Make sure QFS, GCR OR RV is on the table! NCSWIC.. or else bae hemi melt noma. Remember: The Q for yumi lo SI is " starlink" signed finis! Ask yourselves who nao ownem starlink and who nao bihainim starlink..We must read between the lines? Nogut yumi caught by surprise moa!!
MW too good to question while all citizen need to know question and answer.
Who is funding the trip to Australia
Cabinet put more effort in negotiations towards our social economic impact
Roles n responsibilities blo Opposition na ya.
Make sure QFS, GCR OR RV is on the table! NCSWIC.. or else bae hemi melt noma.
Remember: The Q for yumi lo SI is " starlink" signed finis! Ask yourselves who nao ownem starlink and who nao bihainim starlink..We must read between the lines? Nogut yumi caught by surprise moa!!
Oh Wale! You bark too much
Waka blo hem ya..