The BEST Nimrod Deck I've Ever Played! | Marvel Snap

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mrrvo
    @mrrvo Рік тому +6

    I’ve been trying this deck out this morning and it doesn’t feel great to pilot. Ultimately you’re looking for the combo of getting multiple nimrods and I found that that is hard to do consistently with this deck. America chavez and psylocke are super awkward most of the time. Mirror matches are tough and I got absolutely obliterated by a dino deck with cosmo and armor. There isn’t any counter play especially against the mirror destroy. I do have to say that when I did get the combo to go off, where you get nimrod down on 4, venom, and then arnim. Very fun! But hardly happens. Great video, love you

    • @friedenstone9779
      @friedenstone9779 Рік тому

      This is a great shell to build off of. Sub tech cards in based on your play experience.

  • @PartyPoison06
    @PartyPoison06 Рік тому +52

    The contents on the week after infinity conquest are brutal. From 40+ min videos to 20 mins leaves you longing for more.

    • @K9sual
      @K9sual Рік тому

      I agree completely.

  • @blackspiderman4766
    @blackspiderman4766 Рік тому +10

    I'm happy people finally seeing the greatness of nimrod I've been a defender of him since the beginning when people was saying he was a bad card

    • @DarthTator22
      @DarthTator22 Рік тому +4

      Nimrod for life! I was number 2 in my region for nimrod used during that event and I've bought the ultimate variant lol

    • @thisBrian
      @thisBrian Рік тому

      Let's not forget Nimrod and Venom both got buffs that helped out since

    • @pigpotty
      @pigpotty Рік тому

      @@thisBrianthey weren’t necessary. People just didn’t believe in the Hot Rod

    • @ohikno8631
      @ohikno8631 Рік тому

      Honestly nobody thought he was bad I think, it was just hella unlucky timing bc it was leech lockjaw meta 💀

    • @DietersYT
      @DietersYT Рік тому

      If you play nimrod, you stimulate your anus during sex

  • @jacobsigler7680
    @jacobsigler7680 Рік тому +2

    “Next up we have our dealer… cards!” Oh my god I was dying 😂 Keep up the entertainment as well as the great gameplay, bud. Also, hope the puppy got some good snuggles after bad dreams!

  • @gorem8
    @gorem8 Рік тому +2

    I've been running that exact same deck for the mission, it is performing amazingly well.

  • @friedenstone9779
    @friedenstone9779 Рік тому +17

    Magik is a catalyst in this deck. Especially when you're shooting for some pretty expensive plays. I run a variant of this with magik and no arnim. I also sub actual tech cards in (Shang, rogue, ham). It performs real well.

    • @jonahhaugley9795
      @jonahhaugley9795 Рік тому +4

      good, i was hoping to find a good replacement for lad as he's one of the s 4/5 cards i don't have yet

    • @friedenstone9779
      @friedenstone9779 Рік тому +2

      @jonahhaugley9795 really, the door is wide open as lad is mostly rng.

    • @user-fy3nf3lg2j
      @user-fy3nf3lg2j Рік тому

      True. I don’t magic, clutters the deck

    • @missachin5054
      @missachin5054 Рік тому

      @@jonahhaugley9795deck list please

    • @SheltonJohanson
      @SheltonJohanson Рік тому

      Magik + Hulkbuster will be a great addition

  • @jeth3540
    @jeth3540 Рік тому +1

    So nice of Dred to concede so you can check on your puppy! 😊

  • @TTL9800
    @TTL9800 Рік тому +1

    Been loving this decks you’ve been showing recently. A lot of fun and variety!

  • @talikfreemansr2478
    @talikfreemansr2478 Рік тому

    This is my first watch. But after stopping mid game to check in the pup earned a new sub from me bud. Cheers🤝🏾

  • @gazb0075
    @gazb0075 Рік тому +2

    I wish I saw this a couple of hours ago. I just went with a Galactus deck to get the Nimrod weekend challenge done. It was an hour of my life I'll never get back.

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому +1

      I just finished up the challenge on both of my accounts with this deck! Nimrod galactus always felt too variable to me. I used daken discard for that mission and completed it quickly too

    • @gazb0075
      @gazb0075 Рік тому

      @@TLSGMarvelSnap Agreed, the consistency with Galactus just isn't there to make it worth your time. This deck you've posted has a much better look to it.

  • @paulschneider3997
    @paulschneider3997 Рік тому +2

    "Dealer idk what kind of secret stash you have been getting in" 💀

  • @leodicambio8745
    @leodicambio8745 Рік тому

    You're my boy TLSG!

  • @bradosborne4609
    @bradosborne4609 Рік тому

    commenting for algorithm and nimrod love, good stuff as always!

  • @Louis-Crazynside
    @Louis-Crazynside Рік тому

    Awesome deck for the weekend missions!! Don't have Ironlad yet but instead maybe I use Daken ...Congrats on the subs!!

    • @pedropenha2099
      @pedropenha2099 Рік тому

      Daken is not good in destroy decks, hes much more of a discard element than anything else

  • @josephnywayfarer1345
    @josephnywayfarer1345 Рік тому

    I didn’t know about hovering the card to see the Shuri shield trick. Thanks!

  • @callmefireman9050
    @callmefireman9050 Рік тому +9

    time to flex that nimrod variant

    • @Flackon
      @Flackon Рік тому +1


    • @HobbsterTheLobster23
      @HobbsterTheLobster23 Рік тому

      ahahaha same! got it while going for galactus, im not trying the 50/50 with the random card tho, anyway, at least im getting some gold back this weekend by playing nimrod.

  • @mmvdleest1733
    @mmvdleest1733 Рік тому +2

    Replacement for Iron Lad? 😢

  • @zubsiro
    @zubsiro Рік тому +3

    I was literally using this deck all morning and finished my missions in under an hour, only thing is psylocke just feels like a random card in here without knull

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому

      I like to use it for an early nimrod into destroy on 5 and arnim zola on 6, but it could be Magik as well!

    • @RayneCatherine
      @RayneCatherine Рік тому

      How does that work? Nimrod is 5, and destroyer arnim both 6

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому

      Psyloke on 3 into nimrod on 4. Carnage/venom on 5 and then arnim on 6

  • @josephandres4324
    @josephandres4324 Рік тому +1

    What if you don't draw Nimroad? It's there another win condition? I don't have Armin-Zola, so i use Forge in case i don't draw Shuri, Also i use Magik so i can do the Destroyer combo in turn 6 and then Venom+Carnage/Deathlok in turn 7, works great but if i haven't drawn Nimroad for turn 5, i inmediatly "scape".

  • @GTRichardson7
    @GTRichardson7 Рік тому +1

    i've been playing almost this exact deck but with Magik instead of Psylock!

  • @CatMouse5
    @CatMouse5 11 місяців тому

    Came across this video, now with the changes what would you do different about this deck ? Just curious 😊

  • @emilmaillard7526
    @emilmaillard7526 Рік тому +1

    With what can i replace nimrod?

  • @andreikotchergenko2838
    @andreikotchergenko2838 Рік тому

    Awesome content as always!!! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @adityamahadik501
    @adityamahadik501 Рік тому +1

    I do like nimrod especially with the buff to hulkbuster who i use as substitute in for a shuri though i play him galactus with a destroyer. really a fun and hard to predict destroy card for opponent

  • @saugatray1891
    @saugatray1891 Рік тому +1

    miss the 40+ min videos. i like to watch it more. also do you think Loki going to be broken ?

  • @MaximilliansHammer
    @MaximilliansHammer Рік тому

    I murdered the '15-game Nimrod Win' and 'Win 20 Matches" missions yesterday with a similar deck in Conquest. It felt like I was playing bots (though I don't think I actually was) it went so smoothly. Which was weird as a lot of people were also playing Nimrod decks due to the challenge.

    • @thevoiceofreason8240
      @thevoiceofreason8240 Рік тому

      You're one of those "opposite" people. I have the exact opposite experience. I lost 14 times in a row with this deck. First three had Dream Dimension. Next ten, I didn't ever draw Shuri while my opponents had draws as though Ben Brode himself had stacked their decks for them. If there is luck involved in a game, I have a 90% chance of getting screwed over in the worst possible way. It's just my lot in life. I have to play decks with more consistent alternative play-lines.

    • @MaximilliansHammer
      @MaximilliansHammer Рік тому

      @@thevoiceofreason8240 If it makes you feel any better, I borrowed his idea of swapping out Knull in my deck for America Chavez, as I liked the idea of drawing the combo more consistently (and seldom actually used Knull during my winning streak yesterday). As soon as I did, I played 10 matches this morning, and only had Nimrod and Shuri in hand once, and that one time, my opponent was running Death/Knull, and way out powered me. I was drawing the combo, like, 100 times more consistently without Chavez. Go figure.

  • @machinayrequiem8596
    @machinayrequiem8596 Рік тому

    That RNG around 4 mins was freakin NASTYYYYY

  • @user-fy3nf3lg2j
    @user-fy3nf3lg2j Рік тому +1

    Can nimrod be Chang shid? As I’m getting annoyed with my 23 venom getting wrecked

    • @skeetfshowitit8103
      @skeetfshowitit8103 Рік тому

      Yep and replicates itself to the other locations if possible !

  • @elyrvillanueva4588
    @elyrvillanueva4588 Рік тому

    can you build thanos deck as of now i dont know how to effectively use thanos :)

  • @Ynot2711
    @Ynot2711 Рік тому

    What’s the point of Psylock? I don’t see great ramp options here except early rod I guess but then you can’t Shuri.

  • @matthews5137
    @matthews5137 Рік тому

    Now that Chavez has been reworked, what would you replace her with?

  • @spincut13
    @spincut13 Рік тому

    Curious, I have a rather similar deck but with Magik instead of psyloche, thoughts?

  • @MyNamesNick_777
    @MyNamesNick_777 Рік тому

    Do you know replacements for iron lad

  • @pigpotty
    @pigpotty Рік тому +1

    This is essentially the deck I’ve used to hit infinite every month since nimrods release and I think all my infinity border avatars. I’m glad people are catching on but I liked being the only one who knew Nimrod was A tier from day 1 😅

    • @mgarratt101
      @mgarratt101 Рік тому

      Lol, sure you did champ

    • @pigpotty
      @pigpotty Рік тому

      @@mgarratt101 i dunno man i made youtube vids about it

    • @mgarratt101
      @mgarratt101 Рік тому

      @@pigpotty sure buddy

  • @eizhamm4820
    @eizhamm4820 Рік тому

    Replacement for iron lad?

  • @taranlee5203
    @taranlee5203 Рік тому

    Just did this for weekend missions with Magik instead of Psylocke, was pretty successful

  • @elak9241
    @elak9241 Рік тому

    What is Psylocke for?

  • @PeterADean
    @PeterADean Рік тому

    How is noone metioning the whole puppy check up?

  • @Mystic_Crayons
    @Mystic_Crayons Рік тому

    can.shuri be replace ?

  • @Bm-og7ce
    @Bm-og7ce Рік тому

    If i don't have iron lad will be change what card ?

  • @twodeliverances
    @twodeliverances Рік тому +1

    you didnt include the puppy waking up in the video i'm actually sad

  • @Flackon
    @Flackon Рік тому

    That's really similar to the nimrod deck I built when the card came out

  • @celobration
    @celobration Рік тому

    Big thanks for your content. Can somebody explain how i use psylock in this deck?

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому +2

      You can replace with Magik, but I like psylock to do nimrod on 4, carnage + venom on 5, and then arnim on venom on six.
      It also helps keep the combo alive slightly during weird world games or to get a turn 2 iron lad sometimes!

  • @jchaney229
    @jchaney229 Рік тому +1

    I don't get the Chavez to push out your other cards, just use a more useful card for a better turn six draw. Not getting what you want then getting Chavez on six is a bummer for me

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому

      Since this is purely leaning on the nimrod play Chavez is in to help get it more often. If we don't get nimrod it almost doesn't matter what is drawn on six since we are likely retreating.
      Chavez also turns the last stitch iron lad play on 5 from a 25% chance to hit nimrod to a 33% chance

  • @GRANTYO32
    @GRANTYO32 Рік тому

    How can I recommend you to try a deck. I think I have a deck you’d probably love to play

  • @jeffsenecal4168
    @jeffsenecal4168 Рік тому

    Tech in Angel, ez consistency adder

  • @avi7430
    @avi7430 Рік тому +1

    Why do you have destroyer in this deck?

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому +1

      It gets around a cosmo blocking your nimrod destroy and sometimes is better then going with the regular destroy route with carnage and deathlock as well

    • @avi7430
      @avi7430 Рік тому +1

      @@TLSGMarvelSnap oh i see

  • @QuinnOConnor
    @QuinnOConnor Рік тому

    First off TLSG is awesome, I've been watching him since the beginning of this game & being brand new to card games he has helped me immediately.
    That said, lol, for the life of me I can't figure out Psylocke for this deck.
    It makes NO sense as far as I can tell.
    If you play it on T4 what's your next move? Destroyer? Arnim? What is the point here? They don't do anything for you because your Nimrod didn't get out. & if you T3 Psylocke to get a weak Nimrod out that's not great either. It's just mid at best.
    Can someone explain this to me?
    Magik would seem better than Psylocke. Absorbing Man, Electro, Wave, Spider-Ham, lol, maybe?
    I don't understand.
    Edit - I went through the comments & found TLSG's answer. I knew I couldn't be the only one wondering. It's for T4 Nimrod. I'm not feeling that at all, lol. I've been playing variations of this deck since Nimrod dropped, that's a recipe for disaster 😂

  • @Adonis1985
    @Adonis1985 Рік тому

    Wish I would’ve watched this before completing my nimrod challenge. Lol

  • @mufelo
    @mufelo Рік тому

    Are there any replacements for Iron Lad? Haven't been able to get him from those pesky stashes.

    • @gazb0075
      @gazb0075 Рік тому +1

      Try Magik. Completely different type of ability I know. But it will give you an extra turn to try and get your combos off.

    • @mufelo
      @mufelo Рік тому

      @@gazb0075 Interesting. I'll give it a shot.

  • @iwarri0rxd350
    @iwarri0rxd350 Рік тому

    What can I replace ironclad with since I haven’t gotten it yet

    • @xeno4946
      @xeno4946 Рік тому +1

      his effect doesn't really have an alternative the only thing that comes close is jubilee but she can lowball hard sometimes with that 1 power i think its better to just put in another card that works with destroy or Galactus kinda works too

  • @MrFright2010
    @MrFright2010 Рік тому

    If it's not Jeff, it's Iron Lad. At least, Crystal somehowish fills the same slot.

  • @jc_wesson
    @jc_wesson Рік тому

    I named my version Rowdy Roddy :D

  • @MXM194
    @MXM194 Рік тому +2

    This deck is getting crushed by magik/Zola/Knull

  • @Worm.emergency
    @Worm.emergency Рік тому

    The most tempted I’ve ever been to open caches for a card I wrote off 😩

  • @nameisname8421
    @nameisname8421 Рік тому

    Any good replacement for lad?

    • @monxes
      @monxes Рік тому

      a no-brainer choice would be jubilee but i think going with deadlock is fine too

  • @leoboft6839
    @leoboft6839 Рік тому

    Ehy Guys, should I use my 6000 tokens to buy two cards (Spider-Ham and Knull) or just Thanos?

  • @ssnapdad
    @ssnapdad Рік тому +1

    been playing the same deck for a long time with high winrate....just replace psylock with magik

  • @wisnusyah6608
    @wisnusyah6608 Рік тому +1

    Honestly destroy is one of the most consistent deck all through the meta. They never had significant nerf so its never really felt weaker than before.

  • @christopherfederici1684
    @christopherfederici1684 Рік тому

    Thanos destroy got me to infinite the last 2 seasons but feels slower this time around

  • @davehowie03
    @davehowie03 Рік тому

    Is replace Psylocke with Magik so that you can play Magick, Shuri, Nimrod, Carnage & Venom, Zola the Venom!

  • @rjbythelake9786
    @rjbythelake9786 6 місяців тому

    Can update a new nimrod deck😁

  • @96fiqtumtum_48
    @96fiqtumtum_48 Рік тому

    I still don't have Ironlad.

  • @betterbutterstutter
    @betterbutterstutter Рік тому

    I need iron lad so bad because all I wanna do is play nimrod decks
    They are too fun

    • @luisrivera5926
      @luisrivera5926 Рік тому +1

      Iron Lad is good, doesn’t always hit what you want and sometimes it hurts you. I wouldn’t say you NEED him to play Nimrod decks.

    • @betterbutterstutter
      @betterbutterstutter Рік тому

      @@luisrivera5926 every single list I've seen in the past couple months has him so idk
      Who would you recommend as a replacement? Rn I'm playing a ramp nimrod deck with electro wave and shuri, and galactus as a back up route

  • @camzeee840
    @camzeee840 Рік тому +1

    I don't really understand what Psylocke is here for. No point in ramping into Shuri since you'll want to Shuri the Nimrod. She only has one target then which is Iron Lad on 4. Seems like a wasted slot.

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому +7

      Ramp into nimrod on 4 allows you to do a carnage + venom on 5 into a arnim zola onto the venom on 6

  • @turdfurgeson9998
    @turdfurgeson9998 Рік тому

    Build it and they will come tlgs

  • @Muzzle801
    @Muzzle801 Рік тому


  • @VikingMobile0927
    @VikingMobile0927 Рік тому

    I ran Nimrod all last month...Take out Wolverine and put in Magik....You'll thank me later!!

    • @mmvdleest1733
      @mmvdleest1733 Рік тому

      I dont have iron lad,can I leave wolfy and swap laddy for magik?

    • @VikingMobile0927
      @VikingMobile0927 Рік тому

      @@mmvdleest1733 Yeah....Magik just gets you more Nimrods

    • @mmvdleest1733
      @mmvdleest1733 Рік тому

      @@VikingMobile0927 thabks ser, will test it vs my other destroy deck daken deadpool knull death

    • @hydra6696
      @hydra6696 Рік тому

      Can you send your deck?

  • @AngryCupcake1989
    @AngryCupcake1989 Рік тому

    This deck looked fun but is performing really bad for me. I play perfect but everyone is carrying counters. Dont use it just yet...

  • @srpalmiton
    @srpalmiton Рік тому

    i cant understand América chaves, she take out the possibility of a good draw at the last turn for an useless card

    • @TLSGMarvelSnap
      @TLSGMarvelSnap  Рік тому +3

      In a lot of decks I agree, but in combo dependant decks like this one I think it's critical.
      In this deck if you don't have nimrod by 5 then you have almost 0 chance to win, Chavez helps make sure you have that more consistently and when you use iron lad on 5 it's a 33% chance to hit nimrod if he's left in your deck

  • @FreshTopEnd
    @FreshTopEnd Рік тому

    yo why are all these youtubers blowing up my lamby nimrod deck and now it's all i see on the ladder

  • @ChumpionTV
    @ChumpionTV Рік тому

    okay dude, enough with the begging for subs. we get it.

  • @marksmith9369
    @marksmith9369 Рік тому

    Playing this for a few weeks, credit to LambySeries.