GTX 1660 Super in 2023 - Test in 25 Games

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @GamingUploadss
    @GamingUploadss Рік тому +48

    One of the best Budget GPUS , Right Now!

  • @Rainstar_49
    @Rainstar_49 Рік тому +12

    I'm little bit late here but this is one of the GPUs that I own rn and I'm liking it so far! 😁

    • @Lowest.Wannie
      @Lowest.Wannie Рік тому

      What fps do u run?

    • @Rainstar_49
      @Rainstar_49 Рік тому

      @@Lowest.Wannie most likely got 60-80 fps average on high/Very high settings pairing with an I7 8700

  • @RdmGM
    @RdmGM Рік тому +7

    I have this card and I want this benchmark, thank you bro 👌

  • @SammuelProductions
    @SammuelProductions Рік тому +9

    Hey man, thanks for the game tests! Very helpful because I have a limited budget only so I’m gonna choose this GPU. Btw, is Ryzen 5 5500 good pair for 1660s? Or it might bottleneck?

  • @Daddychill2021
    @Daddychill2021 Місяць тому

    how are you getting 60 degrees temp? mine was always 75 to 77 degrees? are you using fan curve?

  • @DanielCardei
    @DanielCardei Рік тому +5

    When the card has super in the name then there is no debate 😂😅

  • @richardcaste6841
    @richardcaste6841 10 місяців тому

    Está a 1080 supongo? Por qué con la misma gráfica pero con un viejo i7 3770 tengo unos 5-10fps promedio más que tú en days Gone elden ring god of war y red dead redemption 2?

  • @Scott99259
    @Scott99259 Рік тому +4

    I have a rtx 3070 and i game at 1080p resolution i was thinking of upgrading to a 1440p monitor but i think 8gb vram wont be enough for 1440p gaming what should i do?

    • @slumy8195
      @slumy8195 Рік тому +1

      sell it and buy a 3090

    • @Dream_4_you
      @Dream_4_you Рік тому +4

      8 gb is enough for 1440p ,not in all games but some...nowadays games are very poorly optimized, I'd prefer you to go for ps5 and play games at 4k 120fps...😊

    • @slumy8195
      @slumy8195 Рік тому +1

      @@Dream_4_you its only in pc games. console games atleast get a touch up to run as best as they can. Hardware doesnt matter but optimization does. reserving my ps6 purchase once anounced as pc gaming is a garbage bin.

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому +1

      For some games yeah for the newest title 8gb is not enough for even 1080p, i recommended to upgrade ram first because you really need it, if you have cpu bottleneck and you want avoid that using 1440p use dsr instead, or in general you can use dsr until you buy new monitor, but first ram, thats my suggestion

    • @XFunkWizardX
      @XFunkWizardX Рік тому +3

      3070 is an ideal card for 1440p for modern gaming in high settings and 8 gb vram is fine. There's plenty of benchmarking videos on UA-cam you can check out

  • @plashplash-fg6hd
    @plashplash-fg6hd Рік тому +1

    I have a 1660s and i9-9900k.

  • @rick39413
    @rick39413 Рік тому +1

    for this price very good card,nut im prefer to pay slightly more for 3060/ 3060 ti or rx 6700 xt+?not huge jump in budget

  • @zzr0t
    @zzr0t Рік тому +2

    i7 4770 with 1660 super worth buying for about 300e?

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому +1

      Cpu bottleneck but if is 300e then go for it

    • @zzr0t
      @zzr0t Рік тому

      @@edwardbenchmarks okay thank you

  • @Master-ph8pn
    @Master-ph8pn 9 місяців тому

    Which is better Ryzen 5 5600g or Intel core i5 10th 10400 with gtx GeForce 1660 Super?

  • @toughfeller1141
    @toughfeller1141 Рік тому +2

    You promised about RX 6500 XT Pcie 3 vs 4, remember?

    • @Dream_4_you
      @Dream_4_you Рік тому

      Lmao 😂

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому

      I don't have time, the last 4 5 days are old videos i had so i uploaded because i don't have time to record new.

  • @hrmanime30
    @hrmanime30 Рік тому +1

    will the asus tuf give the same performance?

  • @edwinmartinez5205
    @edwinmartinez5205 Рік тому +1

    Thanks brother
    My pc i5 11400f 1660 super ❤

  • @HumdanAsif
    @HumdanAsif Рік тому

    Bro i have i7 6 gen (6700) with gtx 1660 super is it good or i have to change something and can you plzz tell from where we can download free game without virus

  • @sumboyuknow9764
    @sumboyuknow9764 Рік тому

    can this run Elden Ring and the new Armored Core with Ryzen 5 5600X? future DLC considered of course.

  • @theguysltd9174
    @theguysltd9174 Рік тому

    i have i5 9400f and 1660 super and 16gb ram is it good or bad?

  • @dotBUGGU786
    @dotBUGGU786 Рік тому +2

    Bro can u suggest me which processor and mother board should I use with this graphic card in budget 😊❤

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому +4

      The minimum you can go for it's i3 10th and H410m motherboard l, i recommended at least i5 10400 and H510m.

    • @dotBUGGU786
      @dotBUGGU786 Рік тому +1

      @@edwardbenchmarks thanks brother ❤️☺️

    • @luchikbobra
      @luchikbobra Рік тому

      ​@@edwardbenchmarksI am using h470 + i3 10105f +1660 super from Gigabyte vendor

  • @kaykysoarez788
    @kaykysoarez788 Рік тому +4

    First, I like yours benchmarcks

  • @زيدعودة
    @زيدعودة Рік тому +1

    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

  • @arturoferala5193
    @arturoferala5193 Рік тому

    I have a i5 9400 how donyou think warzone could run?

    • @Outlawproductions582
      @Outlawproductions582 Рік тому

      Should Run between 70 and 90s fps at native 1080p High Textures every else on low

  • @M.Farooq555
    @M.Farooq555 9 місяців тому +1

    Best video ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @DonNadie_001
    @DonNadie_001 Рік тому

    Hola, se conecta al monitor por dvi o hdmi ?

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому +1

      I didn't use the monitor. I used capture card and passthtrough.

  • @Shahzad12357
    @Shahzad12357 Рік тому

    Is this gpu good with a i7-4790k and h81 mobo with ddr3 1600mhz ram
    If not how much fps do lose with these parts

  • @robindabank34
    @robindabank34 Рік тому

    Will it pair good with a ryzen 5 3600 and 16gb ram

  • @slumy8195
    @slumy8195 Рік тому +2

    decent card but its not worth the price new or used. 6600 non xt and a750 are way better values per peformance.

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому +1

      In my country this gpu is a lot cheaper than a750 and rx 6600 it’s obviously depends on country

    • @sahil6621
      @sahil6621 Рік тому +1

      Got it for 130 dollar , used

  • @alfano.editor01
    @alfano.editor01 Рік тому

    hogwarts legacy was tested after the patches?

  • @hassanzaki64
    @hassanzaki64 Рік тому +1

    Is that good for league of legends and which mother board suits and i3 10th Gen? Love from Egypt

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому

      To be honest, for LoL idk because idk is that game cpu or gpu intensive, i never saw that game performance on various configuration or even i didnt try it. If is not CPU intensive you can easily, while if is cpu intensive, then it would be great if you used maxed settings and at least 1080p.

  • @DatBoyPhilthy
    @DatBoyPhilthy Рік тому

    I have the same gpu but Warzone is mad laggy .

    • @Outlawproductions582
      @Outlawproductions582 Рік тому

      What CPU? And Warzone has always been a Sutterery mess since it came out

  • @DieeStream
    @DieeStream Рік тому

    Use i5 12400f is it good?

  • @phachrezamifthah7610
    @phachrezamifthah7610 Рік тому

    i7 3770 x gtx1660 super test please

  • @XurasteyoXurago
    @XurasteyoXurago Рік тому +1

    every channel i watch they put 1080p why dont put 1440p ????!?!?! 2023 and people still like 1080p ?!?!??! wtf ?!?!?!??!

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому

      The games i tested are in 1080p. Since i used 1080p settings, then how i will I record them in 1440p?

    • @XurasteyoXurago
      @XurasteyoXurago Рік тому

      @@edwardbenchmarks it's just alternate in graphcs options for 1080p to 1440p , easy like that .

    • @Txvhzinn
      @Txvhzinn Рік тому +1

      ​@@XurasteyoXuragoGo and do it yourself then!

    • @XurasteyoXurago
      @XurasteyoXurago Рік тому

      @@Txvhzinn 😑

  • @nadex2111
    @nadex2111 Рік тому

    Great vid but Resident evil 7 is not a remake😂

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому

      Yes, it is. From 2022, they added RT and some stuff and made the game more unoptimized.

  • @Dream_4_you
    @Dream_4_you Рік тому

    Rx 550 4gb afox

  • @lukatukhashvili2855
    @lukatukhashvili2855 Рік тому +1

    pls pls we need gtx 1660 (non TI and non super) in 2023

  • @evilqtip7098
    @evilqtip7098 Рік тому

    Excellent job on this project
    ❤is ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
    GTX1660TI 6G DDR6

  • @ChediBenjdideya
    @ChediBenjdideya Рік тому


  • @haluakui
    @haluakui Рік тому

    Either my computer has a tumor growing in it or this is fake lol.

    • @edwardbenchmarks
      @edwardbenchmarks  Рік тому +3

      Saying, this is fake is just out of mind and nonsense since i showed everything at 0:00