See how AY held May's hand with some tenderness. Compare it to the way Yul held Judy on their way to Odumeje's church...very radical and crazy. It was so wild that Judy was skipping and jumping.
May has been silent throughout their marital saga. This is not going well with Judy, Yul and their gang. So they want to push out all sort of false narratives to force May to come out and respond.
What makes Judy think that Yul will settle with her if the divorce is granted? Yul is still marking time with Judy because his eyes are still on May. Judy can never fit in May's shoes and so Yul will forever look for any woman who is a replica of May.
Honestly, I can't stand watching people dragging queen May.
See how AY held May's hand with some tenderness. Compare it to the way Yul held Judy on their way to Odumeje's church...very radical and crazy. It was so wild that Judy was skipping and jumping.
May has been silent throughout their marital saga. This is not going well with Judy, Yul and their gang. So they want to push out all sort of false narratives to force May to come out and respond.
What makes Judy think that Yul will settle with her if the divorce is granted? Yul is still marking time with Judy because his eyes are still on May.
Judy can never fit in May's shoes and so Yul will forever look for any woman who is a replica of May.
That dirty man, all the rumors he spread , he is talking about is mama and is sister’s.