Superb! Lisa Batiashvili is one the most outstanding of young contemporary violinists. As for khatia I think she's absolutely wonderful. In fact the latters chamber music contributions are somewhat under appreciated I feel.
Da ich selbst Klavier spiele, höre ich Khatia Buniatishvili auf UA-cam so oft wie möglich, dadurch lernte ich auch diese hervorragende Geigerin kennen. Vielen Dank für dieses wundervolle Erlebnis.
SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG München Khatia Buniatishvilis strukturloser Klavierabend im Prinze ,,Es gibt derzeit eine ganze Reihe verblüffend ähnlich gelagerter Klavierjungstars, die darauf rechnen,dass exstreme Virtuosität allein nicht mehr den vollen Erfolg garantiert. Sondern dass es daneben etwas braucht wie Innerlichkeit, Gefühl, Authentizität. Oder, da leichter lernbar, deren IMITAT: GEFÜHLICHKEIT und BETROFFENHEIT. ... Buniatishvilis Spiel kennt- sehr ähnlich dem Lang Langs- exakt zwei Zustände: Im einen eben rasen die Finger, dass einem Hören und Sehen vergehen. Beim anderen zerpflückt die rechte Hand Melodien in glatt polierte Einzeltöne über einem See von irgendwas in der linken. Für Ersteren wird das Tempo ins Verblüffende und Extraordinäre forciert, für den zweiten ebenso absurd gedrosselt. Beide sind auf Wirkung konzipiert und geben dafür zahllose Vortragsbezeichnungen der Komponisten preis. Denn Buniatishvili interessiert schlicht nicht, was die interessierte: Struktur. Sie spielt keine Stimmführungen aus, sie setzt keine Haltepunkte, Akzente und Pausen, löst Übergänge additiv und baut keinerlei organische Steigerung auf. Und wo keine Struktur ist, da findet eben auch keine Erzählung statt. Und deshalb auch keine eigentliche Emotion! Liszts Mephisto- Walzer etwa fehlt der ganze Anlass für ..."
"... Speaking of flair, Buniatishvili emerged from the wings in a shiny silver dress, which said “Vegas.” The woman behind me remarked to the man she was with, “You don’t need to hear the music”-in other words, looking was enough. ... But, again, she was extreme. She slapped at the keyboard vulgarly. At one point, she stood up, the better to pound the keyboard. Her playing hurt my ears, ... And she seemed to play heedless of the public, heedless of pianistic norms, heedless of anything. I thought, “She’s in her own private Idaho.” ... Afterward, audience members went to the front of the hall, to take her picture. She beamed. She will obviously be a “star,” and is probably one already: the dress, the lionessness, the loudness. I imagine she’ll be known as “Khatia,” with the “Buniatishvili” on the sidelines."... THE NEW CRITERION by Jay Nordlinger, New York City " If our end-of-year lists included not only the 10 best performances but also the 10 worst, the recital presented Tuesday night by pianist Khatia Buniatishvili might be hard to dethrone from the latter list’s first place. ... "But Buniatishvili, who performed in a glittery, bright-red dress, was all about self-indulgence. Sometimes grotesquely distorted, this was music reflected in the aural equivalent of funhouse mirrors. One could only guess that the standing ovations, whoops and bravas came from people not well acquainted with the pieces." ..." Or maybe this is just how she plays. I shall not be keen to hear her again. ..." ... THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS Scott Cantell ..."No matter how fast she plays, no matter what the character of the music, everything comes across the same way - the pianistic equivalent of a society wedding photograph, with edges blurred and defining human characteristics removed. ... Buniatishvili is neither careless nor ungifted. She is simply overhyped, immature and preoccupied with beauty of presentation - a poor example to the legions of young pianists who aspire to her fame and fortune. At no point did this recital reveal a shred of the musical temperament we expect of a scion of Georgian musical tradition." ... THE FINANCIAL TIMES Ltd 2014 06.06.2014 THE GUARDIAN classical music Wigmore Hall, London Andrew Clements Thursday 2 April 2015 12.28 BST ...The good news is that the piano survived it all intact; the bad is that on the question of whether Buniatishvili can ever be a serious artist, the jury is very much still out.
Indeed, I like her playing and her engaging personality. Having said this I believe my assessments of her various performances have been rational and balanced, therefore I dont know what Lawrence Kerstins problem is.
MILANO 06.11.2014 6 novembre 2014 Per la Società del Quartetto si è esibita la pianista georgiana con pagine di Musorgskij, Chopin, Ravel e Stravinskij di Luca Chierici LA PIANISTA GEORGIANA Khatia Buniatishvili, classe 1987, si è esibita l’altro ieri sera per la Società del Quartetto e per la prima volta a Milano in un recital tutto suo, dedicato a pagine di Musorgskij, Chopin, Ravel e Stravinskij. Conoscevamo già il suo approccio alla tastiera grazie all’ascolto di numerosi “live” trasmessi dai satelliti di tutta Europa negli ultimi anni e alla sua partecipazione a una serata scaligera dello scorso anno, quando si era prodotta nel secondo concerto di Rachmaninov con Gianandrea Noseda, senza riscuotere particolari consensi. La Buniatishvili appartiene a quella razza di esecutori che conquistano un posto di spicco nei programmi concertistici (e nella graduatoria dei cachet) senza avere mai vinto un primo premio nei concorsi più prestigiosi o senza mai essere passata al vaglio di un esame critico almeno in base a una consistente produzione discografica. L’ascolto in sala avrebbe dunque dovuto chiarire quale fosse la vera natura di una solista che si presentava al pubblico milanese attraverso un programma di notevole difficoltà quanto piuttosto generico nell’impaginazione. Il pubblico, che non affollava certo la sala anche a causa di un nubifragio occorso giusto nel momento in cui ci si preparava a uscire di casa e ad affrontare il traffico cittadino per raggiungere il Conservatorio, ha tributato convinti applausi alla Buniatishvili al termine di ogni pezzo in programma, complice anche la particolare avvenenza della pianista, che sa vendere molto bene la propria immagine, come del resto fanno molti personaggi del mondo musicale odierno. Giudicata secondo gli standard, ossia in base alle qualità che un artista dovrebbe dimostrare di possedere partendo da una lettura corretta del testo, la Buniatishivili è assai deludente. Anzi, induce a pensare che la maggior parte del pubblico non abbia proprio idea di quali siano le garanzie minime che un esecutore deve essere in grado di assicurare una volta che si presenti in sala. Ciò che più disturba nella Buniatishvili è l’assoluto disprezzo per il segno, che viene stravolto solamente per soddisfare un proprio inspiegabile narcisismo e per coprire le proprie incapacità o la mancanza di studio adeguato. La Buniatishvili sembra non conoscere cosa sia il tactus, quali siano le richieste del compositore in termini di dinamica, di colore, di fraseggio e soprattutto si pone nei confronti dello spartito con un atteggiamento arrogante che la autorizza a praticare forti sconti sulla resa di quanto indicato sulla pagina e ad immergere ogni suono in un fastidioso alone di pedale. I Quadri di Musorgskij erano da questo punto di vista emblematici, con un inizio sottovoce, come se la Passeggiata fosse condotta in uno stato di sonnambulismo; uno Gnomus irriconoscibile, confuso, ritmicamente traballante; un Castello per il quale valeva quella famosa definizione coniata da un critico poco entusiasta e citata da Dallapiccola, secondo la quale il medesimo maniero… «non trovava acquirenti». Tutta la parte finale, da Baba Jaga alla trionfale conclusione era suonata con una approssimazione tale e con uno stravolgimento del senso musicale mai uditi prima d’ora. Gli stessi eccessi e le stesse perdite di controllo si notavano anche nel secondo scherzo di Chopin, nella versione per pianoforte solo de La valse di Ravel e soprattutto nello stravinskiano Petruška. Forse il pubblico odierno non sa quante vecchie e nuove generazioni di pianisti abbiano dedicato ore, giorni, mesi, anni a queste pagine, allo scopo di restituirne il messaggio attraverso esecuzioni rispettose del testo e di ciò che esso richiede in termini di analisi, di studio, di fatica. Il pianismo appariscente quanto poco preciso della Buniatishvili, non ci interessa punto, non fa avanzare di un centimetro la conoscenza della musica classica e non rispetta il lavoro e la dedizione di tanti colleghi che si dedicano seriamente, forse oggi troppo seriamente e ingenuamente, all’Arte.
+Vladimir Steinberg First of all, none of these two is Jewish. Besides, if even one or both were Jewish, that wouldn't mean they are not Georgians. Georgia is a multiethnic and multireligious country and being Georgian doesn't mean to belong to one specific religion or ethnicity. Particularly, Georgian Jews are considered as Georgians as any other citizen of our country!
First of ALL I lived there, I speak and write the language, which means that my sources of information are a lot greater than yours! Second of all, you must refrain from pontificating about topics you have NO flucking idea about!!! And please, do NOT reply!!!!!!!!
Politically correct garbage!! I lived in Tbilisi for 12 years! Gruzia is one of the most nationalistic countries in the world, which I traveled quite extensively! "Bidzashvili and chveny sopeli" syndrome will never go away, "somehebi" da "ebraelebi" NEVER were and NEVER will be treated and accepted as "kartvelebi!!" So please, find someone else to lecture!!! Kargat ihavi!
Ses deux artistes son sans doute magnifiques! Mais la culture Georgienne est beaucoup plus grande et peut etre tres bien representee par beaucoup des autres personnes et beacoup des autres choses! Excuse me for my bad French and absence of accents in my font. I hope, it's at least understandable for you. Kultur Klassik 07.06.2013 < Kremer: ,,Unsere Musikwelt ist vergiftet"> Gidon Kremer im Gespräch. Der berühmte Geiger warnt junge Musiker vor den ,,Falschmünzern" des kommerzialisierten Musikbetriebs - in einem neuen Buch. ,,Er sei krank, hieß es zunächst, als er 2011 dem Verbier Festival absagte, dem glamourösen Musikergipfeltreffen im Schweizer Wintersportort. In Wirklichkeit wollte der weltberühmte Geiger ,,nicht die Luft atmen, die von Sensationslust und verzerrten Werten erfüllt ist", wie er dem Festivaldirektor schrieb. ,,Alle von uns haben etwas mit der giftigen Entwicklung unserer Musikwelt zu tun, in denen "STARS" mehr zählen als Kreativität, Ratings mehr als echtes Talent, Zahlen mehr als Klänge."...,,Persönlichkeiten unter Künstler sind heutzutage viel seltener als Menschen ohne Handy", schreibt Kremer. ...Einmall fallen die Namen des ehemals erfolgreichen Zwiegespanns Netrebko/Villazon und des Pianisten Lang Lang als Symbole für eine ,,Krankheit, die uns alle angreift und unmerklich vergiftet". ...Gidon Kremer: ,,Briefe an eine junge Pianistin".
Absolutely immature and flawed performance. Are we supposed to admire this disordered performance just because of their sex??!! Listen to Gerard Poulet & Noel Lee available on UA-cam for a comparison. If you have ears for Schubert music, possibly you get what I mean.
Зачем так драть бедную скрипку! Это ж Шуберт - романтик! Ну форте, ну быстро , а где романтизм? Или чем агрессивней-тем лучше? Пианистка более чувственно-музыкальная! А скрипачка просто раздраконила! Сейчас задымиться!!!
Equal temperament (of the piano) versus natural (?) (temperament) of the violin. This concert should never had been played in such context... The combined sound timbre of these two instruments is just unbearable, unpleasant...
I do wish she would play better music. The classical music world could use somebody as easy on the eyes as her at the piano for music worth listening to. Passionate mediocrity is still mediocrity, Schubert or not. Play one of Liszt's transcriptions of Beethoven's symphonies. Or a piano transcription from one of Rossini's overtures. Or even old K. 545. Anything. I would have really loved to see Schubert's Rondo for Violin and Strings, transcribed here for Violin and Piano. ANYTHING, Khatia.
It is good for music that the "passionate mediocrity" view of Schubert's masterpieces is so very much early 20th century. As for the right of individuals to voice "stupid opinions", as you put it, that indeed is not in dispute. One simply feels pity for those lacking in musicianship and seem to appreciate Rossini overtures more than Schubert's late works, something that would have been the norm in 1826 but very odd today.
You do have that right. And the rest of us have the right to criticize a narrow minded opinion. Who's to say that a Piano Transcription of a Rossini overture wouldn't suck and not inspire some artist to want to dedicate the time to master the piece of crap. Just saying.
You're saying that this late Schubert masterpiece is an example of "Passionate mediocrity"? I'm sorry, it's hard to know how to respond to someone who would voice an opinion such as this. Perhaps you could explain why you feel a piece of music which expresses the complicated emotions which Schubert's Rondo does is mediocre. At least then there would be some basis for response. Otherwise, I'm baffled. Of course you have a perfect right to express any opinion you wish to, no matter how ill-conceived or absurd it may be.
Two great musicians from Georgia ❤❤❤🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪
Maravillosas las dos!!!
Superb! Lisa Batiashvili is one the most outstanding of young contemporary violinists. As for khatia I think she's absolutely wonderful. In fact the latters chamber music contributions are somewhat under appreciated I feel.
So wonderful artist like thesey
Катю я знаю и люблю давно, считаю, что она в числе лучших пианистов мира, Лиза прекрасный виртуоз, максимум удовольствия от игры обеих. Спасибо.
@@zerinaburns1910 qoQLSàl
Da ich selbst Klavier spiele, höre ich Khatia Buniatishvili auf UA-cam so oft wie möglich, dadurch lernte ich auch diese hervorragende Geigerin kennen. Vielen Dank für dieses wundervolle Erlebnis.
I think,they are absolutely wonderful.
Les vengo conociendo y me gustan mucho. Fantásticas!!!
Another exhilarating performance - from two favourites in one! Wow!
The beauty and elegance of these two young ladies almost distract from this gorgeous music! 🎶❤️🎶❤️🎶
Almost :)
Grande obra de Schubert, perfeitamente interpretada por duas preciosidades da Geórgia! Parabéns Lisa e Khatia! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Two impeccably talented musicians. What a pleasure to watch them and listen to their amazing performance. Gabriella
I stood in honour of the two: Lisa and Khatia!! Marvelous! Keep it up!!
SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG München Khatia Buniatishvilis strukturloser Klavierabend im Prinze ,,Es gibt derzeit eine ganze Reihe verblüffend ähnlich gelagerter Klavierjungstars, die darauf rechnen,dass exstreme Virtuosität allein nicht mehr den vollen Erfolg garantiert. Sondern dass es daneben etwas braucht wie Innerlichkeit, Gefühl, Authentizität. Oder, da leichter lernbar, deren IMITAT: GEFÜHLICHKEIT und BETROFFENHEIT. ... Buniatishvilis Spiel kennt- sehr ähnlich dem Lang Langs- exakt zwei Zustände: Im einen eben rasen die Finger, dass einem Hören und Sehen vergehen. Beim anderen zerpflückt die rechte Hand Melodien in glatt polierte Einzeltöne über einem See von irgendwas in der linken. Für Ersteren wird das Tempo ins Verblüffende und Extraordinäre forciert, für den zweiten ebenso absurd gedrosselt. Beide sind auf Wirkung konzipiert und geben dafür zahllose Vortragsbezeichnungen der Komponisten preis. Denn Buniatishvili interessiert schlicht nicht, was die interessierte: Struktur. Sie spielt keine Stimmführungen aus, sie setzt keine Haltepunkte, Akzente und Pausen, löst Übergänge additiv und baut keinerlei organische Steigerung auf. Und wo keine Struktur ist, da findet eben auch keine Erzählung statt. Und deshalb auch keine eigentliche Emotion! Liszts Mephisto- Walzer etwa fehlt der ganze Anlass für ..."
+Jairo Jura +Fritz Kirchhoff Fritzi, Georgi and Mario are the SAME! Now we all know it!!! And YES He is SICK of ENVY!
Impresionante combinación de talento y belleza. Me han dejado sin palabras. Gracias por este regalo de las musas
Wonderful Lisa Batiashvili and Khatia Buniatishvili!!!
"... Speaking of flair, Buniatishvili emerged from the wings in a
silver dress, which said “Vegas.” The woman behind me remarked to the
man she was with, “You don’t need to hear the music”-in other words,
looking was enough. ... But, again, she was extreme. She slapped at the
keyboard vulgarly. At one point, she stood up, the better to pound the
keyboard. Her playing hurt my ears, ... And she seemed to play heedless
of the public, heedless of pianistic norms, heedless of anything. I
thought, “She’s in her own private Idaho.” ... Afterward, audience
members went to the front of the hall, to take her picture. She beamed.
She will obviously be a “star,” and is probably one already: the dress,
the lionessness, the loudness. I imagine she’ll be known as “Khatia,”
with the “Buniatishvili” on the sidelines."... THE NEW CRITERION
by Jay Nordlinger, New York City
" If our end-of-year lists included not only the 10 best
performances but
also the 10 worst, the recital presented Tuesday night by pianist Khatia
Buniatishvili might be hard to dethrone from the latter list’s first
place. ... "But
Buniatishvili, who performed in a glittery, bright-red dress, was all
about self-indulgence. Sometimes grotesquely distorted, this was music
reflected in the aural equivalent of funhouse mirrors. One could only
guess that the standing ovations, whoops and bravas came from people not
well acquainted with the pieces." ..." Or maybe this is just how she
plays. I shall not be keen to hear her again. ..."
Scott Cantell
..."No matter how fast she plays, no matter what
the character of the music, everything comes across the same way - the
pianistic equivalent of a society wedding photograph, with edges blurred
and defining human characteristics removed. ... Buniatishvili is
neither careless nor ungifted. She is simply overhyped, immature and
preoccupied with beauty of presentation - a poor example to the legions
of young pianists who aspire to her fame and fortune. At no point did
this recital reveal a shred of the musical temperament we expect of a
scion of Georgian musical tradition." ... THE FINANCIAL TIMES Ltd 2014
THE GUARDIAN classical music Wigmore Hall, London
Clements Thursday 2 April 2015 12.28 BST
...The good news is that the piano survived it all intact; the bad is
on the question of whether Buniatishvili can ever be a serious artist,
the jury is very much still out.
FO George. Go amuse yourself somewhere else.
@@chrisgordon5719 Copy paste troll :)))))))
Together their playing is heavenly--wonderful serenity of Grieg. Thank you for allowing comments which are appreciative each artist's talent.
Excuse please the lapse of writing Grieg when what I was listening to was Schubert. In reflection their music is not the same.
Magnífico concierto felicitaciones
Un verdadero deleite no solo para las orejas sino para los ojos también.
A sheer deluge of beauty in every respect!
+Fredric Kroll YES!!!
Un dueto encantador. ¡¡¡ BRAVO¡¡¡ por estas por esta estupenda pareja de artistas georgianas
shubert me trae recuerdos de cuando tenia 16 años
아름다운 연주입니다
Beautiful Music! Beautiful KHATIA! Beautiful Lisa! I Love this Rendition as much as I Love Them Both!!!
The genius of Franz Schubert. The greatest composer ever.
...very few of such talented brilliance and finesse in the art of piano performance supréme the entire Planet - that is most certain!! Touché!
She is still a delight to listen to and watch....
Such an outstanding duo!
Indeed, I like her playing and her engaging personality. Having said this I believe my assessments of her various performances have been rational and balanced, therefore I dont know what Lawrence Kerstins problem is.
two adorable Georgian girls , bravo!
MILANO 06.11.2014
6 novembre 2014 Per la Società del
Quartetto si è esibita la pianista georgiana con pagine di Musorgskij,
Chopin, Ravel e Stravinskij di Luca Chierici LA
PIANISTA GEORGIANA Khatia Buniatishvili, classe 1987, si è esibita
l’altro ieri sera per la Società del Quartetto e per la prima volta a
Milano in un recital tutto suo, dedicato a pagine di Musorgskij, Chopin,
Ravel e Stravinskij. Conoscevamo già il suo approccio alla tastiera
grazie all’ascolto di numerosi “live” trasmessi dai satelliti di tutta
Europa negli ultimi anni e alla sua partecipazione a una serata
scaligera dello scorso anno, quando si era prodotta nel secondo concerto
di Rachmaninov con Gianandrea Noseda, senza riscuotere particolari
consensi. La Buniatishvili appartiene a quella razza di esecutori che
conquistano un posto di spicco nei programmi concertistici (e nella
graduatoria dei cachet) senza avere mai vinto un primo premio nei
concorsi più prestigiosi o senza mai essere passata al vaglio di un
esame critico almeno in base a una consistente produzione discografica.
L’ascolto in sala avrebbe dunque dovuto chiarire quale fosse la vera
natura di una solista che si presentava al pubblico milanese attraverso
un programma di notevole difficoltà quanto piuttosto generico
nell’impaginazione. Il pubblico, che non affollava certo la sala anche a
causa di un nubifragio occorso giusto nel momento in cui ci si
preparava a uscire di casa e ad affrontare il traffico cittadino per
raggiungere il Conservatorio, ha tributato convinti applausi alla
Buniatishvili al termine di ogni pezzo in programma, complice anche la
particolare avvenenza della pianista, che sa vendere molto bene la
propria immagine, come del resto fanno molti personaggi del mondo
musicale odierno. Giudicata secondo gli standard, ossia in base alle
qualità che un artista dovrebbe dimostrare di possedere partendo da una
lettura corretta del testo, la Buniatishivili è assai deludente. Anzi,
induce a pensare che la maggior parte del pubblico non abbia proprio
idea di quali siano le garanzie minime che un esecutore deve essere in
grado di assicurare una volta che si presenti in sala. Ciò che più
disturba nella Buniatishvili è l’assoluto disprezzo per il segno, che
viene stravolto solamente per soddisfare un proprio inspiegabile
narcisismo e per coprire le proprie incapacità o la mancanza di studio
adeguato. La Buniatishvili sembra non conoscere cosa sia il tactus,
quali siano le richieste del compositore in termini di dinamica, di
colore, di fraseggio e soprattutto si pone nei confronti dello spartito
con un atteggiamento arrogante che la autorizza a praticare forti sconti
sulla resa di quanto indicato sulla pagina e ad immergere ogni suono in
un fastidioso alone di pedale. I Quadri di Musorgskij erano da questo
punto di vista emblematici, con un inizio sottovoce, come se la
Passeggiata fosse condotta in uno stato di sonnambulismo; uno Gnomus
irriconoscibile, confuso, ritmicamente traballante; un Castello per il
quale valeva quella famosa definizione coniata da un critico poco
entusiasta e citata da Dallapiccola, secondo la quale il medesimo
maniero… «non trovava acquirenti». Tutta la parte finale, da Baba Jaga
alla trionfale conclusione era suonata con una approssimazione tale e
con uno stravolgimento del senso musicale mai uditi prima d’ora. Gli
stessi eccessi e le stesse perdite di controllo si notavano anche nel
secondo scherzo di Chopin, nella versione per pianoforte solo de La
valse di Ravel e soprattutto nello stravinskiano Petruška. Forse il
pubblico odierno non sa quante vecchie e nuove generazioni di pianisti
abbiano dedicato ore, giorni, mesi, anni a queste pagine, allo scopo di
restituirne il messaggio attraverso esecuzioni rispettose del testo e di
ciò che esso richiede in termini di analisi, di studio, di fatica. Il
pianismo appariscente quanto poco preciso della Buniatishvili, non ci
interessa punto, non fa avanzare di un centimetro la conoscenza della
musica classica e non rispetta il lavoro e la dedizione di tanti
colleghi che si dedicano seriamente, forse oggi troppo seriamente e
ingenuamente, all’Arte.
Jewish from Georgia rather......
+Vladimir Steinberg First of all, none of these two is Jewish.
Besides, if even one or both were Jewish, that wouldn't mean they are not Georgians. Georgia is a multiethnic and multireligious country and being Georgian doesn't mean to belong to one specific religion or ethnicity. Particularly, Georgian Jews are considered as Georgians as any other citizen of our country!
First of ALL I lived there, I speak and write the language, which means that my sources of information are a lot greater than yours! Second of all, you must refrain from pontificating about topics you have NO flucking idea about!!! And please, do NOT reply!!!!!!!!
Politically correct garbage!! I lived in Tbilisi for 12 years! Gruzia is one of the most nationalistic countries in the world, which I traveled quite extensively! "Bidzashvili and chveny sopeli" syndrome will never go away,
"somehebi" da "ebraelebi" NEVER were and NEVER will be treated and accepted as "kartvelebi!!"
So please, find someone else to lecture!!! Kargat ihavi!
I love you Khatia you are the best
My, such a feast for the ears as well as the eyes.....!
Lisa is a genius!
To coin a word, she is Geniusviliful!
Soberbias Magníficas qué regalo para los sentidos
Utterly charming.
Khatia is the best for ever and ever
La Géorgie ne peut pas être mieux représentée que par ses deux splendides artistes. Avec une pensée particulière pour Khatia, si chère à notre cœur.
Ses deux artistes son sans doute magnifiques! Mais la culture Georgienne est beaucoup plus grande et peut etre tres bien representee par beaucoup des autres personnes et beacoup des autres choses!
Excuse me for my bad French and absence of accents in my font. I hope, it's at least understandable for you.
I will name the members of my house with Whatevershvili.
Why not? Both ladies are Beautishviliful, and one of them Kharismatic and her sister Gvorgeous!
Very cool body language between them at the end ….. I wonder if they see eye to eye on things musically and otherwise?
love the lisa's dress♡ Kultur Klassik 07.06.2013 < Kremer: ,,Unsere Musikwelt ist vergiftet"> Gidon Kremer im Gespräch. Der berühmte Geiger warnt junge Musiker vor den ,,Falschmünzern" des kommerzialisierten Musikbetriebs - in einem neuen Buch. ,,Er sei krank, hieß es zunächst, als er 2011 dem Verbier Festival absagte, dem glamourösen Musikergipfeltreffen im Schweizer Wintersportort. In Wirklichkeit wollte der weltberühmte Geiger ,,nicht die Luft atmen, die von Sensationslust und verzerrten Werten erfüllt ist", wie er dem Festivaldirektor schrieb. ,,Alle von uns haben etwas mit der giftigen Entwicklung unserer Musikwelt zu tun, in denen "STARS" mehr zählen als Kreativität, Ratings mehr als echtes Talent, Zahlen mehr als Klänge."...,,Persönlichkeiten unter Künstler sind heutzutage viel seltener als Menschen ohne Handy", schreibt Kremer. ...Einmall fallen die Namen des ehemals erfolgreichen Zwiegespanns Netrebko/Villazon und des Pianisten Lang Lang als Symbole für eine ,,Krankheit, die uns alle angreift und unmerklich vergiftet". ...Gidon Kremer: ,,Briefe an eine junge Pianistin".
+Mario DiSarli +Fritz Kirchhoff Fritzi, Georgi and Mario are the SAME! Now we all know it!!! And YES He is SICK of ENVY!
Mario DiSarli ddfd
Its beautfull
Does anybody know what violin she is playing on? its very good sounding
მუსიკაც და გოგონებიც ბრილიანტებია
Here I listen my Violin Goddess and Piano Goddess together. Both of them came from Gruzia?
Khatia was born in Batumi, Lisa, from Tbilisi.
Werkelijk prachtig!
Лиза Батиашвили _ выдающаяся скрипачка современности
Essas moças são maravilhosas! Fazem a música acontecer!
Girls good for you ...მაგრები ხართ გოგოებო გენაცვალეთ...
Buono ma lontano dalla magnifica brillantezza e calore della coppia Yehudi Menuhin- Hepzibah Menuhin anni Trenta.
Энэ зууны гайхалтай хөгжимчин залуус,🌹🌹
BELO !!!
Өнөө цагт дэлхийн сонгодог хөгжмийн оргилийг зааж байгаа гайхалтай авьяаслаг бүсгүйчүүд🇲🇳🌹🥰
Het zijn vooral de rondingen , is het niet, Hugo?
the piano overwhelms the violin. Microphone issue?
Beautiful music and pretty women. Are they sisters?
Not likely - different surnames.
No, Khatia has a sister, Gvantsa. The similarity of Khatia and Lisa's surnames has lead more than one to that mistaken conclusion.
@@arthurleegis1333 Those last names too similar
@@tonyanderton3521 Thanks to the reply!
Khatia is the best pianist
용감한 사람은 용감한 여인을 알아 본다.
maybe he just likes her?
Great music and interpretation. Horrendous filming and realization.
Absolutely immature and flawed performance.
Are we supposed to admire this disordered performance just because of their sex??!!
Listen to Gerard Poulet & Noel Lee available on UA-cam for a comparison. If you have ears for Schubert music, possibly you get what I mean.
Lisa the violinist plays so aggressively and arrogantly it is annoying.
can't find any ..... to be noted like that..... as the right melodies' moods .... should be ... I think
I agrée with you..
she plays as she where a soloist in the whole peace
Зачем так драть бедную скрипку!
Это ж Шуберт - романтик!
Ну форте, ну быстро , а где романтизм?
Или чем агрессивней-тем лучше?
Пианистка более чувственно-музыкальная!
А скрипачка просто раздраконила! Сейчас задымиться!!!
Equal temperament (of the piano) versus natural (?) (temperament) of the violin. This concert should never had been played in such context... The combined sound timbre of these two instruments is just unbearable, unpleasant...
I do wish she would play better music. The classical music world could use somebody as easy on the eyes as her at the piano for music worth listening to. Passionate mediocrity is still mediocrity, Schubert or not. Play one of Liszt's transcriptions of Beethoven's symphonies. Or a piano transcription from one of Rossini's overtures. Or even old K. 545. Anything. I would have really loved to see Schubert's Rondo for Violin and Strings, transcribed here for Violin and Piano. ANYTHING, Khatia.
***** Just like you, I have a right to voice my opinion. No matter how stupid and dumb it may seem.
It is good for music that the "passionate mediocrity" view of Schubert's masterpieces is so very much early 20th century. As for the right of individuals to voice "stupid opinions", as you put it, that indeed is not in dispute. One simply feels pity for those lacking in musicianship and seem to appreciate Rossini overtures more than Schubert's late works, something that would have been the norm in 1826 but very odd today.
You do have that right. And the rest of us have the right to criticize a narrow minded opinion.
Who's to say that a Piano Transcription of a Rossini overture wouldn't suck and not inspire some artist to want to dedicate the time to master the piece of crap. Just saying.
You're saying that this late Schubert masterpiece is an example of "Passionate mediocrity"? I'm sorry, it's hard to know how to respond to someone who would voice an opinion such as this. Perhaps you could explain why you feel a piece of music which expresses the complicated emotions which Schubert's Rondo does is mediocre. At least then there would be some basis for response. Otherwise, I'm baffled. Of course you have a perfect right to express any opinion you wish to, no matter how ill-conceived or absurd it may be.
@@sorim1967 9 n