Mabinogi G16 NPC Lugh Theme

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024


  • @AshramIndustries
    @AshramIndustries 12 років тому +2

    Simple - he could do more under his identity as Lugh. Emain Macha's Paladins basically worship the ground he walks on, and Tir Chonaill doesn't wanna invoke his wrath (he's ten times the man that Ruairi's father ever was). The only people strong enough and brazen enough happen to be next door and across the sea (being Owen and Andras).
    As the Hero of Mag Tuireadh, he could make a lot of ground without drawing too much suspicion - not so if he assumed his Morgant identity.

  • @ark7204
    @ark7204 4 роки тому +2

    Spoiler alert.
    Dev has finally revealed some answers in G25.. about how Morgant became a totally different person in G16.
    I won't say it more until the rest of the global gets the G25 update in the future.

  • @ark7204
    @ark7204 2 роки тому +1

    Even after his fate revealed in G25, still not happy how the player's roll model to become true Paladin.. turned out like this.

  • @DragonDeath121
    @DragonDeath121 12 років тому +1

    Two Miletians cannot resist Lugh's badassness.

  • @fudgeu555
    @fudgeu555 12 років тому +1

    This fkin director made a bad mistake turning Lugh, THE LUGH, into a bad guy. This shall not be forgotten and he shall never be forgiven -:O

    • @reyesenigma7943
      @reyesenigma7943 4 роки тому

      Comment's almost a decade old but, I think it's really awesome that Lugh's a villain, especially with this theme.

  • @jov3n8r
    @jov3n8r 12 років тому +1

    Lugh's been always a badass, wether he is Pally, DK, or gone corrupted in g16.Even his race is debatable wether he's a milletion, human, fomorian, or a god. If you read the books "The Knight of Light Lugh, The Hero of Mag Tuireadh","The Forgotten Legend of Fiodh Forest," and certain parts of many generations mention the triumphs he has done. Although in G1-3 he's gone DK, he is with Cichol's cause for they both have the same vision and believe in a brilliant annihilation, a clean slate.

  • @Witleneko
    @Witleneko 12 років тому +1

    @AlexTenjr Yes. Good to know that the c4 director finally got some good ideas this time. g13/14 I think were royal brainfarts. e -e

  • @AshramIndustries
    @AshramIndustries 12 років тому +3

    Also, the only people who know that Morgant is Lugh would be us and Ruairi. Ruairi's out of comission this episode, and we're stuck with Miss VN-wannabe-oujo-sama-with-whom-we-should-have-gotten-laid-with-mid-generation.
    Not to mention with Shakespeare being the murderer and all (on top of him being a Milletian) we're really under a bad light this episode.
    You can thank both Morrighan AND Cichol for that - Morrighan because she's a fail, and Cichol because he didn't think to kill Shakespeare.

  • @mike5449
    @mike5449 12 років тому +1

    As there seems to be no character by the name of Macbeth in upcoming content for G16 on the wiki, and based upon the readings of Macbeth and the spoilers on the wiki for Lugh, I think it's safe to say Lugh can be considered Macbeth.

  • @IskandarTheWack
    @IskandarTheWack 12 років тому

    Lugh is a Celtic God in the actual mythology. Before "Laugh" was a word I bet.

  • @Tinymuddle
    @Tinymuddle 12 років тому

    He looks beautiful.

  • @Lzspooks
    @Lzspooks 12 років тому +1

    *bows to lugh* That guy is my rebellion hero..

  • @joao115544
    @joao115544 12 років тому

    he tries to kill all life on existence

  • @llieullieu
    @llieullieu 11 років тому

    Morgant not only rejected, but he was angry to be called Lugh by Ruari. Lugh also gave Ruari the pragarah as far as i can remember, and Bella did have the ability to mess with people's heads. so i'm still guessing Morgant is out there, plotting his plots to take over the world

  • @IskandarTheWack
    @IskandarTheWack 11 років тому +1

    Or maybe this is the real lugh and morgant isn't this lugh.
    It's either retcon o;r not but when you say morgant's face, he did have a different appearance than this, man he was using lugh's name just to lie to ruairi to make him join. It's quite possible he's someone else, heck it's even possible that Morgant is Ruairi's own father aand he never died, simply ditched.

  • @Witleneko
    @Witleneko 12 років тому

    He's plotting to take over the world. Shh.
    Being a Dark Lord would just complicate things, considering how much the people loved Lugh more, yes? :3

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому


  • @Jibes
    @Jibes 12 років тому

    They reworked G1-G3 for G16S2 to make it available to elves and giants.
    They're probably making some slight adjustments to the story in the process.

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    oops, forgot to put: rage-quit after three weeks

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    name the part where i called him stupid-ass and to be honest he deserves to be called that for the way it started out and for what he done to mabi other than just the story

  • @Drag0nk1ngmark
    @Drag0nk1ngmark 12 років тому

    @nucularwastelandsss wait, so that means once G16 comes then G1-3 will be meaningless? how will people get the Pally and DK transforms?

  • @xanmoas
    @xanmoas 9 років тому

    @Suh Charlie dont you mean morrighan not morgant cause isnt that the name of the dark lord in g1-3

  • @mike5449
    @mike5449 11 років тому

    As of recent knowledge, it seems they took this route (and my assumption was right too). But those are good questions that bothered me as well. Some NPCs indicate it isn't Lugh, but it was a Fomor under the guise of Lugh. This I'm not exactly sure of though, but you can never be certain with NPC words anyways. :/

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 11 років тому +1

    1 good thing vs the load of negative things... no thank you

  • @Beastbraness
    @Beastbraness 12 років тому

    If i get this right his whole plan was to stop Triona or something like that right? Maybe that's why he went DK in G1-3? can someone clarify on this for me? since i know he wanted to hunt Bella thinking she was a witch.

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    i didnt say that. I can and do. its just nice to not have to rez so much when soloing. and i enjoy ALL the story lines.

  • @Witleneko
    @Witleneko 12 років тому

    Indeed. *Looks at videos of Lugh saying 'GTFO' to character, and kicking them down.*

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    and what about people who have lives? i cant stand around and wait for six hours for a freaking party. i started playing around pioneers of iria. then i came back at hamlet because it sounded interesting. and it was. hard, cause i had to start over, but not impossible. hamlet restored my faith in mabi. and if you run it in a party youd have to do it alot of times to get good rewards.

  • @KeeperCharlie
    @KeeperCharlie 10 років тому +1

    @skyhawk4000 You really don't understand any of the story do you? Lugh, a human himself, is disgusted by the humans that he once stood for. Yes Devcat did a shitty job since G3 but Lugh is not a true evil. The true evil in this world is not Cihol, or Lugh. It's Morgant. She agreed to create the soulstream as door to block the hole before it destroys erin with Cihol, but opens it breaking the promise for no fucking reason. Now Cihol has to do something before morgant destroys the entire Tir na noi. The player, Miletian, is just a puppet for Morgant to do suicide jobs for her own interest. Lugh realizes he was used as a puppet for her and turned to Fomor's side in order to seek retribution. That's why as a player starts to grow fast, morgant sees the player that she once used, as a threat and seeks to destroy the player. And yet you say Lugh is the evil here? pff... and fyi, G16 was a bull crap from the get go. Most of the korean fanbase denies G16 lugh is the same person in G1~G3. There is SOO MUCH inconsistency in writing to prove he is not really Lugh at all.

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    he tried to ruin combat with classes, which are now destinies, he ruined the plot by randomly squeezing Shakespeare in, abandoning what happened in g12, now, he killed the combat system with an unbalanced one, which also unbalances races, and I could even say he pretty much destroyed the plot now. They gave this... this random guy... so much power to ruin mabinogi like this, ever since g13 hes been doing a lot of negative things to mabinogi.

  • @Zarozian
    @Zarozian 12 років тому

    I see Dark Knights dying everywhere~
    Just kill em with his awsum o3o"

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    thats just you if you cant find people to go do stuff with, Mabinogi is an MMORPG not a single player campaign. Also i never said it was bad for new gamers, im just saying how the director leaves the new players soft.

  • @Beastbraness
    @Beastbraness 12 років тому

    Mhm i had also commented about this the next few generations obviously have to clarify on this for us.

  • @Beastbraness
    @Beastbraness 12 років тому

    I agree with this but to be honest i'm really hoping G17 clarifies things.

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    ok maybe he did a few positives, but that doesnt outweight the negativity he has done to mabi so far.

  • @joao115544
    @joao115544 12 років тому

    jesus i was the one near rage quit till genesis but this DUDE each chapter as no connection to our char i did it in order but i could do g12 instead of g1 and i could still see the goddess why becase till we do it OFFICIALY someone else did so its no surprise that she seems and is an antagonist all you are mad is well i dont know maybe you dont know much about the game and hell i finished it in 2 mounths the whole game and im happy wish there was more but

  • @jello788
    @jello788 11 років тому

    wow this sounds like a halo/war theme track

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    my point is i fail to see what it is you think he did bad? whats the problem? making the game more accessible by making it not freaking impossible to fight stuff? tying historical characters and stories? making skills easier to train? how is any of that bad?

  • @morrowray1
    @morrowray1 11 років тому

    *cough* fighter skills!

  • @brandonq20
    @brandonq20 12 років тому

    @dldnxo lugh became morgant.

  • @thecrazydarkfangirl
    @thecrazydarkfangirl 12 років тому

    @NarutoPHC yes he is XD

  • @NarutoPHC
    @NarutoPHC 12 років тому

    Is that really!??!?! LUGH OF LIGHT?!?!? O>O

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    no it doesn't! i jus finished G1(for the first time) and it makes perfect sense! if anything it makes the game more accessible!

  • @Zythrone
    @Zythrone 12 років тому

    Lugh has been a bad guy since the first generation...

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    and with your logic you could say mabi itself is pointless. what do you get out of it? fat because we sit around? losing time we could be productive? games are supposed to be fun. if it gets to easy for me (and normal dungeons have now that im 300 tot) i can always go hardmode. or run it barehanded. or naked. or any number of things to make it harder. its not the end of the world to let more casual gamers in

  • @joao115544
    @joao115544 12 років тому

    and w did he do exactly? people talk about the story but it was good and like i said not his fault that most people are too ignorant to even try to understand and what else did he even do new classes, genesis with made me not rage quit.
    AND now tell me w did he do bad ive heard ALOT but all is damn stupid so now tell me w problems does it have TELL ME im tired of these damn haters hell there is even an memo for this it is HATERS GONNA HATE sounds familiar cause it sould

  • @Beastbraness
    @Beastbraness 12 років тому

    I want his armor....

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    pfft! everything you just said, switch it around to be "he's doing a great job" and that is my comment.

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    its not hard to socialize in the game. I too have a life, I have both School and work and do you see me complaining? no.

  • @Skyhawk4000
    @Skyhawk4000 12 років тому

    HAHAHA... You know Lugh has been the vilian since G1?
    Right? Hopefully you did. Let me tell you something that was said in around G3, LUGH=MORGANT, the Dark Lord. He gave up being the freaking Hero of Light after the battle of Mag Truiadh and became the vilian. Morgant/Lugh has done horrible things, he killed Mari, he wounded Tarlach, and he nearly killed the Militeann.
    Lugh is NOT a nice guy, we have known this since G1-G3, and now he wants a kingdom, not a big suprise.

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    so you like it easier even though it was already easy? i like challenge, it certainly wasnt impossible at all to do things in the game. If anything dungeons needed revamping as well as the generations to be made more challenging, skills were already easy to train with the destiny system. The story does not blend in with mabinogi, atleast not until g15, but other than that, the director pretty much created its own story, i really dont like to count c4 in mabinogi.

  • @Drag0nk1ngmark
    @Drag0nk1ngmark 12 років тому

    omg...that's Lugh?! Wow you can barely see the i guess he helps you in g16?

  • @joao115544
    @joao115544 12 років тому

    wrong were not for him the humans would have lost the second or the first mag tuireadh and erinn would be overrun of fomors plus remenber this the past is the past the present is the present and the future is the future dosent matter if he saved mankind if he wants to kill it now then he had to be stopped

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    well thats your problem then, this game is not for you then if you cant handle it.

  • @fudgeu555
    @fudgeu555 12 років тому

    I see what you mean and I respect that, wait but didn't mari rebirth as nao the chick who all the guys wanna fk? o,o so I guess theirs a bright side to that. Even tho lughs bad now he'll always be my hero ; ~;

  • @Witleneko
    @Witleneko 12 років тому

    Theme is so dramaaaatic. = _ =
    Then again, it fits him too well. I think it fits him as Morgant a bit more, though...

  • @l33tsamurai
    @l33tsamurai 12 років тому

    easy? EASY!? HOW WAS ANYTHING IN THIS GAME FAWKING EASY!? dungeons more difficult? wat so you can die ten BILLION times instead of just ten million? if anything they need to be more rewarding. everything is so freaking expensive, that running one dungeon as a noob financially ruins you. you get to be in debt AND 85% injury. sure the story doesn't blend till 15, but it was still fun and interesting. regular series do the same thing, they are called STORY ARCS. they introduce new things.

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    i think he meant how he butchered the entire story regardless how good it might of been

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    no i just dont like the random de-rail that creates its own re-rail

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому +1

    seriously how the hell does it go from fighting gods to doing plays? after that it just randomly makes Morrighan more of an antagonist because all he knows about her is her title "The goddess of revenge" as for the new class i can care less because its a very boring button smasher but im not going to bash over that since its just another class, and who said they rage quit? when there is no one quitting in the first place. this new director brought huge disappointments in mabinogi

  • @og12345678
    @og12345678 12 років тому

    its not your fault your the the one to be spoiled by the later generations. The game got easier without any of these revamps to be brought with, because of all the new skill and weapons as well as stat advantages new players have now that we didnt back then. Also running dungeons was meant to be done in parties. Not solo. Also thats not introducing new things. Thats just pointlessly twisting it with other pointless things.