The FBI didn't miss a step when they went after parents that were attending school board meetings - they certainly weren't overwhelmed then with the amount of cases and their responsibilities
When they aren't screwing over hookers, they've got alot of billing time! Much like attorney's and/or LEO! Gee..this is exactly like the Roman Hedonistic Empire!
DOJ, FBI, CIA and any other three letter departments need to be dismantled! Done away with and rebuild a single department by the people for the people and use strict guidelines to hire as not to allow for corruption. And ever so often, investigate all those who are in authority in this department to keep everyone in check. Just my thoughts.
He did not only say it was not a priority. He said that even if they saw the crime in the process of being committed, right in front of them, that they were too busy to waste their time doing their job, which is to enforce the law.
First take them out with defunding. Lack of financing will destroy most of their tyrannical field operations. Then move for a vote to dissolve the F*B*I as an organization so corrupt it cannot be purged effectively. Replace it as an organization under the next President with a new name and all new personnel. I don't doubt some of their current funding comes from off shore which is another reason it must be dissolved and it's people investigated. These "Directors" are just highly paid front men tasked with preventing us from finding out what is really happening.
They are not protestors when they make any threats against the family of a judge - See 18 U.S. Code § 115 - Influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by threatening or injuring a family member - Consequences: A threat made in violation of this section shall be punished by a fine under this title or imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, or both, except that imprisonment for a threatened assault shall not exceed 6 years.
@@rushinbought2937 🤫 I'm also hoping that we can 👍 Hang in there, I've come this far and I'm gonna ride this car until the wheels fall off God Bless 👈 🆘📅🔔⚖️🎬🍿😏
Wray can’t or won’t do the easy stuff so you can imagine the high crimes committed that he’s ignored completely……. Americans have watched countless crimes go on without any consequences.
With wrays help even the Supreme Judge attempted assassin will be walking free soon . Wray we made a mistake arresting him so he's free to go .oh and we bought him some guns for the inconvenience and told him where trump is. Is what I feel like or felt like he will do
Florida just suspended a county prosecutor who took it upon himself to decide not to enforce laws prohibiting alteration/ mutilation of the reproductive organs of children. Wray should be suspended for refusing to enforce the “no-demonstrating” federal law.
Gary M , that prosecutor publicly published information stating that he would not enforce the laws multiple times. That's why he was replaced. The guy was openly blatant about it. His own words did him in. Its a different kind of circumstance but DeSantis had every right as Governor to replace him.
Well said. And Biden, Harris,Pelosi etc...not one of them are doing their jobs. Just turning us into a 3rd world shit hole these people believe in a separate justice system and are all anti-American..
Much of the video evidence PROVING entrapment is being hidden from those arrested. B4 Proud Boys arrival at 12:35ish, paid agitators, instigators & saboteurs broke thru 1st metal barricades & quickly hid barricades behind stone walls at Peace Monument, 1st entry point Trump supporters had to cross. Atm, Trump was in middle of his speech. Saboteurs ran towards Capitol Building & coordinated removing Green Chain link style fencing covered in signs " Do Not Enter" " Restricted Areas". SAME GUY Yelling "MOVE FORWARD" on top of scaffolding tower, ALSO removed green fences B4 Trump Supporters arrived. Within minutes of their arrival Mayor Bowser's & Nancy Pelosi's police shot 6-8 percussion bombs in 60- 90 seconds at their feet. 1 guy died of cardiac arrest & 2nd guy literally caught on fire. After walking 1.3 miles..... peacefully singing Star Spangled Banner as they reached Capitol Building. They saw no barricades except 1 row at steps to Capitol. They saw No " Do Not Enter" or "Restricted Areas" saboteurs on video made sure Trump supporters had no idea there were any areas restricted. Last barricade opened by Black female USCP officer, with a saboteur waving then inside. 100 percent Entrapment if their lawyers had the videos
They sure were let in! Watch the actual footage IF you can find it..police welcomed them in and stood there not afraid chatting amongst themselves...this was all planned by the left to dirty our REAL presidents name!
Boo who who...cry me a river. The spinless dems need to be showed the exit door out. Do not let them silently play their game of "hide the keys"... ringing out their hankee full of crocodile is all tresonal tripe and crust. The twisted, bent story telling and out right lies to the American citizens is deplorable. Total disreguard of truth is sinfull. The quick " fact" checkers have never been identified... and punished for pushing false truths, or killing truth with false lies. Any one involved with these CoverYourAssets, needs purging from our system or our systems will all become tainted and slowly die in an inpoverished society. Only truth will set US free. Amen
Here's how it should go: Conservative law -abiding voters/taxpayer/legal citizens should be in alert for the folliwing, and LET IT BE KNOWN that should ANY HARM DATE COME TO a SCOTUS Justice, or family members, THEN EXPECT the DC residences of negligent DOJ officials, Chuck "Reap the Whirlwind, Won't Know What Hit You" Schumer, and Nancy "Antoinette" Pelosi ARE THEREBY OPEN, within all legal parameters , FOR 24/7 COUNTER-PROTEST in the name of "words are violence!". Goose, Gander. Quid Pro Quo. Action, Response. Whatever you may call it. Constitutional Conservatives would have a right to be livid. Thank you, Mr. Cotton!
Further than that. ALWAYS insist that any conversation be recorded BY YOU even with your attorney present. Best to just have your attorney receive the questions in writing from FBI and then answer the questions in writing.
For what, saving taxpayer money by not making arrests whose cases would have to be thrown out? The law in question is unenforceable as long as the individual doesn't set foot on the justice's property or impede traffic to and from it (edit: the small handful of protestors dumb enough to do so were arrested.) The problem being that it applies "in or near" said property but doesn't define the distance that constitutes "near." The courts can't just arbitrarilly choose such a boundary distance after the fact. The law needs to tell protestors exactly where they can legally be so that they will know whether or not they're breaking it.
Yes, that’s a relatively new thing. Seems to have started, quite coincidentally, when Wray took over. But he sure does go after those parents who protest at school board meetings. Odd
You never can instruct a DOJ. Because of the trias politica. EXCEPT DOJ BILL BARR . When we see the whole Mueller rapport we can see how corrupt he is.
After what my son's and I gave to this country. I'm beyond speechless to what I'm watching this administration and his weaponised DOJ do to our brothers memories. There is no shame!!
Peculiar they didnt mind serving Trump a warrant & seizure of his belongings. But they didnt find time to protect a Federal judge nor restore peace to his neighbors. So the FBI is now politicized the same way that Frank Figliozzi the DOJ already is? So, Christopher Wray & the FBI are now just another proponent of the Biden Administration & its homosexual/ transgender agenda? They certainly dont mind threatening parents coming to the defense of their own children at school board meetings, for the same school boards allowing homosexuality & transgenderism to be taught. That isn't education. Its forcing a political agenda that has nothing to do with reading, math, or social studies down parent's & children's throats. Disappointing, yes. Surprising, no 🥱 Its off-topic, but Figliozzi & the DOJ have prostituted themselves into serving as social change agents for the homo/ trans movement & its degenerate propaganda & teachings. They are willfully carrying iut the instructions of a social group that makes up less than 5% of our total population. That is a traitorous act against parents, esp the next generation of young americans, destroying their futures & that of our entire country. For what?? To instill homosexuality into someone ELSE'S children!
I have never in my life witnessed so corruption in my lifetime.May God forgive Us in this country for allowing our system to go this far and not doing enough to stop it.Myself included.
It definitely seems like there's two different tiers of justice in this country. One side repeatedly is being ignored while the other side is unjustly being pursued. I guess parents protesting at school board meetings rate a higher priority than threats against justices. In a true democracy the law would apply equally to both parties regardless of their political affiliation. If you're an anarchist your praised and if you're a patriot you're punished. Yep, Lady Justice is no longer blindfolded and the scales have been unfairly tipped. Of course that is just my opinion.
Each state has its own version of the FBI so just dissolve the FBI and let each state do its own investigating. State law should supersede most federal law anyway.
*@bigenuf69* This hearing concerns only judges residences within DC boundaries. The protesting took place not on property belonging to a government building where it can be allowed, but it took place in a residential district, making it neither a public protest nor an act of civil disobedience but harassment of a private individual & disturbing the peace in a residential neighborhood. And because a Federal judge is the target of harassment, this is a Federal offense, outside the municipal jurisdiction of the city of washington. Had this harassment been directed at any other DC resident in that same neighborhood, municipal washington police could have dispersed those protesters & arrested any for refusing to cease. It was the responsibility of the FBI to respond Peculiar they didnt mind serving Trump a warrant & seizure of his belongings. But they didnt find time to protect a Federal judge nor restore peace to his neighbors. So the FBI is now politicized the same way that Frank Figliozzi the DOJ already is? So, Christopher Wray & the FBI are now just another proponent of the Biden Administration & its homosexual/ transgender agenda? They certainly dont mind threatening parents coming to the defense of their own children at school board meetings, for the same school boards allowing homosexuality & transgenderism to be taught. That isn't education. Its forcing a political agenda that has nothing to do with reading, math, or social studies down parent's & children's throats. Disappointing, yes. Surprising, no 🥱 Its off-topic, but Figliozzi & the DOJ have prostituted themselves into serving as social change agents for the homo/ trans movement & its degenerate propaganda & teachings. They are willfully carrying iut the instructions of a social group that makes up less than 5% of our total population. That is a traitorous act against parents, esp the next generation of young americans, destroying their futures & that of our entire country. For what?? To instill homosexuality into someone ELSE'S children!
That's funny. Wray is a republican appointed by trump who said “I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I."
Wray"s answers here are just bs excuses. They have all kinds of time to prioritize school parents or Trump and anyone associated with him. He just proved how bias they are.
Wray needs to be put under oath in a classified setting where he has to either answer the questions that they ask him will be put in jail for contempt of court no more running no more hiding no more subterfuge. F. C. W.
Won't happen unless you are a normal citizen because these so called GOVERMENT OFFICIALS never have to answer anything that way they can't be held accountable
Like Bill Barr refused to explain...then lied about why he didn't charge Trump using the Mueller report....after Trump's proven criminal organized obstruction.
Have you ever investigated the FBI and its history? Spend some time and educate yourself. The FBI was built on a lie by a racist J Edgar Hoover who was a racist bigot who gained information on politicians and presidents alike and used that information to black mail individuals for his own agenda. The FBI is no different today,it lies and deceives like it always has. Innuendo and deception is what they traffic in.
@@FindTheTRUTH337 hoover taught them well.he planted recording devices so he could black mail people into submission. He went easy on the mafia because his manhood wasn't intact and the mob had pictures of him cross dressing. Many people who knew him personally state that to be true.
If they were Conservatives the FBI would have every name, every address and every cell number and would have arrested all of them… I’m convinced he was told to stand down from the DOJ
Great point. Conservative protestors would all be in prison right now with their civil rights taken from them. Oh yes . there is some new majical law now that if politically active conservatives don't shut up then they also lose their civil rights immediately - right on the spot .
Heck the FBI is still arresting people for “January 6” of which those people are being jailed for “illegal parading” lol with some vague and asinine law - but this FBI and DOJ can’t arrest people outside SC justices homes with an easy law to follow! It’s ridiculous!!!
Cotton asked about arrests, Wray says investigations ongoing. Lots of investigations, but no arrests? If we protested outside Wray’s house…an ongoing investigation for us! “ We make sure violations of greatest threat…, then let others do something”
Senator Tom Cotton is one of a handful of Senators and Congressmen (and women) who uphold their commitment to fight for law and order. Love Senator Cotton.
It was intentional...said everyone with a brain! They have time to investigate parents mad at school boards which is not a federal crime but they can't do anything about people committing an obvious federal crime.
There is definitely a bias to their enforcement pushed down from the liberal minded senators. We need stable leaders. Strangely trump is more stable than many of the liberal senators who seem to be off their medication too often. Trump is a classic narcissist, but not a sociopath unlike those that are accusing him.
Sounds good 🎯 but WHO is going to hold them POS 💩 accountable ? They ONLY answer to the CORRUPT DOJ and the DEGENERATE "occupier" 🙃😷🤑 of the white house 🎯 We need to have control in the Congress and the Senate in order to get anything really significant done 🎯 That's why the Mid-Terms are so important 👈 Hang in there and make sure that you🗳️ vote ‼️
More than once, and when we drag them before military tribunals, and charge them for treason. Only The gallows will await. They're all in, because it's going to mean their jobs, their homes, and more likely their families. There's nothing they wouldn't do at this point. I e ...
@theresamcdonald5709 Please get help for your TDS. Your case is severe and you will probably vote for Harris. She has been a failure for 4 years but you will do it just to vote against Trump who was a success right up to the wild card (the intentional release of a potentially deadly virus that originated in America) of Covid.
Mr. WRAY needs to be held accountable for everything that he has let happen under his watch. Put he in jail and throw the keys away. He is so in the swamp.
If you can believe what they are saying on the Hill there, the republicans say that they are going to hold accountable all those who didn't enforce equal justice if they take the house and senate in Nov.
A precedent needs to be set where they are fired, and all their benefits are lost for dereliction of duty. After taking a big dump on us, this POS will retire with lifetime benefits.
Did he just say he doesn't have the time or resources to go after everybody? I would think the supreme Court judges are more important than parents at a school board meeting!!!
Having been a Bureau employee, having the highest respect for what it is intended to represent. I find myself disillusioned. F) fidelity, B) bravery, and I) integrity seems to have gone by the wayside. This has total destroyed that belief. There needs to be a revamping from top to bottom. May God save our sorry butts for us allowing this to happen.
Thank you for speaking out. I feel so sorry for the agents there caught in the middle of the obvious attacks on conservatives by selling out to the criminals of the Democratic Party and the criminals in the Republican Party whose one goal is to DESTROY AMERICA from the inside out. Lying, fabricating stories, committing Espionage, treason, Collusion with the enemies of America, laundering money of the dirty deals made using the office of vice president and now President to harm America and have a personal gain financially for them. Stealing billions of dollars shipping it to the Ukraine for the war, right....we believe that.... They've all committed the largest transfer of wealth in history from the American people to the Cabal and themselves the members of the World Economic Forum's The Great Reset aka One World Government, of which Biden, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Trudeau, Merkel, Prince Charles, Rothschilds, Windsors, Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros, Bezos, and many other Oligarchs, Royalty, and mega wealthy as well as communist dictators....ALL ARE IN ON THIS, and if we, the American citizens, US military and the citizens of the world against totalitarian dictatorship rule with a Globalist elites class and a 6% population of a subservient slave class to serve their every need, do not unite and stand together I am afraid ALL WILL BE LOST. I DO RECOGNIZE THE BIGGER PICTURE, this point in time was foretold many years ago in the Bible. I never thought I would be here to see and participate. I am so glad to see this prophecy coming to fruition as GOD has spoken.
Mr. Wray. You are currently, the head of ALL the FBI. Being the "head" of the FBI, that includes ALL individual departments, that it is comprised of. So please tell us all again, why you, need to defer to another department, you are supposed to be able to answer for?
@Yeost, Wray was referring to the Department of Justice. The FBI is a law enforcement and investigative agency within the Department of Justice. So, If the Dept. of Justice decides it doesn't want a particular law enforced, it can tell the FBI not to make any arrests. The Department of Justice reports to the president. So, if Joe Biden doesn't want the law that says you can't protest in front of a Supreme Court judge's house enforced, all he has to do is say the word and the department, as well as any agency within the department (in this case, the FBI), will not make any arrests. I think that's what Wray was trying to convey to Senator Cotton without coming right out and saying it. Joe Biden could care less about the law.
Even when the Republicans have the Majority of both houses of Congress they do nothing to prevent situations like our current nation destroying political environment. Too many “RINOS”, too many political favors owed as Powerful long term Democrats demand repayments still control legislation! WE NEED TERM LIMITS FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, WE NEED DIRE PUNISHMENT OF GOVERNMENT LEADERS THAT DISRESPECT OUR US CONSTITUTION AND RENIG ON SWORN STATEMENTS OF PROTECTION AND OBEDIENCES TO OUR US CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF LAW!
I understand your sentiments Dan. However I do not think that we should throw out the baby with the bath water. We need the FBI. But this leadership at the FBI has weaponized its power against Republicans in order to stop them from uncovering the corruption at the top of the FBI and punishing the corrupt players running the place. There are dozens of agent whistleblowers currently working with Congress in order to purge those colluding with the Demoncrats and destroying the integrity of the FBI.
🔥 I would have asked FBI Director Chris Wray the opposite question - whether Joe Biden told the FBI to go after the protesters attacking this Branch of Government like he did with the Jan 6th protesters. There is a horrible double-standard here - Republicans imprisoned while Democrats blessed.
So attempted and intentional assassination of a judge, protesting out in front of a judge at home is not up to FBI level of importance? That’s what he just said
He meant to say his boss told him to keep investigating parents at school board meetings (because they are all worse than terrorists) and maintaining pressure on former President Trump by terrorizing he and his family with illegal raids. Between these two things it just hasn't left him time to do anything else... Besides finishing out each day stealing from every American taxpayer by using the F*B*Is anti terrorist (use only) Lear jet for personal travel and vacations. ("Since I am investigating myself I can't talk about that particular current investigation"- Chris Wray).
I wish they would put him under oath and ask him these questions directly so he could be charged with lying to Congress and perjury and start to weed out this stinking swamp
@@mobydick3895 Everything is so funny dude. America become a joke. The true colours about America is out in the open to the world to see America isn't so tough after all. You can't sort your own backyard,but going to other countries bombing killing innocent people children for pleasure and get rich quick scheme pay to play. .
I sure agree. Obviously corrupt at the top, but I like to believe that 90% of them are hard working honest people who have played a large part in keeping us safe since 911.
"I hope if it happens again, the FBI will take it more seriously." You are there to hope? Senators are useless. How about jail time for Wray if he doesn't do his job? Or at least fire him and ban from any further government job.
I believe in the equal application of the law. If you want to arrest every person who committed an act against the law on Jan 6, then you MUST do it for every rioter and protester. If not, our country is in peril.
@@michellet6227 Antifa and BLM was already there and security ushered them on in before Magna people got to the Capitol. Pelosi refused help and why was the side door unlocked when it only can be opened from the inside. This was all set up by Pelosi and a few others . We need President Trump to clean the swamp now !! Why isn’t Ray Epps locked up , he is the fed that urged it on and the security was slack that day because Pelosi planned that ! The videos that was shown in the kangaroo court had been altered to show what they wanted you to see ! Corrupt and evil in the Peoples House !!
When a "Director" doesn't know what his agents are doing or spreading, then maybe he is too incompetent to have that job and Congress needs to find someone who can.
The FBI and DOJ has too many lefties in it who don’t want to prosecute their own. That’s what this really is about it. Wray knows his hands are tied. Not saying that makes him any better. None of this will change until we get a Republican president who’s willing to clean house. Wray needs to go along with all those Biden appointees in the DOJ.
This whole party needs to be unseated abd remove without pay or benefits coming from the taxpayers money send them over the border with the people they work for and care about.
You can't be fired from federal job, but Wray would be suspended from his mail room job for putting letters in wrong box, as he is never sure of ANYTHING.
At this point, most people know how inept the FBI and Director Christopher Wray are. So sad to see what has happened to this department of our government. ☹
I think someone as simple as the local police could have handled the law enforcing at the Justices houses. What is more interesting to me is who told them NOT to. Clearly they were called initially. Threatening our judges sounds more like a homeland security problem.
They already know what the witnesses know so why do they keep wanting the information as if they don’t know what’s been going on. They want their system of kickbacks and bribes so they can continue to build their wealth as “public servants “.
He answered “ I am aware of threats of violence against etc etc” but that is not what the statute /law says … it says it is illegal to “protest” at all (whether you threaten violence or not) because you are trying to influence the judge.
The FBI didn't miss a step when they went after parents that were attending school board meetings - they certainly weren't overwhelmed then with the amount of cases and their responsibilities
Great point . They are guilty as charged for not doing their job , obviously Biased. SHAM !!
When they aren't screwing over hookers, they've got alot of billing time! Much like attorney's and/or LEO! Gee..this is exactly like the Roman Hedonistic Empire!
When criminals are running the "justice" department, no justice will occur.
The GOP are too lenient. It's obvious wrey is biased
This is one corrupt DOJ.
Worse even from J. Edgar Hoover's time.
And completely evil
Federal Bureau of Insurrectionists 🇨🇳🤡
@Lying liars that lie Your reply is unintelligible and a pointless word salad. Try again. Are with us or against us? LOVE AMERICA OR LEAVE IT.
@Lying liars that lie Be more specific. I am totally against America promoting ANY kind of Socialism. That is patently UN-AMERICAN. FJB.
He said it..."it wasn't a priority." The entire fbi needs to be fired, starting at the top.
DOJ, FBI, CIA and any other three letter departments need to be dismantled! Done away with and rebuild a single department by the people for the people and use strict guidelines to hire as not to allow for corruption. And ever so often, investigate all those who are in authority in this department to keep everyone in check. Just my thoughts.
Write our Congress men after next election defund FBI CIA Irs...
@@HandmadeCreations Great thoughts!
He did not only say it was not a priority. He said that even if they saw the crime in the process of being committed, right in front of them, that they were too busy to waste their time doing their job, which is to enforce the law.
First take them out with defunding. Lack of financing will destroy most of their tyrannical field operations. Then move for a vote to dissolve the F*B*I as an organization so corrupt it cannot be purged effectively. Replace it as an organization under the next President with a new name and all new personnel. I don't doubt some of their current funding comes from off shore which is another reason it must be dissolved and it's people investigated. These "Directors" are just highly paid front men tasked with preventing us from finding out what is really happening.
The director of the FBI never answers the questions given to him. He does what he wants to, on some kind of power trip.
He must go!
All Democrats do that if you have not noticed.
They are not protestors when they make any threats against the family of a judge - See 18 U.S. Code § 115 - Influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by threatening or injuring a family member - Consequences: A threat made in violation of this section shall be punished by a fine under this title or imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, or both, except that imprisonment for a threatened assault shall not exceed 6 years.
Trust Wray
🤫 I'm also hoping that we can 👍 Hang in there, I've come this far and I'm gonna ride this car until the wheels fall off God Bless 👈
@@rushinbought2937 Why trust a corrupt and criminal official?
Mr. Cotton is a very good man that’s wants honesty in our Country. Thank you Mr. Cotton.🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
Wray can’t or won’t do the easy stuff so you can imagine the high crimes committed that he’s ignored completely…….
Americans have watched countless crimes go on without any consequences.
Time to disband the FBI. Nothing can be salvaged from the steaming pile it has become.
How is this weasel still in charge??
Enough of this crap from government cronies Drain the SWAMP!!
With wrays help even the Supreme Judge attempted assassin will be walking free soon . Wray we made a mistake arresting him so he's free to go .oh and we bought him some guns for the inconvenience and told him where trump is. Is what I feel like or felt like he will do
Banana Republic.
Florida just suspended a county prosecutor who took it upon himself to decide not to enforce laws prohibiting alteration/ mutilation of the reproductive organs of children. Wray should be suspended for refusing to enforce the “no-demonstrating” federal law.
Gary M , that prosecutor publicly published information stating that he would not enforce the laws multiple times. That's why he was replaced. The guy was openly blatant about it. His own words did him in. Its a different kind of circumstance but DeSantis had every right as Governor to replace him.
@@virginiahobby3726 that why we need TRUMP2024 to FIRE Wray his 1st day back in office!!
I agree Gary
Well said. And Biden, Harris,Pelosi etc...not one of them are doing their jobs. Just turning us into a 3rd world shit hole these people believe in a separate justice system and are all anti-American..
@@virginiahobby3726 there is absolutely no difference between Governor DeSantis and what Christopher Ray said on National Television.
We need to stop saying these people are inept and incompetent. These traitors are all doing their best to execute a plan.
Exactly! This is very intentional... and NOT incompetence.
Then why do we have people in jail for January 6th. If it’s not a crime. They were just protesting. They were let in.
because we area socialist country, controlled by criminals.
Much of the video evidence PROVING entrapment is being hidden from those arrested. B4 Proud Boys arrival at 12:35ish, paid agitators, instigators & saboteurs broke thru 1st metal barricades & quickly hid barricades behind stone walls at Peace Monument, 1st entry point Trump supporters had to cross. Atm, Trump was in middle of his speech. Saboteurs ran towards Capitol Building & coordinated removing Green Chain link style fencing covered in signs
" Do Not Enter" " Restricted Areas".
on top of scaffolding tower, ALSO removed green fences B4 Trump Supporters arrived. Within minutes of their arrival Mayor Bowser's & Nancy Pelosi's police shot 6-8 percussion bombs in 60- 90 seconds at their feet.
1 guy died of cardiac arrest & 2nd guy literally caught on fire. After walking 1.3 miles..... peacefully singing Star Spangled Banner as they reached Capitol Building. They saw no barricades except 1 row at steps to Capitol. They saw No " Do Not Enter" or
"Restricted Areas" saboteurs on video made sure Trump supporters had no idea there were any areas restricted.
Last barricade opened by Black female USCP officer, with a saboteur waving then inside. 100 percent Entrapment if their lawyers had the videos
They sure were let in! Watch the actual footage IF you can find it..police welcomed them in and stood there not afraid chatting amongst themselves...this was all planned by the left to dirty our REAL presidents name!
@@laurijoemerick9188 exactly....
@@krissiejean3729 this is so wrong, how do we just let them get away with it?
Our country is in a sad sate of affairs when you can't trust the people who are paid to protect us.
The FBI used to be the premier law enforcement agency in America. Now it is a joke owned by the Democrats.
Apparently they are paid to protect criminal Democrats and F everyone else.
Judgement is coming to America because of all of this corruption.
Revelation 18:8-24, Isaiah 13:19 etc
@T Z Where does Michael obama fit on the ice burg?
@@Ray56z he likes the tip
Well if you acted according to the law you would arrest half of your own DEPARTMENT
Boo who who...cry me a river.
The spinless dems need to be showed the exit door out. Do not let them silently play their game of "hide the keys"... ringing out their hankee full of crocodile is all tresonal tripe and crust. The twisted, bent story telling and out right lies to the American citizens is deplorable. Total disreguard of truth is sinfull.
The quick " fact" checkers have never been identified... and punished for pushing false truths,
or killing truth with false lies.
Any one involved with these
CoverYourAssets, needs purging from our system or our systems will all become tainted and slowly die in an inpoverished society.
Only truth will set US free. Amen
And pretty much the entirety of the federal government would be arrested.
Absolutely right. FBI Has become so corrupt.
They seem to have the time and resources to go after parents at school board meetings! but not SCOTUS judges?
And Catholic Priest.
@@47Grits 😮😢😮😢😮
Ey have the resources to invest in their abuse. And give no survival to the abused
Just said it, it wasn’t a priority to protect the justice’s
Here's how it should go: Conservative law -abiding voters/taxpayer/legal citizens should be in alert for the folliwing, and LET IT BE KNOWN that should ANY HARM DATE COME TO a SCOTUS Justice, or family members, THEN EXPECT the DC residences of negligent DOJ officials, Chuck "Reap the Whirlwind, Won't Know What Hit You" Schumer, and Nancy "Antoinette" Pelosi ARE THEREBY OPEN, within all legal parameters , FOR 24/7 COUNTER-PROTEST in the name of "words are violence!". Goose, Gander. Quid Pro Quo. Action, Response. Whatever you may call it. Constitutional Conservatives would have a right to be livid. Thank you, Mr. Cotton!
Oh it would be if a republican protest showed up at one or all of the democrat justices houses. You can bet on that
It was a priority to NOT enforce the law.
It wasn't a priority to protect CONSERVATIVE justices!
@@Beezlie727 BullzEye
Never allow the FBI into your home without a warrant. Never speak to any government law enforcement official without the presence of a lawyer. Never.
Depends on the nature of the conversation.
Never without a lawyer. NEVER.
@@StudleyDuderight No it really doesn't.
Further than that. ALWAYS insist that any conversation be recorded BY YOU even with your attorney present. Best to just have your attorney receive the questions in writing from FBI and then answer the questions in writing.
@@StudleyDuderight nope doesn't matter the nature of the conversation. That because regardless of anything, they can accuse you of lying to them
Director Wray needs to be removed from his position,arrested, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law
For what, saving taxpayer money by not making arrests whose cases would have to be thrown out? The law in question is unenforceable as long as the individual doesn't set foot on the justice's property or impede traffic to and from it (edit: the small handful of protestors dumb enough to do so were arrested.) The problem being that it applies "in or near" said property but doesn't define the distance that constitutes "near." The courts can't just arbitrarilly choose such a boundary distance after the fact. The law needs to tell protestors exactly where they can legally be so that they will know whether or not they're breaking it.
Nice thought but just who is going to do that?
I fully agree. Wray was appointed by Diaper Don. Biden should have booted him out. He is a useless Republican twit
For treason
Extent of the law?.....i think he deserves alittle extra, after all, its just professional courtesy.
The ineptitudes and lawlessness running this nation is appalling!
I never thought I would hear a leader of the FBI giving excuses why they don't uphold the law.
Same here . Unbelievable If you ask me
Soros owed and owned.
Yes, that’s a relatively new thing. Seems to have started, quite coincidentally, when Wray took over. But he sure does go after those parents who protest at school board meetings. Odd
Let's not forget Comey 💩 giving the Hilderbeast a pass 👈‼️
Well he's ghay, so there's that
It’s almost laughable how it appears that almost nobody that appears before house or senate hearings and/or committee’s answers a simple question
Colonel Klink: "I know NOTHINK!"
@@billmcghee7680 Sergeant Schultz
@@larrypleaseeatapplesnewton8641 correct! Entshuldegen zie micht! Klink saw nothing, heard nothing, said nothing only, kinda like Joey "Big Guy" B. But, Schultzie.... Yah! Zehr Gut!
Again Democrats are the do as I say not as I do party. They'd hold somebody in contempt if they didn't answer their questions
@@billmcghee7680 They both said it.
Oh, I get it. Priority is given to parents questioning a school board.
Supreme Court Justices being targeted, is not a priority!
Depends on what justice is being targeted🤔
@ Ray Harter
Well said.
@@rayharter475 Indeed.
You never can instruct a DOJ. Because of the trias politica.
When we see the whole Mueller rapport we can see how corrupt he is.
You don't remember all the pro-life protests near the Supreme Court over the last 50 years? They were legal.
That guy is the most worthless FBI director in history. He needs to resign or be fired
Most of the traitor redneck Republicans should resign or be in prison for their part and the Insurrection of our capital how about that
Had no trouble arresting capital protests non threatening 2 stage justice system
After what my son's and I gave to this country.
I'm beyond speechless to what I'm watching this administration and his weaponised DOJ do to our brothers memories.
There is no shame!!
Not amongst these people ( democrats and RINO republicans) .
Agree. Thank you for your service. ❤️🤍💙
They are just getting started I'm sad to say
Peculiar they didnt mind serving Trump a warrant & seizure of his belongings. But they didnt find time to protect a Federal judge nor restore peace to his neighbors. So the FBI is now politicized the same way that Frank Figliozzi the DOJ already is? So, Christopher Wray & the FBI are now just another proponent of the Biden Administration & its homosexual/ transgender agenda? They certainly dont mind threatening parents coming to the defense of their own children at school board meetings, for the same school boards allowing homosexuality & transgenderism to be taught. That isn't education. Its forcing a political agenda that has nothing to do with reading, math, or social studies down parent's & children's throats. Disappointing, yes. Surprising, no 🥱
Its off-topic, but Figliozzi & the DOJ have prostituted themselves into serving as social change agents for the homo/ trans movement & its degenerate propaganda & teachings. They are willfully carrying iut the instructions of a social group that makes up less than 5% of our total population. That is a traitorous act against parents, esp the next generation of young americans, destroying their futures & that of our entire country. For what?? To instill homosexuality into someone ELSE'S children!
Thank you and your family for their service my DD 214 brother
I have never in my life witnessed so corruption in my lifetime.May God forgive
Us in this country for
allowing our system to go this far and not doing enough to stop it.Myself included.
Well said
Me too.
Just as in Noah's day, there will be no forgiveness.
According to Romans 13:1. God is who put them into power.
Look in your Bible. Go ahead. Then read the whole thing since you clearly haven't.
you are right trump should be in jail
The DOJ and the FBI need to be canceled. They have outlived their usefulness.
FBI switched around spells FIB! Lol
Fire them
It definitely seems like there's two different tiers of justice in this country. One side repeatedly is being ignored while the other side is unjustly being pursued. I guess parents protesting at school board meetings rate a higher priority than threats against justices. In a true democracy the law would apply equally to both parties regardless of their political affiliation. If you're an anarchist your praised and if you're a patriot you're punished. Yep, Lady Justice is no longer blindfolded and the scales have been unfairly tipped. Of course that is just my opinion.
Seems like there are two Justice systems lol?
You said it all beautifully. The crooks are investigating the corrupt.
The criminals in the government have investigated the criminals they agree with and have found they did nothing wrong.
Civil war. We have a compromised communist leader that performs acts of treason. We no longer have a country. No laws are abided by.
Very well said.
Parents wanting a good education for their children are a threat, but violating a federal law is not? FBI/DOJ need to be remade, top to bottom!
Well said ,"thank you!"
Each state has its own version of the FBI so just dissolve the FBI and let each state do its own investigating. State law should supersede most federal law anyway.
*@bigenuf69* This hearing concerns only judges residences within DC boundaries. The protesting took place not on property belonging to a government building where it can be allowed, but it took place in a residential district, making it neither a public protest nor an act of civil disobedience but harassment of a private individual & disturbing the peace in a residential neighborhood. And because a Federal judge is the target of harassment, this is a Federal offense, outside the municipal jurisdiction of the city of washington. Had this harassment been directed at any other DC resident in that same neighborhood, municipal washington police could have dispersed those protesters & arrested any for refusing to cease. It was the responsibility of the FBI to respond
Peculiar they didnt mind serving Trump a warrant & seizure of his belongings. But they didnt find time to protect a Federal judge nor restore peace to his neighbors. So the FBI is now politicized the same way that Frank Figliozzi the DOJ already is? So, Christopher Wray & the FBI are now just another proponent of the Biden Administration & its homosexual/ transgender agenda? They certainly dont mind threatening parents coming to the defense of their own children at school board meetings, for the same school boards allowing homosexuality & transgenderism to be taught. That isn't education. Its forcing a political agenda that has nothing to do with reading, math, or social studies down parent's & children's throats. Disappointing, yes. Surprising, no 🥱
Its off-topic, but Figliozzi & the DOJ have prostituted themselves into serving as social change agents for the homo/ trans movement & its degenerate propaganda & teachings. They are willfully carrying iut the instructions of a social group that makes up less than 5% of our total population. That is a traitorous act against parents, esp the next generation of young americans, destroying their futures & that of our entire country. For what?? To instill homosexuality into someone ELSE'S children!
@@bigenuf69 That is very well stated!
Very well said..And the sooner the better
“trust Wray”. I don’t think so, his agents are too busy going after Republicans under his orders obviously for him to do his job
They are really ramping up attacks on conservatives with raids of around 30 people so far that support trump.
He was appointed by trump! What is it now? He is not kissing the wannabe dictators ring anymore?
That's funny. Wray is a republican appointed by trump who said “I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the F.B.I."
@@richarduhde9624 That doesn't suddenly justify Wray's actions.
@@richarduhde9624 Not republican appointed. He's one of those forever cops schumer warned Trump about. Keep up.
The FBI didn't *need* to be told to not enforce the law in this case, that's how corruption actually works.
You would think that Supreme Court Justices would be a priority!
Wray"s answers here are just bs excuses. They have all kinds of time to prioritize school parents or Trump and anyone associated with him. He just proved how bias they are.
What the fk over. Stop FBI ..biased Director.
Trouble is Trump knew if he tried to remove him these GOP would prevent it.
Why Trump put him there is beyond me, part of the swamp cabal in Washington,
I remember decades of anti-Roe v. Wade, pro-life protests before the Supreme Court. You don't?
Such a disgrace. It would take 2 arrests to set a precedent and make losers think twice. Instead, they allowed it to continue
Isn't it odd that the director of the FBI doesn't know whether or not it is illegal to demonstrate in front of a judge's home? Hell, I knew that!!
Cotton is the man! THANK YOU for finally QUESTIONING these goons for their LACK of action.
Wray needs to be put under oath in a classified setting where he has to either answer the questions that they ask him will be put in jail for contempt of court no more running no more hiding no more subterfuge. F. C. W.
How nice would it be for someone to finally show up and directly answer a question! Of course that would require honesty so I'm not holding my breath.
We can only dream.
They can't!!!!
Won't happen unless you are a normal citizen because these so called GOVERMENT OFFICIALS never have to answer anything that way they can't be held accountable
Good, because I'm afraid you would past out way before that ever happened.
love how he says I don't have that statute in front of me while cottons aide holds up the exact statute lol what pos this administration is
They are corrupt as hell and must be disbanded. Start over.
Top of both the FBI and DOJ need to be cleaned out. Corrupt and political.
As bad as it is it pales in comparison to 9/11.
So must Trump co-conspirators!
Held accountable by who? The swamp will never turn on their own.
It's a shame we have people in the FBI like this that can't even answer a question truthfully
His haughtiness and arrogance are absolutely appalling and unacceptable. He avoids accountability as though he is an untouchable. Hmm 🤔. Untouchable.
Like Bill Barr refused to explain...then lied about why he didn't charge Trump using the Mueller report....after Trump's proven criminal organized obstruction.
Have you ever investigated the FBI and its history? Spend some time and educate yourself. The FBI was built on a lie by a racist J Edgar Hoover who was a racist bigot who gained information on politicians and presidents alike and used that information to black mail individuals for his own agenda. The FBI is no different today,it lies and deceives like it always has. Innuendo and deception is what they traffic in.
@@FindTheTRUTH337 hoover taught them well.he planted recording devices so he could black mail people into submission. He went easy on the mafia because his manhood wasn't intact and the mob had pictures of him cross dressing. Many people who knew him personally state that to be true.
If they were Conservatives the FBI would have every name, every address and every cell number and would have arrested all of them… I’m convinced he was told to stand down from the DOJ
Great point. Conservative protestors would all be in prison right now with their civil rights taken from them. Oh yes . there is some new majical law now that if politically active conservatives don't shut up then they also lose their civil rights immediately - right on the spot .
Heck the FBI is still arresting people for “January 6” of which those people are being jailed for “illegal parading” lol with some vague and asinine law - but this FBI and DOJ can’t arrest people outside SC justices homes with an easy law to follow! It’s ridiculous!!!
@@lynnstevenson8015 A very poor one at that! They all need to be replaced with one's that will do their job & not side with Evil!
Yes, exactly...Wray needs to go...just as corrupt as Comey.
Cotton asked about arrests, Wray says investigations ongoing. Lots of investigations, but no arrests? If we protested outside Wray’s house…an ongoing investigation for us! “ We make sure violations of greatest threat…, then let others do something”
Runs the FBI but doesn't know the statute's or laws. Should make us all feel confident.
And did he really basically say, "they were too busy"?
Yes - it may be too late for these compromised three letter mafia organizations
Too busy raiding Trump's house to score political points.
he took the oath maybe he needs to read it again. we took it and it meant something
Senator Tom Cotton is one of a handful of Senators and Congressmen (and women) who uphold their commitment to fight for law and order. Love Senator Cotton.
Agree wholeheartedly!
Yes, Senator Cotton is a real American.
Honestly what has cotton done other than theater?
Chris Wray such an evil liar. God please open the mind and souls of this evils. Amen
In Jesus name, expose the evil.
They love to “investigate” so they don’t have to charge them.
It was intentional...said everyone with a brain! They have time to investigate parents mad at school boards which is not a federal crime but they can't do anything about people committing an obvious federal crime.
"We're going to enforce the law against the perpetrators we WANT to enforce the law against at our discretion."
The way of the left !
@@garycrabtree4992 the Wray of the left
Godspeed Sen Tom Cotton. Thank you for your service!
And to this day 6 months later not one arrest has been made !
The FBI didn't miss a step when they went to Mar-a-largo on a paper issue
Those were only civil issues, not violence, yet fbi still wasted resources to go after trump
There is definitely a bias to their enforcement pushed down from the liberal minded senators. We need stable leaders. Strangely trump is more stable than many of the liberal senators who seem to be off their medication too often. Trump is a classic narcissist, but not a sociopath unlike those that are accusing him.
We're the two replies
Sounds good 🎯 but WHO is going to hold them POS 💩 accountable ? They ONLY answer to the CORRUPT DOJ and the DEGENERATE "occupier" 🙃😷🤑 of the white house 🎯 We need to have control in the Congress and the Senate in order to get anything really significant done 🎯 That's why the Mid-Terms are so important 👈 Hang in there and make sure that you🗳️ vote ‼️
So did the orange trump, we WILL hold him accountable like it or not!
More than once, and when we drag them before military tribunals, and charge them for treason. Only The gallows will await. They're all in, because it's going to mean their jobs, their homes, and more likely their families. There's nothing they wouldn't do at this point. I e ...
@theresamcdonald5709 Please get help for your TDS. Your case is severe and you will probably vote for Harris. She has been a failure for 4 years but you will do it just to vote against Trump who was a success right up to the wild card (the intentional release of a potentially deadly virus that originated in America) of Covid.
Mr. WRAY needs to be held accountable for everything that he has let happen under his watch. Put he in jail and throw the keys away. He is so in the swamp.
If you can believe what they are saying on the Hill there, the republicans say that they are going to hold accountable all those who didn't enforce equal justice if they take the house and senate in Nov.
He’s a damn crook. Obviously someone is padding his pockets.
A precedent needs to be set where they are fired, and all their benefits are lost for dereliction of duty. After taking a big dump on us, this POS will retire with lifetime benefits.
Hopefully these Bastards will pay after November
He needs more than fired Wray needs to be Imprisoned for his lawlessness.
Did he just say he doesn't have the time or resources to go after everybody? I would think the supreme Court judges are more important than parents at a school board meeting!!!
Having been a Bureau employee, having the highest respect for what it is intended to represent. I find myself disillusioned.
F) fidelity, B) bravery, and I) integrity seems to have gone by the wayside. This has total destroyed that belief. There needs to be a revamping from top to bottom. May God save our sorry butts for us allowing this to happen.
Mine too. F(Fn) B(Bungling) I(Idiots)
Thank you for speaking out. I feel so sorry for the agents there caught in the middle of the obvious attacks on conservatives by selling out to the criminals of the Democratic Party and the criminals in the Republican Party whose one goal is to DESTROY AMERICA from the inside out. Lying, fabricating stories, committing Espionage, treason, Collusion with the enemies of America, laundering money of the dirty deals made using the office of vice president and now President to harm America and have a personal gain financially for them. Stealing billions of dollars shipping it to the Ukraine for the war, right....we believe that.... They've all committed the largest transfer of wealth in history from the American people to the Cabal and themselves the members of the World Economic Forum's The Great Reset aka One World Government, of which Biden, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Trudeau, Merkel, Prince Charles, Rothschilds, Windsors, Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros, Bezos, and many other Oligarchs, Royalty, and mega wealthy as well as communist dictators....ALL ARE IN ON THIS, and if we, the American citizens, US military and the citizens of the world against totalitarian dictatorship rule with a Globalist elites class and a 6% population of a subservient slave class to serve their every need, do not unite and stand together I am afraid ALL WILL BE LOST. I DO RECOGNIZE THE BIGGER PICTURE, this point in time was foretold many years ago in the Bible. I never thought I would be here to see and participate. I am so glad to see this prophecy coming to fruition as GOD has spoken.
I think that if there were any integrity at the FBI ,there would be agents resigning in protest en masse.
(F)oreign (B)ought (I)nsurrectionists
@@suzettepetillo6748 it's not bungling. They are owned lock, stock, and barrel by Beijing.
Mr. Wray. You are currently, the head of ALL the FBI. Being the "head" of the FBI, that includes ALL individual departments, that it is comprised of.
So please tell us all again, why you, need to defer to another department, you are supposed to be able to answer for?
@Yeost, Wray was referring to the Department of Justice. The FBI is a law enforcement and investigative agency within the Department of Justice. So, If the Dept. of Justice decides it doesn't want a particular law enforced, it can tell the FBI not to make any arrests. The Department of Justice reports to the president. So, if Joe Biden doesn't want the law that says you can't protest in front of a Supreme Court judge's house enforced, all he has to do is say the word and the department, as well as any agency within the department (in this case, the FBI), will not make any arrests. I think that's what Wray was trying to convey to Senator Cotton without coming right out and saying it. Joe Biden could care less about the law.
It's always the other guy's/department's job/fault/ responsibility. They all just show up to collect the government benefits.
"Prioritizing investigations" (his words, not mine) of parents attending school board meetings over MS 13 gang members is pretty lame.
The buck NEVER stops with that guy.
I am APPALLED at the turn this country has taken!
So...he is saying that the FBI can choose which laws to enforce.
They can't chose nothing.
@@tonynogueira8900 Oh, they aren't choosing 'nothing'.
Only to sniff out all opposition by dividing races, arrest, intimidate, harass, and to promote the racial Democratic Agenda
These people BLATANTLY commit CRIMES by NOT FOLLOWING the LAW!
since they never arrested any of the people threatening the in the world would he know who they were?
Wow, this shows how the Democrats can change the law as they see fit!
They just make up whatever they want and run with it and no body stops them.
Obastard weaponized the FBI against the American public.
Your comment is totally stupid, it isn't illegal to protest peacfully
And from. What I see they have been peaceful
If they can't change the law, the just simply don't enforce them which is illegal
On June 7, 2017, Trump announced he intended to nominate Chris Wray to succeed Comey.
When "Justice" is applied unequally...
It is not "Just".
Choosing which laws to ignore, and which to enforce... is criminal.
Resign Wray... Do us all that favor
This is one of those times I will do what we all do and not answer a damn thing.
Interpretation: We decide when it is politically expedient to follow "laws" and refuse to do so until we are forced.
Defund this guy’s FBI.
Even when the Republicans have the Majority of both houses of Congress they do nothing to prevent situations like our current nation destroying political environment. Too many “RINOS”, too many political favors owed as Powerful long term Democrats demand repayments still control legislation!
Biden guilty, Impeach this 😢SOB. He has guilt all over his face. Up to their neck.
THESE are the "law enforcement" agencies that need defunding, not local police and sheriffs.
Disarm, disband, de-fund, the FBI!
Could save some money there. Definitely not doing their job.
I understand your sentiments Dan. However I do not think that we should throw out the baby with the bath water. We need the FBI. But this leadership at the FBI has weaponized its power against Republicans in order to stop them from uncovering the corruption at the top of the FBI and punishing the corrupt players running the place. There are dozens of agent whistleblowers currently working with Congress in order to purge those colluding with the Demoncrats and destroying the integrity of the FBI.
almost a "catch 22" scenario where they can say they "don't have the resources" and can now direct agents elsewhere
When laws are enforced based on Political ideology, we are all in trouble.
They are, & WE are!
We’re in trouble. That’s why understanding who and what you vote for matters.
America has become like China, Russia and Venezuela!
It's amazing how they dance around the questions
So…they’re too busy to carry out their oath? Yet, they can investigate parents who call school boards….
"Enforcing all kinds of laws" You mean investigating parents at School Board meetings?
🔥 I would have asked FBI Director Chris Wray the opposite question - whether Joe Biden told the FBI to go after the protesters attacking this Branch of Government like he did with the Jan 6th protesters. There is a horrible double-standard here - Republicans imprisoned while Democrats blessed.
What a shame what has happened in our country to the FBI, just sad for us Americans
So attempted and intentional assassination of a judge, protesting out in front of a judge at home is not up to FBI level of importance? That’s what he just said
NARRATIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"FBI" - GENIUS !!!!!!!!!!!
He meant to say his boss told him to keep investigating parents at school board meetings (because they are all worse than terrorists) and maintaining pressure on former President Trump by terrorizing he and his family with illegal raids. Between these two things it just hasn't left him time to do anything else... Besides finishing out each day stealing from every American taxpayer by using the F*B*Is anti terrorist (use only) Lear jet for personal travel and vacations. ("Since I am investigating myself I can't talk about that particular current investigation"- Chris Wray).
Yes! Where do normal citizens rank if a judge does not have any protections?
I wish they would put him under oath and ask him these questions directly so he could be charged with lying to Congress and perjury and start to weed out this stinking swamp
Funny how they only know the laws for things they want to inforce. FJB❤️🇺🇲
Sad how corrupt the democrats and federal agencies are
“ Disgusting “ is the suitable word to replace “ Funny “.
there is nothing funny about it.
@@mobydick3895 Everything is so funny dude. America become a joke. The true colours about America is out in the open to the world to see America isn't so tough after all. You can't sort your own backyard,but going to other countries bombing killing innocent people children for pleasure and get rich quick scheme pay to play. .
I sure agree. Obviously corrupt at the top, but I like to believe that 90% of them are hard working honest people who have played a large part in keeping us safe since 911.
He went from not being aware of the statute details to knowing exactly how to apply them in under a minute... WOW!
They violated the law yet no arrest. Smh corrupt to the core
"I hope if it happens again, the FBI will take it more seriously." You are there to hope?
Senators are useless. How about jail time for Wray if he doesn't do his job? Or at least fire him and ban from any further government job.
Ship his sorry thug ass to Russia
Hope in one hand
Chit in the other.
Not likely.
I think Biden would need to do the firing & that’s not likely
I believe in the equal application of the law. If you want to arrest every person who committed an act against the law on Jan 6, then you MUST do it for every rioter and protester. If not, our country is in peril.
Like BLM? Jane's Revenge? Antifa?
@@michellet6227 Antifa and BLM was already there and security ushered them on in before Magna people got to the Capitol. Pelosi refused help and why was the side door unlocked when it only can be opened from the inside. This was all set up by Pelosi and a few others . We need President Trump to clean the swamp now !! Why isn’t Ray Epps locked up , he is the fed that urged it on and the security was slack that day because Pelosi planned that ! The videos that was shown in the kangaroo court had been altered to show what they wanted you to see ! Corrupt and evil in the Peoples House !!
There is a difference between a filter and a peaceful protester.
When a "Director" doesn't know what his agents are doing or spreading, then maybe he is too incompetent to have that job and Congress needs to find someone who can.
The FBI and DOJ has too many lefties in it who don’t want to prosecute their own. That’s what this really is about it. Wray knows his hands are tied. Not saying that makes him any better. None of this will change until we get a Republican president who’s willing to clean house. Wray needs to go along with all those Biden appointees in the DOJ.
He knows exactly what he is doing !! John 8 :44
This whole party needs to be unseated abd remove without pay or benefits coming from the taxpayers money send them over the border with the people they work for and care about.
I bet there will be arrest made if they protest at his house . LGB , FJB !
He just doesn’t want to say anything to offend biden.
biden wouldn't know the difference anyway. obummer would be more likely since he's pulling the strings.
You spelled Soros wrong...
@@johnjones6928 soros is paying , obummer pulling.
Donald Trump appointed Director Wray and is apolitical.
He was appointed and lauded by Trump you know.
he just explained how the FBI have created a two tiered justice system. They decide which laws they will enforce.
It isn't justice... It is a judge imposing known false charges to take control of the people they victimize
What does Wray actually do at the FBI? Is he working in the mail room?
You can't be fired from federal job, but Wray would be suspended from his mail room job for putting letters in wrong box, as he is never sure of ANYTHING.
True Senator Cotton! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯✨
At this point, most people know how inept the FBI and Director Christopher Wray are. So sad to see what has happened to this department of our government. ☹
They didn’t act because the administration wanted to legitimize the illegal protest against the decision and make hay politically.
That's a trump appointee for you. Cope.
How is this man still in charge of the FBI?
"Basically, we pick and chose who we want to investigate and what laws we'll throw against them."
@Bob Habib Yep, independent without regard for oversight.
Shocking how FBI values and understanding and avoiding investigating those breaking the laws. Must be suffering swamp fever.
I think someone as simple as the local police could have handled the law enforcing at the Justices houses. What is more interesting to me is who told them NOT to. Clearly they were called initially. Threatening our judges sounds more like a homeland security problem.
They already know what the witnesses know so why do they keep wanting the information as if they don’t know what’s been going on. They want their system of kickbacks and bribes so they can continue to build their wealth as “public servants “.
He answered “ I am aware of threats of violence against etc etc” but that is not what the statute /law says … it says it is illegal to “protest” at all (whether you threaten violence or not) because you are trying to influence the judge.
Amazing how Wray can spit in everyone's face and all they can do is say thank you.
Right, we've seen this over and over and nothing happens. Almost like they're just acting for the camera.
The republicans are too soft
@@donovanmurugan5148 I agree 👍
Yup. Its nothing more than an exhibition of the guilty pretending they're innocent.
Let's pick and choose what crime deems suitable for arrest or fines. Justices should be protected at all cost.
Every time he gets nervous when questioned he sniffs. Get rid of him he is guilty of wrongdoing.