The Hare and The Tortoise

  • Опубліковано 21 тра 2024
  • @MEc888
    • hmmmm....
    • transfers
    (A creative channel of a 9-year-old girl)
    in a forest lived a rabbit
    wondering all day long
    all he did was jump up and admire himself
    he loved talking about how much faster he was
    than the other animals
    I'm the fastest animal in the forest
    would anyone like to race with me
    he sure did run fast with his very big feet
    the other animals hated the way he would show off
    in saying that they never ever want to race
    yes I win again
    why because I'm fast
    everywhere he went he would say
    oh so fast no one could ever pass me
    his words had begun to disturb
    all the other animals in the forest
    okay he might be the fastest
    but the fact that he says and shells off
    about it's not nice
    so won't you teach my lesson to smarten up
    all that was said amongst all the animals in the forest
    managed to go to the turtle
    the turtle walked very slow
    it would take him a day
    to reach the distance the rabbit could make
    in a minute the
    turtle wished he would come across the rabbit
    one of these days
    he went to the other animals and told them
    that he would like to race with the rabbit
    you want to race him
    not even the fastest animals have one against a rabbit
    how can you
    you leave that bar up to me
    the turtle went next to the rabbit
    good thanks to rabbit
    I have been searching for you
    curiously the rabbit asked
    and why might you be looking for me
    I hear that you are the fastest animal in the forest
    well actually that's what you think
    but to be sure
    I would like to race with you
    let's see who is faster
    as soon as the turtle had finished what he had to say
    the rabbit began to laugh so hard
    that all the other animals in the forest heard him
    you with me I'll race
    are you joking me
    it's impossible for you to pass me
    by the time you take a step I will finish the race
    well unless we race we will never know will we
    okay be ready then tomorrow morning will race
    as the turtle began walking away
    the rabbit continued on laughing
    the following morning
    the animals arrived at the racecourse
    they noticed the turtle waiting at the starting line
    already to go
    very sure of himself
    the turtle was smiling
    please tell me how you're going to beat the rabbit
    if he really is so proud and the big show off
    as you all say he is
    then this race isn't going to be hard at all
    soon after with his very stuck up attitude
    holding a carrot the rabbit arrived at the race course
    let's race and finish this
    I still haven't had breakfast
    finishing their last preparations
    they arrived at the starting point
    the first one that arrives at dreadline
    at Dan out of forest once
    with the Mark of the mole the race started
    just like an arrow the rabbit flew by
    the turtle on the other hand began to walk slowly
    while the rabbit was nowhere to be seen
    the animals watching the race
    thought that the turtle was going to get beaten
    after running a while
    the rabbit stopped and had a look behind him
    there was nothing to be seen
    by the looks of it
    this thirder will finish the rest tonight
    I better sit and finish my carrot
    the rabbit finished eating his carrot
    looked at the road
    and from afar he saw the turtle coming
    with a cheeky grin he stood up and continued on running
    the rabbit had nearly reached the finishing point
    I'm about sleepy after breakfast
    I might sit under this tree and take a nap
    as confident as he was about winning the race
    the rabbit drifted off to sleep
    the turtle continued on walking very very slowly but
    with great confidence
    at last he arrived next to the rabbit
    he saw the rabbit was in a deep sleep
    without stopping he continued on his way
    a while later the rabbit woke up
    when he looked and could not see the turtle
    the turtle is nowhere to be seen
    maybe he doesn't want to race any more
    I should finish my race now
    as the rabbit was slowly making his way
    to the finishing point
    what does he see
    the turtle had passed him
    in fact he was about to finish the race
    using all the energy he had leftover
    he tried to pass the turtle
    but the turtle had already finished the race
    some of the animals waiting at the finish line were
    extremely happy
    all the animals were throwing the turtle up in the air
    with great excitement
    while the rabbit stood in the corner with great sadness
    total the winner of the race walked towards the rabbit
    Mister Rabbit the important thing is being consistent
    about everything that you do
    to brag with nonsense and love yourself is weakness
    I beat you not because I was faster
    but I was wiser and did what I did
    seriously you are right from now on
    I will stop bragging about being the fastest
    amongst everyone
    if you like it
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    good night my baby