I had a mess around with Bun today too - knocked up a web service layer in a few minutes - not bad at all. I'm not a big fan of NodeJS anymore and looking for alternatives at the moment. Bun is a step in the right direction.
I really love Bun. Even if it doesn't live 100% up to the hype (nothing ever does), just not having to tinker around every time I want to use Typescript in a new project already makes it a godsend.
That's really cool. If developers can switch their programs from Node.js to Bun easily and without trouble, then that removes the main barrier to adoption.
I'm exactly the same. I've just started using bun working for a new npm package and using bun makes things INSANELY easy! No more gross rollup configs 😆
I'm doing your astro course at the moment on vscode ... I use a remote node container ... Do you reckon I can just swap out for a bun container and it'll work?
i love bun and especially elsyia but have had a huge amount of problem with the wsl a few on bun to which makes it not ready at all. love elysia especially with swagger.
Funny thing is every1 is always mentioning Multer for file uploads, but the fact remains - Formidable is STILL to this date the most downloaded and used in hundreds of prod env. It has had not many updates recently, & w/ Node20 you don't even need a pkg but yea.
The node team had done a great job maintaining it for years, but as it is created more than a decade, helping JS developers with their work. it is just time that something will replace it because of new technology and maybe bun will be that. Still I want to give a big thank you to the node team!
I use Bun just for local development of an Astro site and then deploy to Netlify which uses Node. Haven't had any issues, but granted it isn't a very advanced use case.
@@Brad_Script Problem is that JavaScript is a bit of a toy language, no threading support, no reading/writing to hd. Also you still have to learn a framework.
@@SailBuddha that's not entirely true. you can read/write on the server side, on the client side you can also do that but you need the user's input to read the file for security reason, same with writing, the user or the browser decides the location but it's possible. Technically threading also exist with Worker Threads.
I needed to create an app for a client while is was onsite. I was on the clock and bun helped me to get my work done fast. 0 Setup pain. Love it
are u serious? do u use bun on production?
I had a mess around with Bun today too - knocked up a web service layer in a few minutes - not bad at all. I'm not a big fan of NodeJS anymore and looking for alternatives at the moment. Bun is a step in the right direction.
How's it going with Bun?
Just running a .ts file without any configuration is a amazing and saves us so much time
YASSS!! 100%
Already try on a new NextJs project and dependencies installation was totally crazy 😅😅 so simple to use 😁
I really love Bun. Even if it doesn't live 100% up to the hype (nothing ever does), just not having to tinker around every time I want to use Typescript in a new project already makes it a godsend.
Agreed with all of the above!
Love Bun and your new decor! Although, your previously simple background was also very intriguing.
That's really cool. If developers can switch their programs from Node.js to Bun easily and without trouble, then that removes the main barrier to adoption.
I think it's still just yet to be proven. It's new, but the more we try it out the greater adoption will be!
i think you meant from node to bun
@@luiggymacias5735 thanks for the heads up 😁
I'm exactly the same. I've just started using bun working for a new npm package and using bun makes things INSANELY easy! No more gross rollup configs 😆
I'm doing your astro course at the moment on vscode ... I use a remote node container ... Do you reckon I can just swap out for a bun container and it'll work?
i love bun and especially elsyia but have had a huge amount of problem with the wsl a few on bun to which makes it not ready at all. love elysia especially with swagger.
remember when Deno came out to replace node :D , honestly Bun is not that bad though but wont replace node anytime soon
Bun is still new compare to node & deno. Hoped that bun will continue to progress make js developers' life easier.
Awesome, more Bun!
I'm also loving Bun, I'm hoping it takes off in popularity, and adoption!
Funny thing is every1 is always mentioning Multer for file uploads, but the fact remains - Formidable is STILL to this date the most downloaded and used in hundreds of prod env.
It has had not many updates recently, & w/ Node20 you don't even need a pkg but yea.
Are the modules local to the project? node_modules are a nightmare to sync.
The node team had done a great job maintaining it for years, but as it is created more than a decade, helping JS developers with their work. it is just time that something will replace it because of new technology and maybe bun will be that. Still I want to give a big thank you to the node team!
Any particular reason you were using fs instead of the bun version?
Can we have multi-threaded support out of the box?
Multi-threaded support meaning be able to control the threads from code?
Hmm, I'm not very good yet with NodeJS so what to do about Bun? everything goes very fast bloody-hell bro 🙂
What does it look like on ci such as google actions?
Hmm not familiar with Google Actions? What is that?
@@JamesQQuick it was github actions but auto complete changed it...maybe I should re read my comments before posting
I love bun.
I think it's so early to use Bun over Node, but that doesn't mean not to play around 😁!!!
Not workihg on Windows
Have u tried deno?
Not yet? You? What do you like about it?
Ts support, 0 to deploy verify fast with Deno Deploy and the add ons, such as Denokv, Queues, Deno cron, etc
but where deploy my bun projects in production?
VPS Bro, so many support with linux
Thank you
SSSOOO, when deploying a Bun project - I imagine the server needs to have Bun installed as well? or would it run natively with nodejs?
There's barely a host that supports Deno so forget about deploying for now.
I use Bun just for local development of an Astro site and then deploy to Netlify which uses Node. Haven't had any issues, but granted it isn't a very advanced use case.
@@SethWeeks very interesting ... thanks for sharing 👍
@@maelstrom57only where you have no control over runtime, I guess you mean for serverless
@@everyhandletaken Nope.
It's going to take more than quick install time to dethrone Node. I don't see companies using it consistently for the next decade.
There is more to it, than fast package install 😅
A decade is an eternity in tech to make such a prediction.
Comparison to Deno would be interesting.
Yeah I should probably give Deno a try!
bun won't replacing node since bun support for windows was poor 😅
Maybe it is an opportunity to replace winx also 👍🏻
Thanks god we have wsl
The question is why would you want to be JS to the server. Madness.
Because I LOVEEEEE JavaScript :)
1 language for both front end and back end
It's a big benefit!@@Brad_Script
@@Brad_Script Problem is that JavaScript is a bit of a toy language, no threading support, no reading/writing to hd. Also you still have to learn a framework.
@@SailBuddha that's not entirely true. you can read/write on the server side, on the client side you can also do that but you need the user's input to read the file for security reason, same with writing, the user or the browser decides the location but it's possible. Technically threading also exist with Worker Threads.
Just came to say I won't watch your video, when the title say it will replace Node.js when it's based on it...