Excellent journey, scenic route and also very difficult when you cross paths with another vehicle (especially with a bigger one). Where does that road lead?
This road contact to the tourist spots. 愛媛県道47号&6号など その1 新居浜市 国道11号交差点から大永山トンネル手前まで (5:20) 愛媛県新居浜市 東平ゾーン 東洋のマチュピチュ Tourist spot ”Tounaru(東平)" Machu Picchu of the Orient
Excellent journey, scenic route and also very difficult when you cross paths with another vehicle (especially with a bigger one).
Where does that road lead?
This road contact to the tourist spots.
愛媛県道47号&6号など その1 新居浜市 国道11号交差点から大永山トンネル手前まで (5:20)
愛媛県新居浜市 東平ゾーン 東洋のマチュピチュ Tourist spot ”Tounaru(東平)" Machu Picchu of the Orient