how to do it with two table, one table for category and another for the items and items are grouped by the category name. different category has different pagination?
my result just like [{"kd_prodi":"111","prodi":"tek","singkat":"k","ketua_prodi":"k","nik":"k","akreditasi":"k","foto":"akur.JPG"}, .... any idea please?
Thank you very much sir, nice to meet this video
How to sort on and after click pagination link can use early sort order
how to do it with two table, one table for category and another for the items and items are grouped by the category name. different category has different pagination?
Good day weblesson, i have this problem that says "Object not found!" on area of pagination/1. hope u can help me out.
hi webslesson could you help me when i reload menu i get menu like this {{men.title}}
thanks man you helped me a lot
good work!! please tech us more IC lesson..its a beautiful mvc framwork
can you guide this code in codeigniter 4
is it server side get? and not load all row on client side?
yes....lazy loading
how to create pagination link.??
is this possible to make without database?
nice video's ,,, can you Make an Update Stock or Quantity in sale products Managment tutorial? you make learning fun and easy.. wish you the best
my result just like [{"kd_prodi":"111","prodi":"tek","singkat":"k","ketua_prodi":"k","nik":"k","akreditasi":"k","foto":"akur.JPG"}, .... any idea please?
Thanks in Advance
after click on pagination second link there is no data load on second page and also showing active second link with first link.
thanx so much sir i am very heppy my cod is sucessfully run
Well, The code works, But this isn't good for beginners. You're not explaining it well.
Guys I don't think is a smart way of going about it. Better to use javascript to render it.