The dust size distribution in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and comparison with meteor information

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • The dust size distribution in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and comparison with meteor information
    Julia Marin Yaseli de la Parra
    This study focuses on investigating the dust size distribution in comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko and comparing it with meteor information. Comets serve as invaluable remnants of the early solar system, providing insights into the composition and formation processes of celestial bodies. By analyzing the dust particles emitted by comet 67P, we aim to unravel the underlying mechanisms governing its size distribution and examine how it compares to meteor data. To achieve this, we utilized data collected by the Rosetta mission, which successfully rendezvoused with and orbited comet 67P. The measurements were primarily obtained from the Rosetta Plasma Consortium’s instruments, which allowed for the characterization of the dust environment surrounding the comet. The data included size distribution information, specifically focusing on dust particle sizes ranging from submicron to millimeter scales. By examining the size distribution of the comet’s dust particles, we discovered a broad range of sizes, suggesting a diverse population of grains within the comet. Furthermore, the presence of distinct peaks in the size distribution hinted at the existence of various particle sources or formation mechanisms. Comparing these findings with meteor data collected on Earth, we observed several similarities and differences. The comparison with meteor information provided valuable insights into the potential origins and evolutionary processes of the dust particles in comet 67P. The variations in size distribution patterns between cometary dust and meteoroids could be attributed to differences in formation environments, transport mechanisms, and post-formation dynamics. These findings contribute to our understanding of the broader context of cometary activity and meteoroid populations in the solar system. In conclusion, our analysis of the dust size distribution in comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko sheds light on the composition and dynamics of cometary particles. By comparing these findings with meteor data, we gain a better understanding of the underlying processes shaping celestial bodies in our solar system. This study underscores the importance of interdisciplinary research in unraveling the mysteries of our cosmic neighborhood.
    IMC 2023