I think Im going to show this to a couple of my uni classes, before the lesson starts, as a way for them to warm up their listening and to learn to access UA-cam and have something they can enjoy studying/watching independently. Thanks Chika.
これらのフレーズ(特に cute as a bug's ear)は、面白い英語の表現としてシェアさせて頂きましたが、動画でもお話した通り私自身は、使っていません。基本、so cute, adorableぐらいになってしまいます。恐らく最近の人は、ほとんどそうだと思います。そう言う意味でも、少し古い?フレーズかもしれませんが、日本語には、ない面白い表現としてピックアップさせて頂きました☆ I shared these phrases (especially "cute as a bug's ear) because I thought they were interesting expressions, but as I mentioned in the video, I don't use them myself and I think they are rarely used by younger generations. So these phrases may not be so up to date, but I thought they were funny and so different from any expressions we have in Japanese and therefore, worth sharing :)
I've heard of *"Snug as a bug in a rug"*, but *"Cute as a bug's ear"* is a new one on me, who told you that one? Also *"Cutie Pie"* may be considered a term mainly used in the Southern or Mid-west States. Plus its very old fashion. ^_^;
自信はないですが、「cute as pie」でas a pieとならない理由はpie自体が不可算名詞だからでは無いでしょうか。cute as a pieとすると「”特定”のパイと同じくらい~」となり不自然に感じます。cote as pieとして「(概念的に)パイと同じくらい~」としていると思われます。でも、いくつかの英英辞書を調べましたが、正確な事は分かりませんでした(笑)
Hey! Cherry pie! What's wrong? You sound stuffed up. Be careful not to catch a cold! You played with children quite a long time outside,didn't you? You got tanned.
Hi Chika san. I was wondering I want to know how to use "as well". I think Native english speakers using that very often.. I'd like to use that like them. Thank you :-*
この表現”cute as a bug's ear”、動画の流れから普段の日常会話で使っているように思える。ちょっと誤解してしまう人多いかも。
そうですね。動画内でもう少し明確にするべきでした〜 一応コメントには残しています!
I think Im going to show this to a couple of my uni classes, before the lesson starts, as a way for them to warm up their listening and to learn to access UA-cam and have something they can enjoy studying/watching independently. Thanks Chika.
これらのフレーズ(特に cute as a bug's ear)は、面白い英語の表現としてシェアさせて頂きましたが、動画でもお話した通り私自身は、使っていません。基本、so cute, adorableぐらいになってしまいます。恐らく最近の人は、ほとんどそうだと思います。そう言う意味でも、少し古い?フレーズかもしれませんが、日本語には、ない面白い表現としてピックアップさせて頂きました☆
I shared these phrases (especially "cute as a bug's ear) because I thought they were interesting expressions, but as I mentioned in the video, I don't use them myself and I think they are rarely used by younger generations. So these phrases may not be so up to date, but I thought they were funny and so different from any expressions we have in Japanese and therefore, worth sharing :)
you speak both japanese and english fluently, not like showing a returnee thats why i like your lessons
one direction の Best Song Ever でcute as a bottonて聞えました♪
Great stuff as always Chika-sensei!
50年以上前に流行った歌でキュリパイ、イェイェがありました。中尾ミエが歌っていたカヴァーソング。 50年経ってめでたく解決しました。cute pie・・・可愛いだったのかぁ・・・
逆でしたね!adorableは知りませんでした。I 'm studying English now!!
Chika is cute as a mango!
質問です。会話の中で、"you so funny!" や "you rock!"など、be同士がなくなるのはなぜですか?
毎回楽しく拝見してますよ! 虫の耳にボタン(つぼみ)・・・なるほどですね~。
cute as pieは、食べちゃいたいくらい可愛いってことですかね?(笑)
そうだよ。私はアメリカ人なのに、聞いたことない。You're right. Even though I'm American, I've never heard it before.
cute as a tika
Thanks for teaching me how different to way "like" and "as". i got it.
Hajame Mashje?
Worth a shot.
I never heard cute as a bug's ear... although I've read in books cute as a button. Not in real life though.
Aaaw, thanks for buttering us up! :)
今回のChikaさん、自分の母親に顔が似ていて母親も英語しゃべれるので久しぶりにお母さんに会った気分になりました! わーい♬(笑)
Cute as buttonしか知りませんでした!これは1DのBest Song Everのミュージックビデオでハリーが言っていたので覚えました(^-^)
花のつぼみ = 花の蕾
面白い表現です、虫の耳のように可愛い。耳寄りな表現です、hahahaha, 冗談めかして。 From now on, I cannot help but think that "eavesdrop" is a sort of bug.
Chika, you are button-cute also. =D
You are cute as a kitten!
You are a cutie pie.
I've never heard the expression "cute as a bug's ear" before :o
I've never heard "cute as a bug's ear" before!
メガネ似合いますね^^年上のひとにu r a cutie pie っていうのは失礼にあたるのかなーと思ったりしてw
Cute as a bugs ear? どこ聞いたの?僕はシカゴにい住んでいる人だけど全然聞いたことないよ。そここと聞いたらやっぱり変だと思っちゃう
Chika! Thanks for uploading a new video!
This video is #207, right?
What about "pretty"?
”cute as a bug's ear”? 知りませんでした.....
I'm a native English speaker and I have never hear the bug's ear expression.
I've heard of *"Snug as a bug in a rug"*, but *"Cute as a bug's ear"* is a new one on me, who told you that one?
Also *"Cutie Pie"* may be considered a term mainly used in the Southern or Mid-west States. Plus its very old fashion. ^_^;
You are a cutie pie:)
cute as pie と sweet as pie
自信はないですが、「cute as pie」でas a pieとならない理由はpie自体が不可算名詞だからでは無いでしょうか。cute as a pieとすると「”特定”のパイと同じくらい~」となり不自然に感じます。cote as pieとして「(概念的に)パイと同じくらい~」としていると思われます。でも、いくつかの英英辞書を調べましたが、正確な事は分かりませんでした(笑)
後ろの「はなまるうどん」のような マークのものは何ですか~
Heard them all except "cute as a bug's ear". That seems so weird...and do bug's even have ears??
Hey! Cherry pie! What's wrong? You sound stuffed up. Be careful not to catch a cold! You played with children quite a long time outside,didn't you? You got tanned.
Hi Chika san. I was wondering I want to know how to use "as well". I think Native english speakers using that very often.. I'd like to use that like them. Thank you :-*
Buttun や kitten の発音難しいですよね(;´・ω・)
Ooo LaLa....glasses
pretty cute!とかはだめなのでしょうか?
UA-camで日本の人が英語で喋ってる動画に「Your accent is cute.」ってコメントをたまに見るんですが、これもかわいいって意味で言ってるんですか?
Literally have never heard of "cute as a bug's ear" in my 18 years of life lol Where did you get this one from?
jestes ładna, ale Polskie dziewczyny sa najpiekniejsze :D