Iris - Stairway to Heaven [live 70's Show 2005]

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Iris - "Stairway to Heaven"
    Music by: Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
    Lyrics by: Robert Plant
    Original by: Led Zeppelin
    Song released on: "Led Zeppelin IV - Untitled Four Symbols", LP, 1971
    Video recorded at: "70's Show", Bucharest, Prima TV Studios, 2005
    Performed by: Cristian Minculescu - lead vocals, Nelu Dumitrescu - drums, Doru Borobeică - bass guitar, Valter Popa - lead and rhythm guitar, Relu Marin - keyboards
    This 1971 rock ballad created by the famous English hard rock band Led Zeppelin was released on their fourth album and it's considered a masterpiece. Written by guitarist Jimmy Page and vocalist Robert Plant, "Stairway to Heaven" is the most requested and most played song on FM radio stations in the United States of America, despite never being released as a single there. The song was covered by the Romanian hard rock band Iris several times, including at their "Tribute to Led Zeppelin" concert, held in Bucharest on January 2000. At that tributary show Iris played many other Zeppelin songs: "Communication Breakdown", "Rock and Roll", "Whole Lotta Love", "You Shook Me", "Moby Dick", "The Ocean", "Dazed and Confused", "Heartbreaker", etc. Here we have a video with Iris performing live "Stairway to Heaven" in 2005 at Prima TV during the "70's Show". Led Zeppelin is considered the world's pioneering heavy metal group and it's Cristi Minculescu's favourite band.


  • @alinaenache21
    @alinaenache21 17 років тому +1

    Iris este cea mai tare trupa care a existat vreodata...iar pentru mine sunt aproape niste zei

  • @MrSalavei
    @MrSalavei 15 років тому +2

    Iris e super, o trupa legendara, coverurile sunt alese dintre cele mai faimoase piese din lume.

  • @boomaster2007
    @boomaster2007 14 років тому +1

    Ma doar nu vreti sa sune ca piesa originala din studio. Merita apreciat efortul. Bravo Iris.

  • @cliffklf
    @cliffklf 17 років тому +1

    Cristi este puternic, este un luptator si nu merita sa ne gandim noi la tot ce e mai rau daca el nu o face. Il iubesc si il voi iubi vesnic si cred sincer in ce ne-a spus el vineri la Baneasa si anume: ne vedem la IRIS 40 de ani!
    F frumos clipul tau:)
    O iubire alba fara de sfarsit pentru IRIS

  • @Protoss7
    @Protoss7 12 років тому +1

    Ca voce, este cel mai bun cover pe care melodia l-a avut vreodata

  • @penoz
    @penoz 16 років тому +1

    la cat e de frumoasa piesa, putea fi cantata si pe un Reghin :)))... crede-ma ca ar suna la fel de bine :P

  • @alinutza24
    @alinutza24 16 років тому +1

    My hubby is a big Led zeppelin fan ,he saw them in concerts quite a few time,and he liked the Iris version,especially Cristi's voice ,he kinda sounds like Robert Plant.

  • @slash18gabita
    @slash18gabita 17 років тому +1

    super..cea mai buna trupa care canta live in romania

  • @123crysty25
    @123crysty25 15 років тому +2


  • @adenysse
    @adenysse 15 років тому +1

    chiar o canta foarte bine,sunt o super trupa!

  • @xxxvolt
    @xxxvolt 17 років тому

    a face un cover inseamna f. mult....iris a facut treaba buna si nu ma refer numai la melodia asta..cei care nu apreciaza pot sa se arunce de la balcon si eventual sa se spanzure cu sireturi.IRIS este una dintre cele mai klumea formatii din romania si tind sa cred ca nu numai...

  • @BannerOfBlasfemy
    @BannerOfBlasfemy 15 років тому +1

    super prelucrare a soloului. parca tempoul piesei e usor crescut fata de original

  • @00393293171971
    @00393293171971 13 років тому +1

    foarte frumos!evident ca nu ca si originalul..dar pentru un cover este foarte bun

  • @MrSalavei
    @MrSalavei 14 років тому +1

    Super au interpretat-o, e la fel de buna ca si Soldier of Fortune .

  • @0715Venom
    @0715Venom 14 років тому +1

    @Mirceaneb1 daca eram acolo sa recunosc melodia cred ca tipam de nu ma stiam... traiasca iris si... sa ne rugam un ultim turneu led zeppelin, desi deja cerem cam mult

  • @1orka
    @1orka 11 років тому +1

    super..excellent cristi!!!! vrea sa aud -victim of changes ,,la fel ca tim ripper owens

  • @MiikkaKipper
    @MiikkaKipper 15 років тому +1

    Its not a BALLAD, its a Folk/Hard Rock song

  • @HurleyWeezer
    @HurleyWeezer 13 років тому +1

    prea tare

  • @masterd151
    @masterd151 17 років тому

    Nobody ever adds the space before the solo like the live version. Everyones does the studio one

  • @lilisandulescu
    @lilisandulescu 17 років тому

    e mai mult decat minunat!

  • @boomyfriend
    @boomyfriend 15 років тому +3

    bai frate...melodia e grea... evident ca nimeni nu o poate canta ca Ledd, doar e melodia lor
    ganditiva ca e un cover ... poate sa faca intr-un cover ce vrea faca melodia cu totul altfel, eu una spun ca e destul de apropiata de original ;)

  • @cadicadi9108
    @cadicadi9108 12 років тому

    Suna foarte bine.LED ZEP - revolutionari.

  • @Jamalescu111
    @Jamalescu111 17 років тому +1

    e marfa ! :)

  • @Coasa1
    @Coasa1 13 років тому

    Cristi poate sa faca la orice piesa cover frate!!
    Bravo Iris!!!

  • @Pawliklizard
    @Pawliklizard 14 років тому

    Canta foarte bine dak lucra si la accent era ideal

  • @Cipri19799
    @Cipri19799 15 років тому +2

    Ma "paulpop1991" lasa povestile....Coveru ii tare si ii cantat bine vii tu aici cu urechea ta de muzician si ne zici noua ca nu o dat niste note si Cristi nu poate urca cu vocea.....IRIS POWER
    si vezi ma ca ai de luat ore de chitara:)))))

  • @pleata89
    @pleata89 14 років тому +1

    dumitrescu rupe-le capu'

  • @prenandez
    @prenandez 16 років тому

    am eu reghin ji suna genial mel asta:P

  • @FadeToBlack181
    @FadeToBlack181 15 років тому

    "invata sa scri" ? no comment

  • @prenandez
    @prenandez 17 років тому +3

    is a cover...u want to sound like zeppelin?

  • @prenandez
    @prenandez 17 років тому

    achimradu17 km ai gresit asta iris ii cea mai tare trupa romaneasca shi se poate compara oricand cu led zeppelin. O voce de necomparat o chitara care e inegalabila aja k n mai vb c nu jti

  • @StoneRobiStone
    @StoneRobiStone 17 років тому +1

    e misto,putin suparatoare clapa. pacat ca au bagat publicitate.

  • @albfer17
    @albfer17 12 років тому

    con este grupo yo cantaba esta canion en el 78 con Guy Pfender tu te rapelles ?

  • @nomad8k
    @nomad8k 14 років тому +1

    si-au pierdut pana si simtul penibilului.

  • @drrdragoss
    @drrdragoss 14 років тому +1

    mie imi suna ca led zep...adica nu e chiar asa bine da sunt nu pot sa cant melodia asta :)

  • @notno4717
    @notno4717 16 років тому +1

    Some of the negative responses to this cover surprise me. Sure, the drummer lacks the power of Bonham - but noone has come close to him since, so he gets a pass. But everyone else NAILED the SHIT out of this song.
    Better than the bullshit Foo Fighters version that was raped to bits.

  • @Marseille5
    @Marseille5 15 років тому

    The solo is very good, although the rest is quite poor.

  • @RealmoftheBlackShadow
    @RealmoftheBlackShadow 15 років тому

    "of course"

  • @Nathris94100
    @Nathris94100 12 років тому

    @Mirceaneb1 exact asta ma gandeam si eu :))

  • @oldshatterhand007
    @oldshatterhand007 17 років тому

    dragutz cover, dar solo-ul e total aiurea...

  • @IronBabushka
    @IronBabushka 16 років тому

    what the...did they skip a verse?

  • @pleata89
    @pleata89 14 років тому +1

    oricum din punct de vedere tehnic minculescu nu greseste nici o nota... acuma ca mai inloreste ceva...doamne fer este sa mergi la metallica la concert

  • @RealmoftheBlackShadow
    @RealmoftheBlackShadow 15 років тому

    With the phrase "get a life", I simply meant that there's no use looking like an old Robert Plant whatsoever!
    (nor a young R. P.)
    It's in fact quite laughable...the extent to which some people go to look like their "heroes".
    Hint from me:
    write your owns songs (maybe you already do).
    Make your own revolution here and now!
    Forget the '70's.
    It's 2009 now!
    Wake up!
    Thus I'm not saying the music of the '70's was bad in any way but times are a-changing.

  • @ShredWithMe
    @ShredWithMe 17 років тому

    i think the keyboard ruined it

  • @Hardy181818
    @Hardy181818 14 років тому

    ce dracu a vrut sa faca la 3:58...?

  • @chrisschram4320
    @chrisschram4320 9 років тому +2

    Stick to Led Zeppelins version.

  • @icemanicky
    @icemanicky 17 років тому +1

    iris sau macar phoenix trebuiau sa cante in deschiderea lui Robert taxi!!!

  • @jimmorrison3501
    @jimmorrison3501 12 років тому +1


  • @ShadowZeppelin
    @ShadowZeppelin 15 років тому

    lol if nickel back was born in Mexico it would sound like this lol

  • @mynameisstevo
    @mynameisstevo 15 років тому

    guitarist sounds to staccaco-ey

  • @albfer17
    @albfer17 12 років тому

    Olivier Courteille etait un bien meuilleur guitariste

  • @InfidelCastrophobic
    @InfidelCastrophobic 16 років тому

    No, no, no. The notes are right. Where's the passion!?

  • @mjjungle
    @mjjungle 13 років тому +1

    observ ca romanii au o parere foarte buna ...sau relativ buna despre acest cover...dar vad multi exceptand romanii sunt in opozitie cu pararea voastra

  • @tidusN1
    @tidusN1 14 років тому +1

    Jimmy Page parca nu era chel :<
    uite-l si pe Robert Plant de Romania =))
    In alta ordine de idei este un cover destul de reusit, cu mult peste ceea ce am mai vazut la ei.

  • @tidusN1
    @tidusN1 14 років тому

    @ShadowZeppelin AHHAHAHAHAHA =))))))))))))

  • @m3th0dman2005
    @m3th0dman2005 14 років тому +1

    Părţi din melodie se cântă la chitară cu 12 corzi şi alte părţi la chitară cu 6 corzi. Ăştia dacă au două chitări cu 6 corzi, nu înseamnă că sună ca una cu 12 corzi. Vocea lui Minculescu mai c-ar merge, dar cu engleza e praf.

  • @RealmoftheBlackShadow
    @RealmoftheBlackShadow 15 років тому

    This clip is a little bit "b-igt" ['bee (as in "beer")-it] as they say in Swedish.
    (that slang word means approx.:
    "a 2nd hand or lower quality thing"; one could also say "beige", which of course also means a colour or maybe a state of mind, just as say "blue").
    The singer was ok but the guitarist and the other musicians at the start weren't people, whose record I'd buy.
    Oc course the guitar solo was ok but alas stiff.
    Even the singer couldn't pronounce words.
    Get a life!

  • @achimradu17
    @achimradu17 17 років тому

    mi se pare foarte pretentios sa faci coveruri dupa melodia asta care este o capodopera.

  • @Games3DAndroid
    @Games3DAndroid 14 років тому

    foarte bine adica o canta live banuiesc are voce tipu,
    nu imi place iris chiar deloc
    dar foarte fain coveru :) ]
    leo iesit asta

  • @santnicola
    @santnicola 15 років тому +1


  • @BizarreIoveTriangle
    @BizarreIoveTriangle 11 років тому +1


  • @adresameademessenger
    @adresameademessenger 14 років тому +1

    e un cover destul de decent,pacat ca nu are "coaie" acolo unde trebuie sa aiba:)

  • @idiotequedwaal
    @idiotequedwaal 16 років тому

    never play stairway on a stratocaster X( fi trebuit sa incerce macar pe un telecaster k sa nu mai vb de un les paul. iris sunt buni dar cu mel asta au dato'n bara

  • @fratzila
    @fratzila 14 років тому +1

    mi se pare slab coverul...ceva nu imi suna bine...

  • @s7aab10
    @s7aab10 14 років тому +1

    that sucks !!!