Mark 16:17.
    Every book known or unknown will be opened on that day, and the book of life will be opened as well, get your name written in the book of life by simply believing on the One God has anointed and sent, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Revelation 20:11-15.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    Galatians 5:1-5; Romans 6: 7, 8, 12-14; Jeremiah 31:31-34.
    The just shall live by Faith, for without faith, it is impossible to please God, for God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth, for by grace are ye saved, not of works, lest any man should boast. Therefore, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom, for you are still in your sins, for your righteousness is as a filthy rag! Isaiah 66; Matthew 5:20; Romans 6:14-15.
    Jesus Christ went through all this and became a cursed for us, by hanging on the cross. We do despite to His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, by not accepting it simply by grace through faith, and treading under foot, the blood that purchased you, because without faith, it is impossible to please God Hebrews 11:1-6; 10:29.
    The Apostles preached only to the Jews according to the directive given them in Matthew 10:5. They were supposed to eventually evangelize the whole world if they received Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King- the Son of David, prophesied to be the King of the Jews. He was slighted when He rode on the colt and its foal into the temple, as they continued their business. Thus, He must then die for the sins of the world as God concluded both Jews and gentiles in sin, and as coming short of His glory. So He went to the cross John 12:32. After His resurrection, He gave His desciples a new directive- go and preach the gospel to all creation Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15-16. But they refused and remained in Jerusalem, so they began to be persecuted and some were killed. They scattered all over the world for this, but still preached only to Jews. Acts 15; Galatians 2, the Apostle Paul ( the 12th desciple called by Jesus before He went to the cross), had to contend with James and Peter, because of their legalistic views on preaching the gospel of grace.
    Thus, the epistles of 1 Peter, James, John were all written to the Jews only.
    2 Peter was written after his encounter with Paul, so He included both Jews and gentiles.
    We should rightly divide the word of truth, for grace and the law are two parallel lines that can never meet. You either obey and live by the law James 2:10; Galatians 3:12.
    If you live by the law, Jesus Christ and His sacrifice is useless for you, and you're still in your sins.
    The new law and commandment Jesus left was to love God and love your fellow man as He has loved you John 13:34-35!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    Through the Bible with Les Feldick: ua-cam.com/play/PLeBJdQU2p21YslX7VOBnUJJ5L7yhPSQnW.html

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому +1

    Jesus did not say to go build church as buildings but as people, the members of His body. No earthly "church" no matter the denomination, will make heaven. Only individuals who have trusted in the sacrificial work of Salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross shall be infilled by His Holy Spirit, by Grace and through faith. So get away from all these. No pastor has ever or will ever fully preach the whole counsel of God, but do it in bits and pieces- a little here, a little there and form a doctrine cor those with itchy ears, who can't stand the truth. But the end will justify the means. We have only one directive, one Lord, one baptism of the Holy Spirit, one fold. At this time those still outside it still have the opportunity to leave the world and its ways- the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. It's all encompassing. No one is left out neither pastors, politicians, princes, prophets nor people. The time is nearer than when we first heard. One should take heed of anyone trying to get the truth out in this days. Its getting more difficult, so go back to the scriptures before it's too late!
    Yes, it's true to feed God's people. It has been so since the beginning. Let everyone starts from where they gather together. Take care of the people of God in your care. They are not your members. They only came looking for God and you made yourselves god instead. Let them go back to the Bishop and shepherd of their soul- our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You will all give account to God for them. Unfortunately not a single penny, cent or kobo will go with them to the grave. Go to your treasuries and bring out the money and food and give the people under your, care, most of whom have become thieves and robbers and murderers and kidnappers for money making rituals to make fat and very proud. There money is the very thing you are using to oppress them! Indeed, they are perished fir lack of knowledge. So teach them, feed them, and get them prepared for the coming of the Head of the Church, otherwise, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth! There will no longer be room for do-over!
    2 Samuel 5:2, 7:7; 1 Chronicles 11:2, 17:6; Micah 7:4 Matt. 2:6; Jeremiah 23; Ezekiel 34; Zech. 10:2; John 21:12-17.
    So all will have to give account to God why they only got stuck in Malachi 3. Luke 6:38, 2 Corinth. 9:7.
    And not even teaching the whole book lest the people see for themselves what God really said!
    The people themselves shall give account to God why they will not search the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit for help, whether they literate or illiterate. The Holy Spirit's work is to teach and interpret and bring the word into our rememberance. John 14:26. We have no excuse!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    Pastors don't seek to know the whole biblical plot and how they fit or not, into the scheme of things.
    They have evolved into perfecting the Holy in the secular, the Spirit, in the flesh, and sowing to themselves eventual death, destruction and ultimate corruption of body, mind, soul and spirit.
    They have become the gods of each religious organization they head, and the people's ideas of who God and Jesus Christ really are, depend on individual pastor, who now lord it over the people for whom God actually sent, forsook and left His own Son to fall into the carefully woven trap of satan, death and hell, and to be raised up from the dead, in order to convince those for whom He came to understand that they can only live in and by and through Him, and His Holy Spirit, whom He sent.
    Pastors Have marginalized the whole Godhead and become gods of all whose minds are being controlled and brought into subjection and bondage called Christianity and religion.
    Christ in God by His Holy Spirit alone reserve the right to be over His fold, so get thee out from under their mind control and acknowledge the grace that purchased you, by the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
    None of them died for you, none will ever die for you, actually, none will ever even ask for your welfare unless your tithes and offerings impact their financial wellbeing.
    Jesus Christ has His own fold- it is only accessible by grace through faith- just believe, daily studying the scriptures, asking for daily infilling and leading of the Holy Spirit, and being obedient to His leading until He returns.
    He will only take up those found abiding under the shadow of His wings- no matter who they are, as long as they leave wherever they were whatever they have been, irrespective of any issues, as long as they simply believe and have hope to be redeemed and presented faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy!
    That is the only qualification of those who would be saved.
    Jeremiah chapte 23; Ezekiel 34.
    God didn't make pastors overlords over His people, simply to help them get to know Him better, not about themselves!
    One would think that over 70 years of going to church would have made a difference- but see their fruits in a lives of this present generation of children raised in these churches-by their fruits , we do know them indeed!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 24 дні тому

    Leviticus 17:11- the life of the flesh is in the blood! From the blood of the sinless Lamb Genesis 3:21, to that of the offering of Abel, Genesis 4:4; to the offering of Noah Genesis 8:20-21; to that of offering of the passover, to that of the offerings of David, to the blood of Jesus Christ- the promised, long awaited Lamb of God! John 19:30.
    Jesus Christ exchanged His life for the Believer in Him, His death, for their life, until He returns. Galatians 2:19-20.
    Hebrews 12:24-26. This is the new and living way to approach and access the throne of God. He sees the blood only, as it covers the Believer. Hebrews 10:7-19-22.
    This is not about the blood handled by the high priest, but the blood that Jesus Christ shed when He was nailed on the cross for the propitiation of all sins.
    The blood that was put on the lintel and doorposts in Goshen, physically and spirituality covered all the firstborn in those households. The cover was taken away when Israel rejected God and chose to listen to Moses instead Exodus 19, which led to the giving of the law; institution of the Priesthood; and replacement of Levi, as the Son of God, in place of Israel Numbers 3.
    Thus, each sinner must bring their own blood for sacrifice for sin, which gets wiped out once a year as the priests atoned for theirs as well, until Jesus Christ, the long awaited Lamb of God, prophesied by Abraham, came and shed His sinless blood, which covers all who believe in Him and the atoning power of His blood, which avails to them until His return. The blood covers- by faith!
    This blood not only cleanses but pleads for the Believer who invokes its power before the throne of God, from the Mercy Seat.
    The blood speaks and pleads for the Believer, the Holy Spirit intercedes for the Believer Romans 8:26; Jesus Christ advocates 1 John 2:1.
    So, pleading the power of the blood of Jesus is scriptural. It quickens any dying or dead issues concerned the Believer in Christ.
    The blood of sacrificial bulls and goats, kept all who died before the advent of Jesus Christ, alive in paradise- from Abel to Abraham, to David and all who had lived in obedience to the laws, until the blood of Jesus was shed on the cross, and washed it all away, and quickened them all. The graves were opened, they were resurrected after Jesus Christ had ascended to heaven, sprinkling the blood on the Mercy Seat, then, they came out of their graves, and even Abraham was able to witness the promises of God about his seed, while he walked through the promised land. Matthew 27:51-53, before they were taken to be presented faultless, before the presence of God the Father. Ephesians 4:7-10; Psalm 68:18.
    Before Believers are redeemed, they're regenerated by the power of the blood, which gives us access to God the Father Ephesians 2:13; the blood on the lintel and doorposts, protects the whole premises, and the people inside, kept alive by the power of the blood, and the quickening power of the Holy Spirit, that keeps all Believers in Christ alive until He returns, because they die daily, Romans 8:11; Ephesians 2:1-19; 1 Corinthians 15; 31; Galatians 2:20.
    That was why Jesus Christ left the taking of Communion for Believers, to do as often as they do it, in remembrance of His death which was the life of them, until He returns as promised to redeem them and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father.
    The power of the blood is not energized in the mouth of the unbeliever.
    God will never honor anyone who is not His. Psalm 50:15-17.
    If any believers plead the blood, let the Holy Spirit refute or confirm it.
    Known to God are all His works from the beginning of the world! Acts 15:18.
    Let's continue to preach the gospel of salvation of the soul of man. There's little time left.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    Cease ye from men. Isaiah 2:22; Deuteronomy 29:29; Psalm 25:14; Romans 16:25-26; Colossians 1:25-27.
    Whose report will you believe.
    I guess rains don't fall, the sun doesn't shine, and those things in the sky at night, uh-uh, they're not stars either!
    It's a curse to put your trust in the flesh, and without faith, it is important to please God because you can not even go to Him Hebrews 6:11.
    Good luck with trusting, man!
    Do you at least believe that you exist? Unless you're manufactured! Then you're expressing the opinion that was imputed into your system. Understandable!
    God doesn't explain Himself, not to man, not to mention machines!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 25 днів тому

    Sermons have replaced the power in the living word of God.Over the years, because of sermons, the truth of the Bible is never taught. No church has ever taught a whole chapter of any of the books of the Bible.
    Even Ezra read from the Torah for 6 hours, and got priests to interpret and it for 6 hours.
    Those that lead and teach in the church no longer admonish, but lord it over the people of God, and get them to support them and their needs.
    This isn't what God wants for His people. Nehemiah 8:5.
    They're sent to preach the gospel of salvation of the soul of man, by GRACE through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, by the leading of the Holy Spirit John 14:26. No Holy Spirit, no God, 1 John 2, no Christ Romans 8:9,14.
    Matthew 13:11, only those who are filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, have the understanding of the word of God, hidden from everyone else.
    Deuteronomy 29:39; Psalm 25:14; Romans 16:25-26; Colossians 1: 25-26.
    Thus, sermons by carnal men, is as dead as their souls. God will not reveal His will in His word to them because it us spiritually discerned.
    Thus, where two or three are gathered in His name, He will be there in the midst of them by the presence of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't have to be in denominations or churches which have deviated from the way and will of God, and God's Spirit had already left the building- so to speak!
    They're still in their sins. Everything beyond that is superfluous.

    • @belovedflorence4109
      @belovedflorence4109 24 дні тому

      Why don't you open your own channel to preach there if you know it all. You are here writing newspapers on someone else's channel.

    • @ronkebarber6238
      @ronkebarber6238 24 дні тому

      Please be nice. Check your heart, watch what comes out of your mouth, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, and they can defile or bless.
      The Holy Spirit fills and leads, your opinion for or against is judged by Him. Jesus Christ sent His Holy Spirit to enable Believers walk as led. John 14:26; Romans 8:9,14.
      If you have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, you will watch what you say.
      He does all the work, so take it up with Him.
      Also, it is written that I can glory, as you said in that "I know" the Lord!
      You're despising the Spirit of the Lord who led me to write, if it bothers you, then, you take it up with Him.
      We all know in part, but will have to account for what we know or do not know on that day. He will make known the whole truth in His time. Until then, study daily to make yourself approved unto GOD, and not man.
      I have the authority to condemn every tongue that rises up against me in judgment, and so I do, in Jesus name!