You Can Never Not Be Awareness

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @consciousnessawareness9081
    @consciousnessawareness9081 25 днів тому


  • @stevekille6239
    @stevekille6239 25 днів тому

    lovely. pure awareness. i found this "by accident." 🕉

  • @deannawestendorf8700
    @deannawestendorf8700 27 днів тому +2

    Thank you SO VERY INFINITELY MUCH!!! These always come right on time❤️❤️- All my love to you/us/we Helen

  • @HelenLoshny
    @HelenLoshny 26 днів тому +1

    This, this, this…. Exquisite! And a deeper seeing that thoughts don’t lead to actions. Over and over the recognition of something I have always Known. Thank you, thank you, thank you Helen. ❤

  • @susantocman9645
    @susantocman9645 25 днів тому

    wonderful! thank you

  • @usernameida
    @usernameida 26 днів тому +1

    Thank you Helen🙏❤️🎉

  • @starconvo8448
    @starconvo8448 26 днів тому

    Oh dear, I felt it.. thanks Helen. I feel like this mediation was done coz I was really in need of such experience for me to confirm 🙏🏻❤️

  • @sunshinesummer3104
    @sunshinesummer3104 26 днів тому


  • @tatianapassosterapeuta
    @tatianapassosterapeuta 27 днів тому

    ❤thank you

  • @Uneekname
    @Uneekname 26 днів тому

    I'm getting a better foundation for all this through intro to Advaita Vedanta taught by Swami Sarvapriyananda

  • @heatherwall9571
    @heatherwall9571 26 днів тому

    I’m suicidal 😢😢😢

    • @user-wz3it8np6w
      @user-wz3it8np6w 26 днів тому +2

      Reach out for help. Go to your doctor,call a helpline, family, friend.

    • @enfoldment
      @enfoldment 25 днів тому +1

      Yes, reach out for help. You can always come back to the quiet awareness of awareness when you are feeling more at rest.