I'm Probably Making Timberborn's BIGGEST Mistake in Hard Mode...!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Kerbé-m7e
    @Kerbé-m7e Місяць тому +116

    Lmao, making planks at 40% efficiency. “We need more planks, let’s make another shop” so all 3 shops run at lower efficiency instead of supplying more power.

    • @Grato537
      @Grato537 Місяць тому +21

      Yeah this definitely triggered me too. Bottom line to Biffa: if your industry is below 100% powered focus on adding power not production buildings. Adding production is a net LOSS not gain.

    • @dinosaurbob3913
      @dinosaurbob3913 Місяць тому +13

      Agreed. 2 plank shops at 20% vs 1 at 40% = same planks but twice the workers!

    • @walterverlaan1286
      @walterverlaan1286 Місяць тому +1

      @@dinosaurbob3913 Yes! Biffa, read this!

    • @kjyost
      @kjyost Місяць тому

      …unless you are going to pause something else…. 💯

  • @Leon-ff1ln
    @Leon-ff1ln Місяць тому +69

    use should a levee at that 2nd corner near your water pumper and damn at top to maximize the water level to 2 blocks.

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +5

      Great idea 👍

    • @nichole2757
      @nichole2757 Місяць тому +2

      Came here to say the same thing 😂

    • @moldy13
      @moldy13 Місяць тому +3

      came here to say this. i played the same map, and that was one of the first things i did. get more green land too if you raise the level there.

    • @drjonritz
      @drjonritz Місяць тому


    • @thatsweirdt
      @thatsweirdt Місяць тому +1

      Will need the science first to unlock levees

  • @danielmwendwa791
    @danielmwendwa791 Місяць тому +36

    So far so good. I'd suggest building a taller dam just after the water pumps to store more water for emergency pumping during longer droughts.

  • @Khaim.m
    @Khaim.m Місяць тому +12

    Bigfa constantly micromanaging his jobs, and meanwhile there's a beaver sitting on his tail at the fourth lumber flag, right in the middle of everything, half the video.

  • @tarjeg5041
    @tarjeg5041 Місяць тому +13

    You could up the working hours for the beavers to 18-20 hours without any backlash. Works like a charm in the beginning

  • @belgare123
    @belgare123 Місяць тому +42

    Hard mode will have about 3-4 days without droughts or bad tides... then 28-30 with. You need water!

    • @overredrover9430
      @overredrover9430 Місяць тому +5

      Biffa has the right idea with water - as soon as a temperate season starts set all the beavers to pumping water, then pause the pumps during the droughts and redistribute the labour.

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +7

      I want ALL the water! 😁👍

    • @Wasdgamerke
      @Wasdgamerke Місяць тому

      😂😂😂 facts

    • @Grato537
      @Grato537 Місяць тому +1

      On default Hard the temperate time is 5-8 days (and that includes the 3 day count down to drought/ bad tide) and then the drought is between 15 and 30 same for bad tides.

    • @drjonritz
      @drjonritz Місяць тому +1

      Beavers consume 1.2 water per day on easy, 2 water per day on hard.

  • @ihmss007
    @ihmss007 Місяць тому +3

    This is going well can't wait to see where this goes. There are a few spots in your Forest area that are empty and don't have trees planted in them. That way you're using all the land to grow stuff. Keep it up and can't wait to see what's next.

  • @MatthewSwaine
    @MatthewSwaine Місяць тому +8

    You should have 2 farmhouses; 1 worker in each, 1 set to plant, 1 set to harvest. Rather than toggling between harvesting/planting 2 workers in 1 farm all the time. It uses a little bit more space, but the efficiency increase more than makes up for the loss of 6 tiles.

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +2

      I will do, but I needed the wood elsewhere initially 👍

    • @Khaim.m
      @Khaim.m Місяць тому

      There's not really a point to having both priorities set. Eventually the farms should even out to where it doesn't matter because they harvest+plant at the same rate as crops mature. So just have one farmhouse. If you're starving set to harvest, otherwise leave it on plant and let it be.

  • @unconventionalideas5683
    @unconventionalideas5683 Місяць тому +1

    The two story folk tails housing units have their entrance on the second floor so you can place them in the river, and as long as the entrance is above water, the house will not flood. That is a good way to save space and resources and increase housing capacity for more beavers.

  • @col44446
    @col44446 Місяць тому +22

    My Good Man
    start making a makeshift reservoir or you'll still loose
    Hard Mode can spiral out of control
    you wanna have as much control on the water as possible

  • @0Defensor0
    @0Defensor0 Місяць тому +3

    I have a 3 step plan for you:
    - A second farmhouse in that little corner next to the grill, specifically to manage the potatoes.
    - A double floodgate after the third water pump, probably in line with the stairs (you will need a levee too), that will significantly increase your water storage.
    - Long term challenge: instead of blocking the bad water source in the middle, try to fix the aqueduct that leads off the map, while keeping everything of the current stone structure.

  • @overredrover9430
    @overredrover9430 Місяць тому +6

    To get a path to the pile upstairs faster without demolishing, mark only the trees that are in the way for cutting then the rest when they're gone

  • @vampdan
    @vampdan Місяць тому +3

    The thing no one talks about is planting your crops and trees to survive/recover from droughts and bad tides. Most lets-players focus on growth time vs yield (because that is the data displayed) but more important is how long they take to dry out and die. Faster growing plants are better in areas prone to poisoning during a bad tide (if you only have 8 days of usefulness it is a waste planting stuff that will take longer than that to yield), and drought tolerant plants can be planted further away from water with less worry about dying as it evaporates (and can serve as a warning your water is running low).
    So, plant birch where bad water will poison the land and sunflowers in land that dries early.
    Also, your farmers are more efficient if you diversify their crops. And you can play with planting/yield timing by proximity to the farm building to further squeeze performance out of them.

  • @kleckerklotz9620
    @kleckerklotz9620 Місяць тому +7

    You could plant some more fast growing trees on the green land across the river. And you can fill the spots in your forest. Also you need storage for your potatoes and your grilled potatoes. I would start a stacked storage above your carrots and use the same ladders to climb up the mountain to get some more logs.

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому

      That's a good idea!

    • @nickreinders6347
      @nickreinders6347 Місяць тому +2

      Oak are the slowest growing trees but in payout they actually put out the most logs per day so the only good option when going for wood is to plant oaks and absolutely nothing else

  • @TXPhoenix79
    @TXPhoenix79 Місяць тому +1

    5:08 Click the stats button in the upper left, select the jobs tab, and it will show which jobs are vacant.

  • @Beach_Boomer
    @Beach_Boomer Місяць тому +16

    Back in the 80's & 90's my Saturday mornings consisted of watching He-Man, Thundercats, Smurfs and Gummy Bears... 40 years on & my Saturday morning consists of watching some bloke called Biffa playing god on computer game as a beaver overlord! How times change!! 😄

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +7

      Some of my fave shows there, good times 😅👍 thankyou for watching 😁

    • @Beach_Boomer
      @Beach_Boomer Місяць тому

      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines All classics! There are, ofc, many more but those were the bogs dollocks! 😂

  • @nickreinders6347
    @nickreinders6347 Місяць тому +8

    Biffa, you really are gonna need a reservoir. Droughts in hard move really spin out of control within about 10-15 cycles then it is a 30 day long drought you’re never going to live through without a reservoir

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +6

      On the list, as well as 50 other things! Let's hope I can do it 😁👍

    • @baldcattle83
      @baldcattle83 Місяць тому +1

      Why not build a leave and dam next to the stone bridge? The first part of the river is 2 tiles deep, more water can be stored at the pumps!

    • @c_hutch94
      @c_hutch94 Місяць тому

      50 other things😅 poor Biffa​@@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines

  • @mrabrams4
    @mrabrams4 Місяць тому +7

    Biffa this might have been an idea by someone else but i think you should build a dam right where the water pumps are so you won’t have to worry about the water evaporating and it will also give you more green area for your plants and more water to pump just in case you need too

    • @nacoran
      @nacoran Місяць тому +1

      That's what I've done on this map.

  • @CaribouKH
    @CaribouKH Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for these videos, perfect Saturday chilling.. and I always end up starting a new build on the same maps.
    ..my humble 2 cents..
    Dam the double height part where the water pumps are to the top (gets you a ton of water storage for cheap) and focus on getting the bad tide diversion.. I was just wiped out by the 1st one 😅
    There is a "cheaper" path for the diversion on the lower level "left" of where you are building the ladder, 4 three-height gates and around 15 levees.

  • @tigonologdring9189
    @tigonologdring9189 Місяць тому +1

    Going well so far! The diversion of water thing for the bad tides... you may be able to get away with diverting it lower down as there's a notch out of the cliff at the edge of the map. Probably take less in the way of height for the needed levees/floodgates.

  • @Quintinium
    @Quintinium Місяць тому

    I noticed that the stairs furthest downstream are not entirely necessary (still unbuilt), due to a natural stair being on the opposite side of it.
    Happy with the progress so far, good luck.

  • @bjorn.josmans
    @bjorn.josmans Місяць тому +6

    can you somehow do a world with RCE? I would 100% watch it.

  • @opallise
    @opallise Місяць тому +1

    I, 100%, don't understand how those ladders work. Super exciting!

  • @Dragonhelm99
    @Dragonhelm99 Місяць тому

    Broke my foot yesterday and your videos continue to bring me joy in this trying time

  • @konraddapper7764
    @konraddapper7764 Місяць тому +5

    your additional planc production is not realy helping because you do not have the power to run them efficently.

  • @henke37
    @henke37 Місяць тому +1

    You could've put the ladders off to the side, avoiding the need to remove the bushes.

  • @nikicroft
    @nikicroft Місяць тому +1

    Best map for a giant kettle! A working giant kettle. 😁

  • @PeterPannekoek1850
    @PeterPannekoek1850 Місяць тому +7

    The Birch trees are so not worth to plant. Takes a whole tile for 1 wood. Sad😢

    • @overredrover9430
      @overredrover9430 Місяць тому +1

      Yes, now that the oaks have come through unmark the pine and birch for planting, rather than employing the builders to demolish (edit: as was done with the carrots to potatoes), and when harvested mark out more oaks. Of course if you're going to miss the harvesting for like 15 days then maybe it's worth demolishing.

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +3

      Long term yes, but this is hard mode. I meed more wood now, not just in 30 days 👍

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому


    • @Grato537
      @Grato537 Місяць тому

      I've done hard mode and still don't use birch. I think some pines are worth it but only for one or two cycles by the time the pines grow up a second time they should be replaced with oak.
      Pines grow 50% more wood per day than birch but is only 3 days longer. Plus beavers carry two logs so the transportation is also more efficient. (And Oaks are another 60% more wood than per day per tile than Pines)

    • @nurmr
      @nurmr Місяць тому

      @@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines So much time already wasted by planting all of the oaks before the pines/birch.

  • @zsolthb
    @zsolthb Місяць тому

    20:49 You could have built the ladder behind the berry storage. There is a tile without berry bushes and accessible from 2 sides.

  • @Kenobi3019
    @Kenobi3019 Місяць тому +2

    I love a good Biffa video but when it finishes I'm like noooooo too soon we need more Biffa 😂 Cracking video mate, love Timberborn there's no other that does it quite like you 🙌

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +2

      Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the great feedback 👍👍

    • @Kenobi3019
      @Kenobi3019 Місяць тому

      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines Always do Biff, your a fantastic content creator 👌 I've been currently going through your Blightea series, absolutely loving it, I would love a uk version of cities skylines for console since that's what I use, but I would honestly never come off the game if we had that ha ha

  • @c_hutch94
    @c_hutch94 Місяць тому

    Hard mode? No problem for our man Biffa! (Until Biffa's next Beavertasrophe...) 😂😂

  • @luminariel3765
    @luminariel3765 Місяць тому

    I would say build a reservoir around the waterfall with levees and sluices. You can keep adding layers as needed but that way you'll always have a little water during droughts

  • @Sephin
    @Sephin Місяць тому +1

    You have so much potential for reservoirs. Just below the natural bridge you can put a line of levees with dams on top to create a nice bit of water storage. Just below where you have your dams now there are natural walls 3 high. You could easily put some levees and dams there to create a pool of water you could pump out of during a drought for literal days. On hard mode the wet season only lasts for 3 days and droughts can last up to 30. There is just no way to make enough food and pump enough water in 3 days to last 30. You need a proper reservoir.

  • @troein
    @troein Місяць тому

    The reservoir can be made deeper! Where the stairs through the river just went in, the river bank goes from 2 blocks deep to only 1 block deep. If you dam that spot with levees and dams, you could raise the water level at the pumps to 2 blocks.

  • @squallloire
    @squallloire Місяць тому

    Thanks for another great episode Biffa!
    I don't want to jinx anything, but it's going well so far 😀

  • @Burninnapalm
    @Burninnapalm Місяць тому

    "No one likes a stuffed beaver"
    me "thats not what she said"

  • @thatsweirdt
    @thatsweirdt Місяць тому

    I lot of inefficiencies:
    1. Added ladders removing berries where there is 2 steps of natural stairs already
    2. Adding berries storage at the same spot, far from the other gathering patch
    3. Adding more factories without increasing power
    4. Spots of not usable empty spaces, like beside the water storage, and the new log storage, unnecessary paths in between the small water storages
    5. Placing 2 stairs and a hardly using path instead of a shower

  • @jabcmw1
    @jabcmw1 Місяць тому +1

    You don't make enough power for all those buildings

  • @dylanline904
    @dylanline904 Місяць тому

    Beavals world tour foreshadowing??? A you and RCE one off episode would actually be amazing! ❤

  • @yalmisleyici9297
    @yalmisleyici9297 Місяць тому

    Great video again!! By the way, stair path is blocked. they might stopped building it because of distance. you should demolish some more berries to give access.

  • @dolan-duk
    @dolan-duk Місяць тому +1

    Mildly irritated with the path to the ladders cutting through the berry area. Could have built the path before the warehouses up to where the 2 flights of stone stairs already are and saved destroying the berrys and also saved on 2 levels of ladders - plus it would have looked neater too.

    • @nurmr
      @nurmr Місяць тому

      or could have come up on the left hand side by the industry and gained some more storage space.

  • @Jajauq7rjc
    @Jajauq7rjc Місяць тому

    Build more dams to hold water back and keep water retention.
    2 spots can help store more water before building that ladder

  • @Scrufflz
    @Scrufflz Місяць тому

    I played 4 hours this morning, attempting to play along with you this season. This map is really cool without ladders, and I'd love to see what you come up with without that mod! I also found that under the little brown overhang on the side of the map is a great place for a tall beaver-apartment complex. Free stairs!

  • @vrsimracer
    @vrsimracer Місяць тому

    Good progress today, fingers crossed no Bad Tide imminent but I reckon next Levees and Double Floodgates to protect for when the bad tide does come. Also Doubles Floodgates just below the Log Pumpers. Plan where you will build a huge reservoir. I would have used the stairs behind the berry storage and ladders right at the back of the map to get up and planned to build the reservoir taking out most of the berries and a chunk of your carrots / potatoes. Build the other Forester, once you start using Levees you're going to face a paucity of logs and watch out for the spreading pollution from the bad water source.

  • @targetdreamer257
    @targetdreamer257 Місяць тому

    Not that it will change the amount of logs but I think there are a few spaces that are not designated to plant as oaks or whatever from the Forester. A couple places to damn up; that two high after the water pumps and down past Badwater. Yes it will hold back the Badwater but since it is mixed fresh and bad it doesn't poison the land, it just lowers the radius of fertile ground. That would hold water and give you access to across the river where you could go for the trees near the end of the river.

  • @davidhouston8251
    @davidhouston8251 Місяць тому

    Don't leave it too late to start thinking about a badwater solution. I kept leaving it too late at first and kept killing my food, not much time inbetween droughts/badwater to get stocks back up if things die.

  • @S4B3R117
    @S4B3R117 Місяць тому +2

    These beavers ARE people! People != human

  • @richardzijlmans8993
    @richardzijlmans8993 Місяць тому

    Build more on the dry land than on the green land. You still need the green land badly!

  • @marxmaiale9981
    @marxmaiale9981 Місяць тому

    There is a gas station chain in the US that sells beavers. Buc'ees. Well far more than just stuffed animal beavers, inflatables, cloths, a multitude of food products. Lots of videos where Brits on vacation film themselves at this gas station.

  • @justinboggin9086
    @justinboggin9086 Місяць тому

    This cycle could have been a badtide. You can and should have a badtide divert before this point. You spent too much time on gears and getting larger storage that should have been put towards levees. Chase existing wood on the map more. Its there to be used after all.
    You can put levees downriver right before where the badsource falls in to create some downriver water storage. You can set your pumps here. This way you can keep pumping during drought without draining your irrigation water.

  • @AdamHinckley
    @AdamHinckley Місяць тому +4

    you got the ladders the wrong way round

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +1

      I'll check 👍

    • @overredrover9430
      @overredrover9430 Місяць тому

      Be careful with demolishing buildings in hard mode you don't get 100% of the resources back

    • @AdamHinckley
      @AdamHinckley Місяць тому

      @@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines you can tell at the end of the video that it's the wrong way

  • @otislammertyn7343
    @otislammertyn7343 Місяць тому +1

    It's not really useful if you put more buildings in that need power if you don't have enough power

  • @NethDugan
    @NethDugan Місяць тому

    You need to keep the forrester on, especially when trees are being cut or else they won't be replaced and you'll have a huge gap of no trees. You need the forrester and the wood cutter to work together. Replace trees as they are cut.

  • @HarrytheUnlucky
    @HarrytheUnlucky Місяць тому

    Instead of removing the berries you could have saved some ladders by using the natural slopes and built the ladder under the overhang.
    - Just as other have stated more power before more buildings.

  • @JJ-rc4sc
    @JJ-rc4sc Місяць тому

    The first part of the "river" is higher, so if you dam that first piece also you have 2 blocks high of water there you can pump longer if you need it nd youre crops will last longer

  • @kriswheeler5686
    @kriswheeler5686 Місяць тому +1

    You’re gonna need more shaming wheels mate

  • @carriegarrisonvos4433
    @carriegarrisonvos4433 Місяць тому

    I think you are doing great and that the plan is good! Conservative a bit which is smart and stocking up which is also smart!! Look forward to more 🤩

  • @MatthewSwaine
    @MatthewSwaine Місяць тому

    23:24 They did vote. They voted "Yes" and went to make more beavers :D

  • @jeison00
    @jeison00 Місяць тому

    You should dam up right after that map included bridge to bring the water level higher for the times when there is a draught.

  • @robbfisher2876
    @robbfisher2876 Місяць тому

    Use 1 high floodgates and levees instead of dams. They will let you store water higher than a dam. Along with all the other suggestions in the comments😉

  • @jayzo
    @jayzo Місяць тому

    idk how far ahead you are compared to the releases, but it seems like it's absolutely worth excavating the river to make it deeper to hold more water. If you unlock explosives you can blow a badwater channel out lower down (after the very first waterfall from the source) to swiftly remove them it off the edge of the map. I also think a reservoir like in the last playthrough will be essential too.

    • @CouchPotator
      @CouchPotator Місяць тому

      explosives requires a lot of infrastructure, which Biffa if currently failing majorly at. He's adding more production buildings while he doesn't even have enough power for the two he started with. AND he as two beavers without a job!

  • @jamie_23
    @jamie_23 Місяць тому

    2 episodes in a week! You spoil us!

  • @darthgbc363
    @darthgbc363 Місяць тому

    8:59 Don't need these stairs. Natural stairs are in upper right of this depression.

  • @kidying
    @kidying Місяць тому +1

    Remember to cut the path in the water if you get a bad tide or the beavers will get contaminated

  • @HeatStoker69
    @HeatStoker69 Місяць тому

    Be careful with those stairs going into the water when there's a bad tide...

  • @urkerab
    @urkerab Місяць тому +3

    Foresters plant the nearest trees by default, unless you select a preferred tree; the option for dead trees is for when you've got a patch of pine for the resin that died off for some reason.
    Your latest lumber mill won't be powered until that gear workshop gets built, so prioritising it is unhelpful, unless you provide it with its own power wheel, which you may want because you don't really have enough power.

  • @johnpaulpangan7987
    @johnpaulpangan7987 Місяць тому

    try to dam off the area next to the 1, water pump so you can save 2 tile high water

  • @jensnilsson985
    @jensnilsson985 Місяць тому

    unlock Lever and build up a rise dame just after the water pumps so you have more store of water and even mabe have water pumps going during draut

  • @Lord_Void_Raven
    @Lord_Void_Raven Місяць тому

    it's gonna be interesting to see how to tackle bad water in this map, especially early game

  • @HeatStoker69
    @HeatStoker69 Місяць тому

    You could put a 2 high floodgate and some levees in the stream just after the water pumps, that way you could fill that part up 2 blocks high.
    Also, stick a beaver back in the forester, you're losing precious oak growing time... 🦫

  • @garand70
    @garand70 Місяць тому

    I wonder if it would be worthwhile to fix the aquaduct to dump the bad water off the map and gain the rest of the downstream land above the river.

  • @katherinestardragon4386
    @katherinestardragon4386 Місяць тому

    Raising the dam level could help as well as building another in the middle near the town hall to back up water further?

  • @coldoe8889
    @coldoe8889 Місяць тому

    Instead of unlocking platforms just use small warehouses. Can still mark a path on top of it

  • @GoldNTeacherr
    @GoldNTeacherr Місяць тому

    The British mind can't comprehend American small towns where pretty much every store, bar, and house has a collection of taxidermy animals posted up all over the place lmao🤣

  • @skyshredder_coutries
    @skyshredder_coutries Місяць тому +2

    You are doing way better than RCE lol

  • @darthgbc363
    @darthgbc363 Місяць тому

    1. Science
    2. Open your eyes.
    3. unlock Sluices
    4. unlock Levees
    5. One away & parallel of water crossing. Build 3 sluices & 1 levee on bottom row, with 4 levees above those. To increase the green area.
    6. Badtide diversion up top.
    7. More water storage.
    8. Paths everywhere.
    Quit spending science on BS.

    • @nurmr
      @nurmr Місяць тому

      #2 😆😆😆, also:
      Pause buildings that don't have required source materials, or space to store their production
      More power, not more workshops
      Stop putting storage on irrigated land

  • @Kris_96
    @Kris_96 Місяць тому

    22:31 until a bad time comes and you kill everyone.

  • @realbizkit666
    @realbizkit666 Місяць тому

    Make a dam next to the bridge so the water is two blocks high instead of 1.

  • @thelesls
    @thelesls Місяць тому

    you should build another dam, right after the pumps with one level of levees.

  • @nomeacuerdo
    @nomeacuerdo Місяць тому

    It’s a small, almost insignificant thing, but those 3 unplanted spots on the tree area are tilting me harder than the power efficiency thing

  • @nikicroft
    @nikicroft Місяць тому

    You could use the bad waterfall to put in the wheel power.

  • @baldcattle83
    @baldcattle83 Місяць тому

    Unpause the Forrester! 30:45

  • @drjonritz
    @drjonritz Місяць тому

    Beavers consume 1.2 water per day on easy, 2 water per day on hard.

  • @DrakeGamer85
    @DrakeGamer85 Місяць тому

    A coffee shop that had stuffed animals???? Makes me glad I love Tea - no tea shop would dare do that! 🫖

  • @Simon.W1
    @Simon.W1 Місяць тому

    Good Video Biffa 👍

  • @koryferencz7391
    @koryferencz7391 Місяць тому

    No need for more than 1 builder if there is only 1 plank in stock at a time

  • @PabloBD
    @PabloBD Місяць тому

    make dam at a lower level paralel to the waterfall and red tide goes behind the other side

  • @frankenstein8264
    @frankenstein8264 Місяць тому +1

    Factorio just got a new dlc

  • @narvalin5905
    @narvalin5905 Місяць тому

    Beavers are people too. Don't be specist Biffa.

  • @magicalmac7505
    @magicalmac7505 Місяць тому

    Please fill the gaps in the trees 😭 you didn't do it in kettleborn and it drove me crazy lol

  • @Zach2795
    @Zach2795 10 днів тому

    Biffa sir! please fix the playlist for this series, the videos are all over the place lol

  • @lucasmandato4910
    @lucasmandato4910 Місяць тому

    badtides start sooner, so at this point you should REALLY have rerouting of the water sorted...

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому

      Well....I'd like to see someone be that far ahead at this point 😅 I reckon we'll just deal with the first badtide and then be ready for the next 👍

    • @lucasmandato4910
      @lucasmandato4910 Місяць тому

      @@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines sometimes they come at cycle 4, which is pretty harsh, but can be done, the amount of wood you placed on gears and planks to the water reservoirs could've been used to the reroute, and there's a few trees up the top which would've helped as well, first few cycles doesn't require that much storage, so you could've just used 3 levies and 3 dams to get water a little higher were is possible and apply all rest of wood in a rudimentary rerouting system. you're doing well and looks like you'll go far, i just commented to open your eyes a bit, as badwater passing thru your wood area would kill all saplings...i love watching and hope you succeed xD

    • @lucasmandato4910
      @lucasmandato4910 Місяць тому

      @@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines and btw left some screenshots on their disc. i hope i got your handle right...anyway its easy to find on the screenshots chat...

  • @chrisb9960
    @chrisb9960 Місяць тому

    Would it benefit you to put a two level dam just after your water pumps?

  • @walterverlaan1286
    @walterverlaan1286 Місяць тому

    So far, so good.

  • @FancyFrog455
    @FancyFrog455 Місяць тому

    you're doing way better than RCE lol

  • @JamesFisher-ht4nq
    @JamesFisher-ht4nq Місяць тому

    The forester is paused

  • @sushirunner
    @sushirunner Місяць тому

    Are there plans to do a series without mods?

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Місяць тому +1

      The only gameplay adjusting mod is the ladder, which I like using, so probably not 👍

  • @PunksterNL
    @PunksterNL Місяць тому

    When you say stuffed animals... real ones, or plush?

  • @theaveragejoe5781
    @theaveragejoe5781 Місяць тому

    You need a nuclear power plant ☢️