  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @itsjoel
    @itsjoel  7 годин тому +29

    Do you think I’ve completely lost the plot?

    • @ok_littleharry8846
      @ok_littleharry8846 7 годин тому +4


    • @jjwiggy1
      @jjwiggy1 7 годин тому

      Yes. You are mental. But it sure is entertaining!

    • @ifyouarefeelingsinister
      @ifyouarefeelingsinister 7 годин тому +6

      Can’t lose the plot if you never had it my friend

    • @Baconroll699
      @Baconroll699 7 годин тому +3

      It’s a good thing you’ve done Joel. It’s a nice motor and I prefer it to the previous one.

    • @CaliCaldwell_
      @CaliCaldwell_ 6 годин тому +2

      With the Crossfire? Yes! You shouldve bought a Continental GT

  • @stevenc5227
    @stevenc5227 6 годин тому +14

    So the previous owner drove it 300 miles with no oil pressure? and it was only noticed when the specialist looked at it? the engine sounds ok, so must have oil pressure.

  • @AdamH108TA
    @AdamH108TA 7 годин тому +18

    Probably just the oil pressure sensor or wiring is faulty, car sounds healthy for having zero oil pressure.

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому +4

      I believe they did extensive tests at The Supercar Tech, but we will definitely re-investigate

    • @ChrisPatrick-q6k
      @ChrisPatrick-q6k 6 годин тому

      Hydraulic Tappets?

  • @sayanpal9491
    @sayanpal9491 Годину тому +1

    " Drive the car back to the UK " !! People from the London and south-east think Scotland is outside the UK!

  • @andrewastley2979
    @andrewastley2979 7 годин тому +10

    Bold, Brave and fearless 😂. Looking forward to seeing this project in the new year. Have an awesome Christmas Joel and a Happy new year 👍🏼

    • @CarsofGlasgow
      @CarsofGlasgow 6 годин тому

      soemthing for January for sure!

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому +1

      Stay tuned for the Christmas special!

    • @CarsofGlasgow
      @CarsofGlasgow 6 годин тому

      @@itsjoel I will keep my eyes peeled

  • @minimeee04
    @minimeee04 3 години тому +3

    Scotland is part of the UK Joel.

  • @BMWPodden
    @BMWPodden 6 годин тому +4

    Congratulations on 100k subs Joel, allways a plesure to watch your videos :D

  • @dstuchbury
    @dstuchbury Годину тому

    Loving the Maserati content Joel. Looking forward to following the progress of the 4200.
    Congratulations also on 100k - very well deserved.

  • @mikecooke1733
    @mikecooke1733 5 годин тому +11

    You do not need to drive from Scotland to the UK …both England and Scotland are in the UK

  • @raggedrascal5463
    @raggedrascal5463 2 години тому +1

    I'm planning to buy one of these within the next few weeks so you've given me one more thing to look out for. Apparently it's not just clutches, wishbones and heater matrices.

  • @Jonathan-qz9kd
    @Jonathan-qz9kd 5 годин тому +3

    If the oil pump was bad it would have done the engine already would be knackered!

  • @nicholasdavis657
    @nicholasdavis657 6 годин тому +3

    Loving these videos of you going round the country picking up cars in need of help! You'll have quite a collection soon.

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому +1

      I think I need to rent a warehouse to store them all 😂

  • @Birmingham_racing
    @Birmingham_racing 7 годин тому +5

    I forgot about these until dad cars bought one then I fell in love again

  • @GeorgeAusters
    @GeorgeAusters 3 години тому +2

    Congrats on 100k!

  • @Alan-J-Mock
    @Alan-J-Mock 6 годин тому +4

    I can see the comment below questioning the oil pressure sensor and gauge - that's where I'd look first.

  • @ItsDanLatham
    @ItsDanLatham 4 години тому +2

    Terrible idea - I'm totally here for it! Congrats on 100k!

  • @FlynnBellamyCars
    @FlynnBellamyCars 6 годин тому +2

    Now I am very very excited about this one 👀 it looks fabulous!
    Cannot wait for this years Christmas special! ❤

  • @wandering_not_lost
    @wandering_not_lost 6 годин тому +2

    Lovely car, get it fixed and it will probably be a wonderful purchase. Good luck and Merry Christmas

  • @Paynos
    @Paynos 6 годин тому +1

    Now we're talking!!!

  • @supercaarfinder
    @supercaarfinder 6 годин тому +2

    you are a man of fine taste. I always thought these 4200s looked magnificent !!

  • @CarsofGlasgow
    @CarsofGlasgow 7 годин тому +2

    Love this video Joel! Bonnie Scotland!

  • @441stainesphil5
    @441stainesphil5 Годину тому

    Good luck Joel, I will look forward to this one

  • @paradisekohchangstyle2150
    @paradisekohchangstyle2150 2 години тому +2

    Drive the car "Back to the UK"? 😳 😳

    • @Mudster250
      @Mudster250 Годину тому

      Thought the same 😊

  • @aulday
    @aulday 5 годин тому +1

    MEGA, love these types of project. Proper stuff 💪💪

  • @robinharrison3907
    @robinharrison3907 32 хвилини тому

    GREAT VIDEO BUD 👍👍Really looking forward to seeing this Stunning Car get sorted 👍👍👍

  • @francescorochira773
    @francescorochira773 2 години тому

    YES!! Well done Joel, the 4200 is a fantastic, under rated car. I have owned mine for nearly 5 years now and absolutely love it. Great performance, flies under the radar but with that typical Italian flair and of course the masterpiece - the Ferrari derived M138 engine and soundtrack. On initial impressions, I would check the oil pressure wiring and sensor before tearing into the engine. Good luck!

  • @Captain-KTS
    @Captain-KTS 3 години тому

    Another cool project! Can’t wait! Cheers Kirk

  • @jochlagrange
    @jochlagrange 5 годин тому +2

    Once bitten twice shy. Or not 🤣🤣

  • @sumi7366
    @sumi7366 5 годин тому +1

    Congrats to 100k!

  • @diverbob471
    @diverbob471 4 години тому +1

    With no oil being driven around the engine it sounded really noisy to me, i guess the lack of oil is the reason, lets hope the pump is the only issue !!!!

  • @GeorgeAusters
    @GeorgeAusters 3 години тому +1

    If the engine has been started with no oil pressure then it could already be scrap

  • @paulc778
    @paulc778 6 годин тому +1

    The "Gold Standard" test for diagnosing oil pressure would be to replace the oil sensor with your own oil pressure gauge and check it that way. I am assuming the supercar specialist did this (ie didn't just rely on the gauge).
    If you can add value to the car, its not a wasted purchase. Even if you lose money, that's fair enough, you're enjoying the car and we are enjoying the UA-cam content.

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому

      Yes they did do this, I should have explained

  • @jazzles_d
    @jazzles_d 7 годин тому +6

    Business class hey! That’s what 100k subs affords you?! 😜

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому +1

      Good old air miles!

  • @sijbrendejong8502
    @sijbrendejong8502 5 годин тому +1

    YES YES YES! Another Maserati!!!

  • @sainta2667
    @sainta2667 Годину тому

    As an owner of two 4200's, a Spyder and a coupe, I can tell you - It's the best, coolest car in the world. Hand down the best and last real Maserati in the past 40 years.

  • @Alfa_davo
    @Alfa_davo 2 години тому

    Awesome - these are such great cars. I reckon the sensor is dead. Very common on these and fairly straightforward to replace

  • @sjorsdw
    @sjorsdw 6 годин тому +1

    Could the oil pump be refurbished?

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому

      Good question

  • @harrywhite21
    @harrywhite21 6 годин тому +1

    Looks like the speedometer isn't reading properly either. Could it be the case of a dodgy instrument cluster?

    • @Nick-vp7lp
      @Nick-vp7lp 6 годин тому +1

      Perfectly normal, they read 17mph at standstill. There's a needle sat there so the dial sits on it. Something to do with Maserati wanting it to look like it's in motion when stationary 🙃

  • @johnelbro127
    @johnelbro127 2 години тому

    Good luck!!👍👍👍👍

  • @bantam49
    @bantam49 3 години тому

    Does it have an oil pressure relief valve that's defective?

  • @ianjsallen100
    @ianjsallen100 7 годин тому +3

    Cool and here we go again lol ?.

  • @bartoni79
    @bartoni79 3 години тому

    Surely during your phone discussion the mechanic in Scotland would you have advised you not to bother flying up and that he’d fix it? Therefore you could have saved money on a) the flight b) the cost of trailering it c) the lower mechanic cost in Scotland vs south England?

  • @TiptronicSS
    @TiptronicSS 6 годин тому

    That looks pretty awesome tbh, love it.

  • @Sportage5603
    @Sportage5603 2 години тому +1

    So you looked at buying a car. A specialist told you it wasnt driveable. You flew up there confirmed what the specialist had already told you and flew home?

  • @alanelder3259
    @alanelder3259 6 годин тому

    Joel ,great looking car - MOT history is a bit sketchy. Good luck with this one ,hope it works out.

  • @tonybell5641
    @tonybell5641 5 годин тому +1

    Why didn’t you get the guy in Edinburgh to fix it 🤔?

    • @gazguzzler8294
      @gazguzzler8294 5 годин тому

      Probably prefers to spend his money on London rates.... 🤣

  • @matthewbell6243
    @matthewbell6243 4 години тому +1

    I bet the gauge is dead? Drive it back to the uk? You are still in the uk 😊. Hope it gets sorted. Lovely engines

  • @colincleary8669
    @colincleary8669 Годину тому

    Look forward to the next update hurry up 😆 🤣

  • @andrewgynn4502
    @andrewgynn4502 5 годин тому

    Have a good xmas but the man has gone mad with that one .

  • @neilfensome5032
    @neilfensome5032 2 години тому

    Modified they could be great manual swap

  • @dadcars
    @dadcars 2 години тому +1

    I’ve never actually driven a 4200 🤷‍♂️ let’s address that in the new year 😊

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  2 години тому

      Absolutely! I've never driven a 4.7 GT :)

  • @davesouthall3834
    @davesouthall3834 3 години тому

    Sensor problem.

  • @TheOmniscientOne
    @TheOmniscientOne 3 години тому +1

    If it had zero oil pressure the engine would be knocking. I don't rate your "specialist" !

  • @martinboulden4388
    @martinboulden4388 4 години тому

    Brave ! Enjoy. ❤

  • @Taylor40667
    @Taylor40667 7 годин тому +6

    Drive it back to the uk 👀
    You southerns man 😂😂
    Its edinburgh
    Take a shot everytime he says drive it back to England
    I was tempted to one of these few weeks ago 4200 local to me in gorgeous Blu Mediterano the best colour in Maseratis
    72k full history and specalist maintance brand new michelins and modified backboxes (common mod) it was £6495 Crazy 03 plate
    So this one id say 5 grand
    Waned a much newer masa and the 4.7
    Just pulled the gun on a gt sport 2015 after looking for 5 months
    Its the hardest car to look for in the correct spec

  • @ianbeck5897
    @ianbeck5897 6 годин тому

    Goodness me, I've done that flight more times than I care to remember - but I do remember always being stuffed in the back of the plane - your business class ticket premium could probably have paid for a fair whack of the repairs! :=)
    Are you mad? may be not .... I think you are brave - but good luck to you all the same. Let's hope that it works out.
    My heart says I should buy myself a Maserati or an Aston - but my head says that I should keep my very reliable Jaguar. My head really wins that one and, somehow, even my man maths would struggle justifying the purchase to my wife of a questionable reliability super car. I enjoy watching you and others making those purchasing decisions though.

  • @jethrox827
    @jethrox827 Годину тому

    A pommy Hoovy 👍

  • @XclusiveAaron
    @XclusiveAaron 3 години тому

    Well this is definitely not the video I expected to see man😂 I like it tho! Lost the plot? Possibly. In a bad way? Definitely not!

  • @mintpicker6635
    @mintpicker6635 3 години тому

    Can't wait.

  • @CraigK80
    @CraigK80 6 годин тому

    Ffs buy a Range Rover already ! 😂 only kidding, great content mate. Keep em coming ❤🙏🇬🇧

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  6 годин тому +1

      Stay tuned …

  • @philipmowbray8810
    @philipmowbray8810 3 години тому

    There's a great reason it's so cheap 😂😂😂😂

  • @autobahnproven
    @autobahnproven 6 годин тому

    Start up sounded like metal on metal. Hope I'm wrong!

  • @hervyromain
    @hervyromain Годину тому

    I guess ULEZ isn't (yet) an issue where you live? Pretty sure this one isn't compliant

  • @JC-fi5fq
    @JC-fi5fq 5 годин тому

    Should have bought a RR

  • @Chris-p4q
    @Chris-p4q 6 годин тому +4

    🤣🤣🤣 Business class on that long trip to Scotland . Wow you superstar. Sad Matt wannabe

  • @takeaflight
    @takeaflight 30 хвилин тому

    Why not super car teck let it fix it

  • @andrewf7822
    @andrewf7822 3 години тому +1


  • @julq87
    @julq87 4 години тому

    please stop using the automatical translation it´s awful

    • @itsjoel
      @itsjoel  2 години тому

      That's nothing to do with me but your own youtube settings

  • @BibTheBoulderTheOriginalOne
    @BibTheBoulderTheOriginalOne 6 годин тому +1

    When I saw "I bought a cheap" I thought it would be another upload by that gastly modern-day Arthur Daley 'High Peak Motors'

  • @MrGman2804
    @MrGman2804 45 хвилин тому

    Joel, I don't think I have ever seen a car channel with 100k subscribers where the host knows so little about cars. You're a legend. You could sell ice cubes to Eskimos or coal to Newcastle. You seem to keep on buying basket case cars which cost more to fix than they are worth and make a living doing it and have a lovely wife too. It must be your charm. I think you should become a salesman. Now I am aged 60, I look back, and the guys that earned the most were always salesmen. So that comment is nothing to do with quattroportes, or cars, but just an observation from a bloke probably older than your father. Keep going as I am sure you have the midas touch. Happy Xmas. 👍