  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • After the second marriage he forgets about the grief he had to endure
    during the first one. He still can’t get over the illusion that married life yields happiness. Now he
    acquires a new trait. He becomes very miserly and is terribly attracted by money so much so that he
    doesn’t eat properly, never spends when it is utmost necessary and tries always to increase his
    assets. This results in acquisition of all the vices. He doesn’t follow his religion and doesn’t allow
    others to follow theirs. He throws profanities on the Saints and the Sages. He neither does anything
    good nor let anyone do it. Whatever he doesn’t like, he not only refuses to accept but makes a
    mockery of that also.
    He refuses to accept the God and naturally his worshippers. He uses
    his power to aggrieve others and talks rudely to hurt others. He has no moral or ethical values. His
    pride is sky high. He stops following the religious rituals followed traditionally by his family. His
    sole aim in life is acquisition of wealth and its magnification. He starts using any means, most of
    the times unfair ones towards this end. He becomes uncontrollable in his behavior because of the
    power of his wealth and youth.
    His uncontrollable youthful desires lead to insatiable lust and
    therefore he has relations with many women. For his crimes the law punishes him but that too can’t
    deter him from adopting any ways and means to satiate his devious desires. He loses his power of
    distinguishing between what is good and bad for he thinks that whatever he was doing was the best!
    The natural consequence is that he gets afflicted with the diseases because of his frequenting the
    prostitutes. The diseases make his body gruesome. Yet he continues doing the same things which
    further damage his body and in youth itself he looks like an old man.
    His body which he saw as an asset becomes the greatest liability.
    Looking at it he develops self pity and now prays God whom he had forgotten, “Please let me die; I
    can’t see myself suffering any more like this.”
    He loses everything which he so proudly possessed including all of
    his money which was stolen by the thieves. Just because he prayed God his condition day by day
    improves and surprisingly for others again he is in a position where he can stand on his own. Yet he
    thinks that he had risen from the ashes on his own and doesn’t remember God! He again starts in
    the same old vein. He earns some money, some good things for the house and begins his life with
    his second wife as if nothing had happened except for the fact that both were aggrieved that they
    had no issue. They try everything for getting an issue. They even go to the witch men and use all
    types of supernatural powers to get an issue. They pray God promising innumerable things for God
    (!) if they were blessed. The God finally accedes to their demand and finally they have a son. Both
    of them are in absolute love with the child. They can’t tolerate even the hunger cry of their child
    and immediately would run helter-skelter to please him. Unfortunately they lose their son due to
    some unexplained illness. They go mad with grief. They start squarely blaming everyone including
    the God for their plight and ill luck. After some time they think that they should again pray God,
    which they do and he being ever so kind blesses them and lo and behold! They have not one but
    many children.