It's Over, Isn't It? - Steven Universe (Mario Paint)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Phartonium
    @Phartonium 28 днів тому +20

    That wasn't an easy song with all these tempo changes, but you nailed it! ❤

  • @milesmoraleskin
    @milesmoraleskin 25 днів тому +6

    Wow fantastic job, those tempo changes are not easy and you got all the nuances of the arrangement perfectly

    • @SquishyPixelz
      @SquishyPixelz  25 днів тому

      Thank you so much! I really enjoyed trying to figure those out.

  • @jvl07_
    @jvl07_ 26 днів тому +9

    Pretty cool!! This song is kinda complex, but the adapted tempo difference doesn't feel odd and thats awesome! Nice work!!

    • @SquishyPixelz
      @SquishyPixelz  26 днів тому +2

      Thank you so much! They were interesting to figure out

  • @lmaoconfetti
    @lmaoconfetti 28 днів тому +6


  • @ThePaulineu
    @ThePaulineu 25 днів тому +2


  • @Darostelijaa
    @Darostelijaa 23 дні тому +1

    This is extremely well made and true to the original song, good job! I used to play around with Mario Paint so much as a kid, it's so nostalgic to me. I'm so glad to see some people are still using the program to this day. 💙

    • @SquishyPixelz
      @SquishyPixelz  23 дні тому

      Awww thank you so much! You’ll be happy to know there’s still a whole community of us still making Mario Paints and even taking part in collabs.

  • @NatMan_9
    @NatMan_9 26 днів тому +2

    Oh awesome!!

  • @SaltySyrup
    @SaltySyrup 27 днів тому +2

    Pretty good!

  • @isaac.srra.d
    @isaac.srra.d 22 дні тому +1

    That was awesome!! Great job! How long did it take you to translate it to Mario Paint?

    • @SquishyPixelz
      @SquishyPixelz  22 дні тому +2

      Thank you! I can’t remember if the top of my head. But I can check my files tomorrow.