Waddup astral gang! Another darksynth mix for your listening pleasure this Wednesday. I'm once again open for title suggestions, so comment your titles below and I'll give you a shoutout once chosen! Enjoy!
Hmm, i'll just list a bunch of names not trying win or lose, but synth wouldn't be teh same without Rolland.... superconductor Darkweb Polarized PHotogrey Ultra violet Dichroic prismatic dichiarazione Compression Sine Tritium Erosion radio-decay spasmodic pressure neuro attic lol well I cold go on, some are terrible some lol
Normally hates metal...go listen to Tylor swift, rap or whatever modern popular trash has to offer you... dark synth for metal+electronic connoisseurs... besides this mix barely has pure dark synth tracks
Man... the intro song is the one I'm gonna use if I am ever a getaway driver in a heist. My suggested title for the next mix is "Entropy". Probably best for a really darksynth mix.
@@neutrin0329 he's talking about the hypothetical "being a getaway driver" bit, saying that he wouldn't get far but it would be a huge adrenaline rush. I think.
right? like is the material elastic or can the horns bend so the holes in the hood can fit all the way down to his head? maybe they're part of the hood like those unicorn horn bicycle helmets. I demand answers
Johnny Natrium I would have accepted "I do not like brut because he's satanic" or "I do not prefer dance music" But I do not accept "lame" as valid, as it's an indication of subjectivity. We like what we like. We don't like what we don't like. But there is no denying there is musical talent that brut has...even I accept that despite finding it morally bankrupt.
Finally a synthwave mix using music from GosT! Commencement makes me feel like I am playing doom and I am in a huge purple room with a dark red boss in the middle that I have to shoot. The base drop at the beginning is the scream of the boss-
That first track started so hard, love it! This is exactly the type of music that inspired me to make my own darksynth channel with new mixes and creations.
@ I apologise, Mister Generalizes Everything. I didn't knew that every single religious people in this world were guilty for everything that *bad religious people* did. If you really knew how to place your arguments correctly, you would knew that bad people exist in every single social order and the so-called religious people aren't really what they claim to be. Not all religious people are bad. You don't even know me.
Loving how *Vogel - Hologram* at 14:26 sounds like something the trance guys The Blizzard would've done 2010-ish. Can't help but return to this part of this great mix every now and then
This music is damn good when drawing. and/or other hobbies. My title suggestion is: Timebomb or Darkside yea, good music. I try to listen at least twice a week!
If you like it darker,.... set to 75% speed. Oooohh yeeaaah! Now THAT’S Dark., and a bit “Dirty” from the data being spread out a bit. May not be for everyone, but I don’t mind a bit of dirt sometimes. Aloha.
Diogenes I know, it’s the only real downside. But if you think of the sound being a bit “dirty” it’s not such a disappointment. Some channels make lots of “Low-Fi” mixes that sound “dirty”. But indeed, I think 50% is too dirty for me too. It kinda depends on the data concentration. Aloha .
No joke Astral Throb's dark wave mixes got me through my last six months of college that was full of non-stop research papers for my psych degree. The music is so exhilarating and helped keep me up late at night when I had to research and read tons of long and boring journal articles and had to write 15 page research papers about them 😩
sister locks you in her room, starts playing this video in the background, parents knocking on door to interrupt our fun, parents ask what we doing, sister say we playing uno with door locked.
Waddup astral gang! Another darksynth mix for your listening pleasure this Wednesday. I'm once again open for title suggestions, so comment your titles below and I'll give you a shoutout once chosen! Enjoy!
Hmm, i'll just list a bunch of names not trying win or lose, but synth wouldn't be teh same without Rolland....
Ultra violet
Compression Sine
Tritium Erosion
spasmodic pressure
neuro attic
lol well I cold go on, some are terrible some lol
Retro Violence
discrete probability
I'm a metalhead and someone told me to check out dark synth. I searched "dark synth", this shows up, and I'm not disappointed. Cool stuff.
Natural progression for a metalhead coming from a metalhead
wait till you find perturbator
this is our nu metal! 🤘
@@aspenflagecamo8654 and gost
first track from this is gost from possessor album, check out 'gost full possessor album' and enjoy, theres tracks even better than this on there
*Metal music has entered the Synthwave chat*
Normally hates metal...go listen to Tylor swift, rap or whatever modern popular trash has to offer you... dark synth for metal+electronic connoisseurs... besides this mix barely has pure dark synth tracks
*@Nick Joint* Get a load of this insecure fuck. You think anyone who hates metal music just likes what you don’t like? Lol sad.
Korn have already used synth in one of their albums
@@Im.Smaher and now your in the same lane cause reacted to him disliking something. Regular people would normally ignore shit like that
@Dr. Warpstar you'll get there kid. If you get to the lighter and slower first you will slowly like it
Man... the intro song is the one I'm gonna use if I am ever a getaway driver in a heist.
My suggested title for the next mix is "Entropy". Probably best for a really darksynth mix.
that is good
Sorry to break your bubble but nowaday you wont go far but the trip worth the adrenalin though good luck bro
@@jeantippman7179 the fuck did you just say
@Jean Tippmon to this day I see your comment, and still don’t know what the fuck it was supposed to mean.
@@neutrin0329 he's talking about the hypothetical "being a getaway driver" bit, saying that he wouldn't get far but it would be a huge adrenaline rush. I think.
that first song hit me like a truck
Gost is fucking dope
Truck full of SAWS!
ya same dude
or like a god emperor!
The sounds of the steps of the holy emperor of mankind. 🌞🌞🌞
Now we just need a lightsynth
@@Splatterpunk_OldNewYork scattle combines darkwavr and synthwave pretty well
Only the Synth deal in absolutes.
Try wave shaper
I ride motocross in the desert listening to this and it makes me feel like the biggest badass, feals like a rouge Tron rider, thx for this.
For mobile users
0:00 GosT - Commencement
5:02 DEADLIFE - Deviant
10:24 Midnight Danger - Darkness Approaches
14:26 Vogel - Hologram
19:42 Dav Dralleon - KULTOVNIGHT
24:34 Street Fever - MONUMENT
28:43 KeyserSoze - Mega Drive - Geist
34:26 Speed Machine - Necronomicon
38:18 The Encounter - Throat
I've searched for this! Thanks!
I live these names
now youtube add the songs XD after years pepol dont have more to type this in comments but still tnx
@@nemanjamarkovic2444 The sections in the video are determined by the time stamps in the description.
Truly a god amongst men
Everyone's talking about the music and I'm just thinking about how hard it must be for him to put that hoodie on everyday.
right? like is the material elastic or can the horns bend so the holes in the hood can fit all the way down to his head?
maybe they're part of the hood like those unicorn horn bicycle helmets. I demand answers
@@regardlessrampage maybe the hoods a part of him😮
he starts with the hood first.
probably holds the hood over the horns and puts the horns in the holes, then puts it on normally after.
Has anyone considered the horns are part of the hoodie? Maybe they have magnets in the base that connect to the dudes obviously metal skul? 🤔
Listening to this makes me feel like we've finally arrived in the dystopian cyberpunk future we all crave. Fucking awesome.
I don't know if anyone 'craves' that bud. Sounds pretty bad to me.
A lot of people trying to be carpenter brut but still can't quite touch him. I like that this subgenre is growing, however
I think it's growing the fastest out of other synth genres. people seem to like it more than the usual synthwave.
Carpenter Brut is lame. There are many lesser known artists that are far superior IMO.
Johnny Natrium I would have accepted "I do not like brut because he's satanic" or "I do not prefer dance music"
But I do not accept "lame" as valid, as it's an indication of subjectivity. We like what we like. We don't like what we don't like.
But there is no denying there is musical talent that brut has...even I accept that despite finding it morally bankrupt.
@@johnnynatrium1567 idk fam he's not my style but i wouldn't say he's lame
his maniac cover is a fucking bop tho
@@johnnynatrium1567 Donne des noms d'autres artistes à ce moment là...
Ever hear music that makes you wanna summon cyber Satan?
nice comment, @fapping Pro
I feel like this is 'devilman: crybaby' opening for first 5 minutes ( ^∇^)
Yes, the doom 2016 / eternal soundtracks.
Summoning cyber Satan 😏megami tensei flashbacks intensifies
Doomguy has joined the chat
Now I have the perfect music for combat scenes when playing Cyberpunk RPGs with the bois, thanks mate
The first track would be great for a boss fight.
4 years passed and I'm still here, working to write this dark cyberpunk story of mine...
It has been a year since you've posted this. You finished it yet?
Three mixes in a row??? can the world take this much goodness at once?
7:54 sounds like the last level of a NES game.
This is obviously a good thing.
something liek castlevania or ninja turtles lol
The timeless melodies bring back a flood of memories for me.
This is officially one of my favorite art pieces.
Finally a synthwave mix using music from GosT! Commencement makes me feel like I am playing doom and I am in a huge purple room with a dark red boss in the middle that I have to shoot. The base drop at the beginning is the scream of the boss-
That first track started so hard, love it! This is exactly the type of music that inspired me to make my own darksynth channel with new mixes and creations.
This is what John Wick listens to when he's working out.
OMMMFFFFF- that intro snatched my lace front and my skin with it😭😭😭😭
This be the music they played in hell in the 80s
azfadel you coulda been in 80s hell in a past life
As a christian myself who loves Darksynth, I feel brutally offended by this
nah, Hell would just play White drunk dudes trying their best to karaoke the Sonic Adventure 2 OST
@ I apologise, Mister Generalizes Everything. I didn't knew that every single religious people in this world were guilty for everything that *bad religious people* did.
If you really knew how to place your arguments correctly, you would knew that bad people exist in every single social order and the so-called religious people aren't really what they claim to be.
Not all religious people are bad. You don't even know me.
Nah, that was still just Merzbow.
that image would be a sickass desktop
This spaghetti is missing the sauce.
forget desktop id want this on a goshdarn hoodie
The image was stolen. It’s my bands album art
This is my favorite mix you've EVER posted. Love many mixes of yours but this is the peak. Please more!
If there’s one thing Encounter is good at, it’s his intros
We’re not a cult!
The start of this video:
0:00 opening, I genuinely thought it was Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy
I LOVE this mix! I have continuously returned to blast this mix over and over, since it’s release. Keep it up!!
17:39 Vogel - Hologram.
A very nice callback to an old PC demo from 1993 called Second Reality from Future Crew!
OH MY... i just found my new favorite music genre
Dang, the Darksynth mixes are becoming my favorites, even outdoing Construct and Offworld. Loving it!
I have not been listening to metal music lately for no reason at all until i found this. I'm happy.thank you .
Advertises kill this mix so hard
Ad block, ever heard of it?
Go to the end just before the video stops and hit rewatch, begone ads!
It's DOOM. It's just DOOM and I love it.
I can feel circles going counter-clockwise around both of my ears
was just trying to get some tunes to pass time, but dang man this got me vibing.
That drop at 29:50 gives me life
This is actually one of the best mixes on UA-cam. So fuckin sick.
Check out "Aim to Head mix"
That channel uploads very often, consistantly and the content is high quality
Deadlife's DEVIANT cuts deep into my NES music loving heart
What songs are similar to that one?
Starting off hard with Gost! Yeah I'm loving this mix.
This is exactly what I need for my nightshift working on my design uni project
the second song is the perfect mix between gritty and melodic and i love it
dark synthwave actually gives a good face off against dark metal music pretty well...
This year, synth will go off the charts. I can feel it. Must be the cult
Listening to this while doing administration work makes me feel a little bit cooler than I actually am :p Thanks for putting this mix together!
You're the coolest!
Some Synthwave is really overly repetitive and goes on forever, This mix is none of that. The artwork brought me, the music kept me.
Just found this watching stranded on Netflix. Where has this been all my fucking life.
Okay, this marks my fourth time listening to this. I really love this one - I can’t explain it, but I do!
THIS is an awesome playlist!
That artwork is stellar, like that is some damn fine work right there.
beats for that first song dropped harder than my will to live.
Always happy to see Papa Baalberith kick off a mix.
34:26 Will definitely be my Halloween theme song for this year 👻. It’s so good and I especially like how it has sound effects! 👻💀🤖
HOLY SH!T! This is making my ears and brain extremely excited! Superb! Thank you!!!
Cheers mate, fantastic music to study to!
Loving how *Vogel - Hologram* at 14:26 sounds like something the trance guys The Blizzard would've done 2010-ish. Can't help but return to this part of this great mix every now and then
Yeah it almost has an eletro house feel to it as well.
I've listened to this multiple times in a row while working. Great work Astral Throb.
my life is at least 30% better since discovering Astral Throb
Star Fox 64 quote at 39:42 😎👌
The best mix made by Astral Throb
Превосходный информативный выпуск сразу с ходу дал дал ушёл и с вертухи кидаю лайк! ;) ⭐⭐⚡⚡⚡⚡
Just saw Gost with Perturbator last month: New fan!
nearly lost my shit at 26:00 awesome song its got a medieval dungeon underground goth club feel to it
This music is damn good when drawing. and/or other hobbies.
My title suggestion is: Timebomb or Darkside
yea, good music. I try to listen at least twice a week!
20 seconds in and already love it.
I feel like I can punch threw walls after hearing this
The machine is inmortal
Track 2 epitomizes the synth genre for me. I can picture it playing as the end credits song for the Neuromancer film that never was.
First song is lit 🔥🔥
If you like it darker,.... set to 75% speed. Oooohh yeeaaah! Now THAT’S Dark., and a bit “Dirty” from the data being spread out a bit. May not be for everyone, but I don’t mind a bit of dirt sometimes. Aloha.
Meh, degrades the sound a bit though.
Diogenes I know, it’s the only real downside. But if you think of the sound being a bit “dirty” it’s not such a disappointment. Some channels make lots of “Low-Fi” mixes that sound “dirty”. But indeed, I think 50% is too dirty for me too. It kinda depends on the data concentration. Aloha .
Thanks man, sounds pretty wild at 0.75x
You know what they say, if there's no grass on the field play in the dirt!
@@loopholesloopy is that an R Kelly quote?
Thank you for your track-list and links to their soundclouds. Give credit where credit is due.
I remember when I first clicked this , I was just like oh another recommendation….I was wrong
yoooo i heard that starfox 64 clip! hell yeah duuuude!
Imagine sitting in a 70s-style living room in a suit with elbow patches and a pipe listening to this.
I really like that intro
Get a cup of coffee or energy drink and start coding with this music on.
No joke Astral Throb's dark wave mixes got me through my last six months of college that was full of non-stop research papers for my psych degree. The music is so exhilarating and helped keep me up late at night when I had to research and read tons of long and boring journal articles and had to write 15 page research papers about them 😩
You would end up writing a game that is a cross between outrun and doom.
doing it rn
Do you want Skynet? Because that's how you get Skynet.
sister locks you in her room, starts playing this video in the background, parents knocking on door to interrupt our fun, parents ask what we doing, sister say we playing uno with door locked.
Art visual 👏👏
Super Power Musik. Thank You.
starfox 64 samples :DDDDDD
this is pure fire man i love the work
I love the second song. So melodic.
DEADLIFE- Deviant:
I was hoping it never ended
I really like the dark synthwave mixes! Thanks!
Hell yeah!
now this is cool
The return of the Darksith
cinematic intro got my attention ... nice piece
This type of music makes me wanna become a Noise Marine
Oh yeah, imagine this blasting your eardrums at 300Db, earrape central. Slaanesh would be proud.
Just beautiful for meditation thanks
Wow! Fantastic Mix!
2:14 oh that's hot, that's hot
I heard the first song and thought "damn that's fuckin crunchy." looked in the description and it all made sense why. GosT is fuckin awesome.
thank you!!!
Very nice, yes
Can't stop listening to this mix. Awesome!