The Dark Tower Boxset Unboxing

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @emmanuelgonzalezcuevas7535
    @emmanuelgonzalezcuevas7535 4 роки тому +27

    The only video that shows this Boxset, it's precious this edition

  • @Scaboid
    @Scaboid 5 років тому +24

    Thanks so much, my man. Was looking for an unboxing of this particular set.

  • @Dansull123
    @Dansull123 5 років тому +10

    I just finished Wolves of the Calla last week, onto Song of Susannah, on my second journey to the tower. 11/22/63 is fantastic, enjoy!

  • @lenosaulstudios8843
    @lenosaulstudios8843 3 роки тому +2

    I agree, I already know how the series end, but I’m still going to read it either way. Great collection!

  • @hokeypokeycats8791
    @hokeypokeycats8791 4 місяці тому

    Thank you so much! I'm looking to buy the boxset for my nan as she wanted one and this video helped so much!!

  • @towerjunkie1947
    @towerjunkie1947 3 роки тому +3

    Best book series ever!

  • @rubenm3037
    @rubenm3037 4 роки тому +5

    Man, I have never find someone with my same opinions of this amazing saga.

  • @River658
    @River658 4 роки тому +3

    I just have to get my hands on this boxset!

  • @hajunthesixthheaven
    @hajunthesixthheaven Рік тому

    It is on amazon I was going to buy thanks for showing me I now want 10x times more to buy

  • @alex_luke
    @alex_luke 4 роки тому

    I am currently progressing through the last one this series is soooooooo goooooooooood

  • @adamarcher7847
    @adamarcher7847 2 роки тому +1

    great video 🤘

  • @velse9869
    @velse9869 4 роки тому +4

    Why do they not have a box set for hardcovers? I cannot find The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of The Three in hardcover anywhere. All I could find was a graphic novel edition which is over $100 or used.

    • @AlfredPineda
      @AlfredPineda  4 роки тому

      Trust me I know!! They are really expensive and hard to come by.

    • @beidlerfishingandoutdoor9569
      @beidlerfishingandoutdoor9569 3 роки тому

      They are very very hard to find and expensive. Just picked up the first seven books, 1 through 4 in the released viking edition and 5 through 7 first editions grants, and in protected plastic for 475.

  • @TheRobTV
    @TheRobTV 3 роки тому +1

    Found a few Donald Grant editions at some used book stores. wouldn't trade them for anything. (hardcover with illustrations)

  • @teaandreads
    @teaandreads Рік тому

    Nice video 🎉

  • @jessietaylor790
    @jessietaylor790 Рік тому

    Damn!!! I want that version but the movie promo shit kills it for me.

  • @thomascanosa6334
    @thomascanosa6334 4 роки тому +1

    Loved the video m8

  • @halogod18
    @halogod18 4 роки тому +4

    I just bought this, even tho I have just bought 20 of his books I still need to read lol

    • @AlfredPineda
      @AlfredPineda  4 роки тому +1

      Ohhh I know the feeling too well.

    • @halogod18
      @halogod18 4 роки тому

      @@AlfredPineda it comes in today

  • @WindyArbor
    @WindyArbor 4 роки тому

    Nice shot, thinking of picking up this series. I'm On a re-read of 'Salem's Lot and I have an itch for some new King

  • @theromanwanderer8923
    @theromanwanderer8923 3 роки тому

    Hello, great video! Can I ask you a favour? Can you please measure the length of the box (from book 1 to 7)? I don't know if I can trust the online measurements that are given!

  • @Matthew_GB
    @Matthew_GB 3 роки тому +1

    Cool vid bruh!

  • @undertaker9991
    @undertaker9991 3 роки тому +1

    Wow! I'm getting that now. Only 1
    20$ too.

  • @luxomoore6711
    @luxomoore6711 2 роки тому

    this that "now a motion picture" circle a sticker you can remove, or printed on?

  • @WilliamAlvesExperience
    @WilliamAlvesExperience 3 роки тому +2

    It's very sad there's no hardcover box set. Still, a nice collection.

  • @samstudios1441
    @samstudios1441 3 роки тому

    So how was the series? You haven’t posted in a while

  • @EliT3xEleM3nT
    @EliT3xEleM3nT Рік тому

    Whats the height of the books in mm?

  • @adamsmith7883
    @adamsmith7883 2 роки тому +1

    Question: Does anyone know if the Gunslinger in this box set is the original or the revised edition?

    • @TheRealGetochi
      @TheRealGetochi Рік тому +1

      Late response, but I'm pretty sure it's the revised edition

  • @aden.e
    @aden.e 3 роки тому +1

    do the spines hold up nice? any creasing or anything after reading?

    • @mmurphy3608
      @mmurphy3608 3 роки тому +1

      I have this same set and am on the last book. I haven’t noticed any creasing or cracking. I’m pretty ocd with my books though. But these all still look new and unread after one read through. They hold up well.

    • @aden.e
      @aden.e 3 роки тому +2

      @@mmurphy3608 okay great! i also like to keep my books looking pristine. ive read the first four in the series but wanted these paperbacks because they seem more comfortable to read and i was worried about the bigger books like wizard and glass, wolves of the calla, and the dark tower holding up.

    • @mmurphy3608
      @mmurphy3608 3 роки тому +1

      @@aden.e you should be good with set. They don’t feel fragile at all, which I can’t stand either:) They also open nicely so you don’t feel like you’re damaging the spines or that pages are gonna fall out. Pretty nice overall. I like the design of the box and the individual books, too. I just wish they didn’t have the text about the crappy movie on the covers. LOL

    • @slashyerguts
      @slashyerguts 3 роки тому

      Use contact paper to protect paperbacks! It works wonders

  • @pritammajumder7149
    @pritammajumder7149 4 роки тому +1

    Are these books illustrated?

    • @holleysmith1342
      @holleysmith1342 4 роки тому +1

      I was just about to ask that as kind of looks like they aren't, but maybe they have black/white illustrations...

    • @pritammajumder7149
      @pritammajumder7149 4 роки тому +2

      @@holleysmith1342 I wants to buy illustrated dark tower set. Hardcover books are very expensive.

    • @holleysmith1342
      @holleysmith1342 4 роки тому +1

      @@pritammajumder7149 Yes, you're right about that. Keep an eye out for Plume trade paperbacks. Half of my collection are these versions and they are all illustrated. Happy book hunting :)

  • @AlfredPineda
    @AlfredPineda  7 місяців тому

    Bah haaaaaa bahhhh ~gio

  • @jagdeepkaul1261
    @jagdeepkaul1261 2 роки тому

    I'm furious.. I had ordered the Dark Tower set thinking i was going to received the ones in this video. Howver those idiots sent me the wrong set of DT books. Instead i received the HODDER set which i did not want!!!!

    • @AlfredPineda
      @AlfredPineda  2 роки тому +1

      Ohh noo!! I hope they can get it resolved quickly. Good luck!

  • @jessietaylor790
    @jessietaylor790 Рік тому

    Heres hoping it's not the movie promo shits