Songwriter Reacts to The Warning - CHOKE Live at Teatro Metropolitan *THE ENERGY WAS AMAZING!!*

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TrianglesAndCircles
    @TrianglesAndCircles Рік тому +19

    These women are such a breath of fresh air.

  • @juannr4716
    @juannr4716 Рік тому +15

    I was there, August 29th 2022 😃 7th row. It was amazing! The girls supered my expectations! What a night!

      @NAIATHEDRAGON  Рік тому +2

      🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘🤘 That memories gonna last a lifetime.

  • @josevillasenor9222
    @josevillasenor9222 Рік тому +19

    I love the Warning ❤my favorite rock band ever!!!

  • @someperry7263
    @someperry7263 Рік тому +15

    They have been great and interesting about from the beginning. And they are getting even better. 🤘

  • @pablosartor6715
    @pablosartor6715 Рік тому +7

    These sisters are overwhelmingly talented!!
    The crowd received a sonic tsunami!
    Viva The Warning!! ⚡⚡⚡

  • @yeticatcher
    @yeticatcher Рік тому +4

    Yeah, wish I could have been at that concert, seriously. When they are headlining again in the US, I'm definitely not going to sit around - I will be there. Thanks for the reaction!

      @NAIATHEDRAGON  Рік тому

      🤘🎶🤘 Thanks for the comment! Appreciate you.

  • @ronaldwilson9525
    @ronaldwilson9525 Рік тому +2

    The only thing that these three ladies lack is the number of eyes and ears on their performances. The future of rock music is The Warning.

  • @iNsTaNtpUdDiNhEaD
    @iNsTaNtpUdDiNhEaD Рік тому +6

    Looks like you got your thirty thousand! The Mexico City crowd is always amazing, and I will be amongst them on October 28!! Realize that most of those people singing along in English don't speak English!

      @NAIATHEDRAGON  Рік тому +2

      Definitely excited about 30k. Thanks for the support. October 28th, right before my favorite holiday on my favorite month. That sounds amazing!!!

  • @jluisg622
    @jluisg622 Рік тому +1

    Que buena interpretacion de Dany ,su energetica voz , que buen riff, gran linea de bateria de Pau ,Choke, un hermoso tema y un mensaje realista,otro estupendo tema del talentoso The Warning

  • @nathanriggs1125
    @nathanriggs1125 Рік тому

    There is something about the moment silence and darkness leading into that drop and the red lights. Talk about anticipation. Whew.

  • @spaceknave
    @spaceknave Рік тому

    The gold standard in rock.

  • @joshmackaben4537
    @joshmackaben4537 Рік тому

    ⚡✌️🤟⚠️🪖⚡ Rock On!

  • @jnetzahuatl
    @jnetzahuatl Рік тому

    Hola! Gran reacción!! The Warning son únicas!! Cada día son mejores. 🤘🇲🇽🤘🇲🇽🤘🇲🇽 Viva The Warning!!


    Bombastic Best!!!

  • @brenoalmeida4024
    @brenoalmeida4024 Рік тому +3


  • @dblazqud
    @dblazqud Рік тому +3

    Great reaction. Me? I keep gladly choking into The Warning 🙂

  • @Lightning61
    @Lightning61 Рік тому

    Insta-like & sub for appreciation of the future of Rock!

      @NAIATHEDRAGON  Рік тому

      Much love and welcome to the channel 🐉🔥🤘🎶

  • @TheUnderdogDe
    @TheUnderdogDe Рік тому +4

    They are such great performers. You can tell by the audience at their first visit to Peru.

  • @NASA-stole-our-money
    @NASA-stole-our-money Рік тому

    Viva D, P, & A.

  • @NASA-stole-our-money
    @NASA-stole-our-money Рік тому

    If I say something that most of you peeps don't know, will y'all listen? Ok, a huge bonus is the fact that Paulina's drums & cymbals are very crispy, like Neil Peart of Rush. Super thick & heavy cymbals are for some bands....not for TW!