quotation from Wiki: "On 18 September 1939, during the skirmish of Pociecha in the Kampinos Forest, Orlik's half-platoon, composed of three TKS tankettes (only Orlik's one had a 20mm cannon; the others were equipped with machine-guns) (...)"
@ShadowDragon - I have no idea, just stuck me funny where they located it but hey if 15mm of sheet metal on a IS-7 fender can absorb 150mm heat rounds anything is possible i suppose.
New meme tank new challenge, kill someone by ramming it with this thing and then just spam a good ol' "Git gud no0b" in chat. Btw this is a tankette, will Italian tankettes invade this game too somewhere in the future? *make italy Roman empire again* * intensifies * Memers would literally get wet like a premium Fiat 2000 at tier II.
Dude... i was using my T2 light for the lols and rammed one of these tks, it died instantly and sent him flying like 100 meters away. One of the saddest anime deaths indeed.
I hadn't even realized the TKS 20 had suddenly been added to my garage. Thanks for the gift, Wargaming, and thanks QB for actually playing 15 battles in this tiny thing. Also: I'll never sell the only non-turreted light tank in my garage!
TKS was used as a recon vehicle. Some of them was equipped with 20mm autocannon, which was effective against german light tanks (Pz I, Pz II or Pz35t).
I was one of the dirty seal clubbers yesterday as I am doing the Kursk missions with historical tanks so my T70 ran into a lot of these, only 2 games of clubbing though. Something you said about this tank I picked up on, that it only weighs around 3 tons so pushing through obstructions fences walls etc can slow you down. This is something I think they have messed up at least for wooden fences. You could drive an ordinary car through such a fence without losing much if any speed, so a 3 ton tank even underpowered would barely notice it. Its become a pain for my ELC90 as quite a few maps now seem to have grown a large number of wooden fences.. Firstly because I try to avoid breaking the terrain in case it gives away my position but mainly because when trying to escape another tank running into not just one fence but maybe 2 3 or more means you are likely in trouble from the multiple slow downs. Walls and trees fine but a garden fence no sorry that should not slow down any tank in the game.
Tanks like this make me wish that we could fail platoon still. Taking something like this into a tier 8-10 battle as a disposable scout would be hilarious. I would totally do it, too.
I think this polish tankette might be the one "featuring" in the book "Cockroaches Vs Panzers" Unfortunately not translated to english yet. I have trued using google translate but it's hard
Kim Guldberg in fact, german tankists in 1939 called this vehicle "armored cocroach",as it was very hard to spot and hit, because of its very small size, so... I think yes it is
Yup, that is the one. TKS and TK-3 (an earlier tankette model) were the bulk of Polish armored forces with ~280 and ~300 of them produced respectively (plus ~130 7TP on top of that, but those aren't "cockroaches" anymore). Although only 24 of TKS were rearmed with that 20mm gun, Orlik's (who has an in-game medal named after him) TKS being one of them. Most of them still had 7,92mm gun... with 120 bullets per clip no less, so imagine a tiny Pz.I.C shooting for thrice as long. xD
If you guys speek polish you should translate the book, I tried and translated the first 6 pages but when you don't speak the language and has to rely on google translate, it's hard to be sure that you have the details correct
Judge Dredd, nice link. Though what you said above isn't true, beside the part that Poland had some R35 (which sucked anyway). In an attempt to further reinforce their armored forces before the war Poland bought 100 R35 from France (they couldn't get S35 because France refused to sell those, they didn't want H35 because of their poor performance). 50 R35 were delivered in July 1939 and that is the battalion you mention (no H35 though). There was no deal for "few thousand more tanks", only 50 remaining H35 which were directed to Constanta but didn't make in in time as in October Poland was done for, so they got redirected somewhere else. Romania wasn't at that point 3rd Reich allies, actually they were allies of Poland, though Poland decided to not activate that alliance and force Romania into the war so they would retain a safe supply and retreat passage through it. Romanian forces didn't stop any transport, there was just no such transport, while they let Polish forces retreat through and regroup in France.
Correction needed, not "in the next 10 days", but in the "next 3 days" from 10th of august, so if you haven't got it yet, it is already too late. "This mission is available from 10 August at 07:00 to 13 August at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)", as stated on: worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/missions-anniversary-styles-gift-tanks/
Love your videos QB, I haven't been able to play WoT since the 1.0 patch, comptar crapped out right before launch. Thanks to you I get to enjoy whats going into the game and all the fun stuff
I am still waiting for it to come to the Asia server (if it ever comes). I think the reason why the TKS 20 tankette was classified as a light tank instead of a tank destroyer is because there are no tank destroyers in the Polish tech tree; 100% trained crew in the TKS 20 will be trained to 60% when transferred to another vehicle from Poland if it is not from the same vehicle class. I will keep it for its novelty.
Yeah just checked does not appear on the Asian server news feed. WOT Asia is in it's own world. Since WOT Asia moved to Hong Kong I guess they have to get approval from the central commitee . Novelty tanks are fun to play out of shear boredom.
QuickyBaby sulking :) Great! Looks like somebody who has either re-rolled or on some kind of a press account just shut me down with premium rounds at tier 3 against a tank that doesn't have any armor :))))))
The problem is that you, as an experienced player, go against people who have just started the game and have absolutely no idea how to play the game, how the gamemechanics work or what's the difference between their and everyone else's tanks. And when you go seal clubbing and mow down 10 players with ease, that's not fun for them because they feel like they don't have any kind of chance to fight back so in worst case scenario they may even leave the game just because of that. No one will ever know after that how good teammates they might have developed on the higher tiers later on and everyone wants good teammates on a good team against other good team. That's what makes the battles interesting and enjoyable. Essentially you're killing the game by seal clubbing and ruining the fun for you and everyone else on the higher tiers.
Cant say I disagree with your point of view, but can you agree WG has done a great job giving new players a tutorial to start out with? I remember creating my account and not knowing ANYTHING. I played for almost a year on-and-off with completely unskilled crews getting the shit beat out of me game after game, and I'm still here. If new players want a participation medal for being new and not knowing anything I hope they DO leave. Grow a pair and learn! I play my low tier tanks to build crews one member at a time so if the seals don't appreciated being clubbed they should pay for good crews or grind till they have skilled crews like I and many other players did, to learn the game.
Polland finally can into tanks. I think it's the best wg tank ever given(exept tetrach). Like for video, you are the first youtuber who made a video for this tank( our russian youtubers drink vodka and play balalayka :D)
I kinda wish that I had kept the old teir 2 car light tank, so that when I play with friends who are new to the game, I can use it's crazy magazine. Oh well.
I like the fact that it's in the game. The Polish were one of the few nations who used tankettes. Long ago WG said the Polish line wouldn't contain tankettes because they just wouldn't be good enough. I haven't played it yet but I fully expect that they'll be right. So I like this as a compromise. A historically significant little tank for those who like that sort of thing and a garage slot for the rest.
Thanks QB for the heads up about being able to seal club the newbies playing this tank, just got out my T-127 and Pz .kpfw.11 to have some fun and have now discovered how terrible it is to kill the poor unfortunates who like me when I first started have no idea about spotting mechanics, concealment and penetration. Really felt bad on my last battle on the Siegfried Line hitting players from a distance that clearly didn't know where the shots were coming from and just sat there bewildered at the invisible tank shooting them........ I'm bad ...... but its fun doing it.
All of the vehicles from the TK series as well as the Renault UE 57 are based off tankettes so they are generally the lightest ''tanks'' you will find on the battlefield. :)
Quick you are missing a detailing does much more dmg per clip than it says because very time you pull the trigger it fires 3 11 dmg shots and that means a technical 33 per shot which means a 330 dmg clip at tier 2 with a 2 second full unload so very op
So I spent weekend away from home (holidays xD) and gift tank is not available anymore for ever--- until it can be bought for 10EUR some random day. Wow.. I can feel the celebration.
I wish WG would give us the ability to free cam in the garage when they do these special ones. Id love to be able to get up close to the comicon tank costume or go down the entire line of tanks.
TBH I am liking this little tank. It may not be a super tank or an op premium, but it at least has a punchy little gun. As a T2 vehicle it isn't that bad. At least they didn't try to hand out the Toldi again.
I think my current record for fastest kill in a match was on the IKV at around 6 or 7 seconds... the time it took for my first shell to load, and then for the shell to travel from base to base on Himmelsdorf.
Hello Quicky, I know you might not see this but can you please make a video on what tier ten tanks to go for first for each type of tank ( medium, heavy, Td, etc) mostly for people trying to get their first tier 10. I would really appreciate it and I think so many others would, I would really love if you could start making tips and tricks video as I look up to you and learn the most from you, I love the content keep up the great work!
I'm half Polish and proud well American of Polish descent and want this tech tree and move one legend premium with a dog over to the Polish tech tree damn it. And its so darn cute.
it will be really cute if they make weird mini Maus to mix into the game, maybe in lower tier in limited amount of time let's say 1 month the armour might be only 50mm only in tier 3 or 4
It seems funny but you can see on Wikipedy that tankemietka seen heavy action. And Orlik was advancing it ctlrazy alone in the battlefields and prepared ambushes with it. Once he jumped out of a forest and destroyed whole german wehicles armored column
Everyone, Wargaming presents a clown car in their game. Happy to see the first Tankette and a reason to play my BT-7 Artillery again. Also, thanks for the memories of the Toldi video by Meathead Militia. Who else going to be keeping their TKS 20?
WG dev: We need a gift tank for our anniversary. Tier 5? 6 maybe? Create some goodwill, win back some support? WG Manager: Nyet. The defied us on the PMM issue. We need to teach them a lesson. The M3 Lee... WG dev: ...a premium tier 4 M3 Lee? So some new skin for it. WG Manager. No. Make it tiny. And hideous. And make it tier 2. That’ll teach them.
On the NA Server, the time frame seems to be from August 10th to August 13th. Just a piece of information I'm giving out in case you try to get it on the NA Server after the 13th and it doesn't work.
Was the TKS 20 only available for one day? Just the weekend? I finally had an opportunity to play again Monday evening after a weekend away, played 3 battles at Tier 6 (Bottom Tier each one for 3 Defeats) and didn't see anything show up under "rewards" other than logging points toward 20th Anniversary #3 and #4 (Camo and Emblem respectively). Nothing showed up in my carousel no matter how I manipulated the settings.
David Gardner - certainly didn't have radios, unlike most of their German opposition. That was far more important than lighting (which they did of course have).
Don't forget the Polish tank ace Edmund Roman Orlik (for whom Orlik's medal is named) obtained his 10 kills in this little thing.
Kills as in, vehicles knocked out - remember that.
what vehicles did he kill?
chariots? coaches? guys on rollerblades?
certainly no tank or even a car....
Foxi! 2 Pz35, 1 Pz4 and 7 other
Orlik doesnt use this tank. His tank is the TKS 3
quotation from Wiki: "On 18 September 1939, during the skirmish of Pociecha in the Kampinos Forest, Orlik's half-platoon, composed of three TKS tankettes (only Orlik's one had a 20mm cannon; the others were equipped with machine-guns) (...)"
The shovel acts as spaced armor
yes, OP shovel easily absorbs jageroo heat
Probably it's half of the armor thickness
does it? If so that will make the armour twice as thick 😂
@ShadowDragon - I have no idea, just stuck me funny where they located it but hey if 15mm of sheet metal on a IS-7 fender can absorb 150mm heat rounds anything is possible i suppose.
You can almost flip this tank by just breaking while going fast. Truly a masterpiece.
In my 3rd battle I did end up flipping it by breaking on a hill.
The same problem with the UE 57, now i wonder which is smaller, the UE or this thing
EU 57 weighs less not sure about actual scale though.
The UE might be a bit taller
Tks is the tank that's visible on the Orlik's medal
Getting that medal in this tank should get you some bonus or stuff.
A new meme has been born...
New meme tank new challenge, kill someone by ramming it with this thing and then just spam a good ol' "Git gud no0b" in chat.
Btw this is a tankette, will Italian tankettes invade this game too somewhere in the future? *make italy Roman empire again* * intensifies *
Memers would literally get wet like a premium Fiat 2000 at tier II.
AwesomeEpicGuys YEP :)
let's make a new meme platoon vid XD
Oh yes piz play the TKS 20 this will be fun
Am I the only one who keeps looking at the T-34 mech suit guy in the background?
Max W. LOL me 2
Nope you're not 😂😂
More like power armor
More like leaked Fallout 76 t-34 suit of power armor.
Officially cutest tank in the game
Nah, luchs is still the cutest :)
I'll contest that and nominate the M22 Locust.
ELC with small gun is cute too..
Yeah, Jingles might disagree with you on that.
The tier 2 german arty is still the king of cute
":( someone shot me with premium rounds" - Quickybaby
Garage slot?.....this tank is for the MEME's!
We love memes!
I've sold every single one of their tanks starting from all the way back like, back when the M5 stuart still had the howitzer lol
Dude... i was using my T2 light for the lols and rammed one of these tks, it died instantly and sent him flying like 100 meters away.
One of the saddest anime deaths indeed.
Garage slot? This tank fits in the toilet
you too :)
TKS 20: "ThanKS (for) 20 (years)"
Tank killing spooky boi
@@CrypticaProductions tank killing smoll boi
I keep all of my free tanks
Gotta catch them all lol
I do that too! I know i could get garage slot from selling the tank but its nice to have them wilst everyone sells their tank.
social3ngin33rin I've been doing that for a few years now, although I missed out on some, I don't regret not selling them
I sold all my free tanks but now i wish i didn't! I miss my light vic, Bt-7 art. And all the others!
@@darkcrusher-jt1dr I as well, severely miss my BT-7 Art.
Maybe they could replace the heavily armoured light tanks with light tanks that lead to the Tier 5 ELC
Adi Big Real WOT players call it ELC AMX
ofcourse it's worth keeping, there is an amazing story behind this vehicle, unlike most other tier II premium vehicles in the game.
Im sorry UC 2-pdr, the tks 20 has now taken your place as the cutest tank in the game!
what about the UE-57 or pz1c?
N00T nothing compare to this :D
Robbo elc even 90 and ue-57 is smaller then uc-2 pdr
Дмитрий Лебедев smaller=cuter??
Armour? What’s that!?
SheetTricks human meat shields
Shovel shield and troll tracks.
It's shovel is used to dig the graves of its victims
And to double its armour :)
Vicious little ankle biter, that is.
I like that tiny cute tank!
This is the Tank that Roman Orlik (who the medal is named after) became famous for using.
T-18's baby brother.
Miguel Sanchez heh, t-18 was cool tank hunter)
I hadn't even realized the TKS 20 had suddenly been added to my garage. Thanks for the gift, Wargaming, and thanks QB for actually playing 15 battles in this tiny thing.
Also: I'll never sell the only non-turreted light tank in my garage!
deployedkitty it is quite funny this is an LT considering its role in the war.
Its role was the same as Firefly. Unlike tank destroyers, 20mm TKS were meant to work in tankette platoons.
TKS was used as a recon vehicle. Some of them was equipped with 20mm autocannon, which was effective against german light tanks (Pz I, Pz II or Pz35t).
That demonstration of your; *your* notorious QB style when it comes to improvisation (2:40)-a calculator as some kind of obstacle?! xD 🤪
Haven't played in over two months, but for a free tank, I can play a match or two. 😊
*1 match and you can just get yourself killer right away
I just downloaded updates after 4 months because of this.
I was one of the dirty seal clubbers yesterday as I am doing the Kursk missions with historical tanks so my T70 ran into a lot of these, only 2 games of clubbing though.
Something you said about this tank I picked up on, that it only weighs around 3 tons so pushing through obstructions fences walls etc can slow you down.
This is something I think they have messed up at least for wooden fences.
You could drive an ordinary car through such a fence without losing much if any speed, so a 3 ton tank even underpowered would barely notice it.
Its become a pain for my ELC90 as quite a few maps now seem to have grown a large number of wooden fences..
Firstly because I try to avoid breaking the terrain in case it gives away my position but mainly because when trying to escape another tank running into not just one fence but maybe 2 3 or more means you are likely in trouble from the multiple slow downs.
Walls and trees fine but a garden fence no sorry that should not slow down any tank in the game.
Edmund Roman Orlik becomed first Allied tank ace on those Tankette
Looks like the DHL Van that delivered a package to me today
If the DHL guy has a 20mm ..he must have some seriously rough neighborhoods on his route.
More like the package he delivered.
A light tank without a turret?
Now THIS is interesting.
Tanks like this make me wish that we could fail platoon still. Taking something like this into a tier 8-10 battle as a disposable scout would be hilarious. I would totally do it, too.
I think this polish tankette might be the one "featuring" in the book "Cockroaches Vs Panzers" Unfortunately not translated to english yet. I have trued using google translate but it's hard
Kim Guldberg in fact, german tankists in 1939 called this vehicle "armored cocroach",as it was very hard to spot and hit, because of its very small size, so... I think yes it is
Yup, that is the one. TKS and TK-3 (an earlier tankette model) were the bulk of Polish armored forces with ~280 and ~300 of them produced respectively (plus ~130 7TP on top of that, but those aren't "cockroaches" anymore).
Although only 24 of TKS were rearmed with that 20mm gun, Orlik's (who has an in-game medal named after him) TKS being one of them. Most of them still had 7,92mm gun... with 120 bullets per clip no less, so imagine a tiny Pz.I.C shooting for thrice as long. xD
If you guys speek polish you should translate the book, I tried and translated the first 6 pages but when you don't speak the language and has to rely on google translate, it's hard to be sure that you have the details correct
Yup. Thanks
Judge Dredd, nice link.
Though what you said above isn't true, beside the part that Poland had some R35 (which sucked anyway).
In an attempt to further reinforce their armored forces before the war Poland bought 100 R35 from France (they couldn't get S35 because France refused to sell those, they didn't want H35 because of their poor performance). 50 R35 were delivered in July 1939 and that is the battalion you mention (no H35 though). There was no deal for "few thousand more tanks", only 50 remaining H35 which were directed to Constanta but didn't make in in time as in October Poland was done for, so they got redirected somewhere else.
Romania wasn't at that point 3rd Reich allies, actually they were allies of Poland, though Poland decided to not activate that alliance and force Romania into the war so they would retain a safe supply and retreat passage through it. Romanian forces didn't stop any transport, there was just no such transport, while they let Polish forces retreat through and regroup in France.
Correction needed, not "in the next 10 days", but in the "next 3 days" from 10th of august, so if you haven't got it yet, it is already too late.
"This mission is available from 10 August at 07:00 to 13 August at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)", as stated on:
Love your videos QB, I haven't been able to play WoT since the 1.0 patch, comptar crapped out right before launch. Thanks to you I get to enjoy whats going into the game and all the fun stuff
wut about now
I am still waiting for it to come to the Asia server (if it ever comes). I think the reason why the TKS 20 tankette was classified as a light tank instead of a tank destroyer is because there are no tank destroyers in the Polish tech tree; 100% trained crew in the TKS 20 will be trained to 60% when transferred to another vehicle from Poland if it is not from the same vehicle class. I will keep it for its novelty.
Yeah just checked does not appear on the Asian server news feed. WOT Asia is in it's own world. Since WOT Asia moved to Hong Kong I guess they have to get approval from the central commitee . Novelty tanks are fun to play out of shear boredom.
QuickyBaby sulking :) Great! Looks like somebody who has either re-rolled or on some kind of a press account just shut me down with premium rounds at tier 3 against a tank that doesn't have any armor :))))))
Seal clubing is not good, but fun for sure.
Whats wrong with it? WG doesn't stop us from playing our low-tier tanks...
The problem is that you, as an experienced player, go against people who have just started the game and have absolutely no idea how to play the game, how the gamemechanics work or what's the difference between their and everyone else's tanks. And when you go seal clubbing and mow down 10 players with ease, that's not fun for them because they feel like they don't have any kind of chance to fight back so in worst case scenario they may even leave the game just because of that. No one will ever know after that how good teammates they might have developed on the higher tiers later on and everyone wants good teammates on a good team against other good team. That's what makes the battles interesting and enjoyable.
Essentially you're killing the game by seal clubbing and ruining the fun for you and everyone else on the higher tiers.
Cant say I disagree with your point of view, but can you agree WG has done a great job giving new players a tutorial to start out with? I remember creating my account and not knowing ANYTHING. I played for almost a year on-and-off with completely unskilled crews getting the shit beat out of me game after game, and I'm still here. If new players want a participation medal for being new and not knowing anything I hope they DO leave. Grow a pair and learn! I play my low tier tanks to build crews one member at a time so if the seals don't appreciated being clubbed they should pay for good crews or grind till they have skilled crews like I and many other players did, to learn the game.
Seal-clubbing is good for the soul; a righteous pass-time for the uninhibited.
This guy ^^ This guy gets it!
Polland finally can into tanks. I think it's the best wg tank ever given(exept tetrach). Like for video, you are the first youtuber who made a video for this tank( our russian youtubers drink vodka and play balalayka :D)
Ohh gawd, I hate the Tetrach so much (at least in WoT Blitz; my comp cannot handle WoT).
Not gonna lie, TSK 20 can be a meme lol. Btw, TSK 20 is too cute and adorable. I never thought this tank is real because of its tiny size. 😁
does that mean we gonna get the famous italian tankettes as premium tanks aswell? I would love that, just for the memes :3
Interesting video...
Oh my god, you have 513 garage slot left ! xD World of Tank has got a lot of work to fill this !
I kinda wish that I had kept the old teir 2 car light tank, so that when I play with friends who are new to the game, I can use it's crazy magazine. Oh well.
You sold the Mk VI too?
I still have my T7 car
I think it needs a wind up key sticking out the top that moves as you drive. Its a fun little tank.
Qb, in the pushing matches you could actually reverse briefly to rock the tank then go forwards. Dipping the front under your opponent. ;)
I'm incredibly happy with the addition of the TKS 20, my hotchkiss 35 is once again dominating everything
“How big is your tank?”
I like the fact that it's in the game. The Polish were one of the few nations who used tankettes. Long ago WG said the Polish line wouldn't contain tankettes because they just wouldn't be good enough. I haven't played it yet but I fully expect that they'll be right. So I like this as a compromise. A historically significant little tank for those who like that sort of thing and a garage slot for the rest.
Tks-20 is like that one annoying little brother who wants the biggest room as his own room all to himself
Thanks QB for the heads up about being able to seal club the newbies playing this tank, just got out my T-127 and Pz .kpfw.11 to have some fun and have now discovered how terrible it is to kill the poor unfortunates who like me when I first started have no idea about spotting mechanics, concealment and penetration. Really felt bad on my last battle on the Siegfried Line hitting players from a distance that clearly didn't know where the shots were coming from and just sat there bewildered at the invisible tank shooting them........ I'm bad ...... but its fun doing it.
I checked the maximum Camo of this tank, when using, camo perk, brothers in arms,camo,vent,etc.... its about 69.90 when stationary. :)
Playing an H35 against these is an absolute ball
Okay, sealclubber.
The H35 is a beast against any free T2 premium tank from WG.
Lazy tks penetrate h34, m2 is actually cool against this tankette
wargearinternational Tetrachs exists
okay seal clubber
All of the vehicles from the TK series as well as the Renault UE 57 are based off tankettes so they are generally the lightest ''tanks'' you will find on the battlefield. :)
It does definitely beat the Pz II D both on style points and penetration. ;)
Quick you are missing a detailing does much more dmg per clip than it says because very time you pull the trigger it fires 3 11 dmg shots and that means a technical 33 per shot which means a 330 dmg clip at tier 2 with a 2 second full unload so very op
Have you even played WOT?
That's got to be the cutest tank ever introduced into world of tanks
5:58 *rocks RIP LOGIC*
Hands down best tank in game. The next obj 268 Stage 4
Be interesting to see the camo rating maxed out compared to tanks like the UE 57. Could be one of the stealthiest tanks in the game.
That su--18 is not a happy bunny LOL
So I spent weekend away from home (holidays xD) and gift tank is not available anymore for ever--- until it can be bought for 10EUR some random day. Wow.. I can feel the celebration.
That little slot that you slipped into, I can fit my AMX 12 t though there if I go fast enough and slid up onto the wall
I wish WG would give us the ability to free cam in the garage when they do these special ones. Id love to be able to get up close to the comicon tank costume or go down the entire line of tanks.
I want a girls und panzer minigame where physics is at myth and this is a nascar racer and the IS can send ppl to the moon
TBH I am liking this little tank. It may not be a super tank or an op premium, but it at least has a punchy little gun. As a T2 vehicle it isn't that bad. At least they didn't try to hand out the Toldi again.
Just like in Iron Harvest, real polish vehicle also focuses on mobility
What do i think for the TKS?
M2 Light
I love how I can get next to some tanks and below their gun depression in my tks
it was a trip for the 5 games I played.. thanks for the TAP TAP tip.. might be fun now..
I think my current record for fastest kill in a match was on the IKV at around 6 or 7 seconds... the time it took for my first shell to load, and then for the shell to travel from base to base on Himmelsdorf.
The MTLS was one tank I loved. It was so much fun.
New couchroach xD I get mastery in on it :D
So QB took a taste of his own medicine when he got shot by that Pz38T
Hello Quicky, I know you might not see this but can you please make a video on what tier ten tanks to go for first for each type of tank ( medium, heavy, Td, etc) mostly for people trying to get their first tier 10. I would really appreciate it and I think so many others would, I would really love if you could start making tips and tricks video as I look up to you and learn the most from you, I love the content keep up the great work!
So does that mean we get to see the CV.33 in the Italian Tech Tree in the future?
Nice little gift. Still doesn't change the fact that this game is still in need of some major fixes (*cough* matchmaking *cough*)
Good video :-) Just wondering why u didnt say anything about the insane camo on this thing
I'm half Polish and proud well American of Polish descent and want this tech tree and move one legend premium with a dog over to the Polish tech tree damn it. And its so darn cute.
it will be really cute if they make weird mini Maus to mix into the game, maybe in lower tier in limited amount of time let's say 1 month the armour might be only 50mm only in tier 3 or 4
50mm amor is a joke at T4, just look at the DW2.
dam...missed this machine, looks fun, any chance they'll give it out again?
2:43 - moonwalk behind :D
MiqT Hahauaahahaha
MiqT btw this tank-guy is dope AF XD
It seems funny but you can see on Wikipedy that tankemietka seen heavy action. And Orlik was advancing it ctlrazy alone in the battlefields and prepared ambushes with it.
Once he jumped out of a forest and destroyed whole german wehicles armored column
quickbaby are you happy about the polish tech tree?would you fin interesting an Romanian tech tree?
@9:36 Wow, sneakybaby xD
So is this thing even smaller than the ELC EVEN 90?
The only collector’s gem that i could remember was the LTP, and i felt bad selling that tank.
Love your videos QB - always my go-to WOT source. Cheers.
The play-style is just like the M3 Lee and the Grant... lol
I was actually hoping that they'd do something with Polish tankettes, and while dissapointed at first, I am not very disappointed any longer.
Everyone, Wargaming presents a clown car in their game. Happy to see the first Tankette and a reason to play my BT-7 Artillery again. Also, thanks for the memories of the Toldi video by Meathead Militia. Who else going to be keeping their TKS 20?
There was a spate of these little tanks today, running around like children.
I'd say the historical significance makes it a keeper.
WG dev: We need a gift tank for our anniversary. Tier 5? 6 maybe? Create some goodwill, win back some support?
WG Manager: Nyet. The defied us on the PMM issue. We need to teach them a lesson. The M3 Lee...
WG dev: ...a premium tier 4 M3 Lee? So some new skin for it.
WG Manager. No. Make it tiny. And hideous. And make it tier 2. That’ll teach them.
I honestly like these quirky low tier gift tanks. I never play most of them, but i keep them anyways.
On the NA Server, the time frame seems to be from August 10th to August 13th. Just a piece of information I'm giving out in case you try to get it on the NA Server after the 13th and it doesn't work.
How to get that stats thingy on the team list? And the last known position on the map too?
Wargaming "yeah aniversary again.. lets give away a tier 2 Tank" .. totally worth it
DoodleBug Battle......Fred Flintstone with feet out the bottom......yaba daba dooooo!
Was the TKS 20 only available for one day? Just the weekend? I finally had an opportunity to play again Monday evening after a weekend away, played 3 battles at Tier 6 (Bottom Tier each one for 3 Defeats) and didn't see anything show up under "rewards" other than logging points toward 20th Anniversary #3 and #4 (Camo and Emblem respectively). Nothing showed up in my carousel no matter how I manipulated the settings.
2:40 the calculator. its so funny
So there should be a czech and italian tankettes too?
Claus why haven't you talked about the convention in Chicago? Their not going to need a very big auditorium. Not many will show up.
The IKV 72 is an immensely satisfying tank
How many polish tanks does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Zero they still use candles.
David Gardner - certainly didn't have radios, unlike most of their German opposition. That was far more important than lighting (which they did of course have).
I saw one of these in a battle today. It's absolutely *microscopic*