I just shared the entire ,podcast and website with one of my friends, he has a lot of followers on instagram, hope he shares and more ppl get to listen to your stuff
This is an exceptionally good presentation, but I do have a correction to make. The Umayas were Suni (in fact their rise to power marked the splitting of Islam between the Suni and Shi'a). The Abassids were also Suni, but initially they had a lot of Shi'a support, but their promises to the Shi'a were broken and they later even cracked down on Shi'a.
Nicely done, I was a history major a long time ago, your videos put the classes I took to shame for the most part. Your style is unique and easy to follow; keeps the interest up. Headed to Spains shortly, this will be of tremendous help as I travel.
Thanks- I’m happy you like the content - make sure you get to the reconquista videos!. As for going to Spain, I’m jealous on this end. Hope to get back there in the Spring myself. Take some good pics and if you want to share them with the flash point history community let me know.
I have enjoyed quite a bit of your content, I've seen / heard both your series on Carthage / Rome and the Reconquista. to round out my knowledge of Spain, just finished other content on the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish are an extremely diverse people.
Good to hear! I'm glad you like the content. Yes, part of the reason it takes me a bit to make these videos is the time it takes to research multiple sources, there are so many conflicting views. Wait till you get to the part on Tolerance in Islamic Spain.
Imagine how tough this prince would have become after all this suffering, traveling and battles. That plays a good role in his ascendency in Spain as a regent which was a new chapter in the history of the muslims in Spain.
According to Syrian historians, when Muawyah Ibn Abdul Malik, Abd Al Rahman's father died, the Calif Hisham, Abd Al Rahman's grandfather took him in, and during one night the Calif's brother, Maslamah Ibn Abdul Malik, who was a scholar and former Umaweed army leader, saw Abd Al Rahman and he was shocked. He grabbed him, and started examining him, and then turned to his brother the Calif, and said: "This is the prince who will resurrect the Umaweed dynasty in the west after its demise in the east." Indeed, about twenty years later, The Umaweed Dynasty was overthrown, Abd Al Rahman escapes and establishes his state in Spain... he was 23 years old.
@@TheUnique69able This is a list of names the Umayyads: 1. Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, born in Makkah hijaz 2. Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, born in Medina hijaz 3. Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan, born in Medina hijaz 4. Al-Waleed bin Abdul Malik born in Medina hijaz 5. Suleiman bin Abdul Malik born in Medina hijaz 6. Omar bin Abdul Aziz born in Medina 7. Ibrahim bin Al-Walid born in Makkah Al-Mukarramah And the rest some of them were born in Damascus and others in Andalusia and Cordoba, their birth in Cordoba and Andalusia doesn't make them Spaniards, and their birth in sham land doesn't make them Syrians They are all from arabia 🇸🇦
Abbasids were not a Shia faction. The fact that they supported Ali's legitimacy does not mean they are Shia. Most Sunnies supported Ali legitimacy anyway. The Sunii/Shia conflict is way more complicated than that.
"shiaism" has a political side and a religious side. Even though the political side "claiming that only Ahlul-bait has the legitimacy to rule" is strongly connected to the religious side, some of those who were called Shias in the first two centuries of Islam were only political Shias and didn't believe in the twelvers faith as it is today. The Abbasid were political Shias with mostly sunni faith, and they believed that the term Ahlul-bait included them too as the cousins of the prophet Muhammad -pbuh- Even though they used it in a very vague way at the start of their revolution to get advantage of Ali's family supporters in Khurasan and Iraq.
Sunnis support Ali's legitimacy against Mu'awiyah only when Ali was alive, but they acknowledge the legitimacy of the Umayyad caliphate after that. Political Shias believe Ali has always had the legitimacy even before Abu Bakr, Omar, and Othman. That's the difference
I guess you’re right in that they were both Sunni - however thier interpretation of who should lead were vastly different. In that sense they were sectionalized. And the results were obvious - massive civil war with near genocide of an opposing group.
Well you have a really good point - I need to be more specific in the future. When people hear sect they usually think of Sunni or Shi'a - and later in Islamic history this made a profound difference - for example the rise of the Fatimids and their aggression with the Abbasids. The split between Umayyad and Abbasid was a subdivision within a sect.
That's what I was trynna say, in popular imagination it may have another meaning to the one you are intimating. Anyhow, really kool content keep it up! Seeing as you are interested in Islamic history, you may wanna check out my channel, I do weekly videos on Battles, Cities, Monuments or Figures! Stay in touch.
Ummayad and Abbasid khaliphs were from Quraish tribe the tribe of the prophet whose members were in every place in the caliphate specially Iraq,elsham and Egypt
I so want not only a film (as another commenter mentioned), but also an open-world videogame that is more or less a Dishonored title mechanic-wise but with Abd al-Rahman as the protagonist during those five years, because it could be believable. Made in conjunction with a Total War title set later after he gets to Spain and consolidates his power. I'd play both.
He an arab not Syrian, and the land they inhabited is called Bilad al-Sham, not Syria, and Umayyads are an Arab dynasty whose origins are from Mecca not Syrians
@@شِيحانالرصافي هههههههههه ضحكتني الشام كانو اكثريتهم موالي وكلنا نعرف من هم الموالي هم انتم العجم اللي دخلوا في الاسلام ولم يكونوا متحدثين بالعربية الا بعد الفتح الاسلامي لهم اما قادة وولاة الدولة كانو اغلبهم مولودين في مكه والمدينة المنورة والطائف ومدن مختلفة بالحجاز ونجد وتهامه ، والموالي اللي اخذوا مناصب قيادية أقلية مثل موسى بن نصير اللي ولد بالشام كان والده مولى من موالي قبيلة لخم انتم تلصقون نفسكم فينا وبتاريخنا وبالاصل تاريخياً انتم احفاد الموالي
@@thinfeelings موالي لمن بالعكس كان أكثر أكثر القادة العسكريين والولاة من أهل الشام أو ممن سكنو الشام والجيش الأموي أيضاً من أهالي الشام وجزء من العراق اما الحجاز فلم يكن له أي أهمية سياسية أو غيرها وخراجهم من المال هو الأقل بين أهل الامصار كلهم لذلك لا نرى أي أبنية اموية في الجزيرة كلها العجم كل من لا يتحدث العربية والمعلوم أن اللغة العربية نشأت في منطقة في جنوب سوريا وكذلك الخطوط العربية كلها من سوريا هذا باعتراف الباحثين الأكاديميين سواء من الغرب أو حتى العرب منهم الباحث الكويتي أحمد الجلاد انتم تاريخكم كله خيميتن وناقة يرحم والديك شوف افامية شوف الرها شوف ماري شوف ايبلا وقطنا حيث نشأ الجنس السامي واللغات السامية قال تاريخ قال اجداد العرب الجينيين سواء P58 أو E4 كلهم ولدو في بلاد الشام وليس في جزيرة الأعراب حيث قرون الشيطان
@@شِيحانالرصافي هههههههههه حلوه هذي قادة من اهل الشام🤣 روح ابحث فين ولدوا اغلبهم ولدو بالحجاز ونجد وتهامه مالهم علاقة بالموالي اجدادك كانو مجرد متفرجين عالحرب اللي دارت بين العرب والفرس والروم وماكانت المناصب بعهد الخلافة الاموية تعطى لغير العربي وهذا هو سبب الثورة العباسية والموالي على الامويين 😂😂 اللي يضحك ان اغلب الشوام ابناء عوائل مالهم علاقة بالعرب اصلا وغير مثبت نسبهم لمن ينتمون وكثير منهم ينتسبون لمهنة الجد مثل عائلة النجار والحداد والجزار والخ المصيبة انكم تشوفون ابناء القبائل العربية بدو وهي نفسها هالقبائل اللي ينتمي لها الكثير من الصحابة والفاتحين فمثلا قبيلة الحارثي بالسعودية انتم يازط الشام تشوفونهم بدو بس لانهم من قبيلة ولو نرجع للتاريخ بنشوف عالم عربي ينتمي لها وهو (أبو فضل الحارثي) نفس الشيى مع قبيلة كنده والأزد وبني سليم هذول كلهم قبائل بنظركم بدو اللي هم اشرف منكم ومن تاريخكم ، بخصوص التواجد العربي بالشام قبل الاسلام لايعني ان اصولهم من هناك ولايعني ان كل اهل الشام عرب اساسا جزء من العرب احتلوا الشام مثل الانباط والقيداريين هذولا اصولهم من جزيرة العرب مو من الشام واكبر دليل على كلامي كل ممالك الشام كانت تكتب وتتكلم باللغة الارامية اما الكتابات باللغة العربية اللي لقيوها بالشام تسبق ظهور كل الممالك الشامية واحتمال اللي نقشها هم التجار العرب او العابرين على الشام ولو الشام لهم صله بهذولا اللي نقشوا هذه الكتابات المكتوبة باللغة العربية لرأيناهم هم وممالكهم يتكلمون عربي ويكتبون باللغه العربية لكن الشام بالعهد الروماني وماقبله كانو كلهم يتكلمون ارامي اثار مملكة تدمر اللي كانت تحت حكم الروم كل اثارها مكتوبه باللغة الارامية والرومانية
Love this! In Portugal a lot of us are Mouros, as in Moors, as in Morenos, as in Mauri, as in Mauro specially in the South. Were not different from Berbers a.k.a. Amazyh. Almoravids, Almohads, Ummayad Caliphate (Muslim Moors). But you're right we live in Europe therefore are Europeans and Moroccans and Algerians live in Africa and therefore are Africans. None of both represent a single ethnicity, culture or religion. But both us as Moroccans and Algerians share not only berber blood as Phoenician blood (Levante - Lebanon) as Arabic blood (Ummayad Caliphate conquered everything from 1AD to 15th Century. From Mesopotamia (Persian Golf) to Egypt to Mahgreb to Iberian Peninsula. The Reconquista weren't battles between different ethnicities but religions. Both Portuguese Kingdom and Spanish Kingdom incorporated millions of Moors that converted from Islam to Christianity. Search one of our first navigators João Vaz Corte-Real and the Corte-Real Family. Well that's a Portuguese Moor. Persian/Arabic looking AF. You can see it Cristiano Ronaldo, Cancelo, Daniela Melchior, Daniela Ruah, Sara Sampaio, Nelly Furtado and so on so on. Zidane could be Portuguese. We got a lot of Zidanes, Benzemas and Salahs too. Best Regards from Portugal ❤🇲🇿🇦🇴🇬🇼🇨🇻🇸🇹🇧🇷🇵🇹
Amazing work as always, but one questions always bothered me and I've never found the answer to it :what is the death toll of the reconquista from start to finish?
hard to say - the death tolls are never consistent and do we consider the ramifications of the Reconquista - those killed in the subsequent religious purges - the civilians - those that died in exile or because of exile - Easily can top into the millions depending on the reference points
You're from San Francisco? Or have lived there for a considerable time? I am from the Bay Area also. I knew I was recognizing some interesting uses of Bay Area slang in these podcasts and was wondering where those came from. The slang use isn't overdone but it makes it entertaining in its minor uses which I think you might be doing without even knowing it.
I have lived all over the earth. My father was in a business that we were almost constantly moving. I’ve lived in the San Francisco Bay area for about 15 years. I wasn’t even aware that I was using a local slang. Can you give me an example?
@@FlashPointHx I don't remember specifics, but if I hear it again I will mention something when listening to future episodes. I don't want to rewind searching for slang. It wasn't anything blatant, just little dribbles of language and I noticed. While doing my work in Krakow Poland, your podcasts been nice. I am from Bay Area but haven't lived there in 11 years, currently working online moving around different parts of the world. Cheers. Do you have a twitter, instagram? Would like to know about updates on new shows ect since I use those platforms a little more that lead me to others.
Krakow?! Awesome - I work with a Polish lady who can’t speak enough about Krakow. I’m glad you like the podcast - yes I’ve got a Twitter and Facebook page that I update all the time. Just look in the description of this video to get the links.
@@FlashPointHx @raymond supan I hear it too! He reminds me of a friend of mine that grew up in California. They almost have a distinct accent but I guess it's more about the way they talk.
@@FlashPointHx Hey, funny I am re-listening to this now living in Malaga Spain. I actually never been back to the USA since this last comment. Amazing to listen to this being in Spain, I had to re-listen. Can't wait to someday get to the Constantinople series while walking around Istanbul.
Flash Point History i was gonna chill listening to it, said to myself if you answered rite away. id never forget this moment as i remember many prev. Moments i had listening to flashpoint master pieces, thanks nithin
@@samnatt248 well .. if you go back far enough all the way to 4500-5500 years ago then yes but the tribe belongs to Qedarites descendants which was a kingdom of the descendants of Qedar and its capitol was Dawmatu Al-Jandal in modern day Saudi Arabia www.google.com/maps/place/Dumah+Al+Jandal/@29.6373286,38.2078385,7z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x150d2e506977731b:0xa574a783d233a610!8m2!3d29.8107894!4d39.8887661 and Quraish was from Qedar's downstream and its home when it was formed as a tribe was Makkah - Saudi Arabia the Arabs are originally from modern day Saudi Arabia this is where the identity first mentioned (with the king "Gindibu the Arab") ~853 BCE if i recall correctly but if you go back even further to lets say 2000 BCE or more then yes .. we are descendants of older Semitic peoples of the Fertile Crescent but genetically today .. we are different than modern day Levantine populations for that they got a lot of Iranian and Anatolian Autosomal DNA while Saudi Arabians mostly (~90+%) Natufian Autosomal DNA and 93% shared Autosomal DNA with Tell Megiddo remains from the Bronze Age thanks to being Isolated in the desert and not be invaded like the Levant was
No my friend...The Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his grandfather Adnan and Adnan was the son of the Prophet Ismail and Ismail is originally from Syria and was born in Syria and then moved to the Arabian Peninsula that main Quraish Their origin is back to syria ..All the elements and soldiers were from syria and the umyyad They ruled the world thanks to soldiers syrian
@@madridmadrid6978 wrong , if we go by traditional genealogy, Ismael son of Ibrahim , his father from Uruk - Sumer not Syrian .. also there was no "Syria" back then it was (Mar'tu) land Quraish as a tribe was formed in Hejaz - Saudi Arabia Banu Sahm , Al-Ashraf (Banu Hashem) , Bani Al-Makhzoum and other branches are all still alive and well in Saudi Arabia genetically we are descendants of J1-FGC11 Y-DNA
@@madridmadrid6978 Bani Umayyah are from Hejaz you culture vulture they were NOT Levantines but indeed Peninsular tribal Arabians stop stealing others history and identity their soldiers and generals were ALL tribal Arabians these are the Arabian tribes banners at the time of Rashidun / Early Umayyad i.redd.it/uvxgj070lnp41.jpg not Syriac Arabized people but Peninsular Arabian people
`VERY similar to the story of house targeryan lol u read grr martin got his idea of targeryan prince and danerys fleeing after basing it on abd al malik
No, he is a Saudi prince from the Hijaz and the Syrians are not Arabs, they are Syriacs. Abdul Rahman I is a descendant of Marwan bin Al-Hakam bin Al-As, the Qurashi Umayyad. His grandfather is from Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the Quraish tribe, and his mother is from Morocco. The Syrians have not produced a personality or a leader in history. They are an oppressed people who cannot even rule themselves. Now they are ruled by the Al-Assad family, who are Kurds from Iran. Then Abdul Rahman I was called the Falcon of Quraish, not the Falcon of the Syriacs or the Falcon of the Levant.🇸🇦
No, he is a Saudi prince from the Hijaz and the Syrians are not Arabs, they are Syriacs. Abdul Rahman I is a descendant of Marwan bin Al-Hakam bin Al-As, the Qurashi Umayyad. His grandfather is from Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the Quraish tribe, and his mother is from Morocco. The Syrians have not produced a personality or a leader in history. They are an oppressed people who cannot even rule themselves. Now they are ruled by the Al-Assad family, who are Kurds from Iran. Then Abdul Rahman I was called the Falcon of Quraish, not the Falcon of the Syriacs or the Falcon of the Levant.
Honestly saying that abbasids were better than ummayeds .Ummayeds suffer humiliation from chinease in the east and khazars in the north East and these defeats were indeed humilating for many but they were doing well but they were also in a modern sense you can say that they were pretty racist also sometimes which is why many non arabs and non syrians were against them and hence resulting in abbasid revolution in eastern parts of Islamic world but they Umayyads indeed manage to escape to the west Iberian peninsula where they live longer and created independent state .After this abbasid revolution ummayeds of cordoba always opposes the abbasid caliphs and try to rival them that is why Cordoba was considered at that time a rival city of both bagdad and Constantinople but abbasid did actually tried to conquer Iberia but they were defeated by emirate of cordoba.Abd al rehman was lucky that there was a sea between Iberia and north Africa otherwise ummayeds were nothing against abbasids
Great series but you’re killing me with these names... is it War of the Worlds? Or Muslim Conquest of Hispania (Iberia no?) etc etc. And I can’t figure out the Series name, nor the Episode number. Make name short and the same! And then put the “S2:E4” after Series name, then put the least important chapter name after that. This way I can tell where the heck I am and what’s next. Great content! Thank you!
Sorry for the confusion - this was initially meant to be a podcast - it covers the time periods from 570 to 1570 - the whole series is War of the Worlds - the smaller portions are labeled as Conquest of Hispania, Reconquista etc - I’ll get to age of discover, Black Death, Aztec and Inca in due time. The episode number is in the bottom right corner
I also have them arranged in a playlist - just click my icon and go to my home page and you can see the playlist there. Or you can download the podcast and just listen to it in order - A lot of people tell me they listen to my Podcasts when they are commuting or working out.
Nice video. But he was not Syrian. He’s Arab from the Arabian peninsula, Makkah. Same tribe as our prophet. His nickname was “Saqar Quraish “ Quraish falcon. Syria was land of the Romans and Syrianec before the Arabs took it from them.
@@FlashPointHx it’s fine I was just explaining that the Umayyad and Arabs came from the peninsula Hijaz and Najd “Saudi Arabia” now. The saying he’s Syrian is kinda an insult because the arabs didn’t let the Syrians rule anything or have a position. In fact anyone that’s not from the Arab peninsula and tribes they called him “mawalis” which means servants. Ruling was just between the Arabs only. He got his nickname Quraish falcon from The Abbasid Quraish caliphate. He didn’t call him Syrian or Damascus falcon lol - I really enjoyed watching your video! Hope you make more videos about the Arabs history ❤️
@@suleyman8696 lmao imagine being slaved and ruled by the Romans for years then getting conquered by the Arabs of the peninsula “Saudis” now, and say Syrians did that 💀 you guys really be claiming the people who conquered y’all that’s crazy.. apparently the Umayyad are not from the Arabian peninsula Mecca, and didn’t come alongside the rashidun caliphate to conquer y’all lands.. nah they were actually Syrians eating Hummus we just dumb
كذاب ياضروط العطوي هو قال بيتين يشكي حنينه للشام ودمشق مو لمكة والحجاز والسعودية حديثة له ٩١ سنة بالضبط اصل اجداده من مكة من الحجاز نعم لكن هو شامي تربى وعاش حياته بالشام
lmao syria wasnt the homeland of ummayad. ummayad came from hijaz and ruled syria. they changed the language and religion of syrians not the other way around.@Hisham_mohamed123
Ok, Im not 100% sure the John Paul Jones story is accurate. If they blew up a load of gun powder on the English ship, why didnt that ship also catch fire and sink? These are wooden ships after all haha I think there might have been some embellishment there.
The abbasids weren't shia they are dependence of Ali there were sons of the uncle of the prophet Abas they were sunni and there rivals were the fatimads who are shia
@@salimalsham4705 No, he is a Saudi prince from the Hijaz and the Syrians are not Arabs, they are Syriacs. Abdul Rahman I is a descendant of Marwan bin Al-Hakam bin Al-As, the Qurashi Umayyad. His grandfather is from Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the Quraish tribe, and his mother is from Morocco. The Syrians have not produced a personality or a leader in history. They are an oppressed people who cannot even rule themselves. Now they are ruled by the Al-Assad family, who are Kurds from Iran. Then Abdul Rahman I was called the Falcon of Quraish, not the Falcon of the Syriacs or the Falcon of the Levant.
He is from Ummaya and they are from Quriash from Mecca so he isn't Syrian he is from Arab peninsula aka Saudi Arabia and since you are History guy you would notice Saudi government system is same As Ummaia dynasty
عبدالرحمن سوري ابن سوريا اصوله من قريش ينتسب للارض التي ولد فيها ولا علاقة له بالمهلكة ثانيا السعودية هي دولة باسم عائلة مجهولة النسب جدها اسمه مردخاي ابن ابراهام ابن موشيه تحياتي من عدن
I like your materials and the details in history you are presenting But I am not sure why in these episodes ( Andalusia and Islamic invasion ) you are taking long time compare and contrast the events happened from Muslims armies back then to other events happened from Christian’s armies . Are you concerned to be blamed on your history about Muslims that you are biased ?!
Was Abbasid a sect? Never hear that from Islamic Sources , most muslim historians just view the Abbasid as a family descended from Al Abbas, one of propeth Muhammad's Uncle, although they respected the propeth's descendat more than the Umayyads they're not shia either
عبدالرحمن سوري ابن سوريا اصوله من قريش ينتسب للارض التي ولد فيها ولا علاقة له بالمهلكة ثانيا السعودية هي دولة باسم عائلة مجهولة النسب جدها اسمه مردخاي ابن ابراهام ابن موشيه تحياتي من عدن
@@ahmedsalek2617 هههههههههههههه سعودي غصب عن من خلفك و جماعته من صرحاء قريش كالأشراف و قريش الأعاضيد و بني المخزوم للحين موجودين بالسعودية كونه أنولد في تدمر لا يعني بأنه تدمري .. لأن أصله حجازي سعودي غصب عنك
@@dalmar5567 pretty much every religious minority supported the Abbasids against Umayyads, including the Shia. After winning the Abbasids immediately began to persecute the Shia which caused some of them to flee west, becoming the Fatimids.
My only criticism of this excellent series is your pronunciation of Spanish names of well-known cities. For example, say Toledo not Toleeeedo. Say the "o" in Zaragoza as in "got" not "goat". The Spanish, of course, pronouce the "z" as "th" but pronouncing it as "s" is okay too.
@@-alblowi1550 hmmmmm, where were you born? if you were born in USA does that make you American? Is Donald Trump American? Are the native American the only American? where do we draw the line?
Why do you always discuss an irrelevant tangent? You spent a good part of the video just to explain "the fight didn't start yet?' I show your videos to middle schoolers and these digressions confuse them. I hope that your future videos will avoid that. Good Luck!
This was initially designed as a podcast for an older audience. But what works in the podcast arena doesn’t always translate into the UA-cam world. I’ve since removed items for the videos - like the long winded intros. See my videos on the Reconquista and you’ll see what I mean
Before the Abbasids came to power all the great mosques were aligned with Petra in Jordan. After that they were and still are aligned to Mecca. I'm just saying 🤔.
@@rafthejaf8789 Do you realize how stupid you sound”the latest gps navigation” says so. Do you also belive the people that built the mosques had gps navigation ??? There is quite a good video from Al-Muqaddimah about this subject check it out.
in fact, he was almost certainly a berber pretender who's descendants concocted a fictional lineage after the fact in order to justify their dynasty. such a thing is quite common in medieval europe. i mean, they claim he was born of a berber mother.....in damascus. right. so, again - it's a nice story. but that's all it is. the battles happened, but they appear to have been a part of the berber civil war that was taking place, and this guy isn't doing anybody any favours in broadcasting 1300 year old myths and propaganda.
@@jessicasfakeaccount and do say that he’s mother was a berber isn’t extraordinary cause ibn rustum was a persian who lived in a persian dynasty in north africa , it’s not that hard to believe
@@Kami-i6k oh, it's certainly not extraordinary that a despot from north africa would be claimed to be berber. what does not pass basic critical thinking tests is that he was an arab from syria. as mentioned, it was standard at the time to pretend (hence the term pretender) that you belonged to a storied dynasty, if you wanted to rule over a people that saw itself as properly ruled by that dynasty. you'd have to be an idiot to usurp any sort of power in the region and not create an origin myth. as mentioned, this isn't unusual. what is unusual is the naivete in which arabs accept their mythology, because the culture hasn't undergone any sort of enlightenment process.
It's beatuful legend But as a history there is no evidence that umayed were in north Africa . These are just stories in books.. it's similar to the idriss who escaped from the arabia and come to build his Kingdom in morocco or like elisa who escaped from tyre to tunisia and built carthage .. Were is the scientific evidence for these stories ?
Don't know if you can read araboc or not because there are many others alternative stories which seems logic and proved by archeological remains and dna .. it's all about what happened in the byzantin empire and the religious conflects in north africa, iberia and levant.. If we want to talk about iberia we need to use new methods of research . Because here in Morocco many things told in books turned to be fake .
I wouldn’t doubt it, but I’m limited to the sources available in English. I can’t read Arabic. However, revisionist historians have also gotten a lot of push back that their revised view of history may also be wrong. It’s very difficult to find a middle ground
I know what point you want to make... The Berbers founded and run Al Andalus the entire 8 centuries... How can you ignore the fact that Arabic was the official language there? And most importantly, how can you explain the fact that until today, Berbers in Morocco are unable to speak proper Arabic...You can try and rewrite your own history of Al Andalus but you will never manage to change the facts... Al Andalus was doomed from the beginning because of the incessant Berber rebellions.
@@someone-wi4xl what do you mean your comment consistently stating that , i know Quraish is the Tribes of Propeth Muhammad PBUH but why are you implied syrian are different than arabian? Wasn't the Syrian have been Arabized during the fall of the Umayyads? The Syrian always associated themselves with the Umayyad's legacy, when the Kufan have strong Shia tendency the Syrian is Synonymous to the Umayyad, Then the Umawi was the archrival of the Hashemites. Some black muslim said arabian and quraish are black , are you some kind of extreme Pan Arabist or a Black muslim? I am a non Arab Muslim from Indonesia. We have many Habaibs, respected and loved descendant of propeth Muhammad PBUH, that title come from Yemen , we have more Habaibs than in Yemen
@@bosbanon3452 Bani Umayyah Are Arabians ... Arabians don't identify themselves with a land to say (he was Syrian) but we identify ourselves by our Clans / Tribes , and our ethnicity is "ARABIAN" that's all .. also Bani Umayyah lived in castles in the black desert of Northern Arabian Peninsula / Jordan / far south of Syria (such as this one) 1) islamstory.com/images/upload/content/64220160104-94.jpg 2) encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCidHu8ILZ294Go0fla-EFc5qMk-nVE8qN_w&usqp=CAU also there is no such thing called "Black Arabs" prior to Islam after the conquest some Arabs moved to Sudan , Chad and elsewhere and mixed with locals Over there and became Afro-Arabs full blood Arabs look like this man from Saudi Arabia > i.ytimg.com/vi/pN3LUG9NXnw/sddefault.jpg
What a great job....I think this unbelievable history should became a movie. Thanks for that
Thanks! You wouldn't happen to know anyone over at Netflix? =)
Sadly, It would be too controversial in the current political climate. You'd have a lot of upset Trump/European/Hindu/Chinese nationalists.
@@FlashPointHx They would never make something with muslims as protaganists.
@@haitamc5611 They did a good job with the Ottoman series and portrayed both sides with an equal light
@@FlashPointHx hold up, theres an ottoman series on netflix?
He was called Abdelrahman Eldaklil
He was really a great man
I just shared the entire ,podcast and website with one of my friends, he has a lot of followers on instagram, hope he shares and more ppl get to listen to your stuff
This is an exceptionally good presentation, but I do have a correction to make. The Umayas were Suni (in fact their rise to power marked the splitting of Islam between the Suni and Shi'a). The Abassids were also Suni, but initially they had a lot of Shi'a support, but their promises to the Shi'a were broken and they later even cracked down on Shi'a.
You're right they are both Sunni - but different factions within that. That was what I was referring to.
very talented narrator and good sense of humor
ha! Thanks! For most I come across as a bit sarcastic and snarky - but appreciate that you appreciate my humor!
Nicely done, I was a history major a long time ago, your videos put the classes I took to shame for the most part. Your style is unique and easy to follow; keeps the interest up. Headed to Spains shortly, this will be of tremendous help as I travel.
Thanks- I’m happy you like the content - make sure you get to the reconquista videos!. As for going to Spain, I’m jealous on this end. Hope to get back there in the Spring myself. Take some good pics and if you want to share them with the flash point history community let me know.
I have enjoyed quite a bit of your content, I've seen / heard both your series on Carthage / Rome and the Reconquista. to round out my knowledge of Spain, just finished other content on the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish are an extremely diverse people.
@@gdan8259 I agree there has been an insane amount of history out of the peninsula. Makes one want to travel there even more.
This is such precious series,,thank you a million.
You're so welcome!
Never too old to learn. Thank you very mucho, five stars!
Man I recently discovered your channel and I love it. Your objectivity and long detailed videos are awesome
Good to hear! I'm glad you like the content. Yes, part of the reason it takes me a bit to make these videos is the time it takes to research multiple sources, there are so many conflicting views. Wait till you get to the part on Tolerance in Islamic Spain.
Imagine how tough this prince would have become after all this suffering, traveling and battles. That plays a good role in his ascendency in Spain as a regent which was a new chapter in the history of the muslims in Spain.
He was a truly impressive individual to go through all that. Wait till you get to Abd al-Rahman III
@@FlashPointHx 唉,拉赫曼三世真的是盖世英雄,谁能想到一个在风雨飘摇的政权中会出现新的哈里发,但是子孙不孝啊,偌大家业三世而亡,传奇一生片瓦无存
According to Syrian historians, when Muawyah Ibn Abdul Malik, Abd Al Rahman's father died, the Calif Hisham, Abd Al Rahman's grandfather took him in, and during one night the Calif's brother, Maslamah Ibn Abdul Malik, who was a scholar and former Umaweed army leader, saw Abd Al Rahman and he was shocked. He grabbed him, and started examining him, and then turned to his brother the Calif, and said:
"This is the prince who will resurrect the Umaweed dynasty in the west after its demise in the east."
Indeed, about twenty years later, The Umaweed Dynasty was overthrown, Abd Al Rahman escapes and establishes his state in Spain... he was 23 years old.
مجرد هراء ودراما لااكثر مسلمة بن عبد الملك لم يكن يؤمن بالتكهنات والابراج
@@abdualrhman554 بني خذ دواءك
@@abdualrhman554 هذا يسمى فراسة
@@khmlkhml6680 ائتني برواية تاريخية صحيحة عن هذا الامر والفراسة تختلف
I am Arabic and I like your channel. I hope that you will add the Arabic translation to your channel. Greetings to you
I'd love to, but I'm not sure how to do that. I don't read or write in Arabic
Correction: This guy from Umayyad family which is from Quraish tribe in Mecca Arabian peninsula not Syria!
The ummayads are Syrian not from the hijaz
@@TheUnique69able 🙁🙁
@@TheUnique69able This is a list of names the Umayyads:
1. Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, born in Makkah hijaz
2. Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, born in Medina hijaz
3. Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan, born in Medina hijaz
4. Al-Waleed bin Abdul Malik born in Medina hijaz
5. Suleiman bin Abdul Malik born in Medina hijaz
6. Omar bin Abdul Aziz born in Medina
7. Ibrahim bin Al-Walid born in Makkah Al-Mukarramah
And the rest some of them were born in Damascus and others in Andalusia and Cordoba, their birth in Cordoba and Andalusia doesn't make them Spaniards, and their birth in sham land doesn't make them Syrians They are all from arabia 🇸🇦
Thank you!
You're welcome!
Abbasids were not a Shia faction. The fact that they supported Ali's legitimacy does not mean they are Shia. Most Sunnies supported Ali legitimacy anyway. The Sunii/Shia conflict is way more complicated than that.
Ah that makes more sense, because I was wondering how a Sunni caliphate could be established from a rebellion composed of many shias
@Sultan Baybars and later on become the religious leader of the Mamluk despite Mamluk not claiming themselves as the next Caliphate
@@thesudaneseprince9675me knows if that day 1 no
"shiaism" has a political side and a religious side. Even though the political side "claiming that only Ahlul-bait has the legitimacy to rule" is strongly connected to the religious side, some of those who were called Shias in the first two centuries of Islam were only political Shias and didn't believe in the twelvers faith as it is today.
The Abbasid were political Shias with mostly sunni faith, and they believed that the term Ahlul-bait included them too as the cousins of the prophet Muhammad -pbuh-
Even though they used it in a very vague way at the start of their revolution to get advantage of Ali's family supporters in Khurasan and Iraq.
Sunnis support Ali's legitimacy against Mu'awiyah only when Ali was alive, but they acknowledge the legitimacy of the Umayyad caliphate after that.
Political Shias believe Ali has always had the legitimacy even before Abu Bakr, Omar, and Othman.
That's the difference
When Barcelona was promoting the Olympics in 1982 I was so surprised that Julio Iglesias mentioned something about Abdul Rahman in a commercial.
What a great video. Made me hyped up for the next part
awesome - that was what I was hoping for
wow! Awesome Video. Love your narration.
thanks! I'm really glad you like the show
Thanks for the Video, I've been waiting for a video of this Man's Story
There is more to come!
Abdul Rahman I is not Syrian, he is from the Quraish tribe from Mecca. Saying that he is Syrian is a very big mistake in Arab and Islamic history.
Great video as always, keep up the good work
Thank you! Hoping to have the next one up later today
such detailed content omfg im so glad i found out about this channel , and here I thought a few years ago I was the only history freak out there ;)
Love your videos! One small detail - you mentioned the Abassids were a different SECT than the Umayyads which is not true.
I guess you’re right in that they were both Sunni - however thier interpretation of who should lead were vastly different. In that sense they were sectionalized. And the results were obvious - massive civil war with near genocide of an opposing group.
Flash Point History I see where you are coming from - I guess I've always come across the term 'sect' to relate to Sunni or Shi'a.
Well you have a really good point - I need to be more specific in the future. When people hear sect they usually think of Sunni or Shi'a - and later in Islamic history this made a profound difference - for example the rise of the Fatimids and their aggression with the Abbasids. The split between Umayyad and Abbasid was a subdivision within a sect.
That's what I was trynna say, in popular imagination it may have another meaning to the one you are intimating. Anyhow, really kool content keep it up! Seeing as you are interested in Islamic history, you may wanna check out my channel, I do weekly videos on Battles, Cities, Monuments or Figures!
Stay in touch.
Hikma History pretty sure he means political sect maybe...
He was from Hejaz
For the algorithm thank you for the great content.
You bet
It’s like a story from the Arabian nights
Thank for video, I from syria ,, ommayad from syria
Hello! I'm so happy that you liked my content.
Ummayad and Abbasid khaliphs were from Quraish tribe the tribe of the prophet whose members were in every place in the caliphate specially Iraq,elsham and Egypt
The Umayyads are from Mecca, from the Hijaz...they are not Syrians
@@MohamedAhmed-eg3mh The Umayyads are from Mecca, from the Hijaz...they are not Syrians
Man that abd rahman is gangster
Thanks dude 👌👌
Great video
thank you!
I so want not only a film (as another commenter mentioned), but also an open-world videogame that is more or less a Dishonored title mechanic-wise but with Abd al-Rahman as the protagonist during those five years, because it could be believable. Made in conjunction with a Total War title set later after he gets to Spain and consolidates his power. I'd play both.
That would be a fascinating journey for a video game
He an arab not Syrian, and the land they inhabited is called Bilad al-Sham, not Syria, and Umayyads are an Arab dynasty whose origins are from Mecca not Syrians
غير صحيح معاوية يقول لعلي أن أهل الشام حكام على باقي الامصار في إشارة واضحة لهوية هذه الدولة التي نشأت في سوريا
@@شِيحانالرصافي هههههههههه ضحكتني الشام كانو اكثريتهم موالي وكلنا نعرف من هم الموالي هم انتم العجم اللي دخلوا في الاسلام ولم يكونوا متحدثين بالعربية الا بعد الفتح الاسلامي لهم اما قادة وولاة الدولة كانو اغلبهم مولودين في مكه والمدينة المنورة والطائف ومدن مختلفة بالحجاز ونجد وتهامه ، والموالي اللي اخذوا مناصب قيادية أقلية مثل موسى بن نصير اللي ولد بالشام كان والده مولى من موالي قبيلة لخم انتم تلصقون نفسكم فينا وبتاريخنا وبالاصل تاريخياً انتم احفاد الموالي
@@thinfeelings موالي لمن بالعكس كان أكثر أكثر القادة العسكريين والولاة من أهل الشام أو ممن سكنو الشام والجيش الأموي أيضاً من أهالي الشام وجزء من العراق اما الحجاز فلم يكن له أي أهمية سياسية أو غيرها وخراجهم من المال هو الأقل بين أهل الامصار كلهم لذلك لا نرى أي أبنية اموية في الجزيرة كلها العجم كل من لا يتحدث العربية والمعلوم أن اللغة العربية نشأت في منطقة في جنوب سوريا وكذلك الخطوط العربية كلها من سوريا هذا باعتراف الباحثين الأكاديميين سواء من الغرب أو حتى العرب منهم الباحث الكويتي أحمد الجلاد انتم تاريخكم كله خيميتن وناقة يرحم والديك شوف افامية شوف الرها شوف ماري شوف ايبلا وقطنا حيث نشأ الجنس السامي واللغات السامية قال تاريخ قال
اجداد العرب الجينيين سواء P58 أو E4 كلهم ولدو في بلاد الشام وليس في جزيرة الأعراب حيث قرون الشيطان
@@شِيحانالرصافي هههههههههه حلوه هذي قادة من اهل الشام🤣 روح ابحث فين ولدوا اغلبهم ولدو بالحجاز ونجد وتهامه مالهم علاقة بالموالي اجدادك كانو مجرد متفرجين عالحرب اللي دارت بين العرب والفرس والروم وماكانت المناصب بعهد الخلافة الاموية تعطى لغير العربي وهذا هو سبب الثورة العباسية والموالي على الامويين 😂😂 اللي يضحك ان اغلب الشوام ابناء عوائل مالهم علاقة بالعرب اصلا وغير مثبت نسبهم لمن ينتمون وكثير منهم ينتسبون لمهنة الجد مثل عائلة النجار والحداد والجزار والخ المصيبة انكم تشوفون ابناء القبائل العربية بدو وهي نفسها هالقبائل اللي ينتمي لها الكثير من الصحابة والفاتحين فمثلا قبيلة الحارثي بالسعودية انتم يازط الشام تشوفونهم بدو بس لانهم من قبيلة ولو نرجع للتاريخ بنشوف عالم عربي ينتمي لها وهو (أبو فضل الحارثي) نفس الشيى مع قبيلة كنده والأزد وبني سليم هذول كلهم قبائل بنظركم بدو اللي هم اشرف منكم ومن تاريخكم ، بخصوص التواجد العربي بالشام قبل الاسلام لايعني ان اصولهم من هناك ولايعني ان كل اهل الشام عرب اساسا جزء من العرب احتلوا الشام مثل الانباط والقيداريين هذولا اصولهم من جزيرة العرب مو من الشام واكبر دليل على كلامي كل ممالك الشام كانت تكتب وتتكلم باللغة الارامية اما الكتابات باللغة العربية اللي لقيوها بالشام تسبق ظهور كل الممالك الشامية واحتمال اللي نقشها هم التجار العرب او العابرين على الشام ولو الشام لهم صله بهذولا اللي نقشوا هذه الكتابات المكتوبة باللغة العربية لرأيناهم هم وممالكهم يتكلمون عربي ويكتبون باللغه العربية لكن الشام بالعهد الروماني وماقبله كانو كلهم يتكلمون ارامي اثار مملكة تدمر اللي كانت تحت حكم الروم كل اثارها مكتوبه باللغة الارامية والرومانية
Great Job ! i really enjoy it !
Sir, I have not yet begun to learn!
Nice - let me know what you think when you get to the end
Abdurahman the great ❤❤❤
Love this! In Portugal a lot of us are Mouros, as in Moors, as in Morenos, as in Mauri, as in Mauro specially in the South. Were not different from Berbers a.k.a. Amazyh. Almoravids, Almohads, Ummayad Caliphate (Muslim Moors). But you're right we live in Europe therefore are Europeans and Moroccans and Algerians live in Africa and therefore are Africans. None of both represent a single ethnicity, culture or religion. But both us as Moroccans and Algerians share not only berber blood as Phoenician blood (Levante - Lebanon) as Arabic blood (Ummayad Caliphate conquered everything from 1AD to 15th Century. From Mesopotamia (Persian Golf) to Egypt to Mahgreb to Iberian Peninsula. The Reconquista weren't battles between different ethnicities but religions. Both Portuguese Kingdom and Spanish Kingdom incorporated millions of Moors that converted from Islam to Christianity.
Search one of our first navigators João Vaz Corte-Real and the Corte-Real Family. Well that's a Portuguese Moor. Persian/Arabic looking AF. You can see it Cristiano Ronaldo, Cancelo, Daniela Melchior, Daniela Ruah, Sara Sampaio, Nelly Furtado and so on so on. Zidane could be Portuguese. We got a lot of Zidanes, Benzemas and Salahs too.
Best Regards from Portugal ❤🇲🇿🇦🇴🇬🇼🇨🇻🇸🇹🇧🇷🇵🇹
He was Saudi from Hijaz not Syrian
عربي مو سعودي ولى سوري وقتها ال سعود ماحكمو للحين هو عربي من الحجاز من جزيرة العرب
عربي حجازي قرشي ..راعي القناة مضيع حاطه سوري 😂
Reminds me of Captain American's "I can do this all day"
Now I Finaly can sleep.😉
Got to leave something for tomorrow to watch. Have a good day too🖖😎
There was no Syria back then,,,,there was Damascus the city that was always there,,,,
I like your video very much. It's really great. I'll keep an eye on your channel. I am your fan and I will support you.
Amazing work as always, but one questions always bothered me and I've never found the answer to it :what is the death toll of the reconquista from start to finish?
hard to say - the death tolls are never consistent and do we consider the ramifications of the Reconquista - those killed in the subsequent religious purges - the civilians - those that died in exile or because of exile - Easily can top into the millions depending on the reference points
@@FlashPointHx Hey, Thanks for the answer! As a Moroccan Muslim I feel fascinated by history concerning Muslim Spain and the history it produced.
Hi, great vids. Some of the words are not pronounced correctly: Malaga, Caliphate etc.
Was still learning at this point =)
You need to stay on point.
"Sir, I have not yet -begun_ to learn French Pronunciation!"
You're from San Francisco? Or have lived there for a considerable time? I am from the Bay Area also. I knew I was recognizing some interesting uses of Bay Area slang in these podcasts and was wondering where those came from. The slang use isn't overdone but it makes it entertaining in its minor uses which I think you might be doing without even knowing it.
I have lived all over the earth. My father was in a business that we were almost constantly moving. I’ve lived in the San Francisco Bay area for about 15 years. I wasn’t even aware that I was using a local slang. Can you give me an example?
@@FlashPointHx I don't remember specifics, but if I hear it again I will mention something when listening to future episodes. I don't want to rewind searching for slang. It wasn't anything blatant, just little dribbles of language and I noticed. While doing my work in Krakow Poland, your podcasts been nice. I am from Bay Area but haven't lived there in 11 years, currently working online moving around different parts of the world. Cheers. Do you have a twitter, instagram? Would like to know about updates on new shows ect since I use those platforms a little more that lead me to others.
Krakow?! Awesome - I work with a Polish lady who can’t speak enough about Krakow. I’m glad you like the podcast - yes I’ve got a Twitter and Facebook page that I update all the time. Just look in the description of this video to get the links.
@@FlashPointHx @raymond supan
I hear it too! He reminds me of a friend of mine that grew up in California. They almost have a distinct accent but I guess it's more about the way they talk.
@@FlashPointHx Hey, funny I am re-listening to this now living in Malaga Spain. I actually never been back to the USA since this last comment. Amazing to listen to this being in Spain, I had to re-listen. Can't wait to someday get to the Constantinople series while walking around Istanbul.
People in power sure love to make the same mistakes over and over again don't they?
Great job,what is the exact name of the song??! Its great too
Its from Paul Avgerinos - The Album is Garden of Delight and the song is 'Rose of Heaven'
Flash Point History i was gonna chill listening to it, said to myself if you answered rite away. id never forget this moment as i remember many prev. Moments i had listening to flashpoint master pieces, thanks nithin
Syrian ?? no
Arabian = Yes
Falcon of Quraish is from Bani Umayyah , of Quraish tribe , from the Arabian Peninsula
Not quite, The koraish tribe come originally from the Shem region “levant”.
@@samnatt248 well .. if you go back far enough all the way to 4500-5500 years ago then yes
but the tribe belongs to Qedarites descendants
which was a kingdom of the descendants of Qedar and its capitol was Dawmatu Al-Jandal in modern day Saudi Arabia
and Quraish was from Qedar's downstream and its home when it was formed as a tribe was Makkah - Saudi Arabia
the Arabs are originally from modern day Saudi Arabia
this is where the identity first mentioned (with the king "Gindibu the Arab") ~853 BCE if i recall correctly
but if you go back even further to lets say 2000 BCE or more
then yes .. we are descendants of older Semitic peoples of the Fertile Crescent
but genetically today .. we are different than modern day Levantine populations
for that they got a lot of Iranian and Anatolian Autosomal DNA
while Saudi Arabians mostly (~90+%) Natufian Autosomal DNA
and 93% shared Autosomal DNA with Tell Megiddo remains from the Bronze Age
thanks to being Isolated in the desert and not be invaded like the Levant was
No my friend...The Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his grandfather Adnan and Adnan was the son of the Prophet Ismail and Ismail is originally from Syria and was born in Syria and then moved to the Arabian Peninsula
that main Quraish Their origin is back to syria ..All the elements and soldiers were from syria and the umyyad They ruled the world thanks to soldiers syrian
@@madridmadrid6978 wrong , if we go by traditional genealogy, Ismael son of Ibrahim , his father from Uruk - Sumer not Syrian .. also there was no "Syria" back then it was (Mar'tu) land
Quraish as a tribe was formed in Hejaz - Saudi Arabia
Banu Sahm , Al-Ashraf (Banu Hashem) , Bani Al-Makhzoum
and other branches are all still alive and well in Saudi Arabia
genetically we are descendants of J1-FGC11 Y-DNA
@@madridmadrid6978 Bani Umayyah are from Hejaz you culture vulture
they were NOT Levantines
but indeed Peninsular tribal Arabians
stop stealing others history and identity
their soldiers and generals were ALL tribal Arabians
these are the Arabian tribes banners at the time of Rashidun / Early Umayyad
not Syriac Arabized people
but Peninsular Arabian people
`VERY similar to the story of house targeryan lol u read grr martin got his idea of targeryan prince and danerys fleeing after basing it on abd al malik
abderrahman 💪💪💪
Some error. Abbasids and Umayyads were both Sunnis
Is there any book about this person
Several - in English - Hugh Kennedy is a good source as is Brian Catlas
Syria 🇸🇾 = umyyad empire
No, he is a Saudi prince from the Hijaz and the Syrians are not Arabs, they are Syriacs. Abdul Rahman I is a descendant of Marwan bin Al-Hakam bin Al-As, the Qurashi Umayyad. His grandfather is from Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the Quraish tribe, and his mother is from Morocco. The Syrians have not produced a personality or a leader in history. They are an oppressed people who cannot even rule themselves. Now they are ruled by the Al-Assad family, who are Kurds from Iran. Then Abdul Rahman I was called the Falcon of Quraish, not the Falcon of the Syriacs or the Falcon of the Levant.🇸🇦
The Umayyads are from Mecca, from the Hijaz...they are not Syrians😂
Syria 🇸🇾
No, he is a Saudi prince from the Hijaz and the Syrians are not Arabs, they are Syriacs. Abdul Rahman I is a descendant of Marwan bin Al-Hakam bin Al-As, the Qurashi Umayyad. His grandfather is from Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the Quraish tribe, and his mother is from Morocco. The Syrians have not produced a personality or a leader in history. They are an oppressed people who cannot even rule themselves. Now they are ruled by the Al-Assad family, who are Kurds from Iran. Then Abdul Rahman I was called the Falcon of Quraish, not the Falcon of the Syriacs or the Falcon of the Levant.
The Umayyads are from Mecca, from the Hijaz...they are not Syrians
Honestly saying that abbasids were better than ummayeds .Ummayeds suffer humiliation from chinease in the east and khazars in the north East and these defeats were indeed humilating for many but they were doing well but they were also in a modern sense you can say that they were pretty racist also sometimes which is why many non arabs and non syrians were against them and hence resulting in abbasid revolution in eastern parts of Islamic world but they Umayyads indeed manage to escape to the west Iberian peninsula where they live longer and created independent state .After this abbasid revolution ummayeds of cordoba always opposes the abbasid caliphs and try to rival them that is why Cordoba was considered at that time a rival city of both bagdad and Constantinople but abbasid did actually tried to conquer Iberia but they were defeated by emirate of cordoba.Abd al rehman was lucky that there was a sea between Iberia and north Africa otherwise ummayeds were nothing against abbasids
Great series but you’re killing me with these names... is it War of the Worlds? Or Muslim Conquest of Hispania (Iberia no?) etc etc. And I can’t figure out the Series name, nor the Episode number.
Make name short and the same! And then put the “S2:E4” after Series name, then put the least important chapter name after that.
This way I can tell where the heck I am and what’s next.
Great content! Thank you!
Sorry for the confusion - this was initially meant to be a podcast - it covers the time periods from 570 to 1570 - the whole series is War of the Worlds - the smaller portions are labeled as Conquest of Hispania, Reconquista etc - I’ll get to age of discover, Black Death, Aztec and Inca in due time. The episode number is in the bottom right corner
Flash Point History I just never know if I’m in order... am I getting spoilers?’! Even in playlists... thanks again.
I also have them arranged in a playlist - just click my icon and go to my home page and you can see the playlist there. Or you can download the podcast and just listen to it in order - A lot of people tell me they listen to my Podcasts when they are commuting or working out.
He originally qurashi from holy city of mecca
Thats right - and was later known as the Hawk of the Quaresh by his enemies
@@FlashPointHx your knowledge and work is amazing, Subscribed 👍
@@3aiban Thank you!
@@FlashPointHx ♥️😙
Nice video. But he was not Syrian. He’s Arab from the Arabian peninsula, Makkah. Same tribe as our prophet. His nickname was “Saqar Quraish “ Quraish falcon. Syria was land of the Romans and Syrianec before the Arabs took it from them.
yes his descendants were Arab - but he , like many of his family were born in Syria - so he could be both - no?
@@FlashPointHx it’s fine I was just explaining that the Umayyad and Arabs came from the peninsula Hijaz and Najd “Saudi Arabia” now. The saying he’s Syrian is kinda an insult because the arabs didn’t let the Syrians rule anything or have a position. In fact anyone that’s not from the Arab peninsula and tribes they called him “mawalis” which means servants. Ruling was just between the Arabs only. He got his nickname Quraish falcon from The Abbasid Quraish caliphate. He didn’t call him Syrian or Damascus falcon lol
I really enjoyed watching your video! Hope you make more videos about the Arabs history ❤️
@@ElVelidd false Syrians ruled Umayyad empire
@@suleyman8696 lmao imagine being slaved and ruled by the Romans for years then getting conquered by the Arabs of the peninsula “Saudis” now, and say Syrians did that 💀 you guys really be claiming the people who conquered y’all that’s crazy.. apparently the Umayyad are not from the Arabian peninsula Mecca, and didn’t come alongside the rashidun caliphate to conquer y’all lands.. nah they were actually Syrians eating Hummus we just dumb
بس السوريين اغتصبو الحجازيات في وقعة الحرة هذا هو المهم
Paul Jones?
ليس لاجئ سوري هو عربي من السعودية 🇸🇦
كوسوم ال سعود اللي بوظوا دماغكم
الأمير هشام بن معاوية الأموي هو عربي قرشي مش سعودي يا أجهل الخلق
كذاب ياضروط العطوي هو قال بيتين يشكي حنينه للشام ودمشق مو لمكة والحجاز والسعودية حديثة له ٩١ سنة بالضبط اصل اجداده من مكة من الحجاز نعم لكن هو شامي تربى وعاش حياته بالشام
يلوطنجي مو كذا
هو عربي لكن مش سعودي
He is an arab not from syria, syrians are not arabd
lmao syria wasnt the homeland of ummayad. ummayad came from hijaz and ruled syria. they changed the language and religion of syrians not the other way around.@Hisham_mohamed123
and no syria and egypt etc arent arab@Hisham_mohamed123
Ok, Im not 100% sure the John Paul Jones story is accurate. If they blew up a load of gun powder on the English ship, why didnt that ship also catch fire and sink? These are wooden ships after all haha I think there might have been some embellishment there.
It was totally embellished
The abbasids weren't shia they are dependence of Ali there were sons of the uncle of the prophet Abas they were sunni and there rivals were the fatimads who are shia
He is an Arab from Saudi Arabia not Syrian
No, he is a Syrian Arab Prince
No, he is a Saudi prince from the Hijaz and the Syrians are not Arabs, they are Syriacs. Abdul Rahman I is a descendant of Marwan bin Al-Hakam bin Al-As, the Qurashi Umayyad. His grandfather is from Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the Quraish tribe, and his mother is from Morocco. The Syrians have not produced a personality or a leader in history. They are an oppressed people who cannot even rule themselves. Now they are ruled by the Al-Assad family, who are Kurds from Iran. Then Abdul Rahman I was called the Falcon of Quraish, not the Falcon of the Syriacs or the Falcon of the Levant.
He is from Ummaya and they are from Quriash from Mecca so he isn't Syrian he is from Arab peninsula aka Saudi Arabia and since you are History guy you would notice Saudi government system is same As Ummaia dynasty
عبدالرحمن سوري ابن سوريا اصوله من قريش ينتسب للارض التي ولد فيها ولا علاقة له بالمهلكة ثانيا السعودية هي دولة باسم عائلة مجهولة النسب جدها اسمه مردخاي ابن ابراهام ابن موشيه
تحياتي من عدن
سوري 😂😂😂 هو ليس سعودي هو عربي من الجزيره العربيه
haha ayyeeee you from the city?
The city?
Brother the abbasids were not shia
I know my friend - I covered this in another comment - they were another faction within the Sunni - dont recall ever saying Shia
I like your materials and the details in history you are presenting But I am not sure why in these episodes ( Andalusia and Islamic invasion ) you are taking long time compare and contrast the events happened from Muslims armies back then to other events happened from Christian’s armies .
Are you concerned to be blamed on your history about Muslims that you are biased ?!
Was Abbasid a sect? Never hear that from Islamic Sources , most muslim historians just view the Abbasid as a family descended from Al Abbas, one of propeth Muhammad's Uncle, although they respected the propeth's descendat more than the Umayyads they're not shia either
A different political sect rather than religious
Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil, de la tribu Quraysh de Arabia Saudita, no hay relación con los sirios en los árabes sirios.
عبدالرحمن سوري ابن سوريا اصوله من قريش ينتسب للارض التي ولد فيها ولا علاقة له بالمهلكة ثانيا السعودية هي دولة باسم عائلة مجهولة النسب جدها اسمه مردخاي ابن ابراهام ابن موشيه
تحياتي من عدن
ahmed salek نسبهم يرجع لقبيلة بكر بن وائل العدنانية وهم عرب مسلمون وليسوا يهود من اوروبا
@@ahmedsalek2617 هههههههههههههه سعودي غصب عن من خلفك
و جماعته من صرحاء قريش كالأشراف و قريش الأعاضيد و بني المخزوم للحين موجودين بالسعودية
كونه أنولد في تدمر لا يعني بأنه تدمري .. لأن أصله حجازي سعودي غصب عنك
@@Bo3tbz عدنان عرب شامية، قريش اصلهم انباط.
@@ahmedsalek2617 اضوي يا مستعرب. ما ابي اخذ. وقتي معاك في الاخذ والعطى
so, what i understood from this is that we should welcome syrian refugees because they will help us build an empire ? xD
هو ليسا سوري انه من السعودية
@@نوفل-د2غ عارفين ياخوي، بس الأمويين حكموا من الشام، لكن أصلهم من مكة
btw the Abbasids were still suni they just had support from shias
Who said they were Shia?
@@dalmar5567 pretty much every religious minority supported the Abbasids against Umayyads, including the Shia. After winning the Abbasids immediately began to persecute the Shia which caused some of them to flee west, becoming the Fatimids.
@@CascadianGal I know
my comments where to him I'm just saying nobody in video said Abbasid where shia
My only criticism of this excellent series is your pronunciation of Spanish names of well-known cities. For example, say Toledo not Toleeeedo. Say the "o" in Zaragoza as in "got" not "goat". The Spanish, of course, pronouce the "z" as "th" but pronouncing it as "s" is okay too.
This was an old vid - my pronunciation got better as the series progressed
He is not Syrian he is Arab from Arabian peninsula
He was from Syria
@@FlashPointHx He was an Arab living in Syria
Abd al-Rahman I Born: 731 AD, Palmyra, Syria
@@zardassouki1812 but that don't mean his a Syrian
@@-alblowi1550 hmmmmm, where were you born? if you were born in USA does that make you American? Is Donald Trump American? Are the native American the only American? where do we draw the line?
Saqr Quraysh
I think he is Arab from Quraish tribe not Syrian
No, he is a Syrian Arab Prince
There's nothing called Arab and Syrian
So this dude shows up in Spain as a refugee, and is like I want all your riches and land??? Lmao yup sounds like the modern day “refugees”
Why do you always discuss an irrelevant tangent? You spent a good part of the video just to explain "the fight didn't start yet?' I show your videos to middle schoolers and these digressions confuse them. I hope that your future videos will avoid that. Good Luck!
This was initially designed as a podcast for an older audience. But what works in the podcast arena doesn’t always translate into the UA-cam world. I’ve since removed items for the videos - like the long winded intros. See my videos on the Reconquista and you’ll see what I mean
Before the Abbasids came to power all the great mosques were aligned with Petra in Jordan. After that they were and still are aligned to Mecca. I'm just saying 🤔.
I've heard this many times. there are also many who disagree with this very passionately
@@FlashPointHx What that the mosques face Petra? Either they do or they don't. The latest GPS navigation says they do.
😂😂😂 Dude the ummayd mosque in Syria and the dome of the rock both mosques from the ummayd period are facing mecca WTF are you talking about???
@@rafthejaf8789 Do you realize how stupid you sound”the latest gps navigation” says so.
Do you also belive the people that built the mosques had gps navigation ??? There is quite a good video from Al-Muqaddimah about this subject check it out.
Video of Al Muqqaddima about this "Petra qibla"👇
in fact, he was almost certainly a berber pretender who's descendants concocted a fictional lineage after the fact in order to justify their dynasty. such a thing is quite common in medieval europe.
i mean, they claim he was born of a berber mother.....in damascus. right.
so, again - it's a nice story. but that's all it is.
the battles happened, but they appear to have been a part of the berber civil war that was taking place, and this guy isn't doing anybody any favours in broadcasting 1300 year old myths and propaganda.
His lineage to Quraysh is solid , he wasn’t a berber living in tents made of deer skin
@@Kami-i6k if you say so.
@@jessicasfakeaccount He’s called the Falcon of Quraish , i think you’d have to be an idiot not to believe that he was an Arab from Quraish
@@jessicasfakeaccount and do say that he’s mother was a berber isn’t extraordinary cause ibn rustum was a persian who lived in a persian dynasty in north africa , it’s not that hard to believe
@@Kami-i6k oh, it's certainly not extraordinary that a despot from north africa would be claimed to be berber. what does not pass basic critical thinking tests is that he was an arab from syria. as mentioned, it was standard at the time to pretend (hence the term pretender) that you belonged to a storied dynasty, if you wanted to rule over a people that saw itself as properly ruled by that dynasty. you'd have to be an idiot to usurp any sort of power in the region and not create an origin myth. as mentioned, this isn't unusual. what is unusual is the naivete in which arabs accept their mythology, because the culture hasn't undergone any sort of enlightenment process.
Abbasids were sunni so technically is was sunni bs sunni
Sunni back then was not a monolith, many sunni sects differed with each other more than with shia actually.
Totally bizarre beginning. What has JP Jones have to do with this. Quote him for no good reason then enlarge to his biography?
Behave yourself sir.
It's beatuful legend
But as a history there is no evidence that umayed were in north Africa .
These are just stories in books.. it's similar to the idriss who escaped from the arabia and come to build his Kingdom in morocco or like elisa who escaped from tyre to tunisia and built carthage ..
Were is the scientific evidence for these stories ?
I think if we needed decisive answers on what really happened in history, half the history books would disappear
Don't know if you can read araboc or not because there are many others alternative stories which seems logic and proved by archeological remains and dna ..
it's all about what happened in the byzantin empire and the religious conflects in north africa, iberia and levant..
If we want to talk about iberia we need to use new methods of research .
Because here in Morocco many things told in books turned to be fake .
I wouldn’t doubt it, but I’m limited to the sources available in English. I can’t read Arabic. However, revisionist historians have also gotten a lot of push back that their revised view of history may also be wrong. It’s very difficult to find a middle ground
@@Tifrazz sorry we can't find a berber source not a single page.😂😂😂
I know what point you want to make... The Berbers founded and run Al Andalus the entire 8 centuries... How can you ignore the fact that Arabic was the official language there? And most importantly, how can you explain the fact that until today, Berbers in Morocco are unable to speak proper Arabic...You can try and rewrite your own history of Al Andalus but you will never manage to change the facts... Al Andalus was doomed from the beginning because of the incessant Berber rebellions.
End the UN/EU send all Sub Saharan Africans and Muslim economic migrants.
10:20 yo at this timestap theres a really cool image from a manuscript. Could you send me a link to sed image?
Search "high res Persian miniatures" it will come up
Flash Point History cool
“The True Story of a Syrian Refugee” Jesus Christ, just take my like
he wasn't Syrian
he was Arabian from Bani Umayyah clan of Quraish tribe (from Saudi Arabia)
@@someone-wi4xl what do you mean your comment consistently stating that , i know Quraish is the Tribes of Propeth Muhammad PBUH but why are you implied syrian are different than arabian? Wasn't the Syrian have been Arabized during the fall of the Umayyads? The Syrian always associated themselves with the Umayyad's legacy, when the Kufan have strong Shia tendency the Syrian is Synonymous to the Umayyad, Then the Umawi was the archrival of the Hashemites.
Some black muslim said arabian and quraish are black , are you some kind of extreme Pan Arabist or a Black muslim? I am a non Arab Muslim from Indonesia. We have many Habaibs, respected and loved descendant of propeth Muhammad PBUH, that title come from Yemen , we have more Habaibs than in Yemen
@@bosbanon3452 Bani Umayyah Are Arabians ... Arabians don't identify themselves with a land to say (he was Syrian) but we identify ourselves by our Clans / Tribes , and our ethnicity is "ARABIAN" that's all ..
also Bani Umayyah lived in castles in the black desert of Northern Arabian Peninsula / Jordan / far south of Syria (such as this one)
1) islamstory.com/images/upload/content/64220160104-94.jpg
2) encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCidHu8ILZ294Go0fla-EFc5qMk-nVE8qN_w&usqp=CAU
also there is no such thing called "Black Arabs" prior to Islam
after the conquest some Arabs moved to Sudan , Chad and elsewhere and mixed with locals Over there and became Afro-Arabs
full blood Arabs look like this man from Saudi Arabia
> i.ytimg.com/vi/pN3LUG9NXnw/sddefault.jpg
Jesus was Palestinian not Syrian
@@someone-wi4xl Banu Umayyah are originally Nabatean Arabs form the Shem/Levant