I’ve done it a bunch of times sparring. Now I’m sparring and every time I go for the double leg cancel, he gets me in a dominant clinch. I CAN NOT DO IT! I bet I’ve started over 40 times. My takedowns are 4.5 stars. Clinch grappling is 4 stars.
@@tommydg7462 I didn’t. I heard a UFC 5 youtuber the other day talking about how to choose perks in online career mode. He mentioned in passing that takedowns are bugged. Makes me think that maybe this mechanic got screwed up in an update, but I’m not really sure.
You're putting out these tutorials at a crazy rate bro! Thanks for all the content, can't wait to put it all to work when I get my hands on the game after the weekend
Romero, we need a video of how to level up BJJ sweeps, transitions, reversals and getups in offline Career Mode. Trying to use Royce Gracie and maxing out his grappling moves, but it's difficult knowing what we have to practice. Thanks!
@@justenbenally522 yes, your opponent need to have less stamina than you then bailing with R2 will work. This was a crucial step that was not mentioned in the video. perhaps EA Updated the game after the video.
how do i pull my opponents head down to my chest after he is postured up at full guard....like when he postures up at full gaurd how do i pull his head down from posture up position?
@@RomeroXVII really? Because I do a lot takedowns. Did you mean level up by using evo points to upgrade take downs or level up by just getting the move up
@@romani7873you attempt any takedown and it adds to them all. So if you hit a single leg then all wrestling takedowns move up (more stars). Take downs with EVO points just makes your chances/speed better. If that makes sense.
Can you do a tutorial video on how to dive in and throw strikes after knocking someone out. Or is that yet another key fundamental element of the sport they’ve decided not to include or have removed?
@@RomeroXVII I don’t know why they don’t give you the option to do it on every knockout. At least having the option and choosing not to do it would be better than letting the game decide for you
Flick left, right, down, up with the right stick in the direction you want to go at the same time as pressing L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox. So L1 or LB+any direction with right sick
this video is false. i challenge you to go into practice mode and try pulling guard off the double leg bail on inert. they patched it so now YOU NEED TO HAVE SHORT STAMINA ADVANTAGE TO PULL THIS OFF. You are a clown for not saying this in the video. hold this L
currently raging trying to do with the sparring partner in my career
I’ve done it a bunch of times sparring. Now I’m sparring and every time I go for the double leg cancel, he gets me in a dominant clinch. I CAN NOT DO IT! I bet I’ve started over 40 times.
My takedowns are 4.5 stars. Clinch grappling is 4 stars.
@@lvn4xsame thing with me. You ever figure it out?
@@tommydg7462 I didn’t. I heard a UFC 5 youtuber the other day talking about how to choose perks in online career mode. He mentioned in passing that takedowns are bugged. Makes me think that maybe this mechanic got screwed up in an update, but I’m not really sure.
@@lvn4x thanks
I still can’t do ts video and all
You're putting out these tutorials at a crazy rate bro! Thanks for all the content, can't wait to put it all to work when I get my hands on the game after the weekend
Yeah my partner keeps fucking defending it I’ve just broke my controller
still got that tomato face bug that TJ had in ufc 4
Not a bug
I utilize so much knowledge from these videos. Extremely helpful.
Thanks for the video. Why is there no in-game tutorial for this?!
Thanks man ! Appreciate all your hard work
Romero, we need a video of how to level up BJJ sweeps, transitions, reversals and getups in offline Career Mode. Trying to use Royce Gracie and maxing out his grappling moves, but it's difficult knowing what we have to practice. Thanks!
Deny with r2 right
Just watched this thanks for the tip!
Bailing with R2 is not working bro!!!
Did you figure it out
@@justenbenally522 yes, your opponent need to have less stamina than you then bailing with R2 will work. This was a crucial step that was not mentioned in the video. perhaps EA Updated the game after the video.
How do you double leg bail into back take ?
Ok im trying to do the Triangle submisson to unlock it in my career, I've trying to figure this out.
Romero help me out how do you do Imari-roll and how do you learn it in career mode?
so I understand you defend the guard pull with high block, but how do you defend the sweep if they are able to pull guard? Can you defend the sweep?
Yooo this is 🔥 new to the channel
I’m shooting the double leg but they reverse it, am I holding R2 too long and do I need to be pressing a direction when I cancel it?
Waiting for the next stream patiently
I’m holding R2 as soon as I shoot but my opponent just sprawls
Sprawls beat the bail
how do i pull my opponents head down to my chest after he is postured up at full guard....like when he postures up at full gaurd how do i pull his head down from posture up position?
Hold the block button
@@RomeroXVII his just gona block...i mean i wana pull his head back to my guard
Hella knowledge!
How to defend pull guard full mount takedown
Said in the video, R2
On point ❤
Yo Romero u think u can tell EA to fix online career mode and put these takedowns in there they’re all missing
You gotta level up the fighter apparently by using TDS
@@RomeroXVII really? Because I do a lot takedowns. Did you mean level up by using evo points to upgrade take downs or level up by just getting the move up
@@romani7873you attempt any takedown and it adds to them all. So if you hit a single leg then all wrestling takedowns move up (more stars). Take downs with EVO points just makes your chances/speed better. If that makes sense.
When trying to deny the pull do you hold high block or push it fast at a certain timing?
Hold high block!
romero are you getting input lag on ufc 5 online I feel like feinting multiple times in a row is unbearably delayed
Yo it’s always the second rd then it’ lags
How do you deny this? Is it L2 R2 ?
It is in the video. It is just R2.
Anyone know how to get into a rubber gaurd ?
When in full guard- L1/LB and you should see it on the hud. Not everybody has it, but most BJJ fighters probably do
Can you do a tutorial video on how to dive in and throw strikes after knocking someone out. Or is that yet another key fundamental element of the sport they’ve decided not to include or have removed?
It's stupid inconsistent. I've mashed buttons and gotten the animation rarely, needs to be more frequent.
@@RomeroXVII I don’t know why they don’t give you the option to do it on every knockout. At least having the option and choosing not to do it would be better than letting the game decide for you
Can you make a defense video how to evade and sway punches
^Romero’s head movement tutorial
Romero’s counterstriking tutorial^
Hope those help
Flick left, right, down, up with the right stick in the direction you want to go at the same time as pressing L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox. So L1 or LB+any direction with right sick
He already did
Hopefully they add more submissions and Bruce Buffer’s actual introductions!!
How can I do some nice elbows on the ground when I am laying on the back and opponent ist above me?
Need to be in full guard then hold L1 and punch buttons
this video is false. i challenge you to go into practice mode and try pulling guard off the double leg bail on inert. they patched it so now YOU NEED TO HAVE SHORT STAMINA ADVANTAGE TO PULL THIS OFF. You are a clown for not saying this in the video. hold this L
You’re a clown for not realizing this video is 7 months old before that patch came out
@@Justusuave313 exactly thats why he should delete this video
"Ufc 5 tutorial: how to pull guard (On playstation only)" lol
RB + Y or X on Xbox.
This shit doesnt work