Why don't I have an infinite tornado with every single living being on this entire planet. Wait a minute why am I limiting myself to just living beings. Why don't I include the entire eco-system of this planet aswell. Wait a minut. Why this planet. Why not the solar-system. Why not the milkyway galaxy. Why not the entire Universe. Why not every single thing possible. And I become it forever. That's true Love. Infinite amazement. You are falling in love with yourself. Now I am really looking in the mirror. Before when I looked at my face in the mirror that wasn't my real face. My real face is this entire singularity of every fucking thing. This is what I am. This is God looking at God. Yeah this is what I am and I Love it. WOW. OMG.
Nice bro do hard work you will success
kya video hy nice facts #sciencescanner
Ahh! it's a magnetic stirr bar
It works, I have one, what do you mean it's fake?
Why don't I have an infinite tornado with every single living being on this entire planet. Wait a minute why am I limiting myself to just living beings. Why don't I include the entire eco-system of this planet aswell. Wait a minut. Why this planet. Why not the solar-system. Why not the milkyway galaxy. Why not the entire Universe. Why not every single thing possible. And I become it forever. That's true Love. Infinite amazement. You are falling in love with yourself. Now I am really looking in the mirror. Before when I looked at my face in the mirror that wasn't my real face. My real face is this entire singularity of every fucking thing. This is what I am. This is God looking at God. Yeah this is what I am and I Love it. WOW. OMG.
Bro how to make a whirl pool
😉 lol
this fake this a motor
Yes magnetic stirrer
Fake lol
No it's a magnetic stirr bar, it's used all over chemestry to automaticaly mix liquids it works using coils and magnets
It dosnt work I've tried it
Me too
is not fake apex i spin magnets that spin magnets in the jars..but it si click bait soory