I have a few questions about your longsword. What do you find the ideal length to be, or is it based on your own height? I just put together my first one, its 6ft in total, including hilt, i'm 6'3 and fairly strong. It feels like like the length is fighting against me sometimes on the pell. Do you have any suggestions?
I'm about the same height, and I consider the ideal sword length to be from the underarm or shoulder down to the ground, for total length. Six feet would be too long for me, too.
Surprisingly complicated answer! This class was held at my home in Trimaris. We also are partial year residents in Aethelmearc. I won my Spurs and my Duchy in Atlantia. And I had my beginnings in the kingdom of Meridies.
You cape is extra Fancy Your Grace. :)
Thank you! One does one's best!
Ah the beauty of the zwerchau!
It is a glorious and effective technique, when thrown properly!
I have a few questions about your longsword. What do you find the ideal length to be, or is it based on your own height? I just put together my first one, its 6ft in total, including hilt, i'm 6'3 and fairly strong. It feels like like the length is fighting against me sometimes on the pell. Do you have any suggestions?
I'm about the same height, and I consider the ideal sword length to be from the underarm or shoulder down to the ground, for total length. Six feet would be too long for me, too.
Your Grace, what kingdom are you from?
Surprisingly complicated answer! This class was held at my home in Trimaris. We also are partial year residents in Aethelmearc. I won my Spurs and my Duchy in Atlantia. And I had my beginnings in the kingdom of Meridies.