RAKH MAN MUJHI ME | VIKRAM HAZRA | HARI GITA SAAR, a Hindi poetic translation (with English Meaning)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • "Rakh Man Mujh hi Me", also known as "Gita Saar" is from Shri Hari Gita Adhyaya 18. It has verses 65-73 from Chapter 18 of Bhagavad Gita in Hindi, called "Shri Hari Gita". This song is sung by the great Vikram Hazra ji.
    Hari Gita is poetic translation into Hindi by Pandit Dinanath Bhargava 'Dinesh'. It was in 1937 that the 1st edition of Sri Hari Gita was published, then with only few chapters. Subsequently, with furthur editions, complete Bhagvad Gita was translated.
    The speciality is the quality of translation. Generally, a translation however honest it might be, does change the real nature of work to certain degree. But this isn't the case with Hari Gita & this is the genius of Pandit Dinanath Bhargava 'Dinesh'. The most intricate of the conversation, which deals with the highest spiritual knowledge, has been dealt with the utmost delicacy. For spiritual talks, Sanskrit language is considered the most capable because of the richness of its vocabulary especially created for the purpose. Translating such a monumental work from Sanskrit in such a flawless manner is an achievement worth acclaim.
    Adhyaya (chapter) 18 from Shri Hari Gita - UA-cam Video: bit.ly/Adhyaya18
    Lyrics & Meaning:
    रख मन मुझी में, कर यजन, मम भक्त बन, कर वन्दना ।
    मुझमें मिलेगा, सत्य प्रण तुझसे, मुझे तू प्रिय घना ॥
    Always think of me, be devoted to me, worship me, and offer obeisance to me. Doing so, you will certainly come to me. This is my pledge to you, for you are very dear to me.
    तज धर्म सारे एक मेरी ही शरण को प्राप्त हो ।
    मैं मुक्त पापों से करूंगा तू न चिन्ता व्याप्त हो ॥
    Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear.
    निन्दा करे मेरी, न सुनना चाहता, बिन भक्ति है ।
    उसको न देना ज्ञान यह जिसमें नहीं तप- शक्ति है ॥
    This instruction should never be explained to those who are not austere or to those who are not devoted. It should also not be spoken to those who are averse to listening (to spiritual topics), and especially not to those who are envious of me.
    यह गुप्त ज्ञान महान भक्तों से कहेगा जो सही ।
    मुझमें मिलेगा भक्ति पा मेरी, असंशय नर वही ॥
    Those, who teach this most confidential knowledge amongst my devotees, perform the greatest act of love. They will come to me without doubt.
    उससे अधिक प्रिय कार्य- कर्ता विश्व में मेरा नहीं ।
    उससे अधिक मुझको न प्यारा दूसरा होगा कहीं ॥
    No human being does more loving service to me than they; nor shall there ever be anyone on this earth more dear to me.
    मेरी तुम्हारी धर्म- चर्चा जो पढ़एगा ध्यान से ।
    मैं मानता पूजा मुझे है ज्ञानयज्ञ विधान से ॥
    And I proclaim that those who study this sacred dialogue of ours will worship me (with their intellect) through the sacrifice of knowledge; such is my view.
    बिन दोष ढ़ऊँढ़ए जो सुनेगा नित्य श्रद्धायुक्त हो ।
    वह पुण्यवानों का परम शुभ लोक लेगा मुक्त हो ॥
    Even those who only listen to this knowledge with faith and without envy will be liberated from sins and attain the auspicious abodes where the pious dwell.
    अर्जुन! कहो तुमने सुना यह ज्ञान सारा ध्यान से ।
    अब भी छुटे हो या नहीं उस मोहमय अज्ञान से ॥
    O Arjun, have you heard me with a concentrated mind? Have your ignorance and delusion been destroyed?
    अर्जुन ने कहा --
    अच्युत! कृपा से आपकी अब मोह सब जाता रहा ।
    संशय रहित हूं सुधि मुझे आई, करूँगा हरि कहा ॥
    Arjun Said: O infallible one, by your grace my illusion has been dispelled, and I am situated in knowledge. I am now free from doubts, and I shall act according to your instructions.
    संजय ने कहा --
    इस भाँति यह रोमाँचकारी और श्रेष्ठ रहस्य भी ।
    श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन का सुना संवाद है मैंने सभी ॥
    Sanjay said: Thus, have I heard this wonderful conversation between Shree Krishna, the son of Vasudev, and Arjun, the noble-hearted son of Pritha. So thrilling is the message that my hair is standing on end.
    साक्षात् योगेश्वर स्वयं श्रीकृष्ण का वर्णन किया ।
    यह श्रेष्ठ योग- रहस्य व्यास- प्रसाद से सब सुन लिया ॥
    By the grace of Veda Vyas, I have heard this supreme and most secret Yog from the Lord of Yog, Shree Krishna himself.
    श्रीकृष्ण, अर्जुन का निराला पुण्यमय संवाद है ।
    हर बार देता हर्ष है, आता मुझे जब याद है ॥
    As I repeatedly recall this astonishing and wonderful dialogue between the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna and Arjun, O King, I rejoice again and again.
    जब याद आता उस अनोखे रूप का विस्तार है ।
    होता तभी विस्मय तथा आनन्द बारम्बार है ॥
    And remembering that most astonishing and wonderful cosmic form of Lord Krishna, great is my astonishment, and I am thrilled with joy over and over again.
    श्रीकृष्ण योगेश्वर जहां अर्जुन धनुर्धारी जहाँ ।
    वैभव, विजय, श्री, नीति सब मत से हमारे हैं वहाँ ॥
    Wherever there is Shree Krishna, the Lord of all Yog, and wherever there is Arjun, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be unending opulence, victory, prosperity, and righteousness. Of this, I am certain.
    Copyright Disclaimer: All credits go to the original artists
    #HariGita #HariGeeta #ShriHariGita #ShriHariGeeta #BhagavadGita