I believe Venerable Veaneak Veasey Chan Money. I don't believe in ghosts. But in Khmer rouge time, I was haunted once. In USA, I was haunted once when I was driving at night across orchard farm I saw the ghost in my own eyes. Since then I believe in ghosts. Venerable Veaneak Veasey Chan Money knew everything, it seem like he's very old, but he looks so young that's why he or someone help him and gave him the age that suits with him. I remembered when someone tried to ask him about his age. You know what he said? "Please I want to keep my personal identity in secret because I never told anyone about myself informations". So Venerable Veaneak Veasey Chan Money has a lot of secrets in his minds.
សាធុ សាធុ សាធុ❤❤❤
ព្រះអង្គស្មូតពិរោះណាស់បង សាធុ🎉🎉🎉❤❤
សាធុ សាធុ សាធុ
@@ទីប្រឹក្សាព្រះឥន្ទ ស្អែកមកអត់បង?
ខ្ញុំឃើញអ្នករិះគន់មួយចំនួនហ្នឹងប្រូហ្វាលគាត់មិនដែលដាក់រូបពិតទេខ្ញុំគិតថាពួកគាត់មួយចំនួននឹងប្រហែលមានបញ្ហាសាតិហើយមើលទៅ ថាលោកបោកខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថាលោកបោកអ្វីទេព្រោះលោកមិនបានបោកអ្វីខ្ញុំសូម្បីតែមួយរៀល
He used to see prets , don’t forgot next time selfie with them share for Buddhism to see that your photos with prets Baramay 😂😂😂😂😂😂
សង្រួមទៀតហើយ សូមប្រយត្ន័បងប្អូន
គុណម្ចាស់ឯងភូតម្តងថានៅជាមួយលោកឪសួងដែលខ្លួនឯងកើតមិនទាន់លោកសួងផងហ្នឹង ។ ខ្ញុំនៅក្នុងវត្តរហូតដល់អាយុ 70 ហើយមិនដែលឃើញប្រែតផង ។
I believe Venerable Veaneak Veasey Chan Money. I don't believe in ghosts. But in Khmer rouge time, I was haunted once. In USA, I was haunted once when I was driving at night across orchard farm I saw the ghost in my own eyes. Since then I believe in ghosts. Venerable Veaneak Veasey Chan Money knew everything, it seem like he's very old, but he looks so young that's why he or someone help him and gave him the age that suits with him. I remembered when someone tried to ask him about his age. You know what he said? "Please I want to keep my personal identity in secret because I never told anyone about myself informations". So Venerable Veaneak Veasey Chan Money has a lot of secrets in his minds.
បើចង់ជួបខ្មោច សូមទៅដេកក្បែរបច្ឆាដុតខ្មោចនៅវត្ត ណាមួយ ខ្ញុំជឿជាក់ថាខ្មោចពិតជាចេញមកទទួលមិនខាន។
សម្ដេចព្រះព្រហ្មរតនៈ ពិន សែម ក៏បាននិយាយរឿងពិតមួយដែលកើតនៅខេត្តកំពង់ឆ្នាំង ពីប្រេតបង្ហាញខ្លួនដើម្បីសុំសំលៀកបំពាក់ និង អាហារ ។ អាចទៅសួរលោកបន្ថែមបាន ៕
បើពួកអ្នកមិនទាន់ឃើញប្រែតកុំអាលថាគ្មានព្រោះបើគ្មានមិនមែនព្រះអង្គខ្លះបានឃើញទេ បើមិនជឿរទេក៏គ្មានអ្នកណាគេបង្ខំឲជឿរដែរទុកឲគេជៀរគេធ្វើ❤❤❤
ដើរធ្វើតែងរឿងខុសធម៌វិន័យ ហ៊ានយកមកប្រៀបនឹងព្រះពុទ្ធផង
@xokh9399មិនខុសទេ ខុសអ្នកសរសេរហ្នឹង