Sve isto,isti plugin sam skinuuo znc sve i ovo izbaci u server_log [18:05:00] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_GetPluginVersion [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_IsValid [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Create [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Spawn [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetHealth [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetWeapon [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetAmmo [18:05:00] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_GetPluginVersion [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_IsValid [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Create [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Spawn [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetHealth [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetWeapon [18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetAmmo [18:05:00] Script[gamemodes/IG.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [18:05:00] Number of vehicle models: 0
Skripta da budem admin na serveru imali je di LP
Bukv ja tb znam bio si mi pomogao onaj dan na rr
Sve isto,isti plugin sam skinuuo znc sve i ovo izbaci u server_log
[18:05:00] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_GetPluginVersion
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_IsValid
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Create
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Spawn
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetHealth
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetWeapon
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetAmmo
[18:05:00] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_GetPluginVersion
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_IsValid
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Create
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_Spawn
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetHealth
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetWeapon
[18:05:00] [debug] FCNPC_SetAmmo
[18:05:00] Script[gamemodes/IG.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:05:00] Number of vehicle models: 0
Prehlada u toku :D