Sparkles - Wonders of Earth - April 19, 2024

  • Опубліковано 16 кві 2024
  • But ask the animals, and they will instruct you; ask the birds of the air, and they will tell you. Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? Job 12:7-9
    Monday, April 22nd, will be the 54th celebration of Earth Day. It started here in the United States in 1970 and has evolved into the largest civic event on Earth, activating millions of people in 192 countries.
    I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors. Growing up without technology, and often without a tv, the outdoors was our field of entertainment. And we loved it. There was always an adventure to be had. It wasn’t just the playing, we had gardens that our mother helped us plant things in. Mostly tomatoes - now that I think about it, we had a plethora of tomatoes. Among the many trees we had, the magnolias, live oaks and pines, we also had fruit trees: fig, pear and pecan trees. And lots of flowers. We loved digging in the ground, and finding worms was always fun as we also did a lot of fishing - growing up on the bayous you do that!
    I really didn’t think much about the Earth or my impact on it as a youth. The world has changed and with it has come the reality of the consequences of our (humans) mindless impact on it. Although Earth Day begin in 1970, and my elementary school participated, it was not until I was older that I became mindful. As I spiritually matured, and continue to do so, my mind is more opened to the oneness of all life. And so caring for the earth is part of my responsibility as a Spiritual Being, and as a human being. I am blessed to be a caretaker of the Earth, for the abundance of God is so visible in it and all around me. I care for it not just for my sake, but for all who dwell here now, for my grandchildren, and for their children and the generations to come.
    We are rich in the wonders of this Earth. I invite you to spend time in nature this weekend, feel the soil, let your feet sink in the sand or in the ocean, simply feel the pulsating energy of Spirit that is alive in her (Earth). Give back to her what she has given to us. Simply and silently give thanks. Earth has blessed us indeed!
    Love, Light, & Sparkles,
    Rev. Carol