Gardening - tower of david

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • In the garden, plant with care,
    Sun and water, everywhere.
    Gloves on hands, protect your skin,
    Safety first, let’s begin.
    Weed out trouble, give roots room,
    Watch them flourish, see them bloom.
    Hydrate wisely, not too much,
    Feel the earth, gentle touch.
    Shade your eyes, hat on head,
    Healthy garden, well-fed.
    Joy in tending, day and night,
    Nature’s gift, pure delight.
    Garden Maintenance Guide
    1. #Plan: Assess garden layout, prepare soil with compost, and check tools.
    2. #Planting: Choose suitable plants, plant in the right season, and space correctly.
    3. #Watering: Water in the morning, deeply for roots, and use rainwater.
    4. #Weeding: Weed regularly, mulch to suppress, and use proper tools.
    5. #Fertilizing: Use organic fertilizers, balance nutrients, and follow a schedule.
    6. #Pruning: Prune regularly, use sharp tools, and prune seasonally.
    7. #PestControl: Monitor pests, use natural remedies, and prevent diseases.
    8. #LawnCare: Mow regularly, aerate, and fertilize the lawn.
    9. #SeasonalTasks: Clean up in spring, care in summer, prepare in fall, and protect in winter.
    10. #Sustainable: Compost, conserve water, and use eco-friendly practices.